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Feb 2

  • Duplode
    Defending Zak's LTB!
  • Duplode
    (Or not! 9 hours late =X)

Feb 4

  • dreadnaut
    Little steps...

Feb 5

  • Marco
    I have not enough experience to express an opinion. Anyway Duplode seems to me perfect.
  • Marco
    Thnaks Abu, you are incredible !!!
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Nightcrawler (GIF, 53MB)

Feb 8

  • Zak McKracken
    so it seems Akoss is not competing for the 2016 title?
  • Duplode
    Well, there still are about 38 hours to shake up the LTB sheet with a 1:43.90. I wouldn't be at all surprised.
  • dreadnaut
    Leo, keep an eye on the size of those gifs Smiley The last one was giant, so I replaced it with a link.

Feb 9

  • Friker
    Ehm.. this time with a right car. Smiley

Feb 10

  • Duplode
    Look who's here! Welcome back Friker!
  • Akoss Poo
    It's boring without CTG. And I'll have too much work with my PhD absolutorium till June. Maybe I'll enter on some tracks.
  • Zak McKracken
    fair enough Smiley Racing for fun is not really your style. Still hope to see you on the scoreboard often.
  • Friker
    Is there a place for me in Cork's Crew?
  • Zak McKracken
    I don't see why not. We would benefit from some activity for sure Smiley

Feb 11

  • Friker
    Hello, Marco. Would you just step aside. Wink
  • Friker
    Hmm, maybe Yellow Fleas revival is coming! Smiley So good night my old dream - to be in team with Duplode, Zak and BJ. Cheesy
  • Renato Biker
    Hello everyone! Yellow Fleas is back! Smiley
  • Friker

Feb 12

  • Marco
    Hi Friker Smiley Very please to see young players and also to stay behind them . You was born the same year that Stunts came out. I had already a girlfriend in 1990 Smiley.
  • Marco
  • Shoegazing Leo
    The old PCs remembered this video:
  • Shoegazing Leo
    And this very similar video too:
  • Friker
    Smiley Actaully, born in 1989 i was. Cool stuff you have! Smiley
  • Zak McKracken
    Only one more racer needed for that magical 12! Smiley
  • Shoegazing Leo
    I sent a remember to Cas about this deadline.
  • Zak McKracken
    whooow Renato! It seems we won't be without a battle this year Smiley
  • Renato Biker
    Smiley Yeah, thanks by the incentive, Zak! Btw, I still need to fix a little bug at the movement of the game on my PC. If someone helps me, I would be grateful.

Feb 13

  • Marco
    Samba do Brasil !!! Smiley
  • dreadnaut
    And with a surprise move, 12 hours from the race ending, dreadnaut gets permission to leave MeganiuM. And the Yellow Fleas reappear on the scoreboard!
  • dreadnaut
    Whops, and I'm back being the slowest of the team Smiley I have a lot of catching up to do!
  • Zak McKracken
    welcome back, Yellow Fleas Wink
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Happy birthday, Lupuszka!
  • Zak McKracken
    this should be my final try

Feb 14

  • Suprise season start!

    Headline surprises:

    • Last year's second, Akoss Poo opted out from competing hard in 2016...
    • Three racers competed quietly for the LTB bonuses on ZCT174.
    • Renato Biker and Friker are back with a bag full of tricks.

    And so Yellow Fleas did a comeback, and took the first two positions, leaving others in the dust, Renato first, Friker second. Check out their banked-cork-loop combo. Very nicely done!

    Marco managed to finish third, congrats to all of you! And we have the unusual situation, when the LTB awards go to the third and fourth position only. A sign for a hard season start!

    On we go to ZCT175 - Cloudbusting, by Duplode. Which car to choose? Which way go to? What is real? Gosh, not easy to choose. Take your time.

    Soundtrack for the month is Magic Joe by our friend and hall of legends member, Bonzai Joe. Yes, it's 2016 and Italo disco is back :)

    Lot's of love for Valentine's day! Hug the wheel and stick to the road, but remember to take safety meaures as required. :)

  • afullo
    Btw, I'm still free for being hired in a team. Smiley
  • Zak McKracken
    scoreboard final. Hard battle!!!!!
  • Zak McKracken
    track is up!
  • Shoegazing Leo
    WTF that half-cork+banked?
  • dreadnaut
    Wooo, long time since we got an illusion track Smiley
  • Zak McKracken
    It's only February and we have a strong contender for the track of the season. Very nice dynamics.
  • Friker
    Well, congrats to Renato who drove my line faster. Smiley At least I have some satisfaction. Smiley All the team points.. Tongue

Feb 15

  • Zak McKracken
    tough job winning a race when you are in the same team with Renato Wink
  • Marco
    Wow, it would be very hard to catch the podium this year !!!
  • Marco
    I have checked Renato and Friker c174 replay ... OMG !!!
  • Friker
    What is so good about them? I think your ride is better at first elevated turns (by feel). And I think you have a great potential. Maybe couple races with (or rather against) CTG would help you. Wink
  • Marco
    Thanks, Maybe I could have a good potential Smiley . You drive for the perfect lap. It has too much cost and time for a 40 years old that want to spend his life playing also the other dos games of his childhood. Try to improve my performance is possible but try to reach your performance has no sense. i have seen how you fly on the corner , probably I have to play 24 hours each corner and maybe could not be enough Smiley. It's too late for me ... Last year, as a rookie, I missed probably my very only chance to win a race by 0.00.05 against Akoos, I will not have another chance in this life. Smiley I will train my son Smiley))
  • Shoegazing Leo
    On next years: Marco II.
  • Renato Biker
    Marco sound like a very old man, recalling the childhood time. Wake up man, there is nothing perfect in our laps, you can do it without much effort.
  • Marco
    I had a full gaming Life.started very young at was not a very good sport to do. Smiley) almost every day in front of a monitor since 1981
  • afullo
    First with the "new" car, can do much better.

Feb 16

  • afullo
    A more serious lap.
  • afullo
    Cutting off more seconds.
  • dreadnaut
    Make sure you land on the banked road at the beginning of the track, and skip the loop toward the end, and that's 8-10s you gain!
  • Alan Rotoi
    Marco, from several years my participation style is to take the easy way: using a different car or a trick nobody found. I don't spend more than an hour when I race for the podium.
  • Renato Biker
    Hey Marco, I watched your videos and now I have something in my mind that will not leave: the intro "Marco plays DOS games!" Tongue
  • Marco
    My intro is probably the main reason why i have only 450 subscribers instead of 10 thousand
  • Marco
    Alan, i know that you are super fast. Also if i'm here since only 1 year i have enough gaming experience to consider you much faster than me also if I closed the past championship in a better position. I know that you play for fun.I learnt a lot from you last year. I plaied a lot stunts but without tricks and i didn't know about the possibility of the replay handling. This is a very bad thing Smiley)) . i learnt a lot but I'm still copying from you and last year I was lucky that Akoos (as a very fast player figting for championship) used to share everytime fast line replays . Renato, Friker and Duplode didn't show their replays on c174 but when I could watch them at the end of the race, I was very impressed because they ran several second faster on basically almost the same lines.i have not see particular tricks but simply super fast men . Here, the champion is who is able to find the perfect lap in a reasonable gaming time and without become crazy. I would like to ask you ... is the fast player with replay handling also the fast with no replay handling? I know that you have run some noRH races in the past
  • Marco
  • Renato Biker
    We play with the rules of the championship, we could say noRH is another game. I use RH exaustivelly, comparing at all time at some checkpoint. Just it. NoRH? I don´t know, I would need to train. BTW, Duplode is faster than me in noRH, we find out that the only time we met.
  • Friker
    I am very bad in NoRH, Marco, you are much better than me. Smiley I am trying to reach your time in the 'ROK' track in your Stunts review. Wink And your intro is unforgettable!
  • Zak McKracken
    Indeed norh needs an entirely different skillset. Bonzai Joe was unbeatable in NoRH live races, while other champions such as Alain were considerably slower. I am fully supporting an unofficial norh scoreboard Smiley
  • dreadnaut
    I'll see what I can do Wink

Feb 18

  • Marco
    I have always disagreed with the RH so much that , last year, I wanted to leave the championship after only 3 races...but then, I have decided to remain because I found very great people here Smiley friends. I liked a lot also CTG that was banned. I moved to save him Smiley . I liked how he took the competition so hard to try any kind of provocations Smiley. I earned a position in championship because of that ban but ... Smiley If the fastest RH is not the fastest noRH, this means that more you play more you win . Yes, also this is also true with NORH, but in NORH your limit is more visible. In the nieneties i was very fast with NORH, surely today I'm slower but this is the way I like to lose a match .
  • Friker
    "The designer of the competition track used for each actual race can distribute at most +10 and -10 coefficient points amongst the cars to adjust the power of the cars to the specific track design." From when is this rule in there?
  • Renato Biker
    Marco, I disagree of you about RH. How many time do you think I needed to do 1:33:20? Something like 15 minutes after seeing your replay line. It's not about who plays more. You have to be fast too, and must to have a intuition about shortcuts, tricks, bumps, magic jumps, etc. I did just one NoRH lap in ZCT175, I did 1m51s. I know that is possible to do under 1:40 easily. But with training and play more on NoRH, It could be possible to do some tricks. In this sense, NoRH says more about who plays more than RH mode. On NoRH you can not make mistakes, on RH you can, as much you want or you need. Smiley
  • Renato Biker
    Furthermore, the outcome of a race on RH are beautiful replays. Wink
  • Duplode
    I don't think I can tell, with any degree of certainty, which one of RH or NoRH is most dependent on available playing time. Excesses are perhaps more likely in RH, but overall the answer is not obvious at all. Another factor involved is that in NoRH, a lot depends on your strategical choices about which tricks you are able to do without suffering too much or compromising other parts of the lap. Set the bar too high and any NoRH race quickly becomes a major time sink. The influence of playing time in RH is sometimes overstated, partly because natural skills help completing RH tricks more quickly, as Renato has pointed out. In any case, for zealously minimising the impact of playing time the way to go is neither RH nor NoRH, but live racing, i.e. each racer gets x minutes or x attempts to complete a lap, with x being a sufficiently small number. (Amusingly, that reminds me of how CTG used to repeat that ad nauseam to badmouth NoRH competitions... effective trolling needs an underlying grain of truth, I guess Smiley)
  • Duplode
    Friker: It was introduced last year. Not everyone has taken advantage of it, though (I, for one, didn't touch the bonuses for this race).
  • Renato Biker
    Well said, I liked the comment, Duplode! Changing the subject, how can I found the old cars? I want to watch some replays. Smiley
  • Duplode
    Renato: All ex-ZakStunts cars from the multi-car era can be found at . If you want to watch USC replays you might need a few cars from the cheat car pack available here (IIRC, Knight Rider is VETD, Skoda Felicia is COUV, Coconut Coronet is COCO and Lada Niva is LM00).
  • Renato Biker
    Thanks, man! Smiley
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Does Renato Biker biking in Curitiba or São Paulo?
  • Renato Biker
    Curitiba. Smiley
  • AbuRaf70
    Amigos... alguien me puede pasar los archivos para cargar el Porsche 911 Turbo, ya que los que tengo yo no me permiten ver los replays de Uds lo que me hace pensar no me sirve. Gracias....
  • Duplode

Feb 19

  • AbuRaf70
    Muchas Gracias, DUP...!!!!! ahora si puedo ver los replays de Uds. y además puedo hacer mi replay...
  • dreadnaut
    OWOOT? Let's try! Smiley
  • Duplode
    And here is a NoRH one Smiley
  • Renato Biker
    Great! I'm in NoRH. Smiley
  • Friker
    NoRH! Smiley
  • Marco
    I'm sure that they are better replay with RH than norh but if we find the way to play in slow motion they would be still much better Smiley SMRH, slowmotionreplayhandling
  • Renato Biker
    hhahaha. Wins who is slower! Tongue
  • Renato Biker
    Muhahaa, Duplode overtook. Tongue
  • Renato Biker
    NoRH is more fun than I thought. Smiley
  • Shoegazing Leo
    NoRH is nearer of the limit.
  • Marco
    the owoot is also NORH ?
  • Marco
    Wow Renato and Duplode drive the NORH 3 seconds less than the RH...
  • Marco
    The main championship must be the OWOOT NORH NOCUT, NOTRICK . As no trick i don't mean the random weird jump (that seems to me they are not so present with the Stunts 1.0 version) because they are often not predictable but i mean that you have to perform the trick as they are, full loop, zig zag. Renato if you think that NOrh is not so bad, you could remain impressed by an OWOOT NORH NOCUT, NOTRICK Smiley because this is what Distinctive Software, Brad Gour, Don Mattrick, wanted to do when they created this game Smiley). With this track is not possible perform the first red loop correctly because there's a strange track trick ... anyway is funny try to remain on track
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Is there a bug which the two curves after the last doesn't appear, with the pavement returning only on last curve to finish line?

Feb 20

  • Duplode
    Yup, that is a side effect of putting corners atop angled slope tiles. I guess it would be fair to relax OWOOT rules for those two tiles Smiley
  • Duplode
    It is surprisingly easy to mess up the final cut towards the finish line...
  • Marco
  • Marco
    Not very good lap but OWOOT NORH is magic . i managed in the right way the loop but Unfortunately, in this track there are some strange situations that you cannot solve in the "honest" way. You have to jump first red loop and at the end there are no visible some pieces of turns. Dreadnaut can you add to the OWOOT section the NORH and the Honest Trick indications if everyone agree ? I'm going to play in that championship Smiley
  • dreadnaut
    I'm not sure I get the "honest trick" bit. Do you mean always following the yellow lines, as in the IRC rules? See Stunts Wiki: OWOOT
  • Marco
    Yes, follow the yellow line that means make the loop as they are and also don't use middle walls to jump speed for example .
  • Marco
    Yes, i red ... IRC Smiley))
  • Marco
    anyway is not possible completely on this track ...
  • MrThrottle
    Hi guys!! Great being in the "Club" Smiley
  • Marco
    Is CTG back ? Smiley
  • Alan Rotoi
    I haven't time for OWOOT but I would like to race in another competition like that.
  • Duplode
    Marco: I'd say that the "honest" line only extends to what actually is on the track. As the second half of the first cork just isn't there, I feel you should be allowed to drive the first half of it however you wish as long as you stay to the right of the wall, and that its second tile should be treated as a free tile, as if it was a blank tile between two normal ramps. As for the final corners, it just isn't fair to ask you to land on invisible tarmac, specially in NoRH, and so if I were running an OWOOT contest I would waive the rules for the two illusion tiles, though not for the final visible corner before the finish... then again, if I were designing for an OWOOT contest I don't think I would include invisible corners! Smiley
  • Duplode
    Another issue is that no two historical OWOOT competitions used exactly the same set of rules. I believe Mingva's IRC was the only one which banned all intentional bug exploits, including highway and pipe wall bumps. When I ran Southern Cross I allowed these, but explicitly forbade the similar, but sillier and more annoying, bridge wall bumps.
  • Duplode
    And welcome MrThrottle! (And no, my CTGometer readings are quite low at the moment)

Feb 21

  • Renato Biker
    OWOOT and NoRH, first play. Smiley
  • Renato Biker
    Live batle! Tongue
  • Renato Biker
    Oh no, I did 1:33:75 NoRH but by 1mm I got 3 seconds of penalty time. hahaha
  • Duplode
    Quick reply! Shocked Let's see if I can do something about it. Five shots before I call it a day...
  • Renato Biker
    Repeat the time! lol
  • Renato Biker
    The key to improve that 2 seconds is a good entry in the latest elevated road.
  • Renato Biker
    Obviously I was playing when I saw that you sent the replay. Wink
  • Duplode
    5 shots done, none completed: spun out by the lake, then crashed at the hairpin approach, got lost in the woods by the final banking, spun out of the cork and crashed at the loop. Curiously enough I drove the 1:35.55 on my first leisurely attempt today, without even planning to retake the lead. Guess I'm just that susceptible to pressure Roll Eyes
  • Renato Biker
    hehehe. Hey, it's not so hard to go under 1:34, I have 3 laps like this. If I do not make mistakes, could be under 1:33.
  • Renato Biker
    Muhahahaaa, that was a very good NoRH play! Smiley
  • Marco
    ctrl alt F5 on dosbox permits to record the race in a video so that, if asked, you can easy demonstrate that you really played the NORH. Anyway I don't think that here could be people that play RH saying NORH ... It seems to me that the nORH is becoming famous Smiley

Feb 22

  • Friker
    I was doing noRH for fun back in 2013 because I always wanted to have also no-competitive noRH alongside to default RH competition. So I am very happy to see NoRH option in sending replays form and activity on this track. Smiley About NoRH validity: it was said in the forum - NoRH is here just for fun - so no reason to capture it. But I would also like to see some Duplode vs Renato live racing (esp. with commentary Tongue ).
  • Akoss Poo
    NoRH is real fun when it is played truly live, for example on a WSM. Main opponents there are: Bonzai Joe, alcohol.
  • Marco
    I would very pleased to have an IRC NORH championship with you. I know that ask is easy, I'm not a programmer so I don't know how it costs to add a championship table result like the main and the newbie in the page but , probably, main problem is that i'm the only one to want it so it has no sense. By the moment I thank Dread and Zak to have added the owoot table that I'm using like IRC .

Feb 23

  • Friker
    Actually I've never played strict OWOOT rules. When we played as kids we used to go through every obstacle but we were allowed to slip out of the road (messed up corner). I do not like OWOOT idea now. I like NoRH with slow cars (easier handling and no speed for big shortcuts/PG). If you want, you can start your own competition. Wink I am very happy to see NoRH board in ZakStunts and that's exactly what I wanted back in time. So thank you guys for pushing this idea to realization/implementation. Smiley
  • Marco
    Absolutely Smiley.but if our mangaers dread and zak would make this new irc board, noone would join me?
  • Duplode
    For me it comes down to this: I don't think it is likely that I'll want to race the same track under three rulesets at once, and between regular NoRH and OWOOT I will choose regular NoRH most of the time (in no small part because ZakStunts tracks tend to be designed accounting for the fact shortcuts are allowed). That being said, if there was a proper, entirely separate, IRC+NoRH competition I would join it in a heartbeat!
  • Renato Biker
    I vote for no change. Zak's championship is perfect. Smiley
  • AbuRaf70
    Yo opino lo mismo que Renato. La competencia de Zak es perfecta. Si alguien quiere algo distinto, que organice su propia competencia.

Feb 24

  • Alan Rotoi

Feb 25

  • Marco
    My friends, I don't aspect that here there are fans of the NORH IRC way. It's clear that if you were NORH fans this championship was surely not a RH Smiley. So I'm not asking to have an IRC NORH super new championship because it could be necessary too much time to find enough players to justify a programmer work... but I simply say that I would like so much to have if possible a side window here with you (like Dread has already created for NORH and OWOOT) for an unofficial IRC championship (for my point of view it has no sense to have CUT way RH and NORH because is the same and at this poi it's better to have a completely different thing). I think that There are some new persons that would join the site with the IRC way. When I share our NORH cut replay my subscribers doesn't understand very much, they replay that i have cut or that I'm not able to stay on track Smiley)) . You plaied everything for years and the end only RH survived so it's clear that is the best way social network speaking. With a so strong championship,i think that could not be a so big problem to have an unofficial IRC window that you can decide to play or not. Obviously if there are some others that want to play this way. if I'm the only one, the argument is finished before to start. I don't find so many problems to play these tracks with a IRC NORH way excluding probably only this one where, for the first time, i have seen strange things but ...

Feb 28

  • Duplode
    A modest improvement on my NoRH time. I just can't seem to get that darned loopcut right *consistently* -- I'd probably need either to drill it separately or to simplify the line for approaching it. Perhaps I'll try again next week...
  • Duplode
    ... meanwhile, here is my initial RH replay Wink
  • Marco
    Renato decided to close the race Smiley
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Another italian racer. Please don't speak italian while drive. It's dangerous. Everybody needs to use the hands on the steering wheel.
  • Alan Rotoi
    Hey I like Bonzai Joe's song! I listened italo disco when I was very young, it sounded on radio. Smiley I met an Italian guy and asked about the this music style and he said he doesn't know what I'm talking about. I guess because he's 24...
  • Alan Rotoi
    A month ago I met this guy in a hostel.
  • Marco
    Don t know what kind of movie you have seen.Italian doesn t speak with hands Smiley). I have a friend that went in San Paolo and married a brasilian girl.he knows very well the brasilian portuguese. When he starts to speak portuguese he begins to dance Smiley))

Feb 29

  • dosbox92
    Hello to everybody! I'm very very happy of this Competition. Stunts/4D sports driving is a fantastic game but i prefer to race like Formula 1, not to try to find shortcuts. However it's fantastic! I play it since 1996! So, let's fight! (sorry for my bad english) Smiley
  • Marco
    Oh, wow, We are already 2 for the IRC competition!!! Smiley)) dosbox92 have you noticed that there is the Replay Handling ? dosbox92 hai visto che si usano i replay qua per migliorare i vari settori ? Parti fai una curva e salvi e poi riparti da li e via via, quando sei soddisfatto di un pezzo prosegui ... fino alla fine
  • dosbox92
    Si Marco lo avevo già visto! Solo che devo prendere confidenza nel tagliare la pista nel punto giusto! Per ora mi accontento di tagliare in alcuni punti, poi vedremo... Comunque mi chiamo Alessandro Smiley
  • Shoegazing Leo
    It's cool that I can understand about 95% of the italian language writen here.

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