News posted in September 2010
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Sep 1
AbuRaf70Gracias Zak y Gutix... la verdad que me llena de alegría este podio, ya que vengo luchando de hace mucho para conseguirlo...
DuplodeI did a slightly more focused Ranger lap a few hours before deadline but couldn't send it due to connection troubles - it would not change the final scoreboard, in any case. To hell with my issues, anyway - this is AbuRaf's day. Huge congratulations, Anelio!!
AbuRaf70Gracias, Duplode...!!!
AbuRaf70Feliz Cumple, Maestro Gutix...!!!
ParadisioCongratulations, AbuRaf!!! Well done! And happy birthday to Gutix
AbuRaf70Gracias, Paradisio...
DuplodeHappy birthday to The Artist ;-)
Zak McKrackenstill love the skyline
Sep 2
GutixThank you all
Alan RotoiCongrats Anelio! That's my boy!
AbuRaf70Gracias Alan...!!! en realidad, este podio tengo que dedicarlo a vos, que me tuviste fe desde el principio y me incluíste en tu Equipo, y a todos los integrantes del mismo, que tanto me ayudaron y me siguen aún ayudando con el envío de los replays...
SuperBrianYeah late happy birthday to Gutix and a nice win on the track. Also great podium for AbuRaf, congratulations with that. Here is my first replay. Zak you accidently put the z109 replays in the z111 track package. :-)
AbuRaf70Gracias SuperBrian... por lo visto en la Z111 el auto a usar será el Skyline...
Sep 3
AbuRaf70Happy Birthday, Paradisio y Mingva...!!!
DuplodeHappy birthday Mingva!
SuperBrianI also think it's going to be the winning car. But I still haven't tried the Carrera on this track. And happy birthday Paradiva.
Sep 5
ParadisioThis year I had unusual birthday, starting the day in sleepy condition, working hard, and ending the day with fever. Spent all weekend in bed for recovering.
DuplodeOuch... don't feel too too bad, though - similar things happen to my birthdays surprisingly often :-)
Sep 9
AbuRaf70Feliz Cumpleaños a los dos SB - SuperBrian y SergioBaro...!!!
DuplodeHappy birthday to Sergio and Brian!
ParadisioHappy birthday SuperBrian!!! Know your drinking limits for today
GutixHappy birthday to SuperBrian and SergioBaro...!!!
Sep 10
A new article is available on the site, written by Duplode on motivation and stunts life in general. Thank you for the wonderful contribution!
Make sure to read the article! -
Zak McKrackenA mid-season team sign-up. Please welcome Overdrijf in Cork's Crew!
Sep 11
Bonzai JoeGreat article Duplode, very well written. And you seem to be a "soul-brother" of Zak and me. I hope we can be together sometime.
DuplodeSome day Jacob; some day ;-)
Sep 12
Bonzai JoeUnfortunately I get 18 seconds penalty time, but it's a beautiful lap...
Sep 13
ReigerWant a big challenge?: It's quite a ride this month. Greetzzz, Roy
Overdrijf*Hangs in the back, for now...*
CTGThis is a great Audi track...
CTG...but 27 percent is not enough
Zak McKrackenCork drivers on the first two and last two places
CTGCheck again.
Sep 21
AbuRaf70Happy Birthday, Dark Chaser...!!!
DuplodeHappy birthday to Alexandre
DuplodeTo all interested parties: despite my long hibernation I still have a goal on this season; namely, to win at least one more race. So, from now on I am going to put (slightly) more commitment..........
OverdrijfGo Duplode! Oeh, only 9 days left, time for more driving...
Sep 25
DuplodeAnd there arrives the new contender
Sep 26
CTGthe correct one
DuplodeHi CTG
Sep 27
DuplodeNo, nothing at all. *sings: la la la...*
SuperBrianA very very late thank you for the birthdaywishes. Here is a little improvement. Seems like I should go manual on this one..
Sep 28
- The deadline is not changing, but the site update will be most likely delayed by 20-24 hours. Results and new track should be available until October 1 20:00
DuplodeNaturally, the big question right now lies a little bit ahead of A, B, C and D on the alphabet... Nevertheless, we keep racing
CTGDon't forget about G!
DuplodeBTW, it's too bad R is unlikely to join...
GutixG Here
CTG215-215 leading hours. I won't improve today if Duplode won't improve today.
CTGI mean improve = overtaking Gutix.
OverdrijfOooh, the quiet days are broken...
Sep 29
satanziegeFirst completed round - perhaps the last for this month. GO Pitman GO!
Sep 30
OverdrijfSo, done for this month.
OverdrijfUpload closed. *Takes over for Zak*
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