News posted in January 2020
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Jan 1
afulloAs they say between Italy and Hungary, sréčno 2020!
DuplodeHappy 2020, pipsqueaks!
OverdrijfMy headache wishes you all a happy new year. That was some pretty good wine.
Stingray86Happy new decade and celebrating 30 years of Stunts!!!
Jan 3
OverdrijfRight, ZCT231 or 232 is a jubilee track.
afulloFor the 25th anniversary of Stunts we tried to ask Kevin Pickell for the creation of a track, eventually he designed ZCT200 a couple of years later.
CasZCT232 could make a reference to RS-232 ports, which were very common in PCs in the times of Stunts (yeah, I'm a nerd, I know). Still, COM1 and COM2 serial ports (that used the RS-232 standard) were used either for mice or null-modem cables mostly, in 1990. Stunts lacked serial gaming capabilities and driving with the mouse is really a terrible experience! So maybe this idea doesn't make much sense anyway XD -- Oh, and Happy New Year, guys!
afulloCas, why did you change your national flag? Was that for disliking domestic politics?
Jan 4
GTAManRCRGreat idea, Cas
Jan 7
Overdrijf(Accidental post)
Jan 8
Cas@afullo - I had to ask to change it. There isn't the option. I changed it because I'll be moving abroad and yes, also, because of discontent. I don't like the idea of freely advertising the ruling faction. And I thought, if the entire focus of a country can change from night to day, what's the point in identifying myself with its flag? What does a flag mean of something that can change all the time? So... yes
I no longer consider myself Argentine. I'm just a world person that happens to have been born here, that's it. I've had this idea for long. Recent events just completed the process of adopting this view. Thanks, @GTAMan! I know it's nerdy, but well
Jan 10
GTAManRCRCas, I'm a huge PC geek, so...
OverdrijfWho's ready for a new season? Handed in the January track today. Although I haven't sent in the car bonuses yet!
afulloWees altijd op je hoede!
OverdrijfZal ik doen, ik heb de bonussen nu verstuurd. ;j
Jan 11
Stan 286XTGood news!!!! I stuffit ms dos 330 in a powermac 7200 sys7.5 and mk dir stunt copy a:*.* then stunt_k cga go slow I think stunt think to be an 8088 no fpu 640k!very more slow a 286 1 frame sametimes ! But this work!!!! INCREDIBLE!!! I go to the bios of a pentiumI turn off all chace rebooot and quake go fast like a 386!!!!!!NOT fluid frame then frame! Is possible transform a pentium in a dos pc gaming!!!!! I use stunt 1.0 opponent blaster and run fine!!!!
Jan 12
Stan 286XTHello racers when can download new track?is1pm!
GTAManRCRStan, use Stunts v1.1 or 4D Sports Driving v1.1 Feb-25-1991 version (The last is available by May of 2019
Stan 286XTOpponent blaster run only in s bb 1.0 for me works fine!
Stan 286XTAny news from Zack Stunts crew?
Stan 286XTI send ZCT222.TRK at zaqrack[AT]stunts[DOT]hu whot do you think?
dreadnautHello there! Sorry for the late hour, I'm updating things now
afulloStan, if you want to submit a track, book a month here: Guest tracks 2020 ZCT222 has been already submitted by Overdrijf, but ZCT223 (February) is free afaik...
Jan 13
dreadnautNew season, new cars, new track. Here we go!
The new season is here
Hello everyone, sorry for the delay, and for disappearing for most of the holidays. I was busy travelling, looking at water coming through the ceiling in the living room, etc. The usual Christmas stuff :)
Anyway, the first track of the 20th ZakStunts season is ready! We start with ZCT222, "Defensive Driving" by Overdrijf. (Thanks for preparing the track pal!)
The usual car rotation sees the Ford Ranger and the BMW M3 leave the tracks, replaced by two new entries: the Mercedes-Benz 190, also from OverDrijf's DTM pack, and the Toyota Sprinter Trueno, an older custom car created by Zapper. You can grab the car files from the download section.
Rules are unchanged from last year, but I will update the LTB code to remove various bugs, and possibly carry unused LTB hours to the next month. So go and steal that first place now!
Stan 286XTHello Cherry Chassis!!!!! Finally YOU!!! How beutifoul youare I prefere you in EGA grafik! You are like a Top model!!!!
CasNew season!
Already got the track. Soon to upload a replay. Hey, the Trueno doesn't still have an image to show on the scoreboard. I'll get that car too.
OverdrijfI can fix images for the new cars. I still know roughly how I did it last year and that went pretty well. Edit: In fact, I think I already have the Mercedes, did it just to have the complete set.
(Also I asked Dreadnaut to not make any changes like extra slaloms in the last 2/3 of the track, so he went ahead and mirrored the whole thing instead, and then turned it 90 degrees for good measure. Evil, evil bastard...)
Stan 286XTSlimy Race!!!!
3:03.60 A
Was a tad more work then I figured, changing computers managed to get my stunts palette file missing, but here it is.
OverdrijfFor the first drive of the season I was going to go with the F40, but I managed to not notice I had selected the wrong Ferrari until I was quite some ways in...
dreadnautThanks @Overdrijf!
CasThey look cool! Nice work, Overdrijf! And I'm at work now, but I'll try the track soon
Jan 14
Stan 286XT:-( tere are people usually drink cheap whisky no good cheap whisky and have same blood in the stomach and is not the top don't drink whisky
afulloAs a Friulian, you should know how to drink *qualitatively*, not *quantitatively*. My father is also from the province of Pordenone (assuming that it does still exist - the region FVG messed up things by creating the UTIs), and he knows what a good wine or liquor is...
Jan 16
Alan RotoiNo Melange?
dreadnautI didn't think about it
I suppose I kept the F40 because last year it was never used. Melange next season for sure!
Jan 17
dreadnautDon't leave me at the top of the scoreboard just as I'm devising an easier way to get LTB points!
Jan 18
CasFive different cars on the scoreboard! I feel obliged to introduce a sixth, ha, ha. I'll do it when I finish today's work in a moment. And yeah, I'll miss the Melange this season too.
Shoegazing LeoI miss you, Melange!
Jan 19
Alan RotoiI think a link to the stunts copy with the new cars in the homepage would be useful
Shoegazing LeoLet's try
3:04.78 A
Shoegazing LeoAgain...
2:13.58 A
Shoegazing LeoAgain
2:19.02 A
Shoegazing Leo(Robert riffing)
2:22.72 A
Shoegazing Leotananananaaaaaa
1:53.16 A
OverdrijfHonestly I feel like the Trueno may have come in at too low a bonus. I'll quote myself from the thread the car was originally introduced in: "What I don't like is being overtaken by Skid in an LM02". I'm probably not doing the car justice by that in several ways, but I don't really see it coming into play at a bonus below at least 20% or so, probably higher, based on Leo's results as well. (Although this car is about controlled sliding, so seeing it on a bendy track would give a better indication.) Maybe see if we can patch that number up a little next month?
Jan 20
Stingray86Stingray is back from his summer holiday! In none other than the Vette! Which is again slow in this game haha. I agree the Trueno is too slow but what do you expect from 185 wide tires. The ZR-1 has 315 wide on the rear but still also looses traction!
Jan 29
Stan 286XTExcuse me is ready ZCT223 febbruary 2020?
OverdrijfNobody booked ZCT223 yet: Guest tracks 2020 Please send your track to dreadnaut [at] gmail {dot} com though, not to Zak's address you used last time.
Seeker1982Hello guys, I'll be back in a few days. ATM I'm refurbishing/renew my flat due to which I don't have internet access and I am sleeping in my Moms flat. Also quite important is that since 12-2019 I do own a proper steering wheel with pedals etc (Logitech G29 with H-Gearbox attachment) and finally can race my racings sims - atm Project Cars 2, but I also own Assetto Corsa Competitione and Dirt Rally 2
So even when I'm back in stunts, I won't be investing as much time&energy as in 2019 as I'm concentrating on my sim racing skills.
dreadnautLet's shake this up a bit
dreadnaut@Seeker1982, steering wheel + the games you mentioned sounds like a great plan! We should have a racing party at your place when the works are done
Jan 30
KaoSWhen nobody take the FEB. Track.. Can i make one?
Jan 31
dreadnaut@Kaos sure, thank you!
Stingray86Have a great track ready for 226 - MAY. How / when should I submit the track file?
dreadnautKeep it there for a moment, I'll make a "submit track" page :-)
KaoSTrack for FEB C223 is ready where to send?
KaoSdreadnaut [at] gmail {dot} com, is that right to send it there?
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