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January February March April May June July August September October November December

Feb 1

  • dreadnaut
    Happy Birthday @Overdrijf! 🎂🎉
  • Alan Rotoi
    Happy birthday @Overdrijf!!
  • Erik Barros
    Happy Bday @Overdrijf!!
  • Stan 286XT
    Happy birthday Overdrijf!!!!!!!
  • KyLiE
    I'll go in for the fifth: @Overdrijf, Ik hoop dat je een fijne verjaardag hebt! Smiley
  • Argammon
    6th: Happy birthday @Overdrive!
  • Frieshansen
    Happy Birthday @Overdrijf! And good recovery @HunterBoy344!
  • Overdrijf
    Thanks everyone! One more shift up on the gears of life. And get well soon @Hunter.
  • Alan Rotoi
    I'm glad to announce a new Doubleplusspeed team member: @Erik_Barros. Welcome!! Cheesy
  • Erik Barros
    Thank you @Alan_Rotoi, @Frieshansen and @Dreadnaut!!! I'm very happy and need to dedicate a lot to improve skills!!

Feb 3

  • Mark Nailwood
    Hi, I'm back in the racing community after more than 2 decades of retirement. This is my first submitted replay. There might be some room for improvement. Smiley
    Lancia 0:51.22 A
  • Duplode
    Wonderful! Welcome back to the scoreboard, Mark Nailwood Smiley This is a day for celebration!
  • Alan Rotoi
    Welcome back to Stunts Community @Mark_Nailwood! You have the throne of the early days. Smiley
  • Stan 286XT
    Eurek have 386 486dx100 dos box ant few much more... Stunt bb11 2024 for ibm XT necV30 8087 640kb of Random acess memory!!!!! COOOL!!!!!!!!!
  • Stan 286XT
  • Daniel3D

Feb 4

  • Stan 286XT
    Lancia schansfoul cars!!!!
    Lancia 1:00.30 A

Feb 5

  • Stan 286XT
    Mark you are more fast of DOSbox!!!!!!!!

Feb 6

  • Ryoma
    sferra11.png sferra10.png sferra12.png
  • Overdrijf
    Ryoma! I'm (sort of) working on a car with Car Blaster while both Mark Nailwood and Ryoma are around, it's almost like a convention!

Feb 7

  • dreadnaut
    Is that @Friker on the scoreboard 😱 Hello mate!

Feb 8

  • Duplode
    Great! Hello @Friker, nice to see you Smiley
  • Friker
    Hi, guys! Thanks for welcoming me. Cheesy This is probably another one of those occasional participations for me. I see a lot of new cars (also in past seasons) - it's great to see creativity and implementation of your artistic thoughts. Smiley Where is CTG? Wink
  • Duplode
    Hi @Heretic, welcome to the new season! Smiley And I've been wondering about that too, @Friker Wink
  • Overdrijf
    He's hiding, until he's sure he can beat Mark Nailwood. Also hi, always nice to have both my teams (sort of) on the board.
  • dreadnaut
    Could he be living his life, having a good time without Stunts!? 😱
  • afullo
    Some years ago, he said that "his life changed enough to keep him away from addictive games".

Feb 9

  • dreadnaut
    Stunts is not addictive. I'm not even playing that much, and I can stop any time 👀
  • Overdrijf
    Oh come on, we haven't even started implementing habit building techniques yet*. In the next competition you can get a little bit of extra points if you just open the game and play for any amount of time at most 48 hours after your last session. You also start the competition with one random bronze tier car, but you can get more through lootboxes. You have a chance of getting a five star box if you post the current leading time, and that might contain an ultra rare like the Indy. Although you can also buy a large boxpack for 1210 Cherry Chassis Cash, which has an amazing 50% chance to contain a five star box! That's only 20 coins more than what you get in the 100 dollar cash pack! (Yes, the competition uses US dollars). Of course, those cars are only for the current season. We wouldn't want to give people an unfair advantage for being around for longer. I feel like I'm still missing at least one or two big addiction makers. Anyone care to help me out? *= Okay, we do actually have LTB to encourage early racing. Maybe we're more evil than I thought.
  • Argammon
    Here comes the GTO. :-)
    Ferrari 0:55.56
  • Overdrijf
    McLaren 0:57.86
  • And that’s how you start Season 2023

    Hello hello, amazing Stunts community!

    Dreadnaut here, bringing you a renewed welcome to the 23rd ZakStunts racing season, and to all who have joined (and re-joined) us in these past weeks. Plenty of activity on the track and the Forum, where further plans are hatching: it’s going to be an interesting year!

    A few highlights:

    • There are now single-car podiums for each race. These exist outside the main championship, to celebrate fun racing with different cars. Bask in the glory of being the best LM002 driver on every track! Feedback welcome on the forum
    • We have four dates for Live Races this year! Add them to your calendar, and join us in organising these adrenaline-and-cursing-filled events.
    • We are working to organise a World Stunts Meeting in Europe this year, likely in the well-connected Amsterdam. You should come!
    • Enjoy spectating as much as driving? Let us know your views: book your race and send us a guest report.
    • But who is the strongest racer? Check out Duplode’s math as he develops a cross-competition rating system for the ages.

    As you can see, the first race of the year might be almost over, but it’s just the beginning. And I’m nowhere near done yet!

    • A new Race for Kicks track opened just a week ago. That’s where you find the best stick-to-the-track racing, with optional NoRH.
    • Want to drive new and exotic cars instead? Head to CCC, the Custom Car Competition, where Daniel3D works his magic as the first car DJ! The new season is starting soon: keep an eye on the forum, you don’t want to miss that!

    Well then... what are you waiting for? Fasten your seatbelt, and give us your best shot on our current track!

Feb 10

  • Duplode
    Yup Smiley
    Ferrari 0:54.80
  • Friker
    @dreadnaut "Stunts is not addictive. I'm not even playing that much, and I can stop any time 👀" Exactly! Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
  • Friker
    What's up with PG cars?
  • Overdrijf
    @Friker: What do you mean?
  • Argammon
    NoRH Crash Recovery List filler. Smiley
    Acura 1:01.24
  • Argammon
    And another listfiller! Smiley All scoreboards complete. Smiley
    Lambo 0:58.32
  • Duplode
    Welcome back to ZakStunts, @Ryoma! And @Friker, if you mean why so many laps with those cars: this is a legendary Kalpen retro track which had a longstanding Indy record by Bonzai Joe; as for the GTO, we're just having fun with the single-car scoreboards Smiley
  • Argammon
    Mouse Lap, NoRH, Crash Recovery!
    Pantera 1:07.87 A
  • Friker
    Aha, so "Car podiums" section is for a current track only?
  • Duplode
    Yes, they are mini-scoreboards for the current track. (After the race, they will remain visible in the archives as usual.)
  • Overdrijf
    Best improvement ever.
    Mercedes DTM 1:02.84
  • Overdrijf
    Interesting how the new cars rank. On paper I wasn't expecting them completely in the rear.
  • Duplode
    NoRH lap, driven on @HunterBoy344's Stunts Online!
    LM002 0:52.68

Feb 11

  • Friker
    Let's try to get to "Car podiums" section. Smiley ..I can stop anytime.. Smiley
    Lambo 1:02.00
  • Overdrijf
    Steering wheel lap. I got myself a cheap(ish) second hand one to try it out. It's really weird, and also the fact that it doesn't fit my table is a bigger deal than I thought it might be. I'm going to need a lot more practice to become anything resembling good (that is: to get near my keyboard skill level), but at least measured in driven time I'm still the fastest non-keyboard player here. Wink (P.S. Technically this is NoRH crash recovery, because everything that goes wrong on a closed track causes a crash.) (P.P.S. The car choise is intentional, I tried a few different cars but I quickly figured out I needed something I know well in order for it to stay on the track at least a little.) Edit: Lol, nice "less than 6 hours" animation on the timer. Wink
    Mercedes DTM 1:19.33
  • Overdrijf
    By the way: live scores reveal tonight?
  • dreadnaut
    I could be around, yes 👍
  • Duplode
    XBox 360 gamepad, digital controls, crash recovery. I actually wanted to test the analog sticks, but I couldn't get them working in Stunts yet...
    Mercedes DTM 1:08.25
  • dreadnaut
    10 minutes left!
  • Erik Barros
    @Duplode, I managed to make an Xbox One joystick work, with the analogues
  • Duplode
    Nice, @ErikBarros! We should exchange notes then Smiley This replay surely won't matter, but let's send it anyway
    Ferrari 0:54.72
  • Duplode
    And let's wrap things up with the Indy Wink
    Indy 0:55.12
  • dreadnaut
    Live results tonight, join us on the chat!

Feb 12

  • Shorty
    Even without sticks I would love to play with a controller. Just for driving manual. But I'm not able to make it work. Sad
  • Duplode
    @Shorty if you don't need analog, you can use the Ctrl + F1 remapper of DOSBox to add bindings between your controller and the Stunts keys (arrows, A, Z, Esc, Enter, maybe Space too).
  • Stan 286XT
    Nice QuiteReplay!!!!!
  • dreadnaut
    Scoreboard confirmed. Congratulations to the first winners of the new season: @AlanRotoi, @Argammon, and @Duplode 🏆
  • Frieshansen
    Congrats to @Duplode, @Argammon and @Alan! The podium places are in a league of their own Smiley
  • Argammon
    @dreadnaut: The McLaren has gone missing. :O
  • Alan Rotoi
    Congratulations people! Also congrats @dreadnaut to implement the new car podiums it seems it was a success. How did you get the idea? It's genius! And thank you for the morning replay confirmation - posting new track!
  • Overdrijf
    Obvious route in obvious car, benchmark test. Nothing to see here.
    Pantera 1:26.03
  • dreadnaut
    Whops, McLaren issue fixed. @Alan, could you re-submit your replay?
  • Alan Rotoi
    I Can't, so sorry, already overwrited. Delete it, no problem
  • Mark Nailwood
    Let's see how long I can keep this position. :-)
    LM002 1:21.79 A
  • Overdrijf
    I had an idea, I want to try making a car together. I'm looking for 7 volunteers willing to do a part of their own choosing somewhere over the next year or so. Experience not required, although some roles would include a bit of a learning curve. I made a thread over on the forum: The Community Car Project: an exercise in collaborative car making
  • Friker
    NoRH, almost GAR.. Really frustrating to keep up with all rules GAR imposed. Cheesy I drove the track trying to keep up with all rules I remembered and then remembered that I also could not have a map opened on background. Cheesy Anyway - why turning back and then to the finish again does not work? Maybe I will post an image to the forum.
    Challenger 1:44.20 A
  • Duplode
    LOL -- what do you mean, I can't turn the GPS of my car on? Grin As for the two-tile turning back shortcut, you know how that rolls: you post the map to the forum, everyone reacts horrified, and we decide the shortcut will be banned for the good of the race Cheesy Please post it anyway, as it's good to have it written down somewhere.
  • Friker
    Oh, it's two tiles? That's probably why. Smiley And GAR - yes, I specifically asked Marco about this and he forbids to look at the map while driving.
  • Cas
    First blind try!
    LM002 1:24.38
  • Alan Rotoi
    GAR is like a hegemonic religious cult. Everything is forbidden. Cheesy
  • Argammon
    The Mclaren is a nightmare on ice. *g*
    McLaren 1:27.75
  • Stan 286XT
    For BUGS\bunny this is an Indy.TRK!!!!!!!
  • Stan 286XT
    4 BUGS\bunny my286 12Mhz is out of memory!!!!!
  • Overdrijf
    Must be the realistic water physics, those kill any machine sooner or later. (Just to be sure everyone gets it: that was a joke about games from the most recent 20 years or so, for me it was the Age of Empires 2 remaster that crashed the game when building too large a map with too much water on it.)
  • dreadnaut
    @Friker, note that a replay is not really valid for GAR unless your name is Marco at the moment of driving the lap. Changing name between driving and submitting the replay is not enough.

Feb 13

  • Argammon
    First, the hare is leading. Then Alanrotoi takes the lead with the hedgehog and now the hare strikes back. Please tell me the track is not balanced Alan! :-)
    LM002 1:16.80
  • Daniel3D
    I think that not driving back on a track is actually the second rule of ZakStunts. The first is that you have to continue Driving past finish until the game goes to evaluation. Both should be made official in my opinion. There are no other rules, right?
  • Daniel3D
    Everyone: since some of us are on telegram and some are on element. But a lot are not on either I would like to test something this weekend. Dreadnaut has changed settings for the forum chat (chat link I the left menu here) to show more history and expand timeout times. So. Everyone who races this weekend, please join the chat Smiley
  • Duplode
    Another one usually held is that the finish tile must be crossed in the forward direction. That rules out the instant finish bug. A precedent for it is ZCT085 : . BTW the wrong way driving restriction has a few subtleties, aliong the lines of what was discussed at ZCT202 : Z202 - Ketiranyu . If we were to add an explicit rule for that, I think the safest formulation would be "you can't drive a section of track in *both* directions over a single lap *if* you are using that to do a dual-way switch".
  • Alan Rotoi
    As far as I remember the rule "you have to continue Driving past finish until the game goes to evaluation." came after ZCT15 when for some reason (probably a split road after the start line) you could finish the replay at 9 seconds.
  • Daniel3D
    I mentioned the driving past finish because I remember that last season there were issues with uploading because a driver hit escape after the finish to be able to quickly save the replay. That resulted in cutting the 20 ticks and thus an unintended quicker time if no key presses were made short before the finish or an invalid replay.
  • Alan Rotoi
    Yes, it was just an additional info.

Feb 16

  • Stan 286XT
    I drove DE TOMASO Pantera GTI on DEFAUT.TRK is faboulous!!!!!!!!
  • Argammon
    Ok, time for the hedgehog.
    LM002 1:15.17
  • dreadnaut
    Ok, let's try the other route 🤔
    LM002 1:20.83

Feb 17

  • Frieshansen
    Supported by PS4 D-pad
    LM002 1:18.98

Feb 18

  • Duplode
    That's groundbreaking, @Frieshansen!
    CERV III 1:17.30

Feb 19

  • Alan Rotoi
    Welcome @Rody!
  • Rody
    @Alan Rotoi, thanks! Just uploaded my very first replay! Love to see that this community kept Stunts live for so many years! Smiley
  • Stan 286XT
    286 640KB RAM no FPU!!!!!!!
    LM002 1:30.05 A
  • Duplode
    Hello and welcome, @Rody! Smiley
    Carrera 1:22.14
  • Stan 286XT
    the hooo jump!!!! I berevetted Defaut.rpl thet jump is my speciality!!!!
    LM002 1:24.42 A
  • Stan 286XT
    Whit this.TRK I am more fast of DOSBOX!!!! I am before Overdiff becose I have better bonus!!!!
  • Frieshansen
    Howdy @Rody
    McLaren 1:28.34
  • Overdrijf
    Okay, maybe it's time to do a little racing somewhere in the next few days...

Feb 20

  • KyLiE
    Welcome @Rody! Smiley

Feb 22

  • Shoegazing Leo
    CERV III 1:36.09 A
  • Shoegazing Leo
    CERV III 1:40.75 A
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Carrera 1:40.53 A
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Carrera 1:43.12 A
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Pantera 1:34.76 A
  • Shoegazing Leo
    LM002 1:26.56 A
  • Shoegazing Leo
    LM002 1:25.15 A
  • Shoegazing Leo
    LM002 1:23.52 A

Feb 23

  • Akoss Poo
    AtheR(y)oma is back! But how and why? He can't drive is Stratos car this year! Then what was the use of his earlier hysteria?
  • dreadnaut
    Fanning the flames, @AkossPoo? Please don't.
  • Overdrijf
    Last-ish call for building a car together with several very talented individuals: The Community Car Project: an exercise in collaborative car making. 9 out of 10 dentists agree it's a better use of ones time than trying to start an argument in the shoutbox, and only slightly worse than driving Zakstunts.
  • Akoss Poo
    Dreadnaut, I think he owes this community a detailed explanation for his disappearance vs. his sudden return.
  • dreadnaut
    I think people don't need to justify their past behaviour, they only need to move in the right direction 🤷‍♂️. Otherwise, there would be a lot to justify in ZakStunts' past, and I think we are all better off letting that stuff lie.

Feb 24

  • Argammon
    Excellent time by Frieshansen. I like it when the other drivers challenge the "big three". We are not invincible. :-)
  • Overdrijf
    Another episode, another plug. Overdrijf's the name, speed-ups are the game:
  • Shoegazing Leo
    I don't know the real function each car scoreboard, but it's funny.
  • Rody
    I saw these GAR rules among the articles. Do we have such a leaderboard?
  • Duplode
    @Rody Not at the moment, though we used to have that between 2016 and 2021. You can race with similar rules at Race For Kicks, though: -- this month's race there goes until tomorrow, by the way Smiley

Feb 25

Feb 26

  • Akoss Poo
  • Argammon
    Nice to see Akoss becoming active again. Smiley Now you only need to start racing!

Feb 27

  • Alan Rotoi
    I know you'll take back the lead in 5 minutes Cheesy
    LM002 1:13.34
  • Alan Rotoi
    @Argammon gonna be mad tomorrow... Cheesy
  • Daniel3D
    1 hour away from an LTB point.. that's just plain evil..
  • Argammon
    No, I am not mad. I am impressed! Perhaps we have been driving the wrong car all of us? ;-)
  • Duplode
    Unbelievable timing with @AlanRotoi's lap. Oops :-)

Feb 28

  • Duplode
    The inventory of cars in @Ryoma's Mega folder keeps growing! 😲

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