News posted in November 2012
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Nov 1
The Endurance Bonus must be adjusted, otherwise it will completely screw the balance of racer performance rewards. I have made a suggestion, and is my strong intent to modify, despite my unwillingness of changing rules during season. See details here in the forum. Comments welcome, let's discuss: -
Wowowowowow. What a race.
If I need to measure it by one thing, I would say: When happened it last, that all of the top 7 racers sent a replay during quiet days?
Looong time ago. Sure, there was a considerable and long silence in the middle of the month, but the first week and the last days were stellar.
And take a look at the differences!
Duplode won. Congratulations! But by ho much? .25 seconds UNCORRECTED. Actually, he was on par for a couple of seconds with Renato Biker, who eventually finished second. Well, this was not a track where you could simply do some fine-tuning and redrive on the last seconds and win significant time with it. It needed hard efforts. And I mean HARD.
And AbuRaf70 was strong enough! Third place on an Indy track? Many just dream about it. Congrats to both Renato and Aburaf!
Oh, there is someone else I want to mention. See that car on the fourth place? Wait a sec... what's that? An Acura? By a few milliseconds behind? Driven by Alan Rotoi, turning the table - almost.
Great race folks, great race!
Off to ZCT136: It's time to think. Actually I was so confused by my own creation I did not even dare to drive a serious test lap. Which car? Which way? How? Where? Questions all around. Who can solve them? We'll see on the racetrack.
And one more and much less happy question to clear: how to rework the Endurance Bonus to prevent it screwing up the whole season. I hate to do this on the second last track of the season, but it needs to be done. Need your help - see the other newspost for details. -
Zak McKrackenlet's update!
Zak McKrackenupdate done, track available.
Zak McKrackenI mean NOW available
CTGTwo tile trick should be forbidden.
CTGAaaaaah, nice!
CTGNow really... this kind of dual way cut makes no sense.
AbuRaf70Zak... Muchas gracias por el elogio... trabajé mucho, por ello, tus palabras son el mejor premio...
Zak McKrackenconsider it forbidden.
All: You are not allowed to go in reverse direction on this track. See
See this thread for explanation and details: Dual-way misery -
CTGWise and fast decision, thank you! Please reset the scoreboard.
Zak McKrackenTrack will be reissued in a few minutes!!!!
Nov 2
CTGBtw nice track
Zak McKrackenTrack changes and reissued, please download again and start over. The statement still applies: you cannot go reverse direction on this track.
Alan RotoiAbout winning replay, Dup, I love that trick in the second loop. Very nice! Congrats!
Renato BikerCongrats, DD, very nice replay!
DuplodeA huge THANK YOU to Renato for the incredibly awesome duel! I will remember the "Stunts truco" at Z135 as a high point
Congratulations to AbuRaf too for the podium! Now I'm off to watch the replays - specially yours, Rotoi
Alan RotoiMine is not impressive, it lacks much RH.
Renato BikerWe can or not cut corners?
CTGJust to clarify: dual-way switch is allowed unless you use the two-tile cut (and drive in 'Wrong Way')?
dreadnautI'm following "You are still forbidden to drive in reverse direction"
CTGAcura seems to be promising.
CTGI don't drive in reverse direction. 90° is a different thing.
CTGI like how this race started. Stormy, huh?
Duplode33.10 - 34.80 in Renato's Z135 replay :O It would make a great .gif avatar
Zak McKrackenall replays currently on scoreboard are valid.
DuplodeAnd some of them involve way-switching, I presume? (Asking the obvious for perfect clarity.)
CTGStupid question, stupid answer: NO
SuperBrianIs it forbidden to drive in reverse direction or not? I allways thought that all dualway-switching was allowed in Zakstunts, just that you add penalty-time if you get some?
CTGWelcome back, Brian!
SuperBrianThanks. Unfortunately (thinking of the new EB-rules)I really lacked time and motivation this summer - not what I expected when the season started. Finally I had problems with my computer last month, so I had to find another one with DOS-system - [I think DOSbox sucks].
Renato BikerZak, my replay with Acura is valid?
CTGRB: probably yes.
Nov 3
Renato BikerWhy, almost everything is valid?
CTGNope, but dual-way switch is.
Renato BikerI hope this is valid.
CTGNo, it's not.
Nov 4
Renato Bikerhahahaha
CTGwhy don't you fuck yourself?
CTGsorry, i'm drunk
Renato Bikerrunning around a table?
CTGSince one of my hands is fixed to the table...
Alan RotoiAcura again FTW!!
Zak McKrackenRenato: confirmed valid
Renato Biker
Thanks, Zak.
DuplodeDamn! So close
Nov 5
CTGDamn! Almost so close!
CTGDaniel? Renato? Jacob? Iván?
CTGThe winner will reach powergear at the beginning of the banked road. And will be able to complete the whole switch in powergear (lucky case, touching the cork in the perfect moment with the sliding car).
CTG(---> winning time: 33.00)
CTGOr even better.
CTGBtw damned good track!
AbuRaf70Feliz cumple, Alan...!!!
ChulkIt's The Master's B-day! Congrats, Alan!!
FrikerHappy Birthday, Alan!
Alan RotoiThank you guys! If it's an acura race I'll join
SuperBrianHappy birthday Alan!
DuplodeHappy birthday, Don Rotoi!
DuplodeDefault with Acura, that's what it is.
Nov 6
Alan RotoiLike default, really?
Sounds boring... I'll try anyway!
DuplodeWell... it is not as flat as Default
DuplodeFor a more optimistic comparison, the obvious racing line makes me think of USL powergear tracks.
Alan RotoiWhat is USL?
Alan RotoiUnskilled Stunts League!
CTGWhat is Verschiebungsstrom?
CTGEltolási áram!
CTGI'm drunk!
CTGMy wife is away!
CTGB Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö F F ! ! ! Böff dampening: 1.9dB
Alan RotoiCould you stop being a child?
Nov 7
Akoss PooBÖÖFF!!! Böff dampening: < 1dB
Nov 9
CTGsomebody should send something
Alan Rotoinah
Nov 10
SuperBrianHaha, I would like to see that airplane in the loop!
CTGIt's better not to see.
Nov 12
CTGBrian: check the forum (Stunts Fun Pics)!
Nov 14
DuplodeOkay, okay; that's enough hibernation for the month
Alan RotoiIMO this kind of track is only for pro racers. Dual way is a big deal for competitions.
dreadnautAs a noob-who-has-read-the-wiki™, I went for dual way the moment I saw the track, trying a few combinations. As usual, I find more difficult handling in powergear, to complete in a decent time with the Acura.
Nov 15
Nov 17
CTGdreadnaut: there's only one way. I mean only one GOOD way.
CTGBtw I can't find motivation to improve.
dreadnautI'm sure I'll find the GOOD one, I just have to go through all the others first
Nov 18
FrikerHello, dreadnaut. Good job with your time. It's nice to see a new and good racer.
dreadnautThanks and... darn! Now I have to drive 0.10 faster :-o
Nov 19
Frikeromg what's the point of this track? :-/
SuperBrianI think it's one the best tracks in a long time - short, difficult and open for new tricks.
FrikerYes, this is a good one, but still it is annoying. I drove 54s with acura but with 18s penalty. :-/ And I'm not sure I drove the best line..
FrikerOk, it is viable.
Nov 21
dreadnaut:sbonk: :sbonk: :sbonk: :sbonk: :sbonk:
FrikerCTG, do you use a helicopter trick in your sent replay?
SuperBrianI don't. I use a flying carpet.
Nov 22
It will be funny if dreadnaut do it.
dreadnautI can't wait for November to end.
FrikerHiding a winning replay in your pocket? Please, forget to send it.
Nov 23
dreadnautConsider it forgotten!
Nov 25
SuperBrianHappy birthday Goblin.
Nov 27
Nov 28
dreadnautEvery time I come back home, the dog in the apartment in front of mine comes to the door, and from behind it barks. I realized today that it sounds like it's saying "böff", and if I answer "böff" myself it shuts up.
SuperBrianAnd the dog was called CTG.
CTGAs far as I know, Mr. Osuna is the only dog in this community.
SuperBrian:-o How could I forget? - Maybe by taking a look on the scoreboard - Where is he?
dstienWho's laughing now, dreadnut?
dreadnautLaughing? I've been crying half of this month trying to close a decent lap, and still haven't managed to :|
Frikerdreadnaut - want to form a team for next season(s)?
Nov 29
CTGSo predictable...
CTGYou must be clever enough to find it out without any hints.
CTGBtw Rotoi is hiding.
dreadnaut@Friker: alright! @CTG: I might know what you mean, but you should tell zaq to fix it.
dreadnautArgh, I'm an idiot! Can you remove my 40.53 replay, which comes with a bunch of penalty seconds, and replace it with this?
dreadnautDamn, I send the wrong replay :| Forget that 40.53, it comes with *minutes* of penalty time iirc.
dreadnautOk, now I know that I don't know how this submission stuff is supposed to work.
Frikerwell, "quiet days" aren't that quiet, are they? :-/ there is a very wierd system to manage uploaded hidden replays.. dreadnaut - 1. ok, so persuade duplode (or BJ or Renato Biker or .. CTG?) that Cork is a loser which gave him only false fame and together we will rule.
2. this could be probably first final replay with a penalty
CTG - pretend that you don't know about my replay and don't post anything better.
SuperBrianI guess I'll end up in the back of the bunch..
dreadnautWhoo, my wrong replay magically disappeared! Thanks Zak!
CTGFriker: what are you talking about?
Friker... :-/
Nov 30
CTGAfter 40 minutes of dead tries I give up. Congrats to Friker in advance!
Frikeri've got only 53,35
Frikerbut i am happy i forced you to improve
CTGHahaha, yes, I believe you!
CTG(I spent the last few hours with our opposition's lawyers. It seems they really lie even when they ask something.)
CTGBtw Friker: I guess there were already some replays with penalty time in ZakStunts history (for example Oligoway in 2006).
SuperBrianThat was my first race in the Stunts Community.
Frikerok, i lie a lot, but 53,35 is true information.
dreadnautOr maybe... you keep mistyping 35,35?
Alan RotoiI won Act02 with 8 secs penalty
Frikerwhat is act02 and how you can gain 8 secs penalty (i think only 3K are possible)?
DuplodeFinally! I wouldn't like to miss what seems to be a great finish
FrikerOuch! I wished SB has won.
But congrats Duplode, I'm looking forward to see your replay
CTGACT was the secondary competition of ZakStunts 2003. Track's were made by Akoss Poo, winner of Track Designing Contest 2002.
CTGBtw expect a new shot from Biker and Rotoi.
CTGFinal shot.
CTGBefore anybody says I send it too late: I've sent it already earlier.
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