News posted in February 2008
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Feb 1
Car coefficient change:
Due to a mistake in the track design, the Indy gets an additional 20% "Power Gear Penalty" on this track. -
We knew we will experience difficulties with the new coefficient system. The first big problem showed up, the Indy is too strong on this track. Please comment and vote on what should be done in such cases. Check the poll in the forum
Poll open for 5 days. -
akosspooRákosfaszú büdös kurva Isten bassza meg! Hol a fórum?!
AnonymousAzé a régi címrõl átirányíthatna az újra... nem errõl az oldalról, hanem az elmentett linkrõl szoktam belépni a fórumra...
AnonymousAzé a régi címrõl átirányíthatna az újra... nem errõl az oldalról, hanem az elmentett linkrõl szoktam belépni a fórumra...
CTGPoo: It's about 10 seconds the link in your Favorites folder, so don't cry like a stupid child.
CTGto change the link, fuck my keyboard
Zak McKrackenI wont fuck your keyboard just to change a link
Bonzai JoeTest lap with Audi...
Bonzai JoeAaaaand Jaguar! (in shape from Tarjan)
Bonzai JoeYou will fuck it for the sexual pleasure too?
Mark L. Rivers20% Penalty for Indy... uhm... Will it be enough...?
Zak McKrackenWould you rather like 25%? Its never late!
Zak McKrackenI still hjate the indy, if for nothing else, then for ruining the game balance :-S
AbuRaf70My congratulations to Ayrton for the extraordinary victory, and also to Mark, to have fought span to span during the whole competition.
Feb 4
Anonymoususe audi or lancia...
CTGCorvette, auto gears: 1:37.50; Audi, auto gears 1:33.85. They will be competitive with Indy using manual.
Bonzai JoeNo they won't... I dare you to even beat my Jaguar time with Audi
CTGReally? Let's give a try to it!
CTGI'll need 1:30.45...
Anonymousanother possibility: acura nsx.
Dark ChaserWow!!! What a incredible track!!! Is it yours, Zak
Zak McKrackenyes it is. I'm glad you like it, I usually don't have much success as a track designer
Zak McKrackenthe red countach is back
Bonzai JoeYay, the red Countach
I should drive it too, instead of the red Jaguar...
Bonzai JoeDamn, this car sucks...
CTGTrack is really nice, especially with certain cars (not Indy of course).
AnonymousWhy to choose Acura?
Feb 5
Bonzai JoeLet's see how this Acura stuff works...
Bonzai JoeStill not as good as Indy
Mark L. RiversI simply maxout the final of my first replay,... just to remain more near to my Indy opponent...
CTGYes, you need 1:28... but it's not impossible. I think Acura is good for 1:24-1:25.
Bonzai JoeAnd yet another car...
CTGOh nice... you tried it!
Feb 6
Bonzai JoeWhee... Maybe I can do a lap in every car
Only Indy, P962, Corvette, Ferrari, Lancia left.
Bonzai JoeThis piece of useless junk doesn't have a high bonus for no reason.
Bonzai JoeI am talking about the Corvette ZZZZZ-1
CTGTime: 1:29.85 Correction on C81 29.5% With correction: 1:03.30 Car: Acura NSX Color: Red Gearbox: Manual Opponent: None Track name: ZCT81
CTGEnding is still shitty...
CTGwhat if you leave out cork up/downs and drive on the "lakeside"?
Bonzai JoeI tried that a lot with the Indy and got penalty time, but maybe it's possible with other cars...
CTGIt gave one second advantage with Acura.
Bonzai JoeIt did? I got about 1 second disadvantage... Are you sure you are driving the corkscrews well enough?
CTGIf your theory works, my time should be 2 seconds faster than now...
CTG(better than Ayrton's result)
Ayrtonthen the NSX don´t get PG penalty ??
Ayrtonthen the NSX don´t get PG penalty ??
Feb 7
Bonzai JoeI've been thinking it should. Not as much, because it only goes into power gear in the last part of the track, but still. Anyway, I prefer using the Jaguar... And Ayrton, I'm sure you can beat us in the other cars too
AyrtonI´m under 1´ with some cars, but indy still being the best...
AyrtonUntil Zak raises the % again. Next ?? 50% ??
Anonymousalain played another 100 hours...
Zak McKrackenno more percentage changes as announced...
ChulkLet's see...
Bonzai JoeYay, +1 LTB for me
DuplodeDespite strong evidence in contrary, I still call this lap a warm up... :-/
DuplodeOK, a bit more sane now...
Zak McKrackenI like how colorful the scoreboard is
Feb 11
CTGBut still: Indy is the winner.
Feb 12
ChulkHard work to almost MAX out Acura NSX!! Leading from now on!!!
CTGClap clap clap!!! Nice work!
Feb 13
Anonymous"Clap clap clap" Krys will bring Gam gam gam up...
Mark L. RiversFantastic job, Chulk! Congratulations!
CTGIt was really-really hard to beat it...
Feb 14
DuplodeBrillant Chulk, congratulations! That will be a positive factor in my motivation for this race...
ChulkThat is great news, Duplode! Thanks guys.
Feb 15
DuplodeI'm still not quite comfortable with the track, but anyway...
Feb 20
SuperBrianWelcome Turkey, may your passion for stunts go on..
Feb 21
Krys TOFFWelcome to Turkey in the Stunts world. Don't forget the car bonuses/maluses that are used in ZakStunts 2008 competition. This rule may seem quite complicated at first for newcomers, but it's not so hard to understand. ;-)
Zak McKrackenAnd an official welcome to Turkey!
I'm glad you joined, and brough another country on the "Stunts World Map" May you enjoy your time spent here! You're welcome in the forum too!
Bonzai Joeostensibly reanimated spirit of Cax.
CTG1 - BJ: LOL, 2 - Zak: Australia is not new on the map (remember dv8, Idiot, Loza, Blink, CUDGE, Lip, Pentamax, Vajhra, ACE, Black Massacre, Frosch, John Fargo, Lonewolf, Lukey07, MattyD and Nick); 3 - Diesel Joe is in Australia, isn't he?
AbuRaf70Hello Turkey: With my 74 years, I also welcome you, in the same form that they received me behind 4 years. That it is for a lot of time.
Feb 22
DuplodeHi Turkey, and Welcome to our lil' fraternity! Interesting observation: with your arrival, it's 6-4 to South Hemisphere vs. north on the scoreboard... (@ veterans: has that ever happened before?)
ChulkWELCOME TURKEY! Enjoy racing with all these maniacs! BTW, He's the only racer from an English speaking country... Strange.
CTGi'm drunk
CTGAGAIN!!! wheeee
DieselJoeBeing drunk at 19:58 AND AGAIN at 19:59 is REALLY crazy!
Another crazy thing are the speeding penalties in Turkey's country. Some days ago an australian letter arrived here... I have to pay 196 $ for having driven 10 km/h too fast!!! Holy fucking shit!
But nonetheless, welcome Aussie! -
CTGMy message to Australia: RIVERKILLERS GO HOME!!!
Feb 24
DieselJoe@Bonzai Joe:
On friday there was only half a bottle of wine for me... but yesterday I really gave my best! Road-bowling (if that is the correct translation for "Boßeln") is a very hard sport. I can't remember how I got home, my clothes are muddy and i feel totally fucked.
Feb 26
AbuRaf70Hello, Freddy... Welcome...!!!
Feb 27
ChulkGreat! Another new racer. WELCOME FREDDY!!! LTB +2 for me. Yippie!
DuplodeAlways good to see new faces around - welcome Freddy!
Krys TOFFWelcome aboard the Stunts community Freddy. :-)
Feb 28
ChulkZak, I think the clock is still counting LT hours. It's 22 until deadline and I hve 384, let's check in a few hours.
Zak McKrackenyes it does indeed. I'm looking up the bug...
Zak McKrackenfixed!
Feb 29
OK, let's do finally a proper Admin's comment! :)
The second track of ZakStunts 2008 has finished, and the winner is: AYRTON!!! Congratulations fly to him - he truly did magic with his superb skills sitting in the ACURA.
But let's not forget about the second on the podium, Chulk, who was brave enough to fight the Indy dominance mid-month - and eventually find a car to beat it with. Maybe the +2 LTB rewards him enough for not winning this battle.
Again, I would like to tell sorry to all of you becaouse of the troubles with the coefficients this month. Probably it affected Mark L. Rivers the most, who stayed in his favourite car and despite all the tricks he did flying in powergear, he "only" finished 3rd. Sorry mate, really, but the game balance had to be kept. :(
Also big thanks to all the new racers who joined this month, welcome Turkey and Freddy! I hope you both like playing Stunts online, despite all the hardships and the damned replay handling, and I hope you'll stay with us for a longer time!
As for the new track: I honestly tried my best to design an Indy dominance-free, but still enjoyable track. I hope to see some new cars on the podium this time, well we'll see. Remember, all he coefficients had the fractions chopped off. The deadline is the end of the month, but if you start early, you'll learn the track better, so FASTEN YOUR SEATBELT! -
Krys TOFF1st attempt with LM002
Krys TOFFAAARGH ! Wrong replay sent ! Please erase it Zak !!! Stupid me...
CTGTöff took the blue pill...
AnonymousIt's still counting leading time. Krys has one hour.
Zak McKrackentesting of ZCT82 just started
Mark L. RiversLet's see what it will happen...
Zak McKrackenupdate in progress!!!
ChulkUh! 2 minutes away from final result! BTW, Mark is 1 hour of leading with his last replay too. Still trying to find the bug, Zak?
Zak McKrackenyep, there must be another bug. I'll slap it down!!!
Zak McKrackenupdate done! (looks like some bug was at the hosting, 15 minutes of SQL transactions lost)
AbuRaf70Congratulations to Ayrton, Chulk and Mark...!!!
Zak McKrackenRed Countach Power!
Mark L. RiversThanks AbuRaf70! Congratulations to Acura drivers! I'm happy to have realized the absolute best time...
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