News posted in May 2012
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May 1
We care about your eyes! The site was re-optimized for widescreen resolution (1280px wide). This change has allowed font sizes to be increased by one each!
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Zak McKrackenupdate today!
Zak McKrackenscoreboard final, unconfirmed
Zak McKrackenupdate done, scoreboard confirmed, track available!
Frikerjust a starter
OverdrijfMoehaha, I am faster than a carrera!
May 2
Magic carpets helped the podiumers on the scoreboard of ZCT129. Duplode's dominance in this season was broken.
Gutix literally left the others, well... in the corkscrew :) Congratulations on the lap which is a pleasure to watch!
On the second place: Friker!
Maybe he was throttled by the fact that the track is his creation? We can't know. But fourth place in January-February, third place in March and then second place in April... Am I the only one catching a trendline hire? Will he be able to join the hall of fame and win a race? He already won - sort of - as he yet again secured the +2 LTB. We may have a serious contender for the trophy this season.
And on the third place: Aburaf! Following Gutix's steps he drove clean and quick lines. Well-deserved podium, again!
They also helped their team to win this race by a great margin.
Congratulations to all! On to May and ZCT130. Are you prepared to let your mind work? Because now you are not only supposed to race fast - but also need to find our where to race fast! -
DuplodeCongratulations to Gutix, Friker and AbuRaf, who ensured our monthly fix of magic carpets and hard slides! The new site layout looks fine - the only issue, not really related to it, is that the scoreboard pages fro all races are displaying the current (Z130) track map.
DuplodeAn early lap to raise my racing spirits...
CTGTesting: BÖÖFF!! Böff dampening: < 1dB
CTGNothing changed.
CTGBut now let's spam it out.
CTGSeems like a difficult track.
CTGMaybe I should give a try to it.
CTGBut not now.
CTGBtw congratulations to Meganium and Friker.
CTG/me took the whole week off.
CTGI should work on the last publication.
CTGno mood
Overdrijf*Helps spamming it out*
May 3
Zak McKrackenLotus power!
May 4
Frikerok, and what is the line?
CTGAccording to Wikipedia, the line is: The notion of line or straight line was introduced by ancient mathematicians to represent straight objects with negligible width and depth. Lines are an idealization of such objects. Thus, until seventeenth century, lines were defined like this: "The line is the first species of quantity, which has only one dimension, namely length, without any width nor depth, and is nothing else than the flow or run of the point which [...] will leave from its imaginary moving some vestige in length, exempt of any width. [...] The straight line is that which is equally extended between its points"
OverdrijfThe line is a secret, we use a new special bug, found by Cork himself.
FrikerCTG: i was expecting a message like your, but from someone else
May 5
Alan RotoiGetting closer xD
May 13
dstienWell, well, well. Well-well.
CTG2005-09-18 Usrin Dear new racers! Please notice that there's a community here. This should be a race of REAL PEOPLE, and not a race of .rpl files thrown on the scoreboard without allowing us to know anything about its maker... (And I don't believe that a time under 1:00 can be reached with auto transmission. If I were Zak, I would check if everything is OK with Docu's replay...)
May 18
CTGQuite a silence race, huh?
Frikerwell, i have to finish my thesis, another project and some terms.. so no racing from me this month probably
May 21
AbuRaf70Feliz Cumpleaños, Mark...!!!
DuplodeLotus is very fun to drive here
FrikerHappy birthday, Mark.
May 25
DuplodeTime to make things a little more confusing! Which car will prove more effective? [I claim this is not just a rhetorical question, even though you will never believe anyone saying that a week before deadline :-) ]
CTGI will win this track. Be sure.
May 30
CTGOr not.
May 31
Frikerat least i will not be angry at myself
(i hate when there is one different car finished in the middle of the scoreboard)
OverdrijfBut we need more different cars. That's what the "choose your own car"-system is about.
Anonymouswell.. it's good to have a hard-choice race but this is not the case. someone drove only test lap and then it mix the car bonuses - i don't like it. carrera is still down because of that.
OverdrijfLess than an hour left, oh noes!
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