News posted in April 2012
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Apr 1
Well, hello pipsqueaks!
Yes, pipsqueaks, most of you, as only four racers were brave enough to unleash the Ferrari GTO on ZCT128. They are all brave real racers! The others? Well... pipsqueaks!
Best amongst the brave was Duplode, second came fellow teammate Bonzai Joe - bringing ultimate fame to the mighty Cork.
And on the third place... who is that??? Friker. Congratulations to your first poridum, RACER!
This achievement has its value further raised due to the fact that Gutix, the king of powegear and carpets of magic only finished fourth - missing a small but important trick, and also that Friker collected +2 LTB. Worth a big round of applause!
Now on to April, let's see what this talented Friker can achieve on his own design: Around an island, aka ZCT129.
Don't let anyone fool you - fasten your seatbelt and race as hell! Car? Give it some thought... -
Zak McKrackenupdate started, scoreboard final, unconfirmed
Zak McKrackenbtw, am sitting on the balcony of our apartment with my laptop after a great lunch, sunshine, 20 degrees, light breeze, listening to Erasure - perfect site update environment
Zak McKrackenscoreboard confirmed, track available. Thanks to all participants of March!
Zak McKrackensort of a test drive
Frikerhmm.. i knew about all things done better but i wasn't able to achieve them. (especially hit the slope road after the second loop) maybe after 4 years racing when everyone will be gone (with wives/on trips) i'll win something.
congrats to Duplode
Bonzai JoeOh that sounds like a good update, Zak! What Erasure stuff were you listnening to? Congratulations to Duplode, and to Friker for reaching the podium and leveling with the top.
Bonzai JoeI like how short this track looks. But all those bridge corners... RH-pain.... or power gear holiday? :-)
Frikeruh.. now i see - i forgot to add some block of flats
so it's shorter than short.
i don't know where you want to gain powergear, but if you do send me a replay pls
i tried to do some easy NoRH friendly track so enjoy it.
btw - could be the vertical cork omitted?
DuplodeAs expected, it didn't take long at all
Major congratulations, Friker! Oh, and awesome third circle corner, man; sharp as a knife!
DuplodeA small issue, Zak: LTB points for ZCT128 were added twice.
Bonzai JoeWhen I made the PG comment, I thought the track went the other way :-D
Bonzai JoeExtra bonus points for anyone who PG-skips the bridge corners.
Frikerhm? some session timeout?
CTGMy bet: Lancia madness.
Apr 5
OverdrijfWas driving always this hard, or is it just because windows 7 forces me to use dosbox?
Apr 6
DuplodeDo you get any noticeable lag, Overdrijf? You might want to ensure you are running DOSBox with a sane number of cycles (say, 14000).
Frikeroh hello back!
i personally don't like driving in dosbox..
OverdrijfI found the cycles button, I just haven't found a fullscreen button that won't display the game in negative colors yet. Mostly though I was just looking for an excuse for what was a very quick test lap driven after a year of absence.
Apr 7
Zak McKrackenthere you go...
CTGExpect a new lap in two weeks.
CTGIt's hard to use manual gear with 1.5 hands.
CTGDOSBox is not really useful under XP. Too bad, it's necessary if you have Windows 7... :-S
Apr 8
Friker3:15am - you're gonna die!
CTG11:11am - böff!
Apr 9
Frikeraah i've noticed it too late
Frikerstill - you have nothing more?
CTGMaybe tomorrow.
Frikerhm.. what is your estimation about winning time?
Frikerbtw - Duplode & BJ - where are you?
CTGDunno, my estimations usually suck.
CTGBut the winner will pass the cork up/down without using the brakes.
Frikerhmm.. is that even possible? now i see how much i suck
CTGI expected something like that...
CTGLemme see the time I lose in each sectors: beginning sucks (slow after the first corner), no sliding at the first ramp, bad cornering, unlucky fall trom cork up/down, driving too much on the grass after the loop-tunnel part, no sliding on the last ramp... 42.31 is not a big deal.
OverdrijfMy attempt at worst time.
Frikeryep, i have a good start but a bad elevated section ended with a very poor pass through that cork.. but ending is solid.. i think somewhere around 38 is possible.
Overdrijf(the Indy one)
DuplodeThe proverbial listfiller, just to decree the end of a ten days break.
Apr 11
Bonzai JoeI'm right here. I'm trying not to race. An attempt which will possibly fail.
Apr 12
OverdrijfNothing to do with the current race, but I just noticed that in the track archive none of the pictures of tracks older than number 100 are showing. I also noticed it can be fixed by adding an extra zero before the number of the track. track=ZCT99 -> track=ZCT099
Apr 13
CTG10 years... I should play tonight to celebrate it.
Frikerhappy "birthday" CTG
and just relax - don't race
CTGI said race, but nothing about the track. Probably I'll dig up ZCT13.
CTGOr I said play... Blind, tired, stupid CTG.
Apr 22
Frikerhm.. no new replays after weekend..
OverdrijfThat means people had a good weekend. And now back to racing all of you!
Apr 23
Frikerhm, i have just finished my last riding session before deadline.. my replay looks ugly and i am quite sad that this race is so inactive.
Friker:O Aburaf's attacking.
Apr 24
DuplodeMy shoulder is now good enough for driving a little bit for fun
Apr 26
CTGMy shoulder is now crappier than three weeks ago. Might be a worse injury... Expect no improvements from me.
Apr 27
Gutixmy shoulder is fine, but my neck is tense and is making some vertebral noises after driving this lap
CTGhello gutix
GutixHi CTG
Apr 28
Frikerhey hey hey, calm down aces!
i am happy there is at least one good replay.
DuplodeJust a quick drive with the "right" car...
Apr 29
OverdrijfFinal replay sent, not a contender on this track.
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