News posted in August 2013
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Aug 1
Mirosorry for the unfinished one, here is the correct lap
CTGSeems to be 4th but still... so far from the GTOs. Btw Friker is hiding for sure.
CTGIt was a nice track anyway, even with Ferrari GTO (except that dirty 360+x degree turn at ~46-50 s).
dreadnautSuddenly, I'm not newbie anymore
CTGStrange, as you joined in October 2012.
CTGHmmmm... new stuff on the site!
Aug 2
dreadnautHappy birthday Barnabás!
Zak McKracken10 replays sent during quiet days - now on the scoreboard! Update: later, probably tomorrow.
Renato BikerGreat 2*D!
DuplodeYEAH! Fifty races on this still feels great. Thank you RBK, always keeping me on my toes
DuplodeAnd that's a good comeback, DieselJoe!
Aug 3
AbuRaf70Feliz Cumpleaños, Dreadnaut...!!!!
DuplodeHappy birthday dreadnaut
Renato BikerFeliz aniversário, dreadnaut!
Renato BikerRBK?
DuplodeI thought that was the standard three-letter arcade abbreviation for "Renato Biker"? ("Standard", as in "I made it up and assumed everybody else thought the same"
CTGActually I thought it's rather RBI. But RBK sounds good, too.
CTGHappy birthday, dreadnaut (& Svenne)!
DieselJoeCongratulations to Duplode for winning ZCT144, to Svenne and dreadnaut for their birthdays and to Zak for still hosting this great competition! :-) And @CTG: as I already said, thanks for the Jaguar hint. ;-)
dreadnautThank you everyone! :°)
CTGYou are welcome, but it's still an unexpected good result!
CTG(actually it reminds me on Pécs race, USC 2004/05)
Aug 4
Thanks for all the regular, irregular and comeback racers who joined in July! An interesting race and a wide variety of tracks on the scoreboard. Good to see, but I understand the main driving force behind this was probably the love-hate relationship with the GTO.
Anyway, the podium is full with the Ferrari - and its master, Duplode managed to beat Renato on the second place. CTG finished third, ahead of the rest of the bunch. Congrats, guys!
As for August, I was honestly anticipating a guest track, but nobody felt like sending one. So please welcome our guest for 2004, 100 tracks from the past: ZCT44, alias Euro Zone!
What? a retro-track again? - you may ask?
Well, sort of, but as the Euro Zone was extended in the past decade, so was the track - you will have the chance to jump through the Channel and visit the UK and Ireland. I wouldn't say roads are so great there - don't forget to drive on the left side of the road! :)
Enjoy, and hope to see good activity in August! -
DieselJoeI still knew that track's name but had to research for my result. I didn't remember I was only 0,5 seconds from victory once! :-D
CTGThat one was a legendary race.
Zak McKrackenthe track is up!
update finished
Zak McKrackenthis was fun!
Aug 5
DuplodeLooks promising
Especially if, as I suspect, Rotoi's Z144 lap will prevent an Indy race...
DuplodeThe delta was not intentional
CTGIndy replay is still faster.
CTG(even with Rotoi's sabotage)
DieselJoeWow, the Balaton is huge! :-)
CTGIt's not Lake Balaton, but maybe the flood in June.
Aug 6
Alan Rotoijojo
Aug 7
New article on the site! Duplode wrapped up
how stressed he was in the past five yearsthe past five years of Stressed - the Stunts Resource Editor.
Enjoy, and of course new articles are welcome anytime. -
CTGDRE: is the archive really BÖFF-reduced?
CTGBtw I have to tell this year is full of great tracks.
dreadnaut@CTG Indeed, extremely long böffs will collapse to a shorter böff. I'll probably copy the code to the home page too :-p
dreadnautActually, I don't like böff-limiting, but some of them where 3-4 *screens* tall. I might tweak the code to a böff-log function.
DuplodeExperiments indicate that the böffs are still there; they are just not being displayed in the news archive. That pleases this history preservation freak very much
dreadnautDefinitely, I wouldn't dare delete stuff from the database. You can now disable böff-reduction by adding &fullböff to the url
CTGWhat do you do with "BÜÖFF" then?
CTGand other versions
dreadnautThe system is flexible, but I am sure you can find a way around it. It's just there to make multi-kilobyte böffs readable, e.g. 11/04/2012.
dreadnaut2013 sorry, not 2012.
dreadnautDo you want a checkbox to disable böff-reduction? :-p
Akoss PooIn Stunts Wiki, somebody wrote 'The Böff in Stunts culture'. So, when we restrict the böffs on a Stunts related page, we damage the Stunts culture. Is it worthy?
DuplodeA possible compromise might be adding line breaks every 40th Ö or so, just to avoid screwing up too much the flexible width layout.
DuplodeOr a checkbox to *enable* böff-reduction, visible only when there actually are massive böffs on screen.
DuplodeDear me, that is a surreal discussion
CTGWhat else should I say? B Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö F F ! ! ! Böff dampening: < 1dB
DuplodeThe böff logger is already working it seems; check this post in the archives
Aug 8
Renato BikerMy ghost has birthday today, congrats.
CTGthe ghost's ghost? lol
CTGbtw where's your 1:15, biker?
CTGit's so unusual to see that you don't want to steal the racing mood of less addicted competitors
Akoss PooTest lap.
CTGQuite a weak one, Mr. Poo!
CTGStealing your teammate's LT? Btw it's still too slow.
Alan RotoiYou are not teammates, at least for the system.
Akoss PooJust what you do @ Hönefoss.
CTGThere's PTB, not LTB, dickhole!
CTGAlan: thanks for the reminder! Zak: please fix the membership thing! Thank you in advance!
Akoss PooIt's called PTB, but actually depends on leading time because of the multiplier.
CTGQuestion B: are you fighting for overall positions?
Akoss PooI'm just feeling the joy of leading a ZSC race after 8 years. Cut my dick if I get a bonus point in the end and you don't.
CTGSo much for your joy.
Akoss PooThough I can still finish 9 races this year. But I don't think it is possible, because of shitty cars and ?tracks.
Akoss PooCTG: it's so usual to see that you want to steal the racing mood of less addicted competitors.
Akoss PooYou should say sorry to Renato Biker.
CTGShortest books: Looping Warriors - Team unit
Akoss PooWhy? This doesn't bother team scoring.
CTGYou don't keep the non-existing team order.
Akoss PooWhat? I think you forgot to share us your strong replays in the past month... Now don't wait for ours.
CTGCheck the proper topic... My GTO replay was there.
CTG« Reply #65 on: July 25, 2013, 20:58:53 » Mocskos GéTéÓ, sálálálálá! * CTG144F.RPL (2.98 kB - downloaded 1 times.)
Akoss PooI think you had a ZR1 replay before. Let alone your earlier 1.23 replay. Btw you will be the last of the serious racers and I will be the first of the hobby racers on the final monthly scoreboard. Renato, Friker, Duplode, come on!
CTGI don't think so.
CTGWho cared about GT3... I thought you will use GTO.
Akoss PooNon-Indy powergear with this car... with my keyboard which I always emphasize... no way... @ "I don't think so." -> check ZCT144 scoreboard... it may happen again.
CTG(Btw I had Jaguar replay before...)
CTGCheck some former scoreboards from this season.
Aug 9
Zak McKrackenstrange, CTG, in the database you are listed as a Looping Warrior... :-O
Zak McKrackenand points are also calculated accordingly (check the team standings). It just does not show on the scoreboard :-O
Alan RotoiI have a theory...
Alan RotoiNo, I'm superstitious.
Aug 10
DuplodeHappy birthday, JTK!
CTGHappy birthday, JTK!
CTGQuick try with GT3. There's a great potential in this car.
Alan RotoiYes I thought the same when I saw Dup's time. I'll give a try.
CTGIt's really worth to try. Some amateur solutions still remained in the middle sectors.
Aug 11
AbuRaf70Feliz Cumpleaños, JTK...!!!
Aug 12
ChulkFirst quick try with Duplode's "can't turn in 3º gear" car.
ChulkTry 2 (ok, you could turn in 3º gear).
Aug 15
CTGHey Biker, you screwed it up! If you came with this replay 5 hours earlier, Duplode and you would have the chance to take all the LTB points.
CTGNope, sorry, checked the wrong line - a lot more than 5 hours... It's still morning...
CTGBtw happy birthday, Ala... hmmm... Arg... khmkhm... AYRTON!
DuplodeHail to the king! Happy birthday Ayrton.
AbuRaf70Feliz Cumpleaños, Maestro Ayrton...!!!
Akoss PooCTG, that means you could (should) have let me lead for 4 more hours, even if you insist on your bonus point.
Aug 16
CTGYeah, I was aware of Biker's late response.
Aug 17
Alan RotoiI miss a full INDY race.
DuplodeZ135 was quite good, but you did it with Acura...
Aug 18
Alan RotoiIt was almost a year ago :O
CTGAlan: PG or simply a fast track?
Alan RotoiBoth!
CTGThen ask Zak/Duplode/Poo to do something for it.
Aug 19
DreadnautOh, a plane with wireless! Pity I can't get my new replay to send :-/
Aug 20
DuplodeSomeone should try Jaguar next...
Aug 21
Alan RotoiThere are people racing from only four different countries this month
Aug 22
DuplodeThat is surprising, given that the circuit runs through all of Europe this month...
CTGAnd only two countries from Europe: Hungary and the 90° turned Hungary.
dreadnautHungary and fake Mexico!
dreadnautA not so interesting replay, just to test the newsbox in progress.
dreadnautAnd another test...
Aug 25
CTGRecycle from the old HDD.
CTGImproving the last 10 seconds.
Aug 26
FrikerI\'ve hit the road again. NoRH again.
Aug 27
dreadnautYay!™ Friker\\\'s back!
dreadnautArgh, quotes, of course I forgot about quotes. Well, tomorrow.
Aug 29
dstienNice article, Duplode. Years sure flies when you're having fun.
Aug 30
Alan RotoiHappy birthday Chulk!
FrikerHappy Birthday, Chulk!
CTGHappy birthday, Mr. Estimator!
DuplodeFeliz cumpleaños, Chulk!
DuplodeNow that Akoss' lap is not a Jaguar one any more I need to find another pretext to justify a full redrive :rolleyes:
CTGThe pie is getting warm...
AbuRaf70Feliz Cumple, Chulk...!!! que tengas un muy buen día junto a tus seres queridos...!!!
AbuRaf70Feliz Cumple, Vamologocomisso...!!!
CTGbööff!!! Böff dampening: < 1dB
CTGbiker, you are nothing
SuperBrianHappy birthday Chulk and vamologocomisso!
SuperBrianWhere can I get the special cars for the race this time? It seems as if I miss a couple of cars..
SuperBrianFirst try.
UsrinHappy birthday, Chulk et al.!
UsrinSuperBrian: choose Downloads on this page (on the left), and get the 2013 package.
SuperBrianTHX! I'll be back tomorrow..
Aug 31
CTGwhohooo, all the loopings in top10!
SuperBrianNot anymore..
CTGYou bastard!
DuplodeProbably not in contention. Probably...
CTGDon't pretend that you are slow, 'cause you are not.
CTGCards on the table.
CTGso close, so close, so close...
CTGwhat the... 1:57.40 should be the correct one
CTGah okay
CTGI would be glad to beat RBI's current time. Giving 40% for that - not more because of the aloholic effect.
Böff dampening: < 1dB
CTGfrom now: forum rampage
CTGOkay, that's the real lap. Enjoy your victory, random Brasil guy!
CTGOkay, that's the real lap. Enjoy your victory, random Brasil guy!
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