News posted in January 2016
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Jan 1
Alan RotoiTwo questions for 2016: Do the Brazilians know the concept of "winter"? Does a Brazilian girl ugly exists?
Shoegazing LeoThere are winter in some brazilian places as the southern region and some highest places in southeastern region. In north and northeast, winter is when rains more than another seasons.
Shoegazing LeoThis song is very curious example from late 90s: the lyrics are a critic of neoliberalism made by young mothers.
DuplodeHappy new year pipsqueaks!
Alan RotoiHaha I didn't know Leo!! I already read the lyrics. Happy new year
Jan 6
Planning to kick off the new season this weekend. Fingers crossed! :)
Jan 8
Shoegazing LeoHappy birthday, KHR!
Jan 11
Let's make it next weekend. Apologies!
Jan 14
Shoegazing LeoFeliz cumple AbuRaf70
AbuRaf70Muchas Gracias, Leo...!!!!
DuplodeHappy birthday AbuRaf
Jan 15
AbuRaf70Muchas Gracias, DUP....!!!
Alan RotoiAnelio in his birthday signed for another season in MeganiuM! Let's see about Chulk and dreadnaut. I didn't check my email yet
Zak McKrackentrack is ready, will be available and time will also start tomorrow! stay tuned!
Alan RotoiNice! Thank you for another season! Not an easy task to maintain the site 15 years.
Jan 16
The 2016 ZakStunts season is now officially started!
Rules do not change compared to 2015. We will have twelve tracks with 4-week intervals ending always on a Saturday and starting - hopefully :) - on Sunday.
The cars were somewhat reshuffled - we say a not so sad goodbye to the Speedgate and the Xylocaine, and welcome again the Nissan Skyline and the Lotus Esprit Turbo (yay!)
The battle in 2015 was very exciting and fun to participate and watch. Let's aim to keep up the same -or higher- level of activity in 2016 as well.
The first track is called Leapyear - a track where you will not have any issues identifying where you stand on the map. Just memorize: 2-0-1-6. Easy. Enjoy! :)
Zak McKrackenThe season is ON!
I had some trouble downloading the winning replays for ZCT173, so the replays are not yet included in the track archive - this will be fixed soon.
Zak McKrackenBefore I forget: the competition archive was updated with the 2014-2015 tracks and replays thanks to the helpful work of Duplode. You can fetch it from the Downloads page.
Zak McKrackenseason opening replay
Alan Rotoi
AbuRaf70Gracias Zak por este nueva temporada de Stunts....!!!! espero poder disfrutarla tanto como lo hice con todas las demás....
Alan RotoiRemember to create the 2016 Competition subforum
dreadnautHello, I'm here! Dreadnaut for MeganiuM this season as well
Zak McKrackenWelcome back everyone!
The subforum was created, feel free to discuss anything. Glad to aready see so many replays. Have fun!!!!
Jan 19
DuplodeHello everyone! This is a NoRH 911 Turbo lap. It is a nice, gentle car with good brakes.
afulloHello guys! Since Damage Inc. is virtually an abandoned team, I am available to join another team, if someone is interested in hiring me. I do not guarantee many great laps, but I hope that a constant participation and a certain number of points per year can be of some interest
Jan 20
Jan 22
Jan 25
Zak McKracken190 leading hours? On the first track of the season? Well on one hand it seems we have a slow season start. On the other hand, this is a call for a battle
MarcoI'm still newbie
Akoss PooIt seems that it is different to see 'Zak McKracken' on the top of the scoreboard than to see 'CTG' or 'Akoss Poo' there...
afulloAlan: my next door neighbours have Macri as surname, and they are too from Polistena in Calabria, like some relatives of your new President. Sometimes the world is quite little...
Jan 26
Shoegazing LeoI got some leading hours last year: it isn't really a good reference
MarcoAbuRaf I have asked you the friendship on FB. I have seen a picture of you with Stunts very great !!! Abu, Yo os he enviado una solicitud de amigos en Facebook Pilotavi aviones ?
AbuRaf70Marco... la foto mía sobre el costado de un avión caza de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, es porque yo hice el Servicio Militar en la Marina de Guerra de la Argentina en el año 1955 y todavía se usaban esos aviones ya que solo tenían 10 años.... si bien yo volé en ese avión, solo lo podían piolotear los Oficiales de la Marina... yo fuí de acompañante...
Jan 28
Alan Rotoiafullo: Take care of that people. Maybe is Sauron or Darth Vader living there
Jan 29
Marcohola AbuRaf, tengo una página de Facebook llamada Marco Plays Dos Games. Puedo compartir tus fotos con Stunts ?
Jan 30
dreadnautLet's start with NoRH and no-audio
Jan 31
AbuRaf70Marco... si te interesa saber más sobre mi actuación en Internet y sobre todo en Zak Stunts, entrá a Google y poné AbuRaf70 y alli te vas a enterar de muchas cosas...
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