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Jan 1

  • dreadnaut
    Happy New Year everyone Smiley And happy new year Abu, hope you'll be home soon!
  • Marco
    Happy NEW YEAR !!!
  • FinRok
    Congratulations Marco! and Happy NEW YEAR to everyone out there! Cheesy Cheers
  • Duplode
    Akoss' ZCT172 (Marsh of Fireflies) has been chosen by popular vote as the best track of the 2015 season!
  • Duplode
    Voting for the best track of 2016 is now open! Visit the Track of The Year (2016) topic at the forum and have your say!
  • Marco
    Still not the quiet out...why congratulation?... i run 1:32.75
  • Marco
    Well first of all I would like to know about Anelio , how are you my great friend ? Secondary , the quiet are still not out but permit me to congrats with Renato for the championship. You demonstrated to have a perfect knowledge of the game. For my point of view, no one in the world is fast like Renato on the driving parts, straight and turn ( unfortunately I have never seen you on GAR). It's possible to beat him only if he misses some tricks or you find a luckiest one .I remember the comparison that Duplode did on ZCT182 that I have won. Renato was 1 second faster than all of us on all the driving parts before to miss the very last trick. Congrats to Duplode, he demonstrated that if he takes seriously the GAR , he could win on that race too. Last race we were very closed till the end. Because of his incredible skills and results on RH and GAR, Duplode is the most completed racer in the world. My great friend ROK, you have done a very incredible championship at your first trial, congrats for the newbie championship and for the MAin and GAR results. Considering that Renato and Duplode stopped to play seriously some of the last races, if i was not here, you would win a RH race at your very first championship and finish 3rd the season . But I did all my best against you because of our dos competition Smiley. Next year will be your revenge if you will proceed. Congrats to my Boss Leo. Leo you are the slowest brazilian in the history of Stunts Smiley but you are a great manager Smiley because you was able to hire for your team an old guy that won 4 races. Congrats to Zak and Dread because this is a great site and you are lovely administrators (I only disagreed with the CTG ban but you have permitted me everything from the GAR to my several verbal provocation against the RH, now i can admit that I was sometimes almost joking Smiley) . Congrats to all of you because you are great people and it s very sad for me to have met you so late losing 15 years of great Stunts races when i was younger. I begun hating the RH and now it's no so bad as i thought. I have always declared to stop me but I was never able to stop me ... Congrats to Anelio, when he said me that he was 81 last year i was sure that he was joking, I thought to be the oldest here with my 41 years and it was important for me to be the oldest so to recriminate about my result ... Then I wrote to Peter by private message to say that this was not possible that Anelio was 81. He confirmed me and then i found Anelio on Facebook and, Wow , simply wow my friend. Hope to ear from you and that you are OK. I want to see you play stunts till 120 and more.

Jan 2

  • Shoegazing Leo
    Happy new year. Hey... I'm sneller dan André Geo.
  • Zak McKracken
    Quiet replays published - season closing and announcement of the new season coming up in a few days!
  • Duplode
    Beautiful post, Marco; I join you in thanking you all for keeping the flame alive for yet another season Smiley Massive congratulations to the ever-impressive Renato, tircampeão of ZakStunts! I have already congratulated you Marco for the brilliant end-of-regular-season, so let me just note, at the risk of stating the obvious, that you are the strongest OWOOT racer to have arisen in a long while. (Now I long for a 5th IMSA Cup, with all ISA/IRC/OWOOT legends from past and present -- in which I would be kicked at the second round and then sit back and enjoy the show Smiley) Also cheers for FinRok, who had a great debut season, and looks set for further heights Wink

Jan 3

  • Cas
    Another year is gone and we're still playing Stunts Smiley Sometimes there's more activity, sometimes less, but there's always at least "some" and every year, at least a couple of times, the whole community shines and it's simply amazing! Count on me guys for the year that's starting. It's always a pleasure to race with all of you. I also appreciated it a lot that there was a nice level of participation in the Race for Immortality. Only sad that I couldn't validate Alan's replay and that he couldn't post again. Last track in R4K had very little activity, but I expected that. Even I didn't have much time in December.
  • Cas
    Also, another OWOOT track is now available at (Race for Kicks). You're all invited to participate. It's a New Year gift for you guys.

Jan 4

  • Shoegazing Leo
    @Marco and @dstien : there is a preseason topic for you!
  • Marco
    Hi my great Boss Leo ... as announced, it will be very difficult for me to participate to a new championship also if I was doing very good in the last races Smiley . I would like to pass my "slowdrive" card to FinRok. If I will participate again, I will be without team but i cannot guarantee a season so I'm no more useful

Jan 5

  • Alan Rotoi
    Marco if you don't want to take down your records but still want to race just change your nick this year Wink
  • Marco
    I have always that you are faster than me also if you run for fun.i have rhe experience to know the best Smiley))dear alan rotoi. How are you without rh?
  • Marco
    Alan , have you won a race at your very first race in 2005 ?

Jan 6

  • Shoegazing Leo
    Where are dstien?

Jan 7

  • Alan Rotoi
    I joined the community at zakstunts in may 2002 (zct14) but I was 5th. The first track I won was zct16. Check my youtube channel, I uploaded some replays from those times Cheesy
  • Marco
    Ah but you are the maker of the prince of persia secret level 3 !?!?. I liked tgis video several years time ago but i didn t noticed that it was your channel !!! Wow my friend. I m behind you in the medal table by only 2 races my friend. You are lucky that i m stopping

Jan 9

  • Alan Rotoi
    Yes I am Smiley Prince of Persia rules!!! Cheesy BTW I'll be lucky if you don't stop racing Wink

Jan 12

  • Duplode
    Have your say on what the 2017 season should be like at the 2017 - Rules and cars thread!
  • Zak McKracken
    yes, please do Smiley Very interested to hear your opinion!

Jan 13

  • AbuRaf70
    Hola amigos espero me comuniquen cuando comienza la pista Z186. Saludos

Jan 14

  • Alan Rotoi
    Feliz cumpleaños Anelio!!!! AbuRaf83!!!!!!
  • Duplode
    Happy birthday AbuRaf! Smiley
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Feliz cumple, AbuRaf!
  • Marco
    How many years Abu? 83? Really? Wow
  • SergioBaro
    FELIZ CUMPLE PAPA !!! Hola a todos !!! Comunico que mi papá está internado y no puede escribir pero manda saludos para todos y pregunta por la nueva carrera de pista Z186 ¿en enero no hay competencia? me pregunta... Saludos a Todos !!!
  • SergioBaro
    Nota: mi Papá AbuRaf70 cumplió hoy 83 años. Saludos a todos !!!

Jan 15

  • Shoegazing Leo
    Começará nos próximos dias, talvez amanhã. Fique sintonizado.
  • Cas
    ¡Feliz Cumple, Anelio! Cheesy ¡Grande! Que se recupere pronto
  • Shoegazing Leo
    what happened to race for kicks website?
  • Alan Rotoi
    It was kicked from internet.
  • Marco
    Will, the Championship 2017, begin in 2018 ? Hi Sergio ... Anelio how are you ?

Jan 16

  • Zak McKracken
    sorry guys, we had a major snowfall, so playing outside with my kids was a priority this weekend. Weekday evenings I am helping my wife to prepare for her driving (theory Smiley) exam... I'll try to update and kickstart the new season as soon as possible.

Jan 18

  • HEY, HO, LET'S GO!!!

    Some well-deserved puns received whether the 2017 season will still start in 2017. Point taken, your humble competition manager is getting more lazy busy, hence the delay. And I have to admit, after 17 years, starting a new season is painful - even if it only takes about an hour thanks to dreadnaut's superb site improvements. :)

    But hey, here we are and hope you'll stay with us in this season as well. Speaking about seasons, let's officially close the 16th ZakStunts season:

    On the third place of the podium: Marco, our own Professional DOS Gamer, and now undoubtedly a Professional Stunts Racer, who won the last four races in a row! Even though Marco has announced his retirement, I hope he will stay with us, even if dedicating less time on races - well Marco, you see, there is life after 80 (83! :))

    On the second place of the podium: Duplode, showing steady performance throughout the entire season, but lacking that extra something that a racer needs to become a champion. Being a four-time champion himself, Duplode surely knows what I'm talking about - well, anyhow, a second place is a place many envy, so huge congrats to Duplode as well!

    And the winner of ZakStunts 2016: Renato Biker - securing his third title, crowning his 10 year anniversary playing at ZakStunts. 14 LTB points and 6 race victories during the season -no doubt Renato earned the title and he also earned the luxury the be a bit less active in the last few months of the season. Renato, it is my honor to give you the champion's cup!

    Honorable mentions:

    • FinRok, our best newbie this year, who started his first season finishing on the fourth place. Beware old dogs, I see a strong contender for the 2017 title!

    • AbuRaf70, being with us every single month again (I checked, Abu is racing with us since 2005 and he only skipped 3 months during these 11 seasons!) Abu, I wish you can still race with us for a long time, and believe me I am completely honest when I say, that you are one of the key reasons I keep the competition alive after all these years!

    • Shoegazing Leo, also racing with us every month in 2016 (and 2015 as well) keeping the forum and the community alive. Thanks Leo!

    • dreadnaut who helps me keep the site alive, and contemporarily, backs me from the shadows, making my life so much easier. And he raced on all tracks in 2016! :)

    • afullo for racing with us every month with some promising results. It's a tough way to the middle class, but you'll be there soon! Thanks for keeping up!

    • Cas, who dedicates his time developing utilities for a 27 year old computer game. And an aspiring racer as well. Thanks, Cas!

    Team winner: Yellow Fleas. Without a doubt. Congrats, guys!

    So on we go to 2017, we started with a delay, so let's start it fast - a fast track and more than four weeks to experiment with it. It's the best time of the year to advertise the competition a bit - so do not hesitate to reach out to your friends and some old racers, perhaps they care to join.

    All I can with you is a lots of fun - and hope I'll be a worthy manager for this awesome community.


  • Cas
    Something has happened and my domain is not working, but the server is. While I find a solution, you can use the following link:
  • Cas
  • Duplode
    Your site seems to be back, under the usual address:
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Ground Control To Major Snowfall
  • Zak McKracken
    I just started to create ZCT186. If my daughter falls asleep properly, update happens today Smiley
  • Alan Rotoi
    Nice! Cheesy
  • Zak McKracken
    track done, so far so good Smiley
  • Zak McKracken
    update almost done! Cheesy
  • Shoegazing Leo
    And about the cars?
  • Zak McKracken
    2017 season is officially started. No change in the cars - at least for now. We can change after the first track. I'd like to see some debate in the forum.
  • Alan Rotoi
    Here we go again Smiley
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Skiding new corners!!! Happy new year!
  • dreadnaut
    Oooh, an Alien shaped track? Smiley Happy new season everyone!
  • dreadnaut
    And thank you to Zak for being our brilliant admin, keeping everything running, *and* racing at the same time!

Jan 19

  • Cas
    Great! We already have a track! Count on me, guys... I'll try to post my first little replay today Smiley About my site, yes, is now working and what you can't see is that it's doing it through the provider's nameservers, which is much better. I hadn't been able to get that working before, but now it does. Why? Not sure. Maybe the first time it needed some propagation and I didn't wait.
  • Cas
    And here's my first RPL
  • Duplode
    What a great way to close the day Smiley
  • Zak McKracken
    hello, 2017 Smiley

Jan 23

  • SergioBaro
    Hola amigos, con un profundo dolor, debo comunicar que ha fallecido mi padre AbuRaf70 el sábado 21 a las 17:30hs (hora de Argentina) a la edad de 83 años. Desde que conoció esta competencia ha sido una de sus prioridades mas importantes. Tal es así que internado, me preguntaba por la nueva pista Z186 y una vez comenzada, por el scoreboard. Modifiqué una computadora para que pueda correr en esta nueva pista desde su internación. Solo pudo manejar hasta pasar la primer curva pero quedando muy contento. Gracias a todos por haber formado parte de su vida. Hasta siempre. SergioBaro (su hijo).
  • Shoegazing Leo
    RIP AbuRaf70 - You was a Stunts Hero.
  • Cas
    Our friend Sad
  • Duplode
    Mis condolencias, Sergio. Gracias por todo, Anelio!
  • Zak McKracken
    Nothing less than a Stunts legend passed away. Thank you Anelio for all the races and wish you strength Sergio.
  • THC
    Goodbye, Doyen! Sad
  • dreadnaut
    Sad news Sad Thanks for everything Anelio, may there be no corks u/d where you're going. Mis condolencias, Sergio.
  • Cas
    Gracias, Sergio, por hacernos saber. Un abrazo grande para vos y tu familia. Gracias, Anelio, un gran amigo y compañero.

Jan 24

  • THC
    A-BU-RAF!!! A-BU-RAF!!! A-BU-RAF!!! Flagbig.GIF
  • THC
  • THC
    Actually, my old name would suit there better...
  • Marco
    Omg !!! This is a terrible words only Goodbye Anelio

Jan 26

  • Friker
    Mis condolencias, Sergio. Adios, AbuRaf. Sad

Jan 27

  • Marco
    Hi my greats friends, on my Marco Plays Dos Games FB page, I did this circuit for Anelio running a lap with the Senna McLaren.It's not a race but simply a little tribute to him. I'm no good in making circuits for this RH championship but i think that it would be great if we could run an official "Race for Anelio" . I'm sure that you have already thought about it and that you are able to create a RH/Trick circuit much better than me ... Cas , Zak ?
  • Alan Rotoi
    Yeah, we were working on that Smiley
  • dosbox92
    Hi guys!!!!!
  • Cas
    Hi, DosBox! Yeah, I've been thinking about that... I had two ideas I had not commented yet. One is that AbuRaf created one or two tracks years ago for a track design competition we made at Paleke's championship. AbuRaf's track did not win and was a very simple one, but it would be a nice tribute to race it. I think it's in the archives. Another thing is that we have AbuRaf's replays on the Paleke's championship tracks. I was thinking of 4AM in OWOOT. He has a record there that we could use as his only RPL post and "race with him" once more. I'm sure many other things could be good tribute. Marco... do you have a youtube link to the video? I don't have a facebook account.
  • dreadnaut
    Here's the thread for the guest tracks: Guest tracks 2017
  • Duplode
    Cas: In that vein, there is also Geometry from SDR, AbuRaf's first race victory, which is certainly in the archives.
  • Marco
    Oh, it would be a great idea to run his track too !!! Cas you can see it also if you have not a FB account. It's possible to see the FB pages if i'm not wrong.
  • Marco
    i have checked my files ... i have several tracks that i did in the nienties. If I'm not wrong I have already shared them here. It's seems to me that there are some of them with different trick that can be good for RH races . Maybe adding water somewhere ... don't know. Do you want them again ? How can I give you them?

Jan 28

  • Cas
    Duplode: That sounds good! SDR was OWOOT too, right? Maybe we could make a series of OWOOT races combining tracks in which AbuRaf participated. Marco: I guess you can zip them together and post them in the forum, although, if you will use one for a race here, then maybe you should instead e-mail them to Zak, so it's not available to everybody else until the race starts.
  • Duplode
    Cas: No, SDR wasn't OWOOT; also Geometry, like most Mark L. Rivers tracks, was designed to be raced with shortcuts: Geometry.png
  • dosbox92
    Duplode, this track is AMAZING. Wow!!!!!
  • dosbox92
    We can create a bridge-only track, so it's impossible to shortcut. What do you think?
  • dosbox92
    I have many tracks created during these years, but they're normal tracks (usually I don't shortcut). They need water around...
  • dosbox92
    I've a question: I don't partecipate since march 2016, so what are SDR and GAR? I remember only OWOOT race alongside the "classic" race
  • Imperas
    hi guys, I'm Roberto from Italy..glad to join this competition being a newbie though.
  • dosbox92
    Hi Roberto, I'm Alessandro from Messina Italy. Welcome!!!
  • Imperas
    cool alessandro, nice to meet you. I'm from Naples but I work in Messina since 2015 lol.. now I'm in vacation.. I'll be back in Messina on Monday night Smiley
  • dosbox92
    Fantastic!!!!! Smiley
  • Imperas
    cool alessandro, nice to meet you. I'm from Naples but I work in Messina since 2015 lol.. now I'm in vacation.. I'll be back in Messina on Monday night Smiley
  • Imperas
    oh, I sent post again for mistake.. anyway I'm very happy there's someone plays stunts and he's from my same city (work city actually) Smiley
  • dosbox92
    i'm very happy too!
  • Duplode
    Welcome, Roberto! Alessio: GAR is very strict OWOOT (no shortcuts, no bug exploiting) plus NoRH (no replay handling), as codified by Marco. We renamed the OWOOT scoreboard to GAR a few races into the 2016 season to make it clearer which rules we were racing under. SDR is a competition from the mid-00's. It isn't active anymore, but the site remains online:
  • dosbox92
    Thank you Duplode. So I think that my last GAR lap must be deleted because i use Melange power gear.
  • Alan Rotoi
    I'm sure I disabled power gear when Melange was created. Smiley
  • dosbox92
    Ah ok ahahahhahaha
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Is a ItaloStunts Era coming?
  • dosbox92
    Probably ahahahaah
  • Imperas
    thanks duplode, how to join a team?
  • Duplode
    Alessandro (By the way, sorry for calling you "Alessio"! How did I manage to mistype it?): Power gear is fine, we consider it as a feature of the car Smiley Here is Marco's video demo of the rules (I really should link to it from the Wiki to make it easier to find):
  • dosbox92
    Thank you Duplode ( don't worry about my name Smiley ) and congratulations to marco for the video!
  • Duplode
    Roberto: Showing interest in joining a team (as you are doing now Smiley) is likely to lead to some of the teams getting in touch. (By the way, perhaps we should reactivate the drafting topic at the forum...)
  • Imperas
    I'd prefer to get in Rolling Stunts team.. for awesome name and for getting a totally italian team Smiley
  • Duplode
    Speaking of the forum (, I heartily suggest to you folks to create an account there, if you haven't already done so. Some longer-term discussions (e.g. about rule changes or guest track schedules) happen there, and it also offers a convenient way to send othe racers personal messages.
  • dosbox92
    If afullo agree, Imperas can join our team. But we must wait afullo's answer.
  • dosbox92
    If afullo agree, Imperas can join our team. But we must wait afullo's answer.
  • Marco
    Hello to all the new italian entries Smiley I'm from near Turin. In this moment I'm retired since the last 2016 race (that I won Smiley) because I'm too old.Unfortunately,in this moment, I think that I'm the oldest one here with my 41 to 42 years. I said unfortunately not because I hate to be the oldest one but only because I reached this status after a recent tragedy of the community ... our great friend and racer Anelio passed away some days ago at the age of 83. Very sad so that we are preparing a tribute race. It could sound strange from a light Juventus supporter but I love the Naples team too so that it happens that I use it when i play FIFA against friends .I remember The best soccer player of all time that plaied in the Naples in the eighties because I was a young boy... he is from Argentina as our friend Anelio Smiley
  • Marco
    Dosbox92 is the only one that officially won me in a pre GAR race ... I never understood how he did with automatic gear. But he didn't show the real time video so ... Smiley)) As gentlemen agreement rules , remember to record your dosbox gaming session with cntrl alt f5 to show to your opponents taht you really plaied without Replay Handling Smiley)) .
  • Cas
    Hey, guys! Great to see so much activity! Smiley
  • Marco
    I did the Rev3 of the GAR rules video . I added the corkscrew entrance and exit rules and i changed from OWOOT to "OPOOT" ... One pixel must be on, over, ore simply in contact with the road surface. Bumps, the side walls of the uphill are not considered road surface ... side pixel or angle pixel is good . These are the GAR rules !!!
  • Marco
    Ok, I have checked both GAR replay . Alessandro dosbox92 is an incredible fast and clean lap. There's only a very little moment in which he was very close to exit the track but he touched the road surface as GAR rules, so super valid. Roberto Imperas GAR replay is not valid, he cut the corkscrew and exited the track a couple of time at 1:08.40 he was completely out and at 1:12.40 a little bit. So not valid . Now italian for Roberto. Ciao Roberto le regole GAR sono molto restrittive, studia il mio video e segui bene le indicazioni se vuoi inserire un replay GAR nel sito. Questo tuo non era valido perchè hai fatto una serie di tagli non ammessi. Gli elementi come il loop , etc vanno completati regolarmente senza tagliare ok . Per il campionato principale invece è tutto valido percui li non puoi sbagliare.
  • Marco
    Alessandro Dosbox92, have you used the replay handling for your GAR lap ? If yes, you have to know that is not valid ... if no, it becomes necessary to check your skill in realtime. It's not impossible but it's also very hard to find so fast GAR racers and you are too young to have so much experience with this game that was born much more earlier than you.Infact you play with automatic gear . Well Keyboard skills are an old gaming needs, modern games requires more adapters or mouse skills than keyboard. Anyway, surely your young age could be obviously an advantage if you have the right experience.What about your experience with this game and Have you a Youtube channel or a way to make a video? It would be a good thing that you make a realtime video to demonstrate your skills and that you are not using RH . E' un'offerta che non puoi rifiutare, it's an offer that you can't refuse Smiley)
  • Marco
    It has no sense to see CTG in the newbie league as THC ... I think that it's time to reenter the real CTG on the community banning THC Smiley))

Jan 29

  • Imperas
    Oh, sorry! I had a wrong thinking about no allowed RH only. I'm gonna run it again as clean as possible
  • Imperas
    I've just raced gar (I guess) lap over. Check it out, please! Smiley
  • dosbox92
    Hey Marco, in the last GAR lap i used RH so I'm sorry, I now understood it's illegal and so the lap MUST be deleted. But I always must record the GAR lap? And finally yes i'm young but i play this with the keyboard since 1996, when i was 4. I wrote it in my profile 😊
  • dosbox92
    I've a youtube channel called with my name (Alessandro Grasso) but I've upload very few videos due to a low speed of upload. But now I'll record all my GAR laps and I'll upload them. I want that all my GAR lap are deleted, because I have not any proof of the NORH use.
  • dosbox92
    I send a GAR replay without RH, I'll upload on youtube!
  • dosbox92
    This is the GAR replay!
  • dosbox92
    It's only 1.5 seconds slower then RH. (driven time)
  • dosbox92
    I hope you like Smiley
  • Shoegazing Leo
    My Melange files are with old design. How I get the new?
  • dosbox92
    Leo download the last files
  • dreadnaut
    Leo, you can get the competition Stunts package from the Downloads section. It should include all the cars for this season.
  • Cas
    Damn! I made a GAR replay and when I posted it here, I forgot to mark "GAR", so now it won't let me post it again as GAR Sad I will have to make another one.
  • Cas
    Not as good... but there it is
  • Duplode
    Leo: For a standalone download of the Melange, see
  • Marco
    As soon as possible i will check the Roberto "Quagliò" Imperas last Gar replay as requested by him and regarding Alessandro "Voscenza" Grasso, I want to congrat 'cause you are really fast. Well regarding the realtime video, it is a gentleman agreement to record it each time. Last year I won all the GAR races and i have reproduced a video each one ... If you finish at the last position it is clearly not necessary but if you are racing for the first position, it could be a good think to have it till we will have a different and more confortable way to demonstrate it .
  • Marco
    For the administrators, there's need to remove the Dosbox92 GAR record because it was run with RH . If you want to keep the GAR championship alive, it would be a good thing to specify in the race description , OPOOT & NORH as teached in my new GAR rules video Smiley Thank you . Ah, i think that DOSBOX92 has run with RH in the C176 GAR race too,so his gar lap must be removed from that race too.
  • Marco
    Roberto your GAR lap is perfect, if you have used the RH it is disqualified (can you confirm?) otherwise super congratulation. To check your replay follow my video tutorial, save the replay then F3 view , move the camera 3 time to the left and then 10 times up so to perfectly see your car roof. then play the replay and check to have at least one pixel of your car always on the road surface. Very nice. These 2 italian guys are very young and fast, if they learn to use the manual gear and all your tricks ... we could hear the "Inno di Mameli" (it's the italian theme) again and quite soon here.
  • Imperas
    No, I didn't. I didn't use it in the previous gar laps too. Just I thought it worked with no RH only, instead no shortcuts, no cut loop ecc. too
  • Imperas
    thank you for congratulations, I loved this game..I played it a lot in the past but I got a huge gap of inactivity about 15 years. I restarted to play Stunts yesterday after watched your videos related of it. Smiley
  • dreadnaut
    @Marco: I removed the GAR tag from dosbox92's replays, except the most recent one. Is that correct? @Cas, I tagged as GAR your previous replay —just let us know when something like that happens.
  • dosbox92
    Sorry guys for my mistakes, there are so many rules, but I'm happy to race against very fast People.

Jan 30

  • Shoegazing Leo
    I downloaded the new ones, but still appearing the old Melange kit.
  • Duplode
    Leo: delete the old Melange graphics files (STCDOR.P3S, STDACDOR.PVS and STDBCDOR.PVS) from your Stunts directory.
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Yes, now it's working!
  • Cas
    Thanks, Dreadnaut. I'll pay more attention next time Tongue
  • Alan Rotoi
    Who is dosbox92?
  • Zak McKracken
    CTG, would you please go back to where you belong, with ALL your ghosts? You are not welcome here.
  • dosbox92
    Hey Zak, what happened?
  • Imperas
    I think THC is an old-schooler under nick of CTG.. and now he changed to THC so he results as newbie but actually he is no newbie at all
  • dosbox92
    But why he changed the nick? It's very strange....
  • Zak McKracken
    CTG, CTG and CTG are now banned from the competition. Submitted results were deleted.
  • Zak McKracken
    I let CTG keep one of his active accounts.
  • Imperas
    Ehm.. You deleted my and dosbox's scores as well :O
  • MOE
    I would like to send tracks as well, for next competitions
  • Marco
    I cannot believe that the italians were CTG ...really ? They have a very great english to be italian to be honest Smiley))
  • Imperas
    Marco ho parlato con Alessandro (dosbox92 ) su facebook e chiarirà il tutto mandando un email a zak e dreadnaut. È inconcepibile tutto questo.
  • Zak McKracken
    logins disabled. You're still not funny.
  • Marco
    Hi ZAK, Alessandro wrote me on FB. He seems to be real and probably Imperas too. How you have the wrong feeling about them ?
  • Marco
    ok Zak, the italians are real ... they speak very well english to be italian but too much very well italian to be hungarian Smiley)) AHHHHHH . To be honest, I hoped for a while that they could be fake to remain the best italian of the site for at least some months considering that I'm retired Smiley but the world and show must go on and the younger will rules ... I think that have 24 or 25 years old guys playing stunts is great !!!
  • Duplode
    Marco: I have sent a PM to Zak about this.
  • Zak McKracken
    Marco: sorry but I need some proof. I don't mind CTG joking around with one account in the bottom of the scoreboard, but multiple parallel accounts and GAR is off limits. And he speaks Italian quite well (even for a Hungarian). If Imperas or dosbox92 can properly prove their identity, their accounts will be revived. I'm sorry.
  • Marco
    I m in contact with them on fb and i can assure they are real. What do you need? The fb page? Can i give them your fb profile otherwise there s no possibility for them.
  • Zak McKracken
    Thanks Marco. This just proves the damage CTG did to our community (and my judgement Smiley). I'll reactivate their accounts. Sorry guys. Just want to make sure that whoever joins us is here to have fun - and not on the expense of others.
  • Cas
    It really is a complicated matter. I understand Zak. I would like to help in developing ways to strengthen our ability to identify ghosts. I do have some ideas that might help.
  • Marco
    Moe sounds strange to me Smiley))
  • dosbox92
    Hi guys! Thank you Zak!!!!!! For me this day January 30th 2017 was very bad, but now i'm so happy to rejoin this fantastic community. I have a question: can Imperas login? About replays, tomorrow I'll try to reupdate the 2 last (normal and GAR). About the password, can i change it? and how? Thank you...
  • dreadnaut
    Sorry, I haven't written the bit that allows you to change password yet Tongue Give me a few days and it'll be there!
  • Imperas
    here I am, glad to get back here. I lived only 1 day here and then I got dead! lol.. let's have fun everybody!! Wink
  • Duplode
    Hello Alessandro, hello Roberto! I am really glad to see you here again Smiley

Jan 31

  • Marco
    when I joined this community , CTG said that he was sure that I was Mark L. Rivers the best "italian" racer of the site. It was a big honour. I never thought that i could pass Mark in the historical score table of the site but with my last 4 victories I did it. Now Ale and Roby were considered to be CTG that is another super great honour considering his incredible driving skill ! Now Ale and Roby you must win . I would like to see CTG run again with his name. He was banned because his ghosts made confusion on the scoreboard but I liked him Smiley) Anyway , the community explained me that they were full of CTG.
  • dosbox92
    Hey guys, I checked the MOE's GAR lap and it's invalid, because he use shortcuts.
  • dosbox92
    And I'm part of Rolling Stunts team with afullo.
  • dosbox92
    An other question Tongue :I try to modify my profile's information but when i click on modify it remains the same, it doesn't change; there isn't the date of join in zakstunts.
  • Marco
    one second from Duplode with automatic gear !!! 5 years younger than Dup and Renato. The Brazilian era is in danger Smiley))
  • dosbox92
    Ehi Marco ther's a problem. I pushed very hard, the others not
  • Cas
    Dosbox: the profile change option has a bug. I experienced it before. It does exactly that when you've used quotes somewhere in the text and I think it probably will do the same with other special characters. My recommendation: write what you want to put there, copy and past it somewhere else, then try to save. If it doesn't work, remove the most interesting character you've used, change it to something simpler, more common (like double quotes to single quotes or to dashes). If it still doesn't work, repeat, until it's saved.
  • dosbox92
    Thank you Cas: in this case the problem was the apostrophe.

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