News posted in January 2023
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Jan 1
OverdrijfHappy new year and new racing season pipsqueaks!
CasHappy New Year, folks!
KyLiEHappy New Year!
afulloHappy 2023 to everybody!
FrieshansenHappy new Year. I'm looking forward to this season.
dreadnautAre you after the title? ๐ดโโ ๏ธ
Daniel3Dhappy new year everyone.
HereticHappy new year!
Frieshansen@dreadnaut certainly not
HunterBoy344Happy New Year everyone!!!!!
Jan 3
DuplodeHappy birthday, @DusteD!
Jan 4
OverdrijfI'll try not to make a habit of it, but I'm going to roleplay as an ad now. I've made a forum post about the Riptide GP games before (Riptide GP ), they're good arcade racing fun, and the third one in particular I found pretty challenging as well. For the next 17 days part 2 and 3 (for PC/Steam) are available for combined 1 dollar. See here: It's still infinitely more expensive than Stunts, but that's probably because you're paying for having resolution settings or something.
Jan 8
dreadnautSome last fixes behind the scenes, the next season is coming soon! ๐
Jan 10
Alan Rotoi3rd and last live race of 2022!
Jan 11
KyLiEThanks for the great video @Alan!
Daniel3DQUOTE:: Stunts was the game of skill, of extreme skill in carrying out a loop the loop or in avoiding it with a side jump, of forcing the Indy Car out of revs in order to exploit the bug that reset the friction. Oh yeah! ---
Jan 13
Stan 286XTDoom 1-3 and Quake by id Software Heretic by Raven Software Planet Strike by JAM Productions Operation Body Count by Capstone Descent by Parallax Software Rise of the Triad by Apogee Software Duke Nukem 3D by 3D Realms Star Wars: Dark Forces and Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II by LucasArts System Shock and System Shock 2 by Looking Glass Studios and Irrational Games Terra Nova: Strike Force Centauri by Looking Glass Studios Blackthorne by Blizzard Entertainment Shadowrun by Beam Software Action Doom by Scuba Steve Spear Resurrection and End of Destiny by MCS Amsterdam and AReyeP Tekkoudan by Ben "dla_one" Blaufarb Endoskeleton, Proto Man and Ubermorder by Majik Monkee Sabaoth 2 by RGamesINC Ultra Zombie by Joshua Moore
Jan 15
Daniel3DOnly hours to the start. Who will be the first to set a time? I intent to be quick with a first upload. But will i be quick enough? It most certainly won't last long ๐
dreadnautHello and welcome! ZakStunts 2023 opens up today, with a time-travelling track that @Daniel3D picked up for us ๐ฅ
dreadnautA couple of new cars hit the tarmac this year, go grab them from the Downloads section -
OverdrijfGrabbing the symbolic minute marker, driven time. Actually, what are the olden times to beat, and how much is that when corrected for the Indy's current penalty?
OverdrijfO here, 2003a, times between Bonzai Joe's 0.46.20 and 1:10.60. At -24% for the Indy that puts their times between 57.29 and 1:27.54 corrected in this month's currency. Sure, it's unfair because our Indy bonus was set by powergear tracks. But still, everyone who goes under 57.29 can semi-reasonably claim to be faster than any pipsqueak from 2003.
DuplodeAt Kalpen we drive the Indy
FrieshansenI prefer the Challenge :-)
CasAlright... first attempt!
DuplodeLet's see how the Pantera looks on the shoutbox
Stan 286XTStunts/4D Sports Driving was developed by Distinctive Software Inc. in 1990(DSI) First versions of Stunts/4D Sports Driving were published by Brรญderbund Software as Stunts in October 1990. Later ones were brought to the gamers by Mindscape (a Software Toolworks company) as 4D Sports Driving AND Run vith cgc nec V30 8Mhz +8087 Becouse here we have not a racer wiht a last fast xt machines like IMB ps1 and run whit violet cga and640kb of RAM?!?
Daniel3Dand entering at the bottom.. ME. hahaha.
Stan 286XTThis is an indy.trk this is an indy year? Biutifoul Dodge Charger!!it'slike make flip whit test drive!!! I am serius Marco do you have an olivetti nec V30 last XT why you do not win here whit yours olivetti PCS86?
Stan 286XTNews from Zack stunt crew?
Stan 286XTDaniel 3d whit an xt here!!!!!!
dreadnautLet's try something new! Scroll down to the bottom of the current track page, and you'll find small single-car scoreboards. It takes three to tango at ZakStunts, so challenge a couple of friends and claim your favourite car! ๐
Alan RotoiSingle car scoreboards? What a great idea!
Jan 16
DuplodeBrilliant! Let's get one of them enabled already
Stan 286XTCOOL!!!!!!
OverdrijfHaha, the only car with enough uses to have its own little scoreboard yet is the one at the absolute bottom of the scores. I am wondering a bit, what does it add to have these boards say "2 pipsqueaks missing" or "1 pipsqueaks missing" rather than just listing the one or two times that were driven?
ArgammonIt is basically the same replay as before.
Duplode@Overdrijf I think that has some usefulness, as it tells which scoreboards need just one racer to become active, thus tempting people to join. That said, it could make sense to sort the scoreboards so that the currently active ones come first.
dreadnautAs Duplode said โ If you are on your own, there's no race, and no podium. A better ordering is needed, and coming soon!
1:00.17 A
HunterBoy344Oh man, this is crazy! From the replays, I can tell there's a whole host of new cars to try out... I'll update Stunts Online as soon as I can! Stay tuned!
Jan 17
ArgammonSomehow I have the feeling my lead is not going to survive very long. :X
Alan Rotoi๐
ArgammonYou and Duplode should see if you can beat the Indy times from 2003. ;-) Indy compotetion?
Alan RotoiI can beat mine for sure. It looks like it was a listfiller. Now BJ's is something else!
CasTrying the Pantera
CasAnd the P962
CasAh... I had already tried that one
Alan RotoiPublic days duration is 10 or 14 days?
Jan 18
Duplode@AlanRotoi I think it's supposed to be 10, but right now it is set to 13. We probably should ask dreadnaut...
dreadnautLast year we mostly stuck to "about 10", and I didn't notice any comments about it, positive or negative. I started with 13 on ZCT258, but I might choose a different every track, to see what happend
DuplodeOkay -- I probably should have commented, as I feel 10 days is a nice balance... but it's fine to do experiments every now and then, let's see what happens.
Alan RotoiOh ok. I like the 10 days for public day. ๐ What do you think?
dreadnautLet's stick to 10 days then. One less thing to think about
Jan 19
Shoegazing LeoFirst
1:09.91 A
Shoegazing LeoSecond
1:09.25 A
Shoegazing LeoThird
1:09.61 A
Shoegazing LeoFourth
1:04.02 A
Stan 286XT962!!!!!!!
Daniel3DHmmm. There is only one reason I can think of why Alan would suddenly care about the public days. He has a very strong time with a different car and wants the LTB but not give up his replay..
Alan RotoiI must admit I have mixed thoughts about public days. As a manager I can see it is useful to make the race a bit more equalized. As a racer I don't like it but manager point of view prevails. Then it's about the duration. Half race (13 or 14 days) I felt it was too much. 10 days (or a full LTB point) I think it is balanced. If @Zak and @dreadnaut implemented the public days and it works perfectly and nobody complains, it is a total win and it must be kept.
OverdrijfI've got the honor of a bit of a premier. Several community members already have Youtube channels on which they share things about the beautiful game Stunts. Daniel 3D has now taken the initiative to launch a community channel, for everyone who might want to publish a few videos on Stunts but does not want the hassle of trying to raise their own audience. And today I'm the first person to go live with a video on this channel. It's a video meant for aspiring competitors and amateur league drivers, teaching how to corner like a pro, and it can be found here: If you also want to make video's for the community channel, or do a collaboration with your own channel, contact Daniel 3D. If you have a lesson you want to teach in Stunts Pro Academy, or you have a suggestion for a topic, a track or a car that I should really totally feature in a future episode, contact me.
dreadnautThis is so professional ๐ฑ
Jan 20
CasCongratulations, @Overdrijf! That one really does look very pro! I'm definitely going to contribute to the channel too!
KyLiE@Overdrijf, that's an excellent video! I thoroughly enjoyed it. Thank you!
Daniel3DThanks Overdrijf for making an awesome first video. I am in the background working on verifications (selling my soul to Google on behalf of the community) so we can build a solid platform. And with that hopefully more fresh players in our competitions and community. A topic on the forum will come so anyone can contribute with ideas or content.
Jan 21
DuplodeHere is another blast from the past: @ZakMcKracken's tribute to @Ayrton's legendary 2008 season, now back on YouTube!
OverdrijfIf the channel reaches a 100,000 subscribers I will make a video on how to do those tricks. Because that's absolutely a thing I can do and I'm not crossing my finger behind my back right now (man, typing with one hand turns out to be pretty hard).
Jan 22
Alan RotoiHappy birthday @sebastianali302!!
DuplodeHappy birthday, Sebastiรกn!
ShortyCongratulations @sebastianali302
Jan 23
Erik BarrosHappy new year!!
DuplodeHello @ErikBarros, and hello @Shorty! With a 13th racer on the track, we now get to see the update to the point system in play.
OverdrijfWhy are slow cars so hard? Alternatively, why are you guys all so good with them? I drove this first lap and was kind of disappointed, so I redrove it more seriously and came up a second slower. I'm going to have to do actual section time analysis using your replays aren't I? One quarter of the time into the race. Can someone do like a video on how to drive the Lancia on ZCT258 or something? I'd watch that.
Argammon@Overdrifj: The trick is to use replay handling ;-).
OverdrijfAt least this car makes sense.
Jan 25
Erik BarrosYeah!!
Jan 26
DuplodeAnd there it is! BJ's 2003 record has fallen ๐ซก
Alan RotoiMy z258 replay REVEALED!
dreadnautTime to try the Lancia
dreadnautAnd a rapid test with the Challenger. I like this car!
dreadnautCan you find it? Hint: it's yellow! โ
Jan 27
DuplodeIt's a very nice car, isn't it? (And so is that yellow on the Rambo
Jan 28
ArgammonSeems like I suck driving the GTO. Slower than with the Lancia.
DuplodeCan't resist the GTO
Jan 29
ShortyAnd I thought I can't make it. :O
ArgammonBreakfast lap. This is getting boring. :/
Alan RotoiTake it easy! No more shots from me. I can't race from my vacations.
Frieshansen@dreadnaut Beautiful redesign of the current-race box! Really like the SVG-Speedometer.
DuplodeAll right, here we go!
dreadnautThank you @Frieshansen! A few more tweaks are coming
Stan 286XTHey Pisqeek 2,658 bytes!
1:26.10 A
Stan 286XTNOW 3,575 bytes who is better Pesqeek? 3KB YEEEEE!!!!!!
1:09.08 A
Stan 286XTANY XT racer here?
Alan RotoiNo XT. If I build an old PC I would a Pentium 200mhz with win98. Just to play everything from XX century.
Jan 31
Stan 286XThow may bites is ZCT258.trk whit a pc xt nec V30 8087 640kb ram? _ can you answere?
Duplode@Stan286XT Maybe 3307?
HunterBoy344Sorry it's taking so long to get Stunts Online updated for the 2023 season! I've had a lot of responsibilities to handle as of late, and I recently broke my ankle snowboarding, so I haven't had much time to work on my personal projects. I will update it as soon as I can!!
DuplodeNo worries @HunterBoy344 -- take your time, and have a speedy recovery!
dreadnautOh no, get well soon! Stunts can wait ๐
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