News posted in January 2012
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Jan 1
DuplodeHappy new year to y'all!
AbuRaf70Gracias Duplode... De igual manera, de mi parte UN MUY FELIZ AÑO 2012 PARA TODOS DEL MUNDO STUNTS...!!!!
Zak McKrackenexpect a site update before the 4th of January.
Zak McKrackenHowever, scoreboard and seasonal scoreboard was upõdated (but not confirmed yet)
Jan 3
Rule changes for the 2012 season are as follows:
- We have again 12 tracks, one each month.
- To avoid confusion, the deadline of each track is put back to 20:00 GMT+1 on the last day of the month.
- Tracks are available on or before the 4th of each month. If the track is available before the 4th, leading time is not calculated until 0:00 GMT+1 on the 4th day of the month. (this guarantees I have enough time to update the site)
- Your FOUR worst results don't count, as opposed to the TWO worst as until now. We all have less time to race.
- To compensate the above change, bonus points are awarded to frequent pipsqueaks. This is called EB, "Endurance Bonus". After replays were submitted for 8 tracks during a season, participation on each additional track attacts bonus points.
Just as LTB, these points accumulate, do not affect the track scoreboards or team scores, but are included in the seasonal scores:- 9. track = +1 point
- 10. track = +2 points
- 11. track = +3 points
- 12. track = +6 points
- Car bonuses are not reset but continued from their state at the end of 2011.
Aaaand the 12th ZakStunts season is officially on the go!
I would like to thank everyone who participated in 2011. I hope you enjoyed racing and had fun despite the decreasing participation.
For 2012 ZakStunts will go on with the same ruleset as 2011, with a few changes. These changes are listed here on the main page, and were made to reflect the changes in our community, allow not-so-frequent racers to effectively participate in the full season, but still honor the most active ones. To aid it all, I can promise easier tracks for 2012 and hopefully a bit more care from the old site admin :)
Congratulations again to the winners of 2011:
Duplode, Gutix and Aburaf70, and last but not least to the MeganiuM Aces High team.
May the New Year bring you happyness and joy. May the scoreboards fill with racers and my inbox with replays. Long live Stunts! -
Zak McKrackensite updated, track available! Report errors to me
SuperBrianCongratulations with the new overall victory Duplode and also to Gutix for the track. I really enjoyed seeing the spin in the pipe before the finish. Great stuff. Here's a testlap. I think this track is going to be real fun.
AbuRaf70Felicitaciones a Gutix y Duplode por el 1er y 2do puesto en la Z125. Por mi parte, muy feliz de haber logrado el 3er lugar en la última pista, lo que me permitió asegurar mi 3er lugar en la general del año 2011.
AbuRaf70Gracias ZAK por brindarnos nuevamente en el 2012, una Competencia completa otra vez.
GagarinFerrari thumbs up
Jan 4
Gagarincountach also
Gagarin5 hour stunts and my eye hurt
DuplodeNow that's a familiar feeling
DuplodeAlso, as Brian mentioned, a pretty winning lap from Gutix it was!
Zak McKrackencountach it is
GagarinEscape in a hotlap is valid (<<) or not valid?
GutixThanks Duplode, Anelio and SuperBrian. And Congratulations to you too for the whole season 2011. I hope to see you all in 2012 too!
Zak McKrackenGagarin: it is valid to continue an unfinished replay. See this guide for details.
Note it is more effective to ask your questions in the forum - you are welcome to join!
Jan 5
FrikerNoRH & auto - just for fun
Frikerhmm.. please, make some 1:10 time quickly or ill get addicted quickly
Frikerbtw HELLO everybody. it seems this year ill do some driving but not competitive racing.
Jan 6
CTGHappy New Böff!
Jan 7
Duplode"I wish you an excellent new BÖFF!"
DuplodeAnd hey, hello Friker!
SuperBrianWelcome back Friker!
Jan 10
DuplodeHappy birthday Gagarin!
FrikerHappy b-day.
SuperBrianHappy birthday Gagarin, good to have you onboard.. ;-)
Jan 11
Jan 13
Alan RotoiHappy new year people! ^_^
Jan 14
GutixMuy, pero muy Feliz Cumpleaños Don Anelio!
Frikeralso happy new year to you alan and happy birthday to you aburaf
DuplodeHappy birthday, AbuRaf!
CTGBrian, you must overtake Zachary!
AbuRaf70Muchas Gracias Gutix, Friker, Duplode y CTG, por sus saludos por mi cumpleaños 78...!!!
Jan 15
Zak McKrackenCongratulations Aburaf on your birthday and for being with us since 8 years!
SuperBrianHaha, I know, I'll see if I can find some time tomorrow night! It shouldn't be so hard, but I know Cork's Crew love that car and personally GTO and Lamborghini have never been my cup of tea.
Late happy birthday Abu!
AbuRaf70Muchas gracias Zak por tus felicitaciones... ojalá pueda estar muchos más en tu Gran Competencia de Stunts... Gracias también a SuperBrian...
CTGI also hate Countach.
CTGAnd Indy.
CTGAnd all the cheat cars (except Melange)!
Jan 19
CTG+2 LTB for CTG.
CTGBtw DUP: when would you like to take the lead? I'm bored.
GutixJoin the new track
Jan 20
DuplodeThis raises the odds of CTG becoming not bored before the end of the month by a factor >2.
DuplodeOdds = 1? (assuming there is any chance of this counting as not-boring improvement -- but hey, I still need a couple hours for +1, so...)
CTGSorry, I can't improve at the moment. Working...
Jan 22
ChulkWarmup lap, improved lap coming later
CTGChulk: too slow!
CTGMotivating insult, part #2324
Jan 25
ChulkBetter, but still a lot to go
CTGStill weak!
CTG(I want to see Chulk on the podium)
Jan 26
Frikerhey - according to rules deadline is now isnôt it?
Frikeraha! it's still 26th
Zak McKrackendeadline is on the last day of the month.
CTGHello Gutix!
GutixDamn! and hello
Jan 27
CTGMy final replay is already on the scoreboard. Yes, the old stupid tactics...
Frikerok, i follow - my final replay is here
Jan 28
ok so i am in again
satanziegeHey, we were second team (from the end) last season - how can I not race. Though this result will hopefully be one my four ...
Jan 29
dstienHappy birthday Another Birthday!
Jan 30
SuperBrianWeee! I didn't have the time to play last week because of examns - further I have not been at home for a couple of days, but I'll be back tomorrow before deadline..
Jan 31
DuplodeStrong midfield this time; I wonder how many replays will materialize today
Zak McKrackenglad to see to high number of racers!
Frikerwhen is a deadline?
Gutix2012-01-31 23:59
CTGHappy Birthday Lise! You are still my favorite Stunts racer.
Jump to a different month
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