News posted in January 2022
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Jan 1
Akoss PooHappy New Year! And a late Merry Xmas (and an early one for Eastern Ortodox drivers)! :-)
KyLiEHappy New Year! ? Also, the 2022 season has started at!
HereticHappy 2022 o/
Alan RotoiHappy new year!!
CasHappy New Year, guys!
Jan 10
Alan RotoiHi! 1st message of the year!
Jan 15
Stan 286XTI stiil waiting ZTC246 is 17:46
afulloRaces start on Sunday, not Saturday...
Alan RotoiNow it's Sunday... well, here is still Saturday but you know what I mean
Jan 16
DuplodeNote that dreadnaut had mentioned that a delay of one week might be necessary in order to finish an upgrade to the scoreboard calculations. See Closing thoughts and feedback on the forum. Let's wait and see what tomorrow brings
Alan RotoiJust a quick video to warm up!
dreadnautCode is ready for the start of season
Working on rules and download packs, almost there.
dreadnautAnd we are up! ZakStunts 2022 is officially open ?
dreadnautTeam memberships and other updates will appear as replays start coming in.
dreadnautOh, check the Downloads section if you need the new cars for 2022.
Alan RotoiThank you dreadnaut! Let's start racing! Nice custom car selection. I only know CERV III (and Melange of course
Alan Rotoi1st try for Stratos.
Alan Rotoi3rd try for Stratos
Alan Rotoi4th try for Stratos. It doesn't seem the car of the month. The bonus doesn't help but it looks like the kind of track for this car.
DuplodeReady, set, go!
ZapperFirst 2022 openning tryout!
1:23.58 A
afulloBy starting next week, the season would have ended on Christmas' Eve...
Jan 18
Stan 286XTI play whit sunts2022 is very stable good work!Stunts run perfectly!
dreadnautThe Stunts version in the stunts-2022 archive is a normal BB1.1, with extra cars for this season. Glad it's working well!
Bonzai Joe20 years later and I'm still trying to catch Alan Rotoi...
Shoegazing LeoWhere are the spot to download the new cars?
Duplode@ShoegazingLeo (That's the current car pack from the Downloads page here.)
Duplode@BonzaiJoe Yeah! Welcome back ?
dreadnautOoooh, hello @BonzaiJoe! ?♂️
dreadnautIf there's ever an all-Italian team, it must be called "Alloopati" ?
afulloWe could have got the idea back in 2018...
FrieshansenI'm glad it goes on - really nice track to start with. This will be my first full season (at least that's the plan). Happy racing everyone!
CasGee! There definitely is something I don't know about the Lancia. No way I can get it to go so fast. Anyway, here my first post!
dreadnautCork's Crew, Looping Warriors, Rolling Stunts, and Slowdrive are signed up for the season. Let me now if any other teams are confirming for 2022. — ? If you are looking to join or start a new team, come to the forum: Teams for 2022
afulloGood. The teams' standings for 2022 are still empty, but I guess it is because of a broader restyling involving also the drivers' standings. Also, in every previous season the columns have as header the list C246 through C257 of races relative to this year.
dreadnautI wonder if it has been like that for a long time and we haven't noticed
dreadnautBut yes, I'm still working on the refreshed scoreboard calculations — both personal and team.
dreadnaut@afullo I checked, the team standings columns have been incorrect since 2014 ? But now they are fixed! Only seven years!
afulloI remember to having it signalled some time ago and then it being corrected, unless seeing the error present again these days. But maybe I am just making confusion with something else...
dreadnautLooking at code history, I think it was a different one. But you are quite good at spotting errors, thank you
afulloOh, thank you for being patient! I know that I can be hated when it comes to these kind of signals!
Jan 19
Alan RotoiWelcome back @BonzaiJoe !! To the new people here, BJ is a Stunts legend. He joined the community in 2000 and he won zakstunts 2002 championship. He's my worst nightmare in competitions. We faced in zakstunts 2002-2003 the best battle I've ever participate. Just look at the 1st places from ZCT16 to ZCT23: rotoi, rotoi, rotoi, BJ, BJ, BJ, rotoi, BJ.
Shoegazing LeoHappy new year!
1:37.10 A
Shoegazing LeoFappy?
1:26.77 A
Shoegazing LeoFloppy
1:39.25 A
Stan 286XTThe Powermachintosh 7200 go wrong......
Stan 286XTa lot of floppy broken ouch!
Jan 20
Seeker1982Hello guys, I'm healthy/alright and still enjoy racing, I hope are too are doing great. However I do utilize my slightly wonky Logitech G29 for sim-racing with Assetto Corsa (AC1 Ultimate edition do be precise). The video I've linked is the result of my last 2 months in AC1 - enjoy a ride in the classic Formula1-car Lotus Type 49 at Zandvoort - Gold-Achievement and Place 47 at the RSRLiveTiming. Here's my RSR-Profile:
Alan RotoiNice! Build that car for Stunts!
Zak McKrackenin the name of Cork!
Zak McKrackennice track
Zak McKrackenthat's it for today
CasHi, Seeker! Nice to see you around!
dreadnautHello @Seeker! Nice to read you are healthy and having fun racing. Nice video, makes me want to play an F1 game
Jan 21
Stan 286XT320x240!
Stan 286XTIe 3.0 not support this site p54! check disk? I work powermachintosh go offline!!!!
Seeker1982btw: What happened to the GAR-Championship? Even the Wiki-article seems deleted or it least it isnt indexed anymore.
Alan RotoiWe should create the wiki articles for the new cars.
Alan Rotoi@seeker there won't be a gar-cha this year
Alan RotoiAbout the wiki article is still there but not indexed. Maybe we could add it to a subcategory such "competition formats" or something like that.
OverdrijfFull team om the board. First time we've even had a season with the four of us since 2012.
Also, this car is weird and slippery. And it does this cool variation of the slidey jumpy thing where you try to steer but the car is almost locked into its line, and then as soon as you leave the ground it starts spinning like a cheat code. Try it on the last corner of this track, it's fun. Definitely unlike anything I've driven so far.
Stan 286XTNathing hard drive busy too slow
Stan 286XTcan't upload V8.rpl?
Alan Rotoi@dreadnaut three things: 1) correct medal table zct109 to gutix 1st place and ctg 2nd place. 2) login "remember me" option works only few hours. 3) is it possible to edit again our personal racer profile?
Alan RotoiSorry I know you are busy now so I let it here just to take in mind. It's not urgent.
RyomaPlease I want to see the Stratos winning !!!
dreadnaut@Alan 1) ZCT109 fixed! 2) are you clearing cookies? browser private mode? it works fine for everyone else I think 3) it's always been possible from "Edit profile" in the left-side menu ?.
dreadnaut@Seeker1982: no GAR this year, we are experimenting with a different "Amateur league"; @Cas has a no-replay-handling scoreboard at though!
Stan 286XTCHKDSK ugggg
2:11.10 A
Bonzai JoeHey, what's up with this: "Sorry, your lap ends with a crash. Did you submit the wrong replay?" It doesn't end with a crash...
Jan 22
Stan 286XTwere is x gar?
Stan 286XTNo GAR this year uuuuhg!!!!
1:29.94 A
Duplode@BonzaiJoe I guess it's that once-in-a-blue-moon bug in which the game drops the very last frame of the replay after the finish line. (The site expects replays to have at least 20 zero-input frames at the end of the lap.)
Shoegazing LeoHi
1:26.44 A
Shoegazing LeoHello
1:23.83 A
Shoegazing Leokitty
1:21.90 A
CTG_ ö _ _ ! ! !
1:10.95 A
dreadnaut@BonzaiJoe sometimes it happens if you press Esc soon after you cross the finish line, instead of waiting for the game to take you to the Evaluation screen.
dreadnautWow, so many Looping Warriors and Cork`s Crew names on the scoreboard. Feels like time-travelling ? Nice to see you all!
Frieshansenfirst race with the skyline
Alan RotoiIs the sending replay form working?
It doesn't let me upload a replay.
dreadnautFixed now! Sorry, I'm changing stuff
Alan RotoiNo problem!
I thought it won't be fixed until tomorrow
Shoegazing Leohmmmm
1:21.25 A
dreadnautBy the way, since a year or so if anything goes really wrong on the website, I get an email. It's nice upgrade, and I've fixed a number of smaller problems that way
Shoegazing LeoThanks, CTG hehehehehe
1:16.05 A
Jan 23
Stan 286XTOverlook clock!!!!!
1:25.32 A
dreadnautOvertake time? Is @Stan catching up to @Cas the first battle of the Amateur League?
DuplodeMy first lap here with the brilliant CERV III
1:08.54 A
Alan Rotoi@Dups yeah it was my first choice
In a couple of months would be an interesting battle between non-PG fast cars like Jaguar, P962, Melange and CERV.
Duplode@Stan286XT @Seeker1982 and other GAR fans: there is now a side scoreboard for ZCT246 at R4K's permanent competition (thanks Cas and KyLiE!), so join me there with your GAR replays
Jan 24
Shoegazing Leo:PPP
1:33.19 A
Shoegazing Leopong
1:17.87 A
Alan RotoiEnjoy the new video! Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptor!
FrieshansenAwesome @Alan! Had a big smile in my face while watching
Shoegazing LeoACAB
Jan 25
Stan 286XTOn TD2 Duel Ford Crown Victoria Police is very more fast yesterday arrest me whit Ferrari Testarossa!!
Jan 27
Ryoma@Stan what about the stratos ?
Jan 28
Stan 286XTIs a Racing sport car producted in little series 100car I think only the engine cost 100000 euro
afulloMaybe more, 10 M€ for the development of a racing engine is likely a quite low budget.
Alan RotoiSo many effort and money to be downloaded by torrent
Stan 286XTThis year no GAR you are free to make creazy INDY.trk!!!!!
Stan 286XTI can-t see Latest news from the ZakStunts crew: white bohh?
Jan 29
Stan 286XTLatest news from the ZakStunts crew: I sse green can make see w95?
dreadnautThe "Latest news" section has not changed in years, but I don't know if still works on a Windows 95 browser. I tried with IE6, and it looks... OK ? -
Stan 286XTWhit Ie6 I can see thank you! I won't to make a grafic about gar scoreboard cool!!
Jan 30
Alan Rotoi@Stan it depends on the difficulty you chose. Anyway Testarossa is one of the slower cars in that pack.
Jan 31
ZdnBurnsI'm trying
1:19.72 A
Alan RotoiWelcome back @ZdnBurns!!
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