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Oct 1

  • FinRok
    Renato why so early!? Cheesy
  • Renato Biker
    Well, it's too late if you consider my hystoric LTB points. Smiley But, do you like a challenge? Remember, FinRok and Marco, my replay is not perfect, you can beat it! And well, you can see my way...
  • FinRok
    YES! Challenger accepted! Beware Renato!!! Beast is on the loose
  • FinRok
    haha btw i forgot to watch your replay!
  • FinRok
  • Renato Biker
    YES, you are fast man! 15 min playing to take the lead! Very intimidating!
  • Marco
    What !!!! Huh?? 1.36 low Huh?!!!
  • Marco
    Ops i was posting in the same that renato reentered !!!
  • Renato Biker
  • FinRok
    Just wait for it!
  • Marco
    race ended
  • Renato Biker
    Lets go Marco!
  • Renato Biker
    Lets go Fin!
  • Renato Biker
    Lets go Ayston... Ops, I think it is not a good idea. Tongue
  • Renato Biker
  • FinRok
    A Minute To Pray And A Second To Die!
  • Duplode
    Happy birthday Usrin!
  • dreadnaut
    Indeed happy birthday Usrin!
  • Duplode
    "Playing for the high one, dancing with the devil/ Going with the flow, it's all a game to me" (Great racing song Finrok!)
  • Duplode
    (And yup, this has escalated quickly!)
  • Duplode
    A GAR shot to wrap up the session Smiley
  • FinRok
    Nothing up my sleeve, babe Watch out, watch out Magic's what you need, babe Just like that.

Oct 2

  • Cas
    Hey, guys... is it possible to get the original DEFAULT.RPL file? And how do I submit a time for the permanent tracks? Do I just send the RPL here?
  • Marco
    I red on FB a Post by our great friend aburaf... if I well understood the spanish,he is in hospital a week to check the heart. He wrote the post so he must not be so dangerous i hope. Anelio let us know !!!
  • Cas
    ¡Fuerza, Anelio! Lo esperamos acá. No me va a decir que hay otro corredor con más corazón que usted. ¡Que se ponga bien! Hope AbuRaf gets better soon. It's unquestionable there's no racer here with a stronger heart, so I trust we'll have him back soon.
  • Duplode
    Get well soon Anelio! Hopefully you'll be back with us in no time. (And thanks Marco for sharing it here.)

Oct 4

  • AbuRaf70
    Gracias mis amigos....!!!!
  • AbuRaf70
    Aqui va mi primer replay desde una semana de internación por estudios sobre mi salud...

Oct 5

  • Marco
    Anelio number 1

Oct 6

  • Cas
    This GAR time cost me several hours Tongue
  • Duplode
    That is a genuinely interesting result.
  • Cas
    I've calculated that, in reality, you are first. If you substract the percentages for the cars, you'll see the values obtained before rounding down to the floor-integer and your time is less than mine. It was strange, because at the moment I posted it, I appeared second, but as soon as I refreshed the page, I was first.
  • dreadnaut
    Interesting indeed: I loaded the page and Duplode was first. The I read your message, refreshed, and you jumped to the first position Shocked
  • Cas
    I wonder what makes the first time different. It's not cookies, because my browser is set up to erase all cookies when it closes. Yesterday, when I posted, that happened, but today, on my first check, I appear first.
  • Cas
    Oh... now I see myself second again! :O
  • dreadnaut
    Ok, strange sorting bug fixed. The database sometimes returned results in the wrong order. I added secondary sort keys to cover for that. Earlier results now always appear higher on the scoreboard.
  • Cas
    That's good. I think it's fairer that way. Also, Duplode happens to be genuinely first in this case.
  • Cas
    Different topic: what happened with that project to renew Permanent Tracks?
  • dreadnaut
    I have some bits done, but never got around to complete it. There is still hope though!
  • Marco
    Hi CAS, sorry to bother you. You did a very super Lap but, regarding GAR rules, it is not permitted to jump on tunnel roof .
  • Marco
  • Marco
    at minutes 2:48 there's a specific rule.
  • Marco
    Anyway, because this is my last official race and personal opinion, I have no problem to accept your lap if administrators and other gar racers agree . Otherwise run with the Lambo

Oct 7

  • Marco
    Well after several trials I reached 1.36 but there's nothing to do against Renato 1.35 !!! I give up. What about you Rok ?
  • Cas
    Oh! Sorry! I didn't know that one rule. I had watched the video some time ago, but didn't remember that part. I'll try to make another record to fix it. It will have to be with Melange, though. I've tried hard the jump before the bridge with the Lambo and can't get to the other end Sad I'm not as good as you guys with slow cars
  • FinRok
    Marco! Nope i havent improved or tried much, i'm also stuck at 1.36!
  • Cas
    I'm almost sure my previous record I also did jumping over the tunnel, as I hadn't thought of that bit. Therefore, it must also be invalid. I'll be busy today, but I'll try to post a new valid GAR time in the weekend.

Oct 8

  • Duplode
    Welcome to ZakStunts, Gilmash!
  • Cas
    Welcome, Gilmash!!! Cheesy By the way, OctaLM is my younger brother and Lulisa is my little niece. Welcome them too!
  • Duplode
    Hello Lulisa and OctaLM, and welcome NachitoBP too! Let me join you all with a lap Smiley
  • Cas
    NachitoBP is my other brother. He has raced before, in WSC, back in the times of Paleke and was known as Nach. No surprise he got a decent position with just one shot after years of not playing. I don't know if I can persuade him to continue to send replays, ha, ha. OctaLM is more likely to do it.
  • Gilmash
    Hello all, im a New Driver and i know the Game from my Childhood. (When i was 7-8). Its cool to see that the Game still life in the year 2016. Wink. I hope i can Learn some skills to drive right. My Times are not the best Cheesy.
  • Duplode
    "My Times are not the best" -- they are improving quickly though Wink

Oct 9

  • Shoegazing Leo
    Welcome back, Aburaf70, our Braveheart. Welcome, newbies!
  • AbuRaf70
    Feliz Cumple, Nico....!!!!!
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Is Lulisa the first pipsqueak born after 2005?
  • Cas
    I think she probably is a record. Nach, when he raced in WSC, also was about the same age.
  • FinRok
    Managed to improve my GAR and damn it's hard to jump to the bridge, so many great laps i lose there!
  • Cas
    Yeah, I just can't do that. That's why I stick to the Melange. I've already been able to produce a valid RPL for GAR, but my lap time is worse than the one I last posted. I'm pretty certain I will not be able to improve it, so to post a valid one, I'll need to remove my invalid posts :S
  • Duplode
    (1) Cas: If you wish to do so, you can post your slower lap now and then ask for Zak/dreadnaut to cancel the other one -- once that happens, the newer lap will show up automatically. (2) Are you guys talking about the gap jump before the bridge corner? If so, my advice is that it is easier to correct the line through the corner before the jump if you brake too early, rather than too late.

Oct 10

  • FinRok
    Melange is harder to control than Lambo imo, it needs lightning fast reflexes Cheesy
  • Cas
    Yeah, that maybe. My problem with Lambo and Lancia is that I simply can't gather enough speed to reach the elevated corner. I could retry until I find a way in the normal race, but I'm satisfied with my Melange time there. In GAR, I don't find it worth the time. I can race the track ten times and fall to the water in all ten and that point is past half way of the track :S I'll post my valid Melange time. All previously posted ones are invalid because I have always been jumping on top of the tunnel.
  • Marco
  • Marco
    My Test Drive (1987 Accolade) 1st stage World Record Smiley
  • Gilmash
    Im a Beginner but i love to drive Melange. Have a good Handling and acceleration. I love this Car. Also the F40 Wink
  • Cas
    I love Melange too. It's true fast cars require faster reflexes, but I really am a fast-racer Smiley Marco, I don't have facebook... do you have a YouTube link to that video? Smiley
  • Marco
    Very sad ... I lost more than 1 second in the last part. Duplode, are you recording your realtime performance ? Smiley You are close to win, I want to see the video if you will win my last gar race !!! Anyway looking to your replay, it seems to me that you are very great in managing the slowdown points where I'm losing a lot while I think to be still a little faster on normal drive.
  • Marco
    I did a 2.16.90 GAR but, checking he replay, I missed the track by 1mm jumping on the icy part. VERY VERY SUPER BAD !!! Smiley
  • Marco
    Hi Gilmash , very pleased to meet you on the GAR championship. Have you seen the rules video ? I checked your replay and you drive very clean and fast , congratulation. Do you know that the replay handling used on the main championship is not allowed on the GAR championship ? As gentleman agreement we suggest to capture the video of your realtime GAR session on DOSBOX with ctrl+shift+F5 when you are playing . In case of Victory or contest this permits to show to the opponents that you didn't use the replay handling. On my FB page MARCO PLAYS DOS GAMES i loaded each month my real time GAR race video. To be honest it could be still possible to trick with a video editing of these video captures but I discovered that, often, the clouds on the sky change position reloading saved replays so that a video editing of a replay handling result could be discovered Smiley . So drive fast, have fun, this is my last professional race because I'm too old but i hope that you could beat my friend FINROK Smiley)) AHAHAHAH. Rok finally there's someone on the newbie championship , you were winning alone !!!

Oct 11

  • FinRok
    Marco ahahah i hate the term "Newbie" Cheesy Hey Remember our Test Drive II The Duel World Record i believe it's still there! but i never even tried to do Test Drive 1 World Record! I'll post the YT link it's on my RoksGames channel! Smiley
  • FinRok
  • Marco
    Very close Gar Race !!! I want to see your real time video remember . i don't accept to lose my last GAR race without the proof !!! Smiley))
  • Marco
    Ohhh sorry my friends, i noticed only now that we have not 1 but 4 new friends !!! Lulisa 8 years old !?!, considering that Argentinian could play till 100 years old and more ... you still have a very long career.Welcome to all !!! When this game was released i was already older than you Lulisa ... it was the 1990 and i was 15 ... What a great age
  • Shoegazing Leo
    I tired to teach my nephew, but he don't like too much racing games.
  • Shoegazing Leo
    * tried
  • Cas
    Yeah, it was my sister's birthday and all the family was here, so I showed them the game and they posted Smiley Nach already knew the game from a long time ago, though. In 1990, I was 11, but I didn't meet Stunts until 1993, when I was 15. Indeed... great times! At that time, the tracks I made were very, very long... designed not to get highscores, but rather, to get lost XD I remember I would often get the message that I couldn't keep on recording the replay because I had exceeded the 10 minute maximum, ha, ha
  • Cas
    AbuRaf... yo sabía que me ibas a alcanzar, ja, ja. Voy a tener que ponerme a trabajar en un mejor RPL Smiley
  • AbuRaf70
    Es para que en tu pista, no te quedes atrás... ja.ja.ja..

Oct 12

  • Cas
    I'm getting closer, but still need some work Tongue
  • Cas
    Me voy acercando, pero voy a tener que hacer un análisis detallado de los tramos para poder superar éste
  • FinRok
  • FinRok
    Hey! How about using some of my tracks in next race or in future. These are not made recently and they are kinda short and easy but i used to compete with Marco back in the day on these quickly made tracks in past! Haha. You can find the links in the YT video description Cheesy
  • Cas
    FinRok, it must be great to have everyone race with you on a track of your childhood. My tracks back in 1993 were extremely long, as I said. I still have them, but probably none would make a good track for ZakStunts. Maybe if I check one by one, I find one suitable.
  • FinRok
    Yes Cas, i know what you mean. I also have done some tracks in 90's but alas, i didnt save or store them! Those tracks in the video i posted are not made for Zak's type of race either just for fun and to short test-drive in mind and yes they could be needing some extra add/editing to make more competitive which totally could be done in no time.
  • Marco
    OHHH, i have a lot of my nienties track. If i'm not wrong , i have already sent them to you ... There were some tracks that required more than 15 minutes to be finished. SUPER LONG !!!
  • Marco
  • Marco
    Rok, my friend why don't you have uploaded the right video !!! Huh? with my winning !!! Smiley))
  • FinRok
    Marco the winning was not the point in this post the point was to show this track for maybe Zak's and it was the only video where i can set the updates download links since rabipshare wont work no more ;(
  • Marco
    The point is that we are always in competition and also to show a track, it is necessary to pay attention ... Smiley)) AHAHAH my friend
  • FinRok
    Marco, have you ever tried to promote your "The Hill" track for the competition?
  • Marco
    i think it's short
  • Marco
    I sent all my tracks from the early nienties to Zak ... I hope he will choose one of my tracks ... the data on the archive file is 8 january 1993.
  • dreadnaut
    You should start a '90s competition! Smiley
  • Marco
    Not a perfect first part but ... the rest is not bad.
  • Marco
    10 days to beat the king of the GAR !
  • Cas
    If you start a competition like that, count on me. I have a great number of tracks from the 90s. Also, I have some interesting ideas for a parallel competition Smiley One is that I'd like to place you guys in my list of "famous racers" in Bliss, for the lap time estimation. I wanted to organise a special OWOOT race on a special track for that purpose. It's just one track. Would you guys join a race for immortality (like Duplode called it when I commented the idea) Tongue

Oct 13

  • Shoegazing Leo
    I have plans to make some short cups in the future mixing old tracks, new tracks and different versions of old tracks.
  • FinRok
    I have to say that this is my final run for GAR for this track! I got moderate beginning/good jump to iceroad imo and managed to make finish with good end part (that is for me). I was surpriced to even finish with this time 2:17.75.. I have also got this "good start" multible times but none of them lasted long if the gap jump didnt got me then end jump got. Marco with 2:16.70 you are totally a GAR Champ!! Wow
  • Akoss Poo
    Kááááááááálmááááááááán! A faszod áll mán?! :-)
  • afullo
    I posted some tracks from my childhood too, back when I first join this site!
  • Marco
    Well Rok, I'm not so satisfied about my lap. I'm more than 1 second slower on the first part but ,anyway the GAR is a race were you have to try to do very good parts but you cannot think to do perfect parts.
  • Duplode
    That is the beauty of NoRH Smiley
  • Akoss Poo
    Don't write bullsh!t. Kááááááááálmááááááááán! A faszod áll mán?! :-)
  • Akoss Poo
    GAR racing interessiert mich GAR nicht.
  • dreadnaut
    Marco, are you sure you want to quit after this race? There are only two tracks left to complete the season! And quite a good season it is for Slowdrive!
  • Cas
    I agree! If you're needing time, you can just race once or twice, but no need to leave. Even one lap time from Marco is always a great lap.

Oct 14

  • Marco
    Smiley It was a hard decision my friends, very hard. But unfortunately becoming old is not a personal decision Smiley. I have learnt a lot of things thanks to you and I have incredibly improved my knowledge about the game. Well, if you want you could suspend that GAR championship for the last 2 races as a tribute to me Smiley))
  • Duplode
    Here is my idea for a tribute: taking the Z183 GAR race so seriously that I win it Grin

Oct 15

  • Marco
    Ok. If I will lose the 183 Gar I will participate to the last 2 races of the championship...if I win, Duplode and Finrok will not run the last 2 Gar races as a tribute to me
  • dreadnaut
    Ouch, the "if I win" part sounds a bit like killing the GAR competition Sad
  • Marco
    Ohh noo...these words are refered only to duplode and FinRok but if this sounds too strong, I retire this Smiley))

Oct 16

  • Marco
    As Gentlemen Agreement, I apologize because I have touched the wall on the 360° also if i didn't gain by that, but i have simply damaged the chassis Smiley ... The 360° must be taken in the middle at the beginning to take the maximun from it, it's very important the previous jump that in this case was too short to close with a fast turn. I'm a little disappointed because I had the 2:14 on my fingers but every time something happened... I had 2 gaming sessions yesterday , a half hour each one and another half hour today. It's not so much but my eyes are very stressed and that's the main reason why I cannot proceed with professional competitions Smiley. Obviously not only because of Stunts , I work all the day with a PC and i play also other dos games . More the time passes and more i have to reduce gaming time.

Oct 18

  • Cas
    I'm preparing a one-race tournament, the so called "Race for Immortality". The idea is that the records made on that track will be shown forever in Bliss editor. Would you guys like to join? It would run for most of next month.
  • Marco
    Main rules?
  • Cas
    OWOOT with replay handling allowed. No penalty time allowed for this race. This race, Indy only. If I later do another, car will change Smiley
  • Cas
    It has to be OWOOT because it's to measure the length of tracks. The site is not that good looking, but it's working Smiley
  • Marco
    But rh or norh?
  • Cas
    It's RH-allowed. I think with the track I issued, it would be virtually impossible to do it without RH, for this track at least. Give it a try Smiley It's open for everybody to participate until almost the end of November Cheesy
  • Marco
    Thank CAS, I will going to see it !!! I red the description under my name on the Zak Winners Hall of Fame and i really appreciated it. But, as Friker correctly noticed, I'm superb ... so permit me to add that I won all the 12 newbie races and I finished 3rd the main championship defining the best newbie result since newbie exists Smiley. i'm also the oldest man to win a main race. Well, I'm superb but i'm honest too, so we could also say that my zct182 victory was a lucky victory because Renato missed the last trick of the track when he was clearly in front of us. RH at highest level requires a perfect knowledge about the phisics of the game. Because of my single player experience joined knowing how to do a very nice turn but this community knows what is a PERFECT turn. I can match him or Duplode only looking to their replays otherwise i still haven't their feeling. Thanks to Renato visible uploaded replay zct183, i could noticed that my feeling of perfection was almost 1 second slower than him on the very first 30 seconds of the track. After that I could match him but, as a sign of respect for his replay shared, I will use my slower replay in the main scoreboard. If i will finish less than 5 seconds behind him, It would be a nice result.
  • Marco
    Sorry Cas, regarding tunnel roof , you can pass over or not ? I don't know why you say that is not possible run a norh ?

Oct 19

  • Cas
    You made me notice before that OWOOT demands doing all stunts, including tunnels and I think you were right. So I'd say tunnels should be passed through inside, if everyone agrees. The track has a difficulty: a 2-tile long jump. It's very hard to slow down after it and not go off road. With replay handling, I'm sure it can be done. I haven't tried the track more than once. I felt it was like cheating before publishing it. Maybe it's easier or harder than I thought Smiley
  • Cas
    TODOS están invitados a participar de la Carrera de la Inmortalidad. You are ALL invited to participate of the Race for Immortality! Smiley It's open already, and until 28 November. Hope you guys want to join.
  • Duplode
    I wonder if it would make sense to have both NoRH and RH times listed in the Bliss "high scores" table, even if the actual calibration of the analyser is done with RH laps only. After all, perhaps some of us might be willing to drive in both ways... Wink
  • Cas
    If you guys want to do NoRH, I could do something like grant a 10% discount in the time to those replays. Yet, the times that would appear later in Bliss have to be the original times because they are there for measuring purposes. I could create a parallel highscore table instead, if there are enough people interested in doing it NoRH. The thing again is, if I mix times made both ways in Bliss records, it wouldn't be fair for the people doing NoRH. All suggestions welcome Smiley
  • Duplode
    I don't have a strong opinion either way about two scoreboards, and the discount value would be hard to get right. Personally, I'm not worried about fairness in the race in this sense (even if I end up sending NoRH laps) -- it is just that it would be nice to do a controlled experiment on RH x NoRH and to have the results in Bliss. (Mark L. Rivers once estimated this very same 10% difference from the handful of SDR-RH/NoRH race results back when that competition used the same tracks for both modalities. It would be interesting to see whether the value stands to closer scrutiny Smiley)
  • Cas
    What we could do and would be much simpler to accomplish is set up two deadlines. Up to first deadline, only NoRH replays are allowed. After that and until the second deadline, RH is allowed. So our NoRH highscore table would be the table at first deadline.
  • Duplode
    A very good idea! A few of us did something like that informally in one of the later USC races and it worked quite well.
  • Cas
    I had another idea, so that we don't have to wait. We can use two racer IDs. I've explained the whole thing about this race in the forum, in the Stunts Chat sub-forum.
  • Marco
    Ok, only to understand because I'm alligned with GAR restrictive rules ... What is allowed on your race ? I mean, hit the concrete wall of the tunnel to speedup, or the divided road wall, is this allowed ? Regarding RH or NORH ... if the RH flag is enabled , I don't think that there's a sense to run NORH. It would be only much frustrating to run 2 competition in 1 as i did this year. I introduced the GAR thinking to run only that championship but because the result was ported on the main i had to run the main too to compete against FinRok and to do not be too slow. So I tried to make a softer year but I finished to do a double championship also if I didn't push so much on the Main at the beginning.
  • Cas
    The philosophy in one sentence is this: "as long as one wheel is on or over the track and you follow the path instead of skipping stunts, everything else is allowed". So you don't go over the roof because you'd be skipping pavement, and you don't avoid corks and loops, you do them, but you can use "speed-ups". Just don't go off the road or through things. My idea was RH allowed. Duplode said it'd be interesting if NoRH was also taken into account and it does sound good, so I chose to make both possible. I think NoRH makes this particular track very hard, so I prefer not to make it NoRH-only, as very few people would post.
  • Cas
    Detailed rules are in the forum. Marco, is the RPL you sent RH or NoRH?
  • Duplode
    Here is the Bliss - Race for Immortality forum topic, by the way.
  • Marco
    absolutely RH
  • Marco
    How many racers joined ZAKSTUNTS in history ?
  • FinRok
  • Marco
    UHMMM... Mark L. Rivers was not so wrong... My first trials have almost 10% difference between RH and NORH . Very few persons in the world can run a OWOOT NORH here. On My FB page I will upload the real time video.
  • Marco
    Where is Friker ?
  • Cas
    Thank you, Marco, for participating Smiley The NoRH replay is impressive. The RH time is better, of course, but I know how hard this track is NoRH. My brother states that also, it is impossible to race it with auto gear, so whoever manages to do that, will be a hero too. Uhmm... There are really many racers at the login pull-down list, but a few racers have changed their nicknames at some point and there have also existed several ghosts. Also, ZakStunts itself is older than the current interface, so this makes it harder to tell how many racers have participated here. Is there any way to calculate this?

Oct 20

  • Shoegazing Leo
    My first attempt in Bliss: awful. I changed my keyboard and I'm very weak in manual, 'cause auto is impossible in double brick jump. The other difficult point is to break after this.
  • Shoegazing Leo
    trying new car...
  • Marco
    After that i tried to run the norh i changed my mind. Why cas don t you introduce both record for immortality
  • FinRok
    Cas seems like a nice track and race for immortality? too well that's a strong term for an event ,unless you are a vampire or other supernatural being that lives forever to see the result's after 1 hunned years yah! =D anyway nice competition i might try too
  • Shoegazing Leo
    A vampire came to a pub and ordered: - Waiter, a jar of blood! In the following day, he entered the same pub and ordered again: - Waiter, a jar of blood! In the third day, he arrived in the pub and the waiter said: - Oh... I'll bring your jar of blood now... And the vampire: - No... Today, I want a jar of hot water. And showing a used sanitary napkin completed: - Today, I'll drink a tea.
  • Shoegazing Leo
    I logged in the EFNet channel and there is only Dstien sleeping as OP
  • Cas
    Thanks, Leo, for joining the race too! My brother Nach had to switch to manual too. That tea gave me the yucks! XD -- Marco, of course! If enough people participate in both modalities, I'll include both record tables Smiley -- FinRok, while the idea of the race is mine, the term came up from Duplode's mind. I immediately adopted it, ha, ha.
  • Shoegazing Leo

Oct 21

  • Cas
    «Every conquest deserves a Bliss» Ha, ha! XD
  • FinRok
    Very retro commercial! Enjoy the Bliss, haha
  • Shoegazing Leo
    This commercial was made in 1990. The actress became famous in the Brazil in the 90s: Ana Paula Arósio. She is 41 years-old now and is became very reclusive in the last 10 years after her broom commited suicide in front of her. She made some few movies, but still away from the television. There is an image of her in 2015, in one of her rare aparitions in media: 562837-970x600-1.jpeg

Oct 22

  • Duplode
    Regrettably, I have only restarted racing today -- partly because I was busy, and partly because my ability to set up schedules for myself is comparable to that of the beads in a kaleidoscope to remain in a stable configuration. It is hard enough to beat Marco in GAR if you race consistently throughout the month, so I am quite that it is just not gonna happen...
  • Duplode
    At least I managed to close the gap a bit, to show that this isn't entirely a token effort...
  • Duplode
    2:15.20 doesn't even appear to be absurd lap time -- I would guess an ideal time from my completed laps would be on the low 2:16/high 2:15 range. It's just that getting all sectors right in the same lap is nauseatingly difficult.
  • Duplode
    I have just driven a 2:16.55 -- but it won't count because I accidentally did a bug jump at the final boulevard Lips Sealed
  • Duplode
    This 1:23.66 is a GAR lap -- I forgot to mark the checkbox Angry
  • Duplode
    Amusingly, here is a different 1:23.66.
  • Cas
    Well, it's been nice to have raced with you guys on my own track Napalm Smiley Thanks, Zak, for giving it a slot in ZakStunts! I'm waiting for more racers at the R4I (Race for Immortality): Smiley
  • Duplode
    Okay, my concentration is shot. I'm going to drown my sorrows in a large bottle of RH.
  • Marco
    I placed a hidden replay that's 1.34.40. It s for my competition against FinRok. Regarding Renato and Duplode, I know that you could easily find 1.33 or 1.32 here using my way. Your experience and feeling of perfection is incredible and there's still a big gap with me. I have your driving skills but i have not your perfection RH feeling and I'm too old to think to reach your RH level. As already told you, i didn't copy by Renato's replay , I maintained and improved my original lap almost 1 second slower on the first part . Congratulation to Renato , i think he will be the winner here if Duplode didn't make any surprise.Regarding GAR , I wanted to see something else but you didn't joined. Smiley
  • Marco
    I placed a hidden replay that's 1.34.40. It s for my competition against FinRok. Regarding Renato and Duplode, I know that you could easily find 1.33 or 1.32 here using my way. Your experience and feeling of perfection is incredible and there's still a big gap with me. I have your driving skills but i have not your perfection RH feeling and I'm too old to think to reach your RH level. As already told you, i didn't copy by Renato's replay , I maintained and improved my original lap almost 1 second slower on the first part . Congratulation to Renato , i think he will be the winner here if Duplode didn't make any surprise.Regarding GAR , I wanted to see something else but you didn't joined. Smiley

Oct 23

  • AbuRaf70
    Hola Marco... tu dices que te sientes demasiado viejo con tus apenas 40 años... yo con mis 82 años no participé en el GAR porque todavía no entendí como se corre y pese a leer algunas instrucciones, no se si se puede seguir corriendo si el auto se rompe... Me gustaría que alguien me lo explique en detalle... lo lamento pero me cuesta mucho aprender algo nuevo...
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Abuelo (entende português?). A tradução mais aproximada que encontro do GAR é: você deve ter pelo menos uma roda na pista, seguir a linha amarela quando em voo, não utilizar de atalhos (fazer os loops e os corkscrews/sacarrolhas seguindo a linha amarela) e não utilizar-se de bugs para aumentar deliberadamente de velocidade.
  • Marco
    Hi Anelio , great friend. Yes I know and understand what you are saying. If you were 62 years old I would say that surely you had a more healty childhood than mine. Maybe harder but surely more healty than pass hours on a screen every day. I started to play with Intellivision in 1981 and with PC in 1982 ... 35 years on a screen. But you are not 62 but you are 82, so it's not only a childhood matter our comparison ... it's also that you are a special one while I'm simply a common man. You cannot compare a special one with a common one. I will never reach 82 but if I will reach it I would probably no more able to see and to walk Smiley . You are lucky my friend, we have only one life, and you are special in this life.
  • Duplode
    Anelio: Además de lo que Leo ha explicado, no se puede rebobinar lo replay si el auto se rompe, o por cualquier otra razón. (Si usamos las abreviaturas habituales, GAR = OWOOT + NoRH.)
  • Cas
    AbuRaf: Es como el campeonato de Paleke, excepto que hay que hacer todo de una sola vez... y no se puede andar por encima del túnel ni atravesar las piedras del "slalom". Se hacen todos los trucos. La carrera que yo estoy organizando también tiene esas reglas, pero sí se puede cortar y continuar.

Oct 24

  • AbuRaf70
    Gracias a todos por las explicaciones... Yo había entendido que se debía seguir la línea amarilla y por lo tanto, no se puede acortar camino, pero no sabía si se podía seguir corriendo si el auto se rompía. Con lo que dice Cas me gusta más, ya que se podrá seguir si el auto se rompe.
  • Cas
    AbuRaf: Podés participar de mi carrera en este sitio: Abajo de donde se descarga la pista, está el recuadro para registrarse y el de enviar RPL. Para enviar RPL, hay que poner usuario y contraseña.
  • Zak McKracken
    quiet results submitted, site update tonight!
  • Renato Biker
    Oh no, I lost the deadline. :S It was blame of the flash update on netflix. Tongue
  • Marco
    What was your lap?
  • Renato Biker
    I didn't improve my lap on scoreboard.
  • Marco
    If you have won me i have no problem to be placed in second position if the others agree. Netflix must not decide a stunts rh race
  • Duplode
    (You'd be surprised with the range of things that have decided Stunts RH races in the past Smiley)
  • AbuRaf70
    Hola Cas... He enviado mi primer replay de Bliss - Espero no haber cometido ningún error.
  • Marco
    Yes but what was your lap time? Send the replay that i like to see perfection
  • Cas
    ¡Ah! Gracias por participar, AbuRaf, pero lamentablemente, en 0:20.75, el auto queda completamente fuera de la pista por un momento. Alan Rotoi también tuvo un error en su RPL (pasó por sobre el túnel). Una cosa que no sabía antes de organizar mi propia carrera era cuando duele no validar un RPL :S Ustedes son grandes leyendas de Stunts. Espero sus nuevos RPLs.
  • Zak McKracken
    let's get ready to updaaate!
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Night? It's clear here (5pm).
  • Marco
    If this victory is confirmed, I'm very satisfied to have passed on the Medal Table Mark L. Rivers that was the best italian of the site (also if his name is more english than italian). So I'm the best Italian ever in this site but ... I honestly think to deserve this ! Superb Smiley))
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Congratulations, Marco!!!!
  • Duplode
    Superb indeed. Congratulations Marco! (Also, congratulations FinRok!)
  • Zak McKracken
    update done! Smiley
  • Shoegazing Leo
    When I upload the replay, there is a message: "Can't update parttake table!Duplicate entry '32767' for key 'INDEX'"
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Another error message, but the replay is there: "01111111110Can't update parttake table!Duplicate entry '32767' for key 'INDEX'"
  • Shoegazing Leo
    There are bugs in season and team tables.
  • Zak McKracken
    I was battling with a bug, now it should be fixed.
  • Zak McKracken
    please resubmit replay
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Isn't there the text of race?
  • Cas
    Wow! This track looks very promising, with lots of possibilities!

Oct 25

  • Cas
    My first replay for this track
  • AbuRaf70
    Hola Cas... perdón pero no vi que estaba fuera de la pista. Aqui va un nuevo replay...
  • Cas
    Gracias, Abu. Sí. Te dejé un mensaje, pero creo que se fue para el fondo, ja, ja. Ya voy a implementar un sistema de mensajes en R4I.
  • Renato Biker
    Marco, dont worry, you won, congratulation! I was kidding because I forgot to finish my replay, so my best time is really that at scoreboard. Wink
  • AbuRaf70
    Felicitaciones Marco...!!!! ya ves que todavía no estas viejo como vos pensás... recién están empezando una segunda etapa, ganándoles a grandes del Stunts....
  • FinRok
    I had forgotten my logon at here Zaks cause i had my main desktop computer "shut-off" cause of maintenance i have saved all my logons in there! i had to fire up my comp and get it, now i have them write down in "scratch" book. I have been observing the results in background with my laptop =D
  • FinRok
    Another Superb congrats Marco you won again! And congrats also for Renato Biker super LTB points! My last improvement was in October 7th so i just uploaded that as silent replay Smiley
  • FinRok
    Is the Z183 Top #4 Cartography animation coming =D
  • Cas
    Congratulations, Marco! Smiley

Oct 26

  • Marco
    2 minutes in rh ... this is very long !!!
  • Shoegazing Leo
    The secret is not the lenght. The secret is the pleasure what you can get.
  • Marco
    I like Ovals Smiley)
  • FinRok
    Me too and i like easy tracks, they are not so stressful haha
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Then, you like the LOL-MS (StuntsLOL 1st season and StuntsLOL Classics)
  • Shoegazing Leo
  • Shoegazing Leo
    This track is as long as Tampico: 5_2_Tampico.png
  • Cas
    My track 4am, last year, was rather long too Smiley
  • FinRok
    Leo check my ROK Track "2" It's Oval! Cheesy i set the link
  • FinRok
  • FinRok
  • FinRok
    in this video go to the 5:16 time is the ROK Track to be shown Cheesy

Oct 27

  • Cas
    Happy Birthday, Marco!!!
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Happy Birthday Marco!!! 2 wins in a row (so far)!
  • AbuRaf70
    Feliz Cumpleaños, Marco...!!!!
  • FinRok
    Happy Birthday Marco! Smiley
  • Marco
    Thank you my friends ... 41
  • Shoegazing Leo
    If 50 is the new 30, Marco is only 21 now.
  • Duplode
    Happy birthday Marco!

Oct 30

  • Cas
    I'm slowly getting better at this Tongue

Oct 31

  • Cas
    Thanks, Zak, for participating in the Race for Immortality! Already verified your replay Smiley

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