News posted in August 2012
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Aug 1
Akoss Poob-ö-f-f, b-ö-f-f, b-ö-f-f!!!
Aug 2
Alan RotoiI had an urgent travel to Santa Fe so couldn't improve my time, sorry :S
Aug 4
Site updated, scoreboard final and confirmed, track available! Newspost after a biiig sleep :)
Zak McKrackenback home, tired as hell, but will update site now...
Aug 5
AbuRaf70Gracias Zak por todo tu trabajo...!!! Ojalá puedas descansar bien ahora....
Aug 7
Frikerwell, i feel like a noob.
CTGme too
Akoss Pootest lap
Zak McKrackenwelcome Akoss back on the scoreboard!!!! \o/
Akoss Pootest lap, now with the desired car
(thanks, zak
Aug 8
DuplodeOn Z132: Congratulations to Renato, Alan and CTG. Too bad that Gutix didn't show up though...
CTGHappy birthday, Gelato Baker!
Renato Bikerhahaha, happy birthday, my dear ghost.
Aug 9
SuperBrianHey Guys. Some very busy months are now past me and I'll try and find the form I left with, though it seems somewhat far away.
Welcome back, Akoss.
SuperBrianAnother testlap.
CTGWelcome back, Brian! Akoss: your Nemesis is back!
CTG"A" drivers at the bottom (-lan Rotoi, -buRaf70, -koss Poo)
CTGAkoss Poo is unable to show up a sub-minute replay tonight.
CTG-insult Akoss Poo
CTG!kick Akoss Poo
CTG(good old mIRC chat)
Aug 10
DuplodeOnly now I managed to stop and watch last race's replays. Outrageous laps from the top 2, well done boys! Renato also managed to do the bridge corner properly - my line there stayed in embrionary stage. Also,the splits in the battle for third were interesting...
Frikerhappy birthday, jtk!
CTGMeat cake for JTK!
AbuRaf70Happy Birthday, JTK...!!!
Aug 11
Zak McKrackenhard...
Aug 15
Frikerhey renato - let me lead long enough to ensure 1 LTB and i let you win this track
Renato Biker
Battle man!
AbuRaf70Felíz Cumpleaños, Master Ayrton...!!!
Frikerf*** it. half an hour im not watching and you stole my hour of leading! :-/ wait for 16:59
Renato Bikerhahaha. Ok, I just learned to cross the last turn now!
Frikeroh f***
could you teach me how?
CTG(could be a name of a medicine
Renato BikerNo!
Frikerwhat? this is strange
i am first but you have ltb.
Frikergive me these 29 hours! :-/
Renato BikerOh no, let me study, I can`t concentrate knowing that I am in the second place!
Renato BikerI'll wait you sleep to send other replay
Frikerwell i have to go out now (in 40 mins) for about 3-4 hours, then i will send a replay and then i will go to bed
and - i have to study too.. so accept these 19 hours and the first place will be yours - do you accept?
Frikerhmm.. at least until silent days
Renato BikerLet me see if I can beat your time, so I'll say if I accept or not.
Frikeri make it easier for you - try to beat 1:34:00
Renato BikerSend your best time!
Frikerisn't recorded
ok. im going out. so good bye and bad luck
Renato Bikerhehe, good sleep
Frikerthis is a near-best time
FrikerF*** THAT!!!
Frikerok bye
Renato BikerOh no, I need to start a new lap :S
Frikerhmm.. my replay is bad - it could be done about 5 secs better. so good luck
Aug 16
CTG/me is listening to Metallica - Master of puppets
Frikerlosing that 1 ltb point is only good for ctg :-/
Renato BikerFight for this, it's only 10 hours!
Frikeri dont have a time for fighting. maybe next race
Frikerhey renato - that new time - is it a redriven one or is it just a new trick in the end?
Alan RotoiNone of those... it's a cheat
Aug 17
Renato BikerHahaha, get out of the last place, Alan
Friker, I improved all points of the track. The last turn is equal before.
Frikerin my best, i can have time like you, but i cannot reproduce one trick.. so maybe some day..
Akoss Poobööööööööööffffffffffffffff!!!
Akoss Poopúú!!! Böff dampening: < 1dB
CTGmuhahahhaha, poo in my ass
Aug 19
CTGOne of the worst tracks...
Frikerindeed, we are all very happy ayrton isn't here
CTGsay something like that and he'll be back
Frikerwell it would be a very nice replay
Renato BikerIn defeat, the time to watch the replays is more fun, bring on Ayrton!
Frikerhe is Patricio Sbarbi Osuna at FB isn't he? i'll write him
Aug 20
Alan RotoiPatricio is me
Ayrton is... hmm, I don't know
Frikerhuh. i'm sorry.
Aug 22
CTGFriker: obviously you are my ghost and that's why you insult Ayrotoi. Probably he's innocent - Ayrgammon and Al-yton are more suspicious in this question.
Frikerobviously i am a ghost
CTGMaybe your replays aren't real, but you are.
CTG(or not)
CTGI still remember when BJ thought that MLR is my ghost. That was fun.
i enjoy this blaming about ghosts too. with Overdrijf, we forged quite good alliance back in 2009, we were named ghosts (at least i) thus the name - Crashper's domination. Now, i've became a real person but my replays are stolen/given to me by other person.. what's next?
(btw cheating is a very good reason to stay outside any team
) you should create more stories about me - i like them
CTGYou should form a team with Usrin called Bryndzové Halušky.
CTGOr Zlaty Bazant.
CTGBtw I'm just kidding. I don't care if your replays are coming from somebody else or not (somebody completed that lap which is faster than me, so my ranking is real).
i know you're kidding. it's not a shame when you lose against a newbie with luck.. you're still much better than me. btw if you could pick some racers who are helping me/driving instead of me - which ones would you choose?
Aug 23
CTGMaybe the one you "use" at the moment.
(Naaaah, I won't give hints!)
CTGI can imagine three tricks that make you a lot faster than me. The first one is jumping out of the cork, landing on the edge of the hill, bug jump, landing in the pipe (and maybe a cut with jumping out of the pipe). The second option: weird magic carpet after the short banked road to the loop, winning a lot of speed with that. Third: extreme aerial Stunts to cut the 270 degree corner (cutting on the grass sucks).
Frikerwell.. the hint is: i cannot reproduce it (i would be 1 second faster). the second hint: it is some kind of magic carpet. well, i would say two of things you mentioned are doable with other car/speed or Ayrton.
(that's the reason i would like to have Ayrton here)
Aug 24
CTGI won't touch this track anymore. It's simply the worst one of the season (so far).
Aug 25
CTGwhat the hell is wrong? :@
Frikerwhat the hell, renato?! i really look forward to see your replay
CTGProbably I'm wrong, but I think only a single trick is missing from my replay and the other parts are quite good.
CTG(a better cork - edge of hill - pipe cut)
Frikerit will be a nice surprise
Renato Biker
Aug 26
dstienLast, but not least.
Aug 27
AbuRaf70Feliz Cumpleaños, Paleke...!!!
Frikerwish me luck, tommorow at 8 AM (10 hours to go).
Aug 28
CTGfor what?
CTG(okay, it's too late to wish luck - but if everybody starts to think on you, you will start to hickle)
FrikerI am bachelor (of CS) now!
i had final exam today (i've screwed first term in june). so from now on - i am racing at full speed
Aug 29
CTGFinally! An opponent I do not hate so much! (kidding
Frikerkidding = you hate me as much as others?
AbuRaf70Contratulation, Friker....!!!!
AbuRaf70Happy Birthday, Johnny-K...!!!!
CTGFriker: reacting on Gustavo's replay, not on your full power racing.
Aug 30
AbuRaf70Chulk y Vamologocomisso... Feliz Cumpleaños.....!!!!!
CTGHappy birthday, Nacho!
Aug 31
CTGHmmm... Akoss is getting closer.
DuplodeIt is a pity (sorry Akoss!) but I will have to pass this one: I was was going to try again yesterday but was too knackered for doing anything useful.
DuplodeIn any case: late happy birthday to Chulk, and congratulations Friker!
UsrinCTG: me too, be aware!
UsrinFriker: congratulations! Then I wish you a job which leaves you enough time to race.
Frikerthank you. well, it is only a bachelor title - next point is to gain a master degree
but still i am very happy about this "achievement"
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