News posted in April 2021
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Apr 2
CTGQuiet replay sent! 59.xx!!!
(I won't say the b*** word now.)
Apr 3
Alan RotoiI guessed I had the winner way but I just tryied and it's impossible
I think I'll make a normal "non-crazy" replay.
Alan RotoiUnless... ^_^
Alan RotoiUnless nothing
I couldn't make it. I'll make another normal replay.
CTGbla bla bla, Mr. 58.xx!
DuplodeWelcome back, Alessandro
CTGB ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? F F ! ! ! Böff dampening: 4dB
GTAManRCRWhat happened to the umlaut o? (ö)
CTGNothing, B?FF! (Ö, ö)
DuplodeLooks at the name, then at the driven time... yup, it's a 1:31.xx
Great to see you around, Seeker!
Duplode(I've made some extra GAR attempts a short while ago, but only managed a 1:33.20.)
Apr 4
DuplodeI have just driven a GAR 1:31.95, but got here to post it a few seconds after the deadline. Here is a link to it, for what it's worth: ZCT236 - Lightning . At least it wouldn't be a winning replay anymore...
dreadnautAnd time is up! Since I'm around, let's see if there are any quiet replays hiding
Seeker1982thx for the flowers
Currently my G29 pedals have a warrenty-issue so I could spend some time playing stunts. Also watching Marco's GAR attemps on Facebook got me in the mood for some stunts
believe it or not but my fastest GAR-attempt was a 1:30,45, however it was'nt valid due to unintentional cutting the track at the chicanes
DuplodeSo I missed one second place by five seconds, and the other one by five hundredths...
Congratulations to Looping Warriors!
OverdrijfAnother month with strong attendance. Unlike Duplode I luckily find myself on the good side of a small difference. Comgratulations to the two warriors. You're going strong this season! Also: welcome Johnny Alaska! Looks like you were new this month and I didn't say hello yet.
GTAManRCRThis was a tough track to race on
CTGGreat track & car combo, well-done @AlanRotoi. The race itself was fun, too. Although I'm a bit disappointed because of the low activity in the second half of the race. Nobody challenged my last public replay...
GTAManRCRBecause you are doing a replay which nobody can beat
dreadnautScoreboard confirmed ? Congratulations to CTG, Akoss Poo and Duplode! And thank you, everyone, for making this a great race
dreadnautAnd the new track is up, warm up your tires! —But don't forget to rate ZCT236
GTAManRCRSeems like it's a shorter track than the previous
GTAManRCRInteresting racing with the LM002
CTG@dreadnaut: ZCT256 will be a nice track for sure.
dreadnaut@CTG argh, I need to pay attention when I time-travel on Sundays ? Fixed now!
GTAManRCRHey Ryoma, use the car with the most percentages on it. LM002 will get you closer in the leaderboard
dreadnautOr not, since the car with the highest bonus is not necessarily the best for the track ?♀️
dreadnautIn other news, the coefficients chart now highlights the track author's changes, which apply only to the current race.
GTAManRCR@dreadnaut At this race, LM002 is the best
dreadnautWe can discuss this again in four weeks time
Ryoma@Gtaman15 ok I try the LM002, but it's like i am a traitor for Ferrari...
GTAManRCRI want some challenge, so I won't upload any other replays during public days
Alan RotoiVery nice track!
Seeker1982my steering wheel pedals are still with warrenty-issue so I have time to have a litttle fun with stunts
dreadnautHello @Seeker1982 ? Nice to see you around!
dreadnautNow, if I've tweaked the numbers correctly, this is also a thing.
dreadnautMmmh, no. I did not take people who can actually drive the Countach into account, I think ?
DuplodeThere sure are plenty of possibilities!
Alan RotoiIf you reveal the best car it will be hard to me to win.
GTAManRCRImagine, if dreadnaut was about to change car percentages at the last day, and so the results would be much worse
Seeker1982and the first GAR-time
dreadnautLuckily cars bonuses can't change after the first days
CasI like the way local car bonuses are displayed! I'll be posting a replay soon
dreadnautBy the way, welcome to the scoreboard @Ryoma! ?
CasStarting with a GAR lap
CasAnd a free-style one now
RyomaThx @dreadnaut but I'm better in making car than drive it...
OverdrijfPro tip: get enough of your cars accepted into the tournament. Works for me! ;p
OverdrijfAlso: it looks like I didn't check the car creation board for like two weeks and in that time you made like a billion cars. How do you do that? I wouldn't even get the shapes done in that time. Wow. (Okay, you've been there for close to two months, but you've also actually made around 2 billion cars.)
Apr 5
RyomaI did only 34 cars....
Alan RotoiPlease publish the other billion cars too! ^_^
KyLiEWelcome @Ryoma! Also, it's great to see @Seeker1982 again!
RyomaThanks @Kylie. At all, you are insanely Quick....
OverdrijfI did 4 (of which 3 with related assets), and 2 unfinished projects. The original developers did 14. The difference between 34 and a billion seems pretty academic.
RyomaThe original developper had no Internet and a lack of informations. And not the tools we have now : we can test quickly and modify in game somes values. Now, I make car using blueprint, torque curve and datas like distance braking, 0-60 and 1000 m accélération. It's not the same era. And I made it for free on my free time without click stress.
CTGKinda dangerous track. Since I'm a two-hand driver and my left arm is not functioning properly (vaccination side effect), this is a pure right hand try.
0:48.98 A
ZapperFirst attempt, done!
0:52.66 A
Zapper@Ryoma congrats for your effort on making cars
It's like a mass production factory! (Caterham Super 7 JPE in "right hand drive" is almost there to join custom car collection)
GTAManRCRWe better use Ryoma's cars in 2022 for ZakStunts championship
Ryoma@Zapper extra for the seven. Carefull with the RHD with the wheel's dot : position in X maxi = 256. Agree with @GTAMan15, I modify sometimes lightly my car so wait next year. Maybe a 90s supercars challenge ? I think I made all the supercars from this Era (Except Yamaha OX99-11...but's useless)
GTAManRCRKITT car already exists, what about a BTTF car? Whatever if it could get its driver back in time or not
GTAManRCRSeems challenging already, but I'm waiting for two weeks to pass
Stan 286XTMY pc an old 286 have only 640Kb of ram this .trk is very fantasy!Is a .trk not adapt for a necv30!
KyLiENice track @dreadnaut!
dreadnautThank you, glad you are enjoying it!
Ryoma34 cars means I have an avantage of 34%? Non?
afullo@GTAMan15: the issue with the DMC-12 is that, apart from its BTTF appearance, is a quite slow car which I don't know how much could fit well in racing. - @Stan: in case, you can try to deactivate some visual effects.
Apr 6
KyLiE@afullo, yes, the DeLorean DMC-12 is an iconic car, but it is not known for its engine.
Shoegazing LeoOne
1:11.50 A
Shoegazing LeoTwo
0:53.55 A
Shoegazing LeoTré
0:52.64 A
RyomaDelta forever
GTAManRCR@afullo The DeLorean DMC-12 max speed is 110 MPH while the Pontiac Firebird Turbo Trans-Am max speed is 139 MPH, not so much difference
CTG110 mph is barely enough to complete a jump.
MarcoIf you have facebook ... bautiful overtake on the ZCT237
afulloKITT has been elevated to a max of 245 MPH thanks to the pursue mode, we would have to invent something similar for the DMC-12, but apart from time travel no particular ability has been seen on-screen. Anyway, of course I would not disprove a "poetic license" in order to have it here with an higher maximum speed than the one in reality...
GTAManRCRScreen colors could change, while traveling through time, or by traveling time over 25 minutes the game wouldn't force you to stop driving
ZapperIf there was a lucky way to enable a "power bug" appearing at 88MPH on DMC-12 it would be an appropriate feature
CTGWell, I guess this is the limit of my auto trm lap. (Manual gears will be used after my full recovery from shoulder pain.
0:41.82 A
afulloMaybe the torque curve can be fine-tuned such that at exactly 88 MPH in a proper gear the car jumps to 245 MPH almost instantaneously, like KITT pursue mode has been devised thanks to the use of a physically unrealistic torque curve...
RyomaGTO fever
Akoss PooI've just driven 40.05 on ZCT237!
Alan RotoiEarn some LTB then
CTGNon-corrected Indy lap?
Akoss PooCTG: yes of course. :-)
Shoegazing Leo- Um Delta e um carro pica, os dois a 80 km/h, ficam um do lado do outro? - Sim, filho da puta! 80 km é 80 km! - Creio que não! (adapting brazilian memes to Stunts)
Akoss PooMi bajod, van bazmeg? Értelmes nyelven pofázzá' má!
Apr 7
Duplode@ShoegazingLeo How about a Celta for Stunts?
Stan 286XTI can't think to afford 70Mph medium whit 8Mhz and 640Kb of Ram
Apr 8
DuplodeAt long last, LTB +1
RyomaYou are too fast.... disapointed
Apr 9
Seeker1982Update to my GAR-time
Seeker1982My Warrenty-issue is solved for all I care - I have a brand new Logitech G29 and have fun in Assetto Corsa Competezione
maybe I see Marco 'cos I've seen him doing the original Assetto Corsa on facebook livestream (wink wink)
Apr 10
RyomaDodge Stealth R/T Turbo is out!
Apr 11
OverdrijfOkay, daring prediction: I think we will have mostly red cars on the final scoreboard.
GTAManRCRI knew instantly that LM-002 is the best choice
RyomaBut it's very hard to follow you.... I'm far far away and really disapointed of my skill....
GTAManRCRJust learn the tricks
dreadnautWow, @GTAMan15, that's not constructive feedback for someone who's frustrated with Stunts. @Ryoma you are actually doing OK! You have tough competition in ZakStunts, and Stunts takes years of practice to "just learn the tricks". A general principle is to try and never lose speed, in particular with slower car like the LM002. You slow down most in the section after the hill jump, and in the bridge corners. Keep speed there and you're bound to shave a couple of seconds off!
GTAManRCR@dreadnaut I didn't mean this. All I wanted to say with "Just learn the tricks" is to practice for it as long as Ryoma will be comfortable with them at the end, and will do a very good laptime after some trials. Have I corrected it now?
dreadnautThat's definitely a positive spin ? There is indeed a lot of "keep trying" in Stunts
Stingray86Corvette Forever
dreadnautIt's tricky though ➰ And I really placed that water in the worst place
Ryoma@dreadnaut thanks for your advices. I dislike these bridges corners.
Apr 12
RyomaHow you manage the first's purely random ?
dreadnautSurprisingly there is no randomness in Stunts! If you mean the jump over/next to the cork u/d, the trick there is that the road surface extends for a tiny amount outside the walls of the bridge. Landing there with the wheels turning right allows the car to avoid crashing in the wall, and fall back on the road.
RyomaThanks @dreadnaut. For information, I have done the dashboard for the @CTG's Dodge Challenger.
Apr 13
RyomaI tried 20 times and failed 20 times... I take really no pleasure...only's not my définition of a game
dreadnautYep, that's understandable. The GAR scoreboard might be more interesting for you: no tricks, just driving; the frustration there comes from having to complete the whole lap in one go, without mistakes.
GTAManRCRCongrats Ryoma! You're getting better and better!
RyomaThank GTAMan15 but it's very painfull
Apr 14
Overdrijf"Surprisingly there is no randomness in Stunts" Well, no true randomness, to expand on this a little. But your jump length for instance can change depending on your exact position in the frame in which you leave a ramp. With a frame being 1/20th of a second, differences in timing of less than that can make a difference. This is why it sometimes pays to just redrive from somewhere inside the last corner when you can't seem to nail a jump, to intentionally mess up the exact timing of it and maybe shorten or lengthen your jump. It's similar to driving through a slalom block or through a loop, those depend on sub-frame timing as well.
Alan Rotoi@Overdrijf I love Stunts. I can't help it.
Apr 15
Alan RotoiThere are too many public days...
GTAManRCR2 weeks public days, 2 weeks scoreboard days, and 2 days are quiet
Alan RotoiYep, it would be fine if the public days are for a week or 10 days max. I see positive things for public days: It is a solution for the newbies and who has little time to race. You just copy the best public replays. The negative thing IMHO is that it turns zaks to a replay copying competition. Also it might be killed the teams.
dreadnaut@Alan We can give it a try for a few races, what about 8 public days?
dreadnautHowever, if I look back many races had public winning replays that no-one managed to "copy". And in the past 5 years only two teams have closed: MeganiuM and the Yellow Fleas, of which there's only me and you left around. Maybe we should restart together next year! ??
Apr 16
Alan Rotoi@dreadnaut it would be my pleasure
Apr 20
OverdrijfYou can just start/restart/whatever a team during a year right? No need to wait 8 months? The name "Crashper's Domination" is available.
(Meganium Fleace High is also an option though...) It would certainly make for a competitive team, based on the current rankings.
dreadnautYes, two or more racers can start a team at any time of the year, and any points collected in previous races will also count for the team. I'm taking a year off serious racing though, no team for me in 2021.
Apr 21
CTGJust to annoy you all: B Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö . Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö F F ! ! ! Böff dampening: 3.8dB
CTG9pm alain: i dont drink alcohol, i dont smoke buzzes... i get on my bike and ride. You are slow CTG. Actually, I'm a better racer than Alain il professore. BÖFF!
Apr 22
Ryoma@CTG release your
Apr 27
dreadnautI'll be shaping new releases in the meanwhile
dreadnautLast week by the way: time to show off and confuse your opponents before quiet days!
Akoss PooDuring an online PhD pre-defence, I've found some time to drive.
Apr 28
RyomaWhat is the quiet date?
Duplode@Ryoma Friday and Saturday.
RyomaAnd what will happen ?
dreadnautDuring the last 48h of the race, the "quiet days", you can post a replay and mark it as invisible. No one will know that you have posted it until the end of the race.
dreadnaut@AkossPoo was it *your* PhD pre-defence?
Apr 29
Akoss PooUnfortunately, it wasn't. :-)
RyomaForza GTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dreadnautWelcome back @matamo!
RyomaOk I did my best!!!!!
Apr 30
OverdrijfOnes again it's already the final two days. Is it me, or are the months getting shorter?
RyomaGTO GTO GTO !!!!!
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