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Aug 1

  • Bonzai Joe
    But maybe that's because I apparently only spent 13 minutes on it Cheesy
  • Mark L. Rivers
    30 minutes for me...
  • CTG

Aug 3

  • Duplode
    Q: Is tactical warfare any worth on such a track?
  • Duplode
    (I'd rather not know the real answer...)

Aug 4

  • Mark L. Rivers
    Well, Duplode, if you haven't already in the pocket a better time, sure you have a long southamerican evening ahead you... Wink

Aug 5

  • Alan Rotoi
    The southamerican evening is well known that is longer than european.......(?)
  • Duplode
    Well, we are in winter now... Smiley But I digress: *gasp*, *shock*...
  • Alan Rotoi
    You don't know what a winter is, you live in Brasil! Smiley
  • Duplode
    Heh, you caught me there... =D but in fact, a couple decades ago, back when the urban climate was not so messed up, São Paulo used to be nicknamed "a terra da garoa" (the drizzle land) in honour of the (relatively) chilly climate. And mild subtropical means sometimes all of a sudden you often find your bones freezing in mid July/August, even though it's "just" 10ºC anyway... Smiley
  • Mark L. Rivers
    Anyway, I said "long" southamerican evening, because I published my time at 21:31 (GMT+1) while in South America still signed 16:31 (GMT-3). A longer time before to go in bed, can mean a longer time to play... Wink And... yes, from this point of view (Stunts' point of view), the southamerican evening is well known that is longer than european... Wink
  • Bonzai Joe
    Yes, it's the ancient advantage of South American racers over European racers in the LTB fight. Because of the tendency to play in the evening, an SA lead will last maybe 16 hours while an EU lead will last 5 hours. If playing in the morning was the custom, it would be the opposite. And by the way, none of you have an idea what winter means Tongue
  • Zak McKracken
    well, I do know (with the other Hungarians) what a real winter is. A real winter means countless days under zero.
    Anyway, with the appearance of a "Chinese" racer, the South-American advantage will be a bit weaker. Smiley
  • Alan Rotoi
    Or mexican Smiley Our Earth turns to one side and that's one rule of zakstunts Cheesy
  • Bonzai Joe
    Yes, you Hungarians know a winter. Your winters are colder than ours, but our winters are so infinitely long and droning....
  • Bonzai Joe
    Yes, you Hungarians know a winter. Your winters are colder than ours, but our winters are so infinitely long and droning....

Aug 7

  • CTG
    B Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö F F ! ! !
  • CTG
    Polish beers are strong and delicious. Wink
  • CTG
    Tomorrow: attacking MLR's time.
  • CTG
    Not tomorrow, today.
  • Duplode
    Good to see being in my ancestors' land has replenished CTG's vigour... Smiley
  • CTG
    Yep, some beer newbies will be added soon to my database (Zywiec, Tatra, Okocim, Zubr).

Aug 8

  • Mark L. Rivers
    Maybe the announced attack really was "tomorrow"... So, let's see what it will happen until next European midnight...
  • CTG
    Sorry, I was fed up with Stunts last evening (it wasn't easy to beat Ayrton's replay in USL...). And now I'm going home soon, so don't expect any replays before Monday.
  • Mark L. Rivers
    Plausible motivation...
  • Duplode
    35 hours, damn! That means I'll be forced to plan an attack for tomorrow... =D
  • Mark L. Rivers
    Without a bug-jump on (or after) the final bank-road, it will be really a race where the winner will have to drive clean as he never did before...

Aug 9

  • Duplode
    OK, the attack has officially begun... ;-)
  • Duplode
    Ceasefire for now...? Smiley

Aug 10

  • Alan Rotoi
    Happy Birthday JTK!!!!
  • Duplode
    Happy birthday, yo rockstar! ;-)
  • Zak McKracken
    happy birthday to ye olde JTK! Smiley
  • Bonzai Joe
    Happy birthday to you, James T. Kirk!
  • Mark L. Rivers
    I can't turn my head a moment... I started yesterday morning for a short weekend and, tadà, Duplode snatch me the first provisional place... Fortunately I came back very soon... Wink
  • AbuRaf70
    Happy Birthday, JTK...!!!

Aug 11

  • Duplode
    As for me, luckily it was possible to locate some extra tenths that had quietly crept in my previous attack. Thus I'm now able to make use of "the ancient advantage of South American racers" ... ;-)
  • Mark L. Rivers
    It sounds like: "The linear race is finished: looking for bug-jumps"...
  • Duplode
    But how we will know whether we've driven "as cleanly as never before" then? :-)
  • SuperBrian
    Just a test to see how bad my shape is since I haven't driven for suh a long time..
  • Bonzai Joe
    Welcome back, SuperBrian! Quick hints: 1. you don't have to drive the bridge circle, 2. Because of the bonuses, use the Carrera (or alternatively Countach or Jaguar)
  • Bonzai Joe
    I don't understand this track :'-(
  • Mark L. Rivers
    Just to confirm that Zak's idea about bonus renormalization is good...
  • Mark L. Rivers
    Anyway, I find other precious centiseconds... Wink OK,Duplode, it's your turn!
  • CTG
    I guess Ayrton's lap is invalid due to the forbidden cut.
  • Bonzai Joe
    I don't know, I wouldn't put this past Ayrton. I did 59.xx with the Jaguar within 5-10 minutes, and Ayrton is Ayrton...
  • CTG
    Who knows... I don't like this track, it's a pure 0.05 to 0.05 RH race. No creativity from the drivers, only luck and some stupid bug jumps. :-S

Aug 12

  • Bonzai Joe
    Well, yes, it is a boring track. But that is natural for a track that is made for the looks, not for the gameplay Smiley I guess nobody could have expected anything else.
  • Bonzai Joe
    But it is a nice looking track, commemorating the olympics Smiley
  • Mark L. Rivers
    But Stunts is also maximizing the features of every specific car, and exalting the ability of a driver wringing his auto like a lemon, drawing every kmh available. And this can be done only in a track like this one, with asphalt, dirt and ice, slow and fast curves, a track where lucky bugs are really difficult to find. And I think also that bore disappears when you are engaged in a head to head like that one you have seen until here. Happy to see Ayrton with us: I think he will win, but it will be a pleasure to see how it will be possible to stay near him.
  • CTG
    Nice defend of a crappy track. Maybe I'll improve later, 50 percent for it.
  • Mark L. Rivers
    What I want to defend is a type of race that has a lot to say, even if it's not so spectacular as it's possible to see by a multi-jumping track.
  • CTG
    Yep, it will be very representative: who has the most time for RH in every boring corner.
  • Mark L. Rivers
    Bore is a nice excuse not to risk to arrive in a position different from the first, easy thing when Ayrton is racing...
  • Duplode
    Racing politics aside for a moment, just for the sake of argument, I agree with Mark in that this track is not as boring, featureless or devoid of interest as it looks like at first glance. No two corners in it are taken with equal lines...
  • Bonzai Joe
    But which competition tracks have been more boring? ZCT71 is the only one I can think of Smiley and I'm not even sure...
  • Bonzai Joe
    And yes, boredom is a fantastic excuse not to race! One of the best you can imagine Smiley
  • CTG
    I wonder why don't you use Countach... it's quite balanced with Carrera.
  • Duplode
    1. If they are indeed balanced and I`m free to choose I won`t pick Countach. 2. But they aren't...
  • CTG
    Yes they are. My replay is pure, imperfect and contains no bug jumps.

Aug 13

  • CTG
    Swimming finals in two hours! Go Cseh, go Gyurta! Die, Phelps, die!!!
  • Duplode
    On the other hand I was planning to watch at least some of Brazil v. Russia in female handball, but it doesn't seem the TV stations will go off their way to broadcast it at 10PM... :-/
  • CTG
  • CTG
    0-2-1 on medal table, now only the gold is missing... I don't want to wait for the kayak-canoe golden rain.
  • CTG
    The king of boring RH tracks... Cheesy
  • Mark L. Rivers
    If you don't want to wait for the kayak canoe, maybe you could try to win a gold medal for Hungary winning this track. If I'm not wrong, it was you who said in the forum that Z86 would have been the "real Stunts Olympic Games"...
  • Mark L. Rivers
    If you don't want to wait for the kayak canoe, maybe you could try to win a gold medal for Hungary winning this track. If I'm not wrong, it was you who said in the forum that Z86 would have been the "real Stunts Olympic Games"...
  • CTG
    It was just a weak insult against the SDR Olympic Games... Cheesy
  • Mark L. Rivers
    Really? Incredible, I would never have said it!
  • CTG
    Pffff... Cheesy

Aug 14

  • Duplode
    1. Nice progression Brian, and that Jaguar time looks cool! Wink 2. CTG: please resume racing. It might work perfectly as sublimation, and would be by far a more pleasant outlet... and do it with Countach, if possible. 3. Is the Pandora Box open?
  • Bonzai Joe
    This could be the first race when I lose to another dane! (except if you count Z68 and Z71 where I have obviously non-serious times in last place)... And if you forget about CTRACK28, where ManOnMoon was 0.35 faster than me (but he used replay handling and I didn't!)
  • Bonzai Joe
    I actually finished a 37.35 continued replay on that track... Would have been enough to win ahead of Mark Nailwood, CAP and Fdzierva. That would have made headlines back then! But sadly no...
  • Bonzai Joe
    Ah the good old days, when you guys weren't even born...
  • Duplode
    Kalpen #28, that must have been in late 2000 or early 2001, right? Back then, I still would have my eventual bouts of Stunts in pure DOS, running on a tiny 200-MMX box, fitted to a trusty, centuries old 14'' - and not 15''! monitor which survived up to last year, even if with severely distorted colours. Heavens' sake, that's a while ago... =)
  • CTG
    Who said these cars are not balanced? Cheesy
  • Bonzai Joe
    I have to find 8 seconds in curves Smiley It's probably not going to happen. I didn't get where I am today to ultra-RH on dirt corners in the Carrera. That must be what Alain and Mingva are doing in Stunts hell
  • CTG
    BJ: making 45.xx with Carrera/Countach is quite easy without any special thing. 43 needs dirty RH bug jumps on the banked corner.

Aug 15

  • Duplode
    Oh, deities have birthdays too - Feliz cumpleaños Ayrton! Smiley
  • Zak McKracken
    Happy birthday Ayrton!
  • CTG
    B Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö F F ! ! ! Typical Friday evening with beer! Böff dampening: 3.5dB
  • CTG
    You mustn't allow to post empty messages...

Aug 16

  • Ayrton
    Thanks Zak !! ;-)
  • SuperBrian
    A late happy birthday to Ayrton from me too.. Anyway, interesting statement BJ. Maybe I should go for it..

Aug 17

  • AbuRaf70
    Happy Birthday, Ayrton...!!! Feliz cumpleaños hayas tenido Ayrton... perdon por el retraso, pero debido al fallecimiento de un primo, hace un dia y medio que no venia a la compu...

Aug 18

  • Ayrton
    Thanks Brian !! Gracias Abu !! espero que andes bien ...
  • Krys TOFF
    (very late) happy birthday Ayrton ;-)
  • Krys TOFF
    Ooops, clicked twice and got an empty message.
  • CTG
    BÖÖFF!!! WSM feeling... I'm coming around 18:00-18:30! Böff dampening: < 1dB

Aug 20

  • Mark L. Rivers
    Platonic provisional 2nd place...

Aug 21

  • Ayrton
    Thanks Krys ;-)

Aug 26

  • CTG
    Beware Ayrton, Akoss Poo is coming! Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Zak: please add our team to the 'Racers' section. Looping lives!
  • CTG
    I just forgot we don't have teams anymore...

Aug 27

  • AbuRaf70
    Happy Birthday, Paleke...!!! Feliz Cumpleaños, Pablo... espero que lo hayas pasado de 10...!!!
  • CTG
    Akoss Poo is coming...
  • akosspoo
  • CTG
  • CTG
    welcum back, poo
  • Duplode
    1. Happy birthday Paleke! And BTW, nice to find that maybe Paleke = Pablo + (?) :-) 2. Welcome back Akoss, glad to finally be able to meet you on the scoreboard... ;-)
  • CTG
    Welcome back Akos, glad to finally be able to demolish you on the scoreboard - AGAIN! Cheesy Tongue Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
  • CTG
    Kidding. Looping Warriors will take it seriously. Or not.
  • Alan Rotoi
    Feliz cumpleaños Paleke!! Nice to see Akoss in the scoreboard Smiley
  • CTG
    how i hate this track - re-driving only to help akoss...
  • CTG
  • Alan Rotoi
    I already see Stunts WIKI, it was my first time there. It's a great job! I liked too much because it's very complete and well explained everything. Congratulations to the writers.
  • Chulk
    Feliz Cumpleaños "Pableke"! JAJA, que jodon soy!

Aug 28

  • Krys TOFF
    Happy birthday Paleke. ;-)
  • Ayrton
    Feliz Cumple Paleke !!
  • akosspoo
    thanks all Smiley now i'm re-driving the track for a better time! Smiley
  • akosspoo
    new replay
  • akosspoo
    first real replay from me since 2005
  • akosspoo
    this one Smiley
  • CTG
    Go Akoss, beat the artificial drivers!!! (1-3)
  • CTG
    ...and me Cheesy
  • CTG
    just for fun
  • Ayrton
    just for fun ...
  • CTG
  • Mark L. Rivers
    Ayrton, just for curiosity, what's your limit with Carrera?

Aug 29

  • CTG
    The same as yours.
  • CTG
    (there's a theoretical perfect replay, it's the universal limit)
  • Ayrton
    I don´t have completed laps with carrera. I only tested it at the las part of the track, and the speeds reached were slow to do easily good jumps.

Aug 30

  • AbuRaf70
    FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS, Chulk...!!!! Happy Birthday, Vamologomisso...!!!
  • CTG
    Happy Birthday, Chulk! And for Vamolófasz too! Cheesy
  • Duplode
    Happy birthday to Chulk and to Vamologocomisso!
  • Alan Rotoi
    Feliz cumple Chulk!!!!
  • Ayrton
    Happy birthday boys !!
  • Krys TOFF
    Happy birthday to Chulk and Vamolo. :-D
  • Duplode
    Interesting to see Acura... I tried it once looking a certain trick (which Ayrton likely has performed), but gave up eventually.
  • Krys TOFF
    Shitty, shitty... Shitty replay by me ! *grin*
  • Krys TOFF
    Come on guys, race the elevated road part like I did. Else 20% of the world is excluded from the Olympic Games. :-p
  • Duplode
    Point taken, but... if you consider the elevated ring is the onlw one which runs above water then it must stand for Oceania, and then it would be a lot less than 20%. Therefore, my conscience is a bit less heavy now =D
  • Krys TOFF
    lol Duplode. Anyway, the track design idea was appropriate according to the OG in Beijing, but the track itself, well, how to say it... I simply got no feeling about it. No joy, nothing. After dinner, I just did 1 weird LM002 lap and 2 laps with Carrera and it will be all for me. I did the 2nd Carrera lap without RH, it's my best lap so far according to car penalties/bonuses, and it will be all I'll race Z86. The more I play Stunts, the more I get tired of RH optimizations. Long live noRH races !
  • Krys TOFF
    No use hidding this noRH replay.
  • CTG
    Hmmm, Ayrton's replay: forbidden shortcut using the additional roads OR many little RH-gay bug jumps on the banked road to reach powergear.

Aug 31

  • Was ZCT85 a lie? Was rather ZCT86 the worst track ever? :)
    We may never know this without heavy flamewars. But we have now proof, that it doesn't matter, what track is the current one, Ayrton seems unbeatable this year, even though Duplode came really close.
    Mark L. Rivers claimed a steady third place on the podium - and he is also the designer of ZCT87 - Stripped. I wonder which car will be the winning one with the bonus coefficients normalized a bit (check this link for details)
    But let's not forget to congratulate to Antti and Superbrian too, who showed their real potentials and overtook some really big names or oldies on this kind of strange track.
    Keep on racing guys!
    Please do not forget, that from this track we are also back to the good old monthly schedule.
  • Alan Rotoi
    If you readed the tricks page on 4dsl you'll know it.
  • Duplode
    Nice final push into top 12, Antti! Now should we expect dstien going past Krys as well? Smiley
  • Zak McKracken
    Hi! Update around 22-23pm GMT+1!
  • CTG
    Is this already the final result? Because I see my hidden mode replay...
  • Zak McKracken
    final results are out, update in progress!
  • Zak McKracken
    please do not send times yet, car percentage revaluation in progress...
  • CTG
    RH-gay podium, poor 4th place from me and a nice comeback of Poo.
  • Zak McKracken
    But if you look a bit below the podium you can see some new (and not so new) racers with outstanding results...
  • Zak McKracken
    update done...
  • Duplode
    The track, my efforts, Ayrton's final result... Z86 is bringing me waves of anger... but worry not, it's constructive anger. I'm willing to bring hell to those final races, and I hope to be able to perform it... Wink
  • Duplode
    Now on to Z87: I see Antti and dstien are dueling already... Smiley
  • Zak McKracken
    test drive with the best car around Wink
  • Duplode
    Well, Mark has tried hard to favour fast cars... but will his efforts prove fruitful?

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