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Mar 1

  • Alan Rotoi
    Pará de spamear borracho de mierda!!
  • Alan Rotoi
  • CTG
    B Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Böff dampening: 63.4dB
  • dreadnaut
    I'm going to add a checkbox for logged in pipsqueaks: "[ ] cut CTG's messages down to two lines." Tongue
  • CTG
  • CTG
    Ouch, this is the worst hangover of the year (so far).
  • CTG
    Btw results? When?
  • Zak McKracken
    scoreboard final, unconfirmed
  • CTG
    I should be satisfied - podium with such a crappy car... Cheesy
  • CTG
    Congrats to Brasil 1-2, and of course to dreadnaut.
  • afullo
    Too distant from the 12th to having motivation in submitting replays again, glad to be a podium in the newbie league.
  • dreadnaut
    @Afullo: both Damage Inc and Average Joe could do with a second active member, but you have to be more direct when asking!
  • Zak McKracken
    Track and package is ready, but the track uplaod form is broken. Help dreadnaut! Smiley
  • Duplode
    Congratulations to Renato, to dreadnaut for beating the midfield and to the Agro guys for bridging the gap to it. And happy birthday Böllér Jani!
  • Duplode
    BTW, on the site update: the season scoreboard is showing the scores before quiet days. I don't know if it will be corrected automatically when the new track is uploaded; I'm mentioning it just in case it isn't.
  • afullo
    Ok, if SuperBrian agrees on my joining in Damage Inc., I would be happy to join him and Krys TOFF in the team! SuperBrian, can I enter Damage Inc.?
  • CTG
    Clever choice.
  • dreadnaut
    Code-just-before-the-track-upload fixed, track upload now working again! Cheesy

Mar 2

  • Zak McKracken
    ok, track is up, thanks!
  • Zak McKracken
    track is up, but the value of atrack did not change?
  • CTG
    The track is not available. Undecided
  • CTG
  • CTG
    Acura? Corvette? Countach? F40?
  • CTG
    Afullo's replay behaves quite strange in Stunts. Written length: 0:00.00, the car does not move, and at the end the game is frozen.
  • CTG
    One more thing: the pack does not contain the final replay of AbuRaf.
  • CTG
    (only his earlier 1:20.05)
  • Zak McKracken
    track pack updated, now contains the final replay of AbuRaf - I don't know what is the issue with Afullo's rpl, maybe he has used a different version, as all of his replays are the same.
  • Zak McKracken
    BTW, you can download ZCT152 from the tracks page but you will be only able to send replayes from the 4th of March.
  • CTG
    Nice track anyway. I predict a mixed TOP6 (Countach + Acura).
  • afullo
    I'm using Mindscape 1.1 because I had issues with Broderbund 1.1, the latter not reading custom tracks.
  • Duplode
    afullo's replay is a 4D Sports Driving one, indeed. BTW, afullo, to watch the other replays you will need the Broderbund 1.1 version of the game (the one available in the downloads page). You will likely want to race with it as well, as there are slight advantages in handling and jumping behaviour.
  • Duplode
    @afullo: (after seeing your reply) Issues with custom tracks? Strange, .TRK files should work on all versions. Do you have an example of a problematic track that could be posted at the forum for us to have a look?
  • afullo
    Even ZCT151, by inserting it in the same folder as the game, it does not display in the track selection menu. I'm seeing now there is also in that folder, could be simply possibile that the file lister get confused by the same name (although with different extension)?
  • afullo
    Confirmed, by moving the zip file, it now displays correctly the track in the list. Mysteries of Stunts... :|
  • afullo
    Where do I can download ZCT152? On the tracks page it appears to me not displayed.
  • Duplode
    Here: (the track page/link is indeed off, though the link from the empty scoreboard works).
  • CTG
    3 months... that's all I could resist... UnskilledStunts is back (again)!
  • afullo
    Thanks. Haven't seen that by clicking on that image it is possible to start download (seen on previous tracks, but thought it was related to regular functioning of the board).
  • Alan Rotoi
    When we can upload replays? Smiley
  • CTG
    4th March
  • dreadnaut
    Sorry people, I made a mistake which made new tracks become available only on the 3rd of the month :| I changed it to the 2nd of the month now.
  • dreadnaut
    @afullo: if you are using DosBox, files added to the stunts directory after you start dosbox will not be visible —unless you press Ctrl-F4 to refresh the DosBox file cache.
  • Duplode
    That's nice! BTW, the scoreboard link (tracks/ZCT152) is still not pointing directly to the ZCT152 scoreboard. (The new track also doesn't show up in the tracks page, though I do not remember what the expected behaviour was.)
  • dreadnaut
    And woo for USC 2014! Böff dampening: < 1dB
  • dreadnaut
    Uhm, having no replays broke that. Should be fixed now → ZCT152
  • dreadnaut
    @zak uhm, we have no coefficients for the new track though!
  • Duplode
    Another issue: the bonuses for ZCT152 are not being loaded (evidence: the bonuses page; submitting replays to RPLInfo results in weird corrected times).
  • Duplode
    @dreadnaut: Oh, I see. If it helps, the coefficients should be: "ANSX" => 35, "AUDI" => 25, "VETT" => 25, "FGTO" => 18, "JAGU" => -3, "COUN" => 44, "LM02" => 39, "LANC" => -1, "P962" => -12, "PC04" => 15, "PMIN" => -32, "ZF40" => 25, "ZLET" => 26, "CDOR" => -2, "ZGT3" => 13, "ZMP4" => -5
  • Duplode
    Meanwhile, an unofficial lap: Countach, 1:39.30, uncorrected.

Mar 3

  • afullo
    Unofficial lap also for me: Countach, 2:55.55, but I took the longest way, so I can save some dozens of seconds by simply changing route.
  • Duplode
    Just in case, a Countach hint: notice what happens when you take a jump at high speed in 4th or 5th gear. Then, retry the jump lifting off the throttle while on the ramp.
  • afullo
    2:29.40, as predicted, removed a couple of dozens of seconds. "Lifting off the throttle" means by interrupting acceleration? Btw, I've tried with Acura, but I feel difficult to get past the "island", crashing onto the support of the descending part of the first bridge.
  • Duplode
    Yup, interrupting acceleration while climbing ramps at speed is the first step to enjoyable Countach laps. You can think of this effect as some sort of anti-powergear; after a handful of laps you will recognize when it kicks in.
  • afullo
    Ok, thanks. I've tried some laps with other cars, obtaining several interesting laptimes, but it is difficult to compensate a 44% bonus. My time with Countach is lowered to 1:23.66, while with the near zero bonus supercars I stopped the clock at 1:47 and 1:48 (corrected to circa 1:50), and with the Esprit at about 2:15, corrected to 1:40.
  • Zak McKracken
    whoops, sorry, coefficients are now set!
  • Duplode
    Excellent Smiley
  • afullo
    Is this possible to submit replays even if today it is only the 3rd of the month?
  • Zak McKracken
    Yes, you can send replays, but they will not account for leading time calculation until the official start time of the new track.
  • Zak McKracken
    Finally a proper car Smiley
  • afullo
    Ok, thanks. I've got the replay on the other PC, I'll upload it as soon as possible. Time is higher than yours, so it is not a problem for leading time calculation if I delay submission.
  • CTG
    Afullo: try Malibu (USC 83) !
  • afullo
    Done! I could do better, maybe in the next days or weeks...

Mar 4

  • Rokker Zsolti
    Guten Morgen!
  • Duplode
    ¡Buenas tardes!
  • CTG
    And now: Biker, 46.65

Mar 6

  • CTG
    Biker must be ill or something...
  • CTG
    (it's already 6th March and he's still not leading)
  • Akoss Poo
    Or hidin' something you should not know...
  • CTG
    Biker and hiding? Are you drunk?
  • Akoss Poo
    No, just Biker and learning...
  • CTG
    He can't hide his own ego... he loves to dominate the races.

Mar 7

  • Duplode
    Then here is some ersatz Biker for you:
  • Friker
    CTG, you speakin of ego is funny Cheesy
  • Rokker Zsolti
    Difficult track, difficult car. But life itself is difficult, isn't it?
  • Rokker Zsolti
    Question, car hacking: how can you build up a new vehicle?
  • Duplode
    The key tools are Car Blaster for performance and physics (available from the Downloads page here) and stressed for graphics (see Stressed downloads - Updated 2021-03-08 ). You will need an image editor to paint the dashboard; optionally, you can also use a 3D editor to help sculpting the car body. Technical reference can be found at the Wiki (Stunts Wiki: Category ) - the Car files article there is a good starting point. Lastly, if you are going to try it I highly recommend joining the forum and going to the car creation board (Custom Cars with Stressed ) to ask questions, request assistance, and of course show off your creations Smiley
  • CTG
    Duplode: sorry, but Biker would do it a lot faster. Btw I wonder where's Ayrton...

Mar 8

  • CTG
    Happy birthday, Ukkalukkawhatever!
  • CTG
    Ukkasukkalix, lol

Mar 10

  • SuperBrian
    I'm back after losing a few points last month due to lack of time. Just finished my last paper on university and moved city as well. This calls for a fresh start - in Stunts as well. Testlap.

Mar 11

  • CTG
    1:29.95 will be enough for the podium.

Mar 12

  • CTG
    Check this: not the quiet days are quiet! ZakStunts 2013 - Useless stats Wink
  • afullo
    Welcome back SuperBrian. At the beginning of the month I was asking if I would be able to enter your team, Damage Inc. Can i join your sodality?

Mar 13

  • SuperBrian
    afullo you are more than welcome to join the Damage Inc. team. I have sent you a message in the forum.
  • SuperBrian
    Also I want to report a small issue with last year's team points. Diesel Joe's 8 points of CZT144 is not calculated in the total score of Damage Inc, but he has never left our team.
  • CTG
    Brian: come to USC, afullo is already there! Wink
    Hi, it's CTG talking. It seems Bullshit's password is bullshit - that's why Usrin could find it out last month.
  • Alain
    Stupid as always poor hungarian fellow!
  • afullo
    Ok, as I wrote on the forum, thanks for letting me aboard!
  • Rokker Zsolti
    God save the queen!
  • afullo
    Yay I got Ultimate Stunts working! Cheesy
  • CTG
  • CTG
    Before I spam it out: 2014-03-13 12:01:00 - SuperBrian Also I want to report a small issue with last year's team points. Diesel Joe's 8 points of CZT144 is not calculated in the total score of Damage Inc, but he has never left our team.
  • Alan Rotoi
    I had a password which was an accurate description of you.
  • Alan Rotoi
    Unfortunately it wasn't my idea. There was another who had a similar description in his password.

Mar 14

  • afullo
    Just converted ZTC152 to Ultimate Stunts and played into that. Drive time: 3:49.95, penalty time 3.51 (no more rule of the two tiles, in another track I got a 0.52 seconds penalty!), total time 3:53.46. Much higher than its counterpart in the original Stunts, but it is also my first run with US in this track, and also my first day of play with that spin-off Smiley
  • Duplode
    It has been a while since I last tried Ultimate Stunts. Can it save replays? Cheesy
  • CTG
    afullo: which car did you use in Ultimate Stunts?
  • afullo
    That time was obtained with Lamborghini Diablo. Yes, it allows to save replays, but it seems more difficult to determine penalty times (not depicted on screen during replays) if the driver takes unallowed shortcuts.
  • afullo
    Correction, it was Lamborghini Countach. With Diablo I just ran, doing a very little better: 3:29.41 + 22.54 = 3:51.95.
  • CTG
    3:33.70, but no penalty
  • afullo
    3:07.47 with Ferrari 512 BB. Btw, the race just finished is listed in the hiscores as "this race", so it is considerable as a certificate of correctness of the time if we want to take screenshots as proofs (hiscores table is easily editable, but the "this race" label probably cannot be inserted outside of the list appearing at the end of a race, i.e. while checking for hiscores from the menu).

Mar 15

  • Alan Rotoi
    I can't do it better.

Mar 16

  • afullo
    Further improvements: 3:00.09 with Maserati Bora, 2:53.95 with Subaru Impreza, and finally 2:19.08 with Formula 1 car. I tried also with Superfast F1 Mod, but it is undriveable on a track like ZCT152.
  • CTG
    2:41 with Subaru.
  • CTG
    (still a weak one, I had three major mistakes)

Mar 18

  • afullo
    Just did 2.27:47 (2:11.21 driving, 16.26 penalty). Penalties for some tiles seem to be underestimated, so it could be convenient to skip some of them and to take additional seconds instead of spending "real" ones. But it is not really different to the original Stunts - where skipping two tiles results in no penalty at all.
  • CTG
    ...and you can jump out of the pipe! Cheesy

Mar 20

  • SuperBrian
    Unfortunately I don't have internet before the beginning of the next month. This replay was just a poor shot from last weekend uploaded to my email. See you next month.

Mar 21

  • CTG
    Hmmm... somebody wants to beat Biker.
  • CTG

Mar 23

  • CTG
    The pipe-cut:
  • Duplode
  • afullo
    Brief but noteworthy! Btw, 2:06:88 with Formula 1 car...

Mar 24

  • CTG
    It's a lot cooler in Stunts.
  • afullo
    I imagine! Btw, why do the graphical scoreboard shows +99.6 instead of +09.96 as half the difference between the 1st and the 12th? Decimal representation issues?
  • dreadnaut
    Testing testing! New drop-downs to select seasons and tracks in various pages. Let me know if anything breaks! ZakStunts 9.0

Mar 25

  • Alan Rotoi
    Very nice!! I can see 2001 data but not 2002-2003.
  • dreadnaut
    Yes, I still need to fill the podiums for 2002 and 2003 Smiley
  • CTG
  • CTG
  • CTG
    afullo: 1:59.01 (1:55.xx+3.xx penalty), many mistakes.
  • CTG
    1:53, still sucks...
  • RacerBG
    Just a quick DEFAULT track replay. Well not so quick, I can do better if I'm not lazy. Tongue
  • Bonzai Joe
    Thanks. I had to race with the Countach. Maybe I'll try to beat Akoss Poo :-)

Mar 26

  • Duplode
    Sorry Renato, but with BJ on the track I just can't let you to get away so readily Smiley
  • CTG
    dreadnaut: the drop-down menu does not work in Google Chrome (it shows a text list of seasons and tracks). However, this problem disappears in Internet Explorer.
  • dreadnaut
    Is Chrome your usual browser? Maybe you just need to refresh the cache. The dropdowns are, after all, just lists of seasons and tracks.
  • Duplode
    The dropdowns load correctly here in Chrom(ium), though the season list is not split into columns.
  • CTG
    it works now, thanks

Mar 27

  • CTG

Mar 28

  • Akoss Poo
    Oh my God! Renato Biker lost a leading time point!!! [shocked]
  • CTG
    ! Grin
  • Renato Biker
    hahahaha, this is the effect of my new job. :S
  • Renato Biker
    E também da chatice do Duplode! hahaha
  • CTG
    Meanwhile, Akoss Poo plays Stunts at his "workplace". Bah...
  • dreadnaut
    Test test! Looking for feedback on a new scoreboard format, you can find it at the bottom of track pages: ZCT152. For example, is it better to have team logos or team names? Smaller or larger text?

Mar 29

  • Duplode
    @Renato: concentrando a chatice em um mês para justificar a preguiça no resto do ano Cheesy
  • Duplode
    @dreadnaut: it looks better overall. I am only a bit ambivalent about the team logos - nice idea, but they make the flags stand out less (at least for me, those lined flags just scream "ZakStunts!"). Also, some of the logos look a bit weird in low resolution (though in principle that can be improved by zooming or some other tinkering).
  • dreadnaut
    They do look weird —removed! Smiley

Mar 30

  • Duplode
    Still on the scoreboard, the display of the transmission type is pretty elegant.
  • Alan Rotoi
    I like the new scoreboard!!
  • dreadnaut
    Thanks Cheesy New additions: recent replays have a little orange border to make them stand out, and a new graph which took me three hours to make! Tongue

Mar 31

  • Zak McKracken
    love the new scoreboard!
  • CTG
    The "Tour de France" graph is a nice touch (leaders-following group difference).
  • Alan Rotoi
    I can't do it better Smiley
  • CTG
  • CTG
    I have no mood to restart the lap...
  • Alan Rotoi
    1 hour left and I'm at home Smiley
  • Bonzai Joe
    New scoreboard looking awesome. Great work all around, dreadnaut.

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