News posted in October 2015
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Oct 1
Shoegazing LeoMelange is love
KjotleikI decided I needed some practice this time around. It won't help much. That much I can tell already. This track is definitively NOT suited for the Lancia... 8-) Maybe the Jaguar IMSA will do better, since it is a long track... ...and WHO in their right mind puts an apartment building in the middle of a race track? Well, at least my name is on the list. And I'm sure I've got a chance to become the "most-improved-time-from-starting-submitted-to-last-submitted-drivethrough" driver. 8-)
Duplode@Kjotleik I suggest you try the Melange.
Kjotleik@Duplode. Thanks for the tip. I'll check it out before the deadline passes. I doubt it will shave off two minutes from my time, though. 8-) Eventually, I'll have to try out all cars. By the way, does anyone know how to insert line-breaks and paragraphs into this Shoutbox? My messages are a pain to read... 8-(
Akoss PooFerrari GTO for sure. Even if you get some penalty, it is still worthy. The first few corners are the hardest, then it is easier.
Akoss PooHappy birthday, Usrin! :-)
AbuRaf70Feliz Cumple, Usrin...!!!!
Shoegazing LeoFeliz aniversário, Usrin...!!! (using different languages)
DuplodeJouyeux anniversaire Usrin!
MarcoCrazy Track !!!
Oct 3
KjotleikI had to try the Ferrari GTO, since it seems to be the popular car in this race. I guess a 3m24s time is decent enough. No way my driving skills is going to take this car towards a sub-3m time, though. I'll have to try the Jaguar IMSA for that, I presume...
Shoegazing LeoWell.. Melange is the best this moment for my style...
Oct 4
KjotleikWoW! That Melange-car is really good. Never thought I should see the 2m39s time to equal Leo. I'm not good enough to compete with the 2m2xs drivers though. I guess I'm just too careful at some places to really get a great time. Oh, well. I'm super-happy anyways for getting a sub-3m time with any car.
KjotleikI actually took a look at the replays from the top two on the scoreboard. I'm both impressed and not-impressed at the same time. A weird feeling. Impressed for what they (without cheating!) have been able to get out of the game mechanics. Not impressed because it has nothing to do with racing, and everything to do with bug-exploitations. But there is no denying the fact that they do it within the boundaries of the gamecode, so it must by definition be legit. These old games are a mystery, sometimes. Have a nice week, everyone. 8-)
Duplode@Kjotleik Your reaction is entirely understandable. This is a weird place indeed
I will only mention there is a long backstory behind the very liberal definition of "legit" adopted in this competition. The "Shortcuts and replay handling" section of the newbie guide (linked from the left menu) summarises the status quo and hints at how it came into being.
Oct 5
DuplodeHappy birthday Akoss!
Shoegazing LeoFeliz aniversário, Akoss! (we can't repeat languages)
Akoss PooThanks, guys! :-)
Shoegazing LeoSomething wrong:
dreadnautHappy birthday, Akoss. Party hard!
dreadnautA quick poll: Public replays - feedback!
Oct 6
CasHappy Birthday, Akoss Poo!
CasAre the cars handicaps generated automatically using a fixed algorithm for every race or is it something you change manually to whatever you think most adequate for each track? Is there a way we can foretell what the "car of the race" will be for the next track? Just curious
Duplode@Cas: The algorithm is: (1) Add 3 points to all cars not in the top 6 of the previous race; (2) Add up all bonuses granted in step 1; (3) Subtract half of the total from step 2 from the winning car of the previous race, three tenths of the total from the second placed car, and a fifth from the third placed car. The base coefficients obtained thusly can be modified by track designers, who have up to 20 points in absolute value to add or subtract from any cars, with the restriction that for every point added to a car a point has to be deduced from another car. Up to now, most of the adjustments by track designers were done to nerf Xylocaine (I think the only exception was Akoss using them to ensure Z164 would be an Acura race).
Akoss PooThanks, guys #2!
UsrinThanks for the birthday greetings, pipsqueaks! Happy one to Poo, too!
Oct 7
Oct 8
Akoss PooWell, at least now I can focus on designing ZCT172...
Shoegazing LeoOr ZCT173, because I already sent a track project.
Akoss PooOr ZCT172, 'cos I applied first in the related forum topic.
Akoss PooAnd I also had my last ZCT track sent earlier than you.
Shoegazing LeoThe sure is what we have two tracks for the two next races.
Shoegazing LeoThe two remaining races of the season...
dreadnautI suppose it's time to get on the proper car.
MarcoDuplode replay is simply amazing. Can you explain me some car handle tricks ? do you use always the keyboard ?
dreadnautWhat surprises me is how cleanly he can deal with the ramp corners without flying out to the side
Oct 9
AbuRaf70Feliz Cumple, Nico Pelu...!!!!!
Duplode@Marco: The gist of it is that you can retain a surprising amount of control over the car even in powergear. If you want to tap into that, I suggest experimenting with the controls -- steering, and specially the gas pedal. (And yup, I only use the keyboard.)
Akoss PooThe tight powerslides are much more admirable, they're even more difficult than the ramp corners. The latter, I think, only seem to be clean but there's a complicated finger play on the keyboard beyond them.
Shoegazing Leo
Oct 13
Shoegazing LeoFun fact: I have the Melange with the old pack and colours. I race with the cyan one. But the system says what I used the black one.
afulloI'm watching the team standings, and unfortunately it seems I remained alone in the Damage Inc. team. Is someone interested to hire me for the 2016 season? I do not guarantee a large number of points, but if the differences between teams are narrow, maybe with my little help.
Shoegazing LeoThe problem with Damage Inc. (which I was a member in the start) is because SuperBrian is not active (raced once this season), neither Krys Toff.
Shoegazing Leo
Oct 14
DreadnautWho is this person, why does he keep moving on my screen? Sometimes I have to close the browser while I'm racing because the GIFs ate distracting
afulloYes, I know, it seems that I am the only active racer in the team, so I would like to join a participated group.
Shoegazing LeoThe person is Daniel Riccardo.
Oct 16
Oct 17
MarcoA question my friends, only curiosity.Ok I'm a newbie, i'm racing for the third place but, in this championship, I think that I have seen at least 4 players that I cannot win . CTG, AKOSS, DUPLODE and BONZAI (Bonzai raced only one track but I was very impressed by his skill) . I'm close with other racers but I have won them several times.So Do you agree with my real "fifth position" in this championship and How many players do you think are faster than me in the history of the site ? ... 10, 20, 30 , 40 ?
I'm 40 years old and what i will improve with experience will be deleted by becoming old ... so I don't think that i can improve
Probably i will continue to lose seconds
burning reflexes
MarcoAh sorry, i have a doubt about Alan Rotoi ... he raced or not raced ... strange
Oct 18
AbuRaf70Marco... yo también estoy muy contento cuando puedo estar en el 5º puesto... te diré que yo comnence a correr en Stunts a los 70 años y ahora tengo 81, así que vos tenés 41 años por delante para mejorar...
Shoegazing LeoAlan Rotoi raced and not raced. He's the Schrödinger's Dog.
Oct 19
Alan RotoiSorry, I'm back to the university this year that's why I'm quiet silent here.
Alan RotoiHahaha Leo! You're right I didn't send (until now) my replay so from your perspective I didn't race but maybe I was racing the whole month
MarcoMy friend Abu, if you are 81, I will no more consider myself 5th in this champioship but sixth (with always the doubt about Alan Rotoi performance that could push me in eighth position)
Alan RotoiI think there difference is widely influenced by the hour expended in the replay and knowledge of the rules and physics of the game. The little rest are opportunity + abstraction + luck + motivation.
Oct 20
Shoegazing LeoHow I would feel if look my future image:
MarcoAHAHAHAH.... sorry LEO we could race for the third place in the team championship but I have woken up Alan Rotoi !!! i don't like to win a race if my opponents are not playing
MarcoSORRY SORRY SORRY to Abu. Honestly I was 100% sure that you were joking about your age .it's not to offend you , it's a compliment my friend. The oldest professional and great skill player that I have ever met in my life was 54 years old in a modern racing championship with RFactor game. In the professional gaming world, at 24 years you are considered too old to compete against 15 and 16 years old boys . Your fingers performances are incredible and they permit to leave behind you boys that could be your nephew. I'm without words, i was sure that i was the oldest one here. Simply WOW !!!
AbuRaf70Marco.. no sos el único que no creía que yo ahora tengo 81 años.... Cuando comencé a correr tenía ya 70 y por eso AbuRaf70, y les costó al principio aceptarlo... Ahora, ya nadie lo duda... Asi me aceptaron en este maravilloso juego del Stunts y estoy muy feliz por ello...
Shoegazing LeoVery funny is what me and Marco can understand AbuRaf70 in spanish and aposto que os dois podem me entender quando eu escrevo assim com certa facilidade.
Oct 21
Alan RotoiJaja si! A dreadnaut le pedí que escriba en italiano, que no hay problema para entendernos.
MarcoAbu is great and I'm very shocked of that but I'm also a bit sad. he let me no excuses about my age. i can no more say that I lose because I'm the oldest
)) I have begun to play with PC at 7 years old. Probably this is that real reason why at 40 years old I feel to have more and more years.i suffers reflux, stomach problems, this year the floaters are introduced in my eyes that is a terrible disturb for a pc gamer that has never had eyes problems. Surely I will not able to play PC till 81, probably I will not be able to walk till 81 . Maybe i will finish the championship in third position but it's not my real position
MarcoAh My great friends, I have met in my little city, 2 of the 3 guys that created the first personal computer in history in 1965. Few persons know that this first personal computer was made in italy and is the olivetti P101.Before of that, only enormous mainframes. The americans reached the moon using it but Olivetti today is dead and these guys are not celebrated by the world. In Italy we are trying to give them a little celebration. they are the Wright Brother, the mr Lumiere of the PC. English, italian, spanish and french wikipedia clearly specify that this was the first PC in history . Portuguese , germans are wrong. Check english wikipedia, the world is full of personal computers today !!! This is an italian FB link but if you want to see some pictures of our poor italian olivetti museum. For you
Marcoprogramma 101 team work. The first one sit down on the left is Eng. Pier Giorgio Perotto the boss, he passed away several years ago. I have met the Eng De Sandre the second sit down on the right and Mr Garziera the first on the left behind Perotto. They were very young when Olivetti asked them to think to something that didn't exist ...
Shoegazing LeoWright Brothers!? Their airplane didn't fly with own motor like the Alberto Santos Dumont's 14-Bis in a PUBLIC presentation in Paris, 1909. Santos Dumont was a partner in Atlético Paranaense (first in Internacional-PR).
Oct 23
MarcoWOW LEO ... THANK YOU , that was properly what I was meaning !!! Sometimes we don't know things that we have to know ! I'm reading about Dumont .
MarcoIn the previous link there's my actual keyboard record on the first session of the Master Scenery (Test Drive 2). Here I have met the best Dos fingers ever . I think that at least the 55.3 is possible but maybe , Duplode, Akoss, Abu, etc. , you can run under 50 !!!
Alan RotoiI love TD2. Some years ago I uploaded to the forum some data about my times. Let me check.
Oct 24
MarcoRecord of all Records !!! This is hard for you too my friends. I match almost a perfect !!!
KjotleikWell. A small improvement, but an improvement nonetheless. I had some fun today as well. And luckily I managed to beat myself, at least. 8-)
Oct 25
Some say powergear racing is the pinnacle of Stunts racing. Some disagree. But everyone agrees it needs skills, intuition and -often- luck as well. And it often ends with a South American podum - ZCT171 was no exception.
Duplode dominated the track from day one, and did not even let anyone else to win a single leading time bonus point. MeganiuM master Alan finished second, and our gold oldie, Aburaf70 secured another podium position for himself. Congratulations to all!
With only two tracks until the end of season, let's take a look at the seasonal scores. There are two contenders for the title this year: Akoss Poo is leading with 95 real points and Duplode is right behind with 93 points. Their SUM is 30 ponts more for both of them, meaning they have identical worst three results so far, so we can expect a very tough battle between these top racers.
On the third position we have our super talented newbie, Marco. Quite extraordinary to be in the top three in someone's first full season - and he can likely keep this position until the end. And then we have three racers again very close to eachother on positions 4 to 6 - so we can surely expect an interesting end for the season.
ZCT172 is quite the antithesis of ZCT171 - corners versus long straights and water versus grass. But that is completely fair - anyone who wants to be a ZakStunts champion must be competent on all kind of tracks - let's see who is the best!
Shoegazing Leo
MarcoOMG ... my friends !!!
Shoegazing LeoSpider dog!
Shoegazing LeoLooking the updated times: my best position ever (7th) in a track what I didn't like too much and couldn't improve on last days.
Alan RotoiYour position is:
Zak McKrackenupdate done and track is ready for racing
DuplodeFrom the map it looks like a nice flooded track, and the likely cars will probably be a good fit. Great name, too!
DuplodeBy the way, congratulations for the world record Marco
Oct 26
Alan RotoiThis track smells like Melange.
Shoegazing LeoMelange is love
DuplodeA NoRH lap. Keeping the car in one piece wasn't easy...
Duplodes/likely cars/likely car
Shoegazing LeoThis scoreboard looks like Copa Roca.
afulloJust a scoreboard filler.
Shoegazing LeoVapouwave:
Oct 27
dreadnautHappy birthday Marco! Buon compleanno
Shoegazing LeoHappy Birthday, Marco!
AbuRaf70Feliz Cumple, Marco...!!!
Alan RotoiHappy Birthday Marco!!
DuplodeHave a great birthday Marco
Oct 28
Oct 29
Oct 30
MarcoUHH thank you my friends ... sorry for the delay, I have completely forgotten my 40 years old birthday
Oct 31
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