News posted in June 2011
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Jun 1
GutixThank you Anelio, Congrats to you!
ChulkGrande Anelio/Aburaf!! El premio a la regularidad y el teson!! FELICITACIONES CRACK!
Jun 2
AbuRaf70Gracias a me canso de agradecerles a todos, ya que en algún momento, mis compañeros algo me enseñaron (o mucho... Chulk, te extrañamos... si podés, mandá algún replay...
GutixDinmor has birthday today. Congratulations!
AbuRaf70Feliz Cumpleaños, Dinmor...!!!
Jun 5
Jun 7
Alan RotoiHey guys! News about 4dsL at the forum!
Jun 10
AbuRaf70Feliz Cumpleaños, Duplode...!!!
GutixHappy Birthday Dup!
CTGPlease remove me from the database, stats and "hall of fame". Such a cheater must leave this place forever...
Jun 11
Alan RotoiI wonder why you left the community and I wonder why you think you are in the hall of fame
Jun 12
DuplodeThanks for the wishes, guys!
DottoreAbout the announcement: it is more serious than something forgiven after a simple "sorry!". I don't want you to forgive me, even not to understand it - but I had to tell the truth after so many years. My real life problems reflected on some old mistakes I did in my life - one of them was my fake army of Stunts "racers". My behaviour in the community can be described by the word 'disgusting'. Insulting people, charging them with ghost issues, stealing tricks, spamming and creating dozens of fake identities, etc. Zak, Krys, competition managers: please remove me from all the stats, scoreboards, standings. I deserve to be banned forever - although I was ready to leave even without that. Why do I tell you all of these things? Probably you don't care. My real life arrived to a very critical point, maybe to my deepest crisis ever. Losing most my friends in the same month, troubles at workplace, some medical issues with potentially serious consequences, also getting addict of sedatives because of other problems... I decided to unravel my dark secrets and mistakes - not only in Stunts world, but everywhere. Why? I want to confess and apologize for all the evil and malicious commited against you - before I do the right thing - something I should have done a lot earlier. We won't ever meet - I hope everything will work a lot better without my infectious presence.
DuplodeAdmitting crisis can be a necessary first step, even if far from the last one and even if all it seems to do at first is to make you feel even worse. And no person is infectious, by the way.
ChulkI wonder what all that means... I don't think anybody can be infectious either, even less in a "virtual" (if even pretty real) community as this one. About all the bad you think you caused, even with all those mistakes you think you did, nobody can deny you added to the whole thing, sometimes keeping the forum alive with endless spamming and such. And even bringing motivation with those racing against you (I remember 'C75-Bad workforce I think it was the one with the pit stops) as one of the races I was most motivated, you were leading and finally beat me, but that is one of the best replays I ever produced (first lap specially) and that was because of you. That's it for now, I don't want to bother everybody, but if you need a word or an ear, you have me on Facebook, msn or email me.
ChulkSymbolic return, promise to improve further.
ChulkSmall improvement but that's the best I can do with my neighbors listening to Reggeaton...
Zak McKrackenwelcome back Chulk! I really sympathize with you - I can basically stand (or even like) any music, except reggae. I feel like I want to commit suicide anytime I hear that :S
Zak McKrackentest drive
Zak McKrackenwow
Jun 14
ChulkLancia test...
ChulkBy the way, Zak. I don't mind reggae (if only in small amounts) but I meant Reggaeton. Lucky for you, you didn't have the pleasure to hear apparently, but please... BE MY GUEST!!
Alan Rotoiyuck!
Jun 15
Zak McKrackenforum is undergoing an upgrade, expect some downtime. Will let you know when finished
Zak McKrackenupgrade complete! enjoy!
GutixI like the new Forum look ! Well done
AbuRaf70Muy buen trabajo en el Foro, Zak...
Jun 17
The poor site admin will need to go on a business trip to Beijing the end of this month, so site update will be delayed to July 3.
UsrinAs I count, the site admin will be away for 14 days... On business... It remembers me on something.
ChulkBut how longis 2 weeks?
Jun 19
DuplodeTime for some racing. For "all talk and no race / makes a pipsqueak lose face".
DuplodeHello Chulk. It's been a while since we don't dice for the lead
Jun 21
ChulkIt's been a while, indeed. Bring it on Garotinho!
Alan RotoiDamn, I have no time. Every time I have is for 4dsL setting up.
Alan Rotoihahaha garotinho
Take care, because Pele's sexual debut was with a garotinho hahahha xD
Jun 26
Alan RotoiHappy birthday BJ!!!!
AbuRaf70Happy Birthday, Bonzai Joe...!!!
DuplodeHappy birthday Jacob!
DuplodeAnd Alan: before coming up with football-related jokes I'd wait 'till July 24th
Krys TOFFTillykke med fødselsdagen BJ
Jun 27
GutixA little late happy birthday BJ!
ChulkYeay! LTB+2 for me secured!
DuplodeOh no! I completely lost track of the deadline date. That means I must finish the one remaining term paper within this evening in order to have time for a proper racing session...
Jun 28
DuplodeTerm paper finished; it's 7AM now and I have not slept. The question now is: for how many seconds I will manage to stay awake during the racing session?
Jun 29
Jun 30
AbuRaf70Feliz Cumple, Leo...!!!
satanziegeaaargh, again time - counter looks weird but I hope before the end of month is ok :-)
ParadisioHappy birthday, Leo
satanziege: you're late but maybe Zak will accept your rpl. Is it really true, AbuRaf won the race?!
SanityI did not play this game for like 15 years, but i remember it well. Therefor my try ain't that bad i hope
I am really surprised that this old game is still played and even in a competitive way by so many fans. I guess i am one of the youngest here now
SanityTrying a different car
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