News posted in October 2008
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Oct 1
Another track has ended, another victory from Ayrton. But what a victory! He simply left everyone else way behind, showing us that he can not be stopped this year. Congratulations!
CTG was staying with the Acura - and brought it to the second place - well done!
Bonzai Joe maintained a third place in this fierce race, showing us, that he is a champion who can not be forgotten.
So this was a track by Mark L. Rivers- a true challenge. Now it's again a Zak Track - made in the Cork's Crew Training Camp, Aarhus, Denmark. Enjoy! -
AbuRaf70Happu Birthday, Usrin...!!!
AyrtonSuperBrian vs. AbuRaf is a classic here, for now the battles are 5 - 2 in favor of my teammate, anyway SuperBrian did a good progress in the lasts tracks ...
AyrtonHappy Birthday !!
SuperBrianHappy birthday Usrin.. Well I don't think I can get AbuRaf this time..
AbuRaf70Heh.... hasta cuando se pueden seguir enviando replays....? Para mi forma de ver, la Z87 terminó el día 30...
CTGDon't worry AbuRaf, it's invalid: arrived after deadline.
CTGSo... results?
Zak McKrackenScoreboard updated to final! 17 replays arrived on the last day of the race! New track will be out soon unless I get some work to do at the office now
CTGAyrton again...
CTG44 seconds
Zak McKrackendamn, I cant access the FTP
Mark L. RiversI think Ayrton has been the only who reached the Powergear with GTO... Congratulations!
AbuRaf70La genialidad de Ayrton, "empobreció" el muy buen trabajo de CTG y Bonzai Joe. FELICITACIONES A LOS TRES...!!!
Duplode1. Happy birthday Usrin! 2. CTG's strong final sprint means I'm still one point ahead of Mark after this relatively off-colour race, but two 6th places in the season mean there will be no forgiving for me in the final races... 3. Further comments on Ayrton's time are superfluous I suppose...
Zak McKrackenFTP still not acessible. I'll try to update the site as soon as possible...
Zak McKrackenUpdate done, track available!
CTG2nd place was the maximum I could reach. CTG is satisfied.
CTGauto trm test, almost norh
Oct 2
At last ZakStunts has a new article after a 30 month break!
Thanks to Bonzai Joe's diary and writing skills now you can also feel what a champion feels during a race.
Check out Diary of an All-in Race
Thanks to Bonzai Joe, and remember, your article is always welcome! -
CTGAcura NSX 19% - not very likely, Audi Quattro 23% - strong maybe, Chevrolet Corvette ZR1 25% - maybe, Ferrari GTO 21% - maybe, Porsche March Indy -31% - no way, Jaguar XJR9 IMSA 4% - very strong maybe, Lamborghini Countach 27% - small chance (still not enough high bonus), Lancia Delta Integrale 19% - no, Lamborghini LM002 32% - small chance, Porsche 962 IMSA 2% - no because of Jaguar's bonus, Porsche Carrera 4 29% - maybe
CTGMy personal choice is Audi, Jaguar also seems to fit me - too nice to be realistic. Maybe Ayrton will use Carrera or GTO at the end...
Mark L. RiversAyrton's time is a quite strong opening lap...
CTGTOP 6 will finish under 58 seconds.
CTGI'll send a time if I can break the 1 minute barrier.
CTGor not...
CTGNice evolution from dstein. As predicted.
CTGNot a Jaguar track this time... :-S
CTG(inverse thinking: if I say that, Ayrton will send 55.xx with Jaguar)
Mark L. RiversAyrton's time with Porsche 962 appears really strong. Very strong. The strange thing is that if we try to beat it, maybe we could even succeed in it spending a lot of time. But after that, Ayrton will publish a new astonishing leading time with another car... So, it's better from now trying to find another way to reach an eventual ABSOLUTELY PROVISIONAL first place... It's a way to save time, don't you think...?
CTGAyrton's current time is not THAT strong - it can be easily beaten with Carrera and Jaguar, or at mediorce/pro level with P962. The real exercise will be to do 56-57(-58) seconds for the 2nd place.
Oct 3
CTG(behind Ayrton's 53.xx)
dstienThanks, CTG. The big jump forced me to give manual transmission a try, although I still think such low-level engine operation is below the dignity of a human.
DuplodeFirst recognition lap, etc, etc.
Mark L. RiversI don't think that current Ayrton's time can be EASILY beaten with Jaguar. Otherwise CTG would have took the lead with his favourite car (wherewith he had already tried in the very first hours of race) and not with Carrera... And I also think that a PRO (not mediocre) lap with P962 is needed to overtake current strong Ayrton's time.
CTGCarrera was just an idea from you and it worked. I won't try P962 because it's useless (Jaguar has better bonus, only a bit slower and I'm already at 1:04.00 with it without correction).
Oct 4
CTGPffffff, you take the lead when you think I'm away. You are right, I'll be back only in 36 hours.
Bonzai JoeWell, I took the lead when I felt like racing, but I'm glad to hear you'll be away just now
Zak McKrackenprobably no chance,just a fun try
Mark L. RiversStaying on top, even if for few minutes, it's always a pleasure, above all when on the scoreboard there are certain names...
Oct 5
AbuRaf70Happy Birthday, akoss...!!!
Zak McKrackenThe carrera surely makes more sense...
Mark L. RiversFew hours is even better...
Bonzai JoeHappy birthday, Ákos!
CTG1:00.xx? LOL!
CTGAkoss is a piece of old crap.
CTG(yes, I'm older)
Bonzai JoeCTG: shut up or put 59.xx on the scoreboard.
CTGBJ: shut up or böff!!!!
Bonzai JoeI'll böff if you put 59.xx on the scoreboard.
CTGNiuce offer but i'm drunk at the moment!
CTGlater . . Böff dampening: < 1dB
CTGB Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö F F ! ! ! Böff dampening: 3.6dB
Oct 6
DuplodeLate happy birthday to Akoss...
CTGthe long message
CTGfrom the messageboard
Mark L. RiversNot easy smashing the minute barrier with Carrera, but not impossible.
Oct 7
CTGBJ, you promised a nice böff!
CTGIt wasn't so hard. And I see now how to make 56-57 seconds.
CTGAnd Ayrton will show the way under 55...
Bonzai JoeBÖFF!
CTGThank you!
Oct 8
CTGWhere's Akoss?
(is he afraid of sucking AGAIN?
Oct 9
akosspooI'm here. Thanks for the happy birthday posts. I'm suffering with my hand, no stunts at the moment.
Oct 11
Krys TOFFAlmost 1 week late, but happy birthday anyway Akoss. ;-)
Krys TOFFAkoss said : "I'm suffering with my hand" => Too much masturbation ? :-p
CTGLOL, I also asked this but he said using the other hand usually.
Oct 12
Bonzai JoeHello Fredmen67! Welcome
What brought you hither? Take a look at the forum too if you like.
Fredmen67What brought me here was the game in general and the competition.
Oct 13
Mark L. RiversHi Fredmen67 and welcome. Just a question: do you play Stunts with Replay handling or without it? (In case you don't know what RH modality is, you can check one of the following links: Anyway, Stunts community offers race with RH (ZAK, USC, WSC) and without RH (FTT, JAC). See you on the scoreboards.
CTGOf course you are welcome in USC too - the new competition will start this week.
Fredmen67Yes,I do use replay handling(quite alot).
Oct 14
AbuRaf70Recibí la Pista Arad y la invitación para correr... Muchas Gracias...!!!
Oct 15
NavrasEnjoying the track, that's the spirit!
Oct 17
CTGYep, I see that you have exams. 27 and still at university?
CTGLike last month... my best replay will be with Carrera, this one was a quick test with Countach.
CTG(fuck the 18 secs penalty with Carrera... :-S)
Oct 18
Zak McKrackenmade in Shenzhen
Oct 19
CTGImagine a 'Made in China' label on your replay...
Oct 20
Zak McKrackenAnd now I missed a connecting flight, so I am stuck for two days in Beijing. No it's not a bad place to be stuck in. I might be able to visit the Olympic Stadium as well...
Bonzai JoeMy favourite place to hang around in Beijing is Qian Long's summer residence in the northern end of the Beihai. Also a little known Daoist temple called "Bai Yun Guan"
Bonzai JoeAlso, have you seen 798? It's like a whole city of modern art in the northeast of Beijing.
Oct 21
CTGDon't eat snakes!
DuplodeGuess what - the Countach is actually kinda enjoyable on this track. But I still haven't got it...
CTGJaguar is fun on this track, not the Countach. And even not the Carrera.
Oct 24
DuplodeDamage limitation mode ON...
Oct 25
PavekillerDoes someone mind sendig me Z88 by e-mail? I have some problems downloading it from here, and I can't figure out why. , thank you.
Zak McKrackensent!
Bonzai Joemuch spam.
Bonzai Joeget too
Bonzai Joehe won't
Bonzai Joethe frotnpage, so
Bonzai JoeLet's remove that email address from
dstienWhile we're on the topic of spam, the "Racers" page contains mailto links for every pipsqueak...
Oct 27
DuplodeNice to see another new driver from North America - welcome Tgm!
Oct 28
CTGAnother three letter racer...
CTGACE, Alf, Alv, AMG, CAP, Cas, CMG, CTG, Dan, dv8, DTM, EdR, EdX, Fer, Fry, FSB, Gus, Hek, IMG, jey, J-J, JTK, KHR, KUB, Lip, LQR, MpK, MSc, PCK, RAB, Rad, SDK, TGM, Trx...
Bonzai JoeI was looking for one you had forgotten, and in the end I found it: Mft
CTGMft is Zak, so my stats doesn't contain this nickname.
CTGAnd don't forget: I put a "..." at the end which means it's unfinished.
Oct 30
Alan Rotoiputa means whore :O
CTGI know.
Oct 31
So, the 88th track is over - a lucky number for Chinese, but also for Ayrton - he simply left the whole scoreboard behind with smoking wheels again, incredible. Looks like he will achieve a perfect season streak - will anyone ever be able to break his incredible record about to be set up? We'll see...
But let's look behind that smoke! CTG came second, still under the minute barrier, leaving Mark L. Rivers on the third place, barely above the minute. And from the 3rd to the 6th place all racers are within one second interval - we had a really sharp race now, even though there were not too many replays sent. Congratulations to everyone!
And what about the season? The first place is long ago secured by Ayrton, but the second place is interesting: Duplode and Mark maintain a fierce race for the second step of the podium - wth currently Mark leading by two points. Who will win this battle? ZCT89 will be a key factor deciding this.
As for the new track - I left powergear entry allowed at some points. I guess the bonuses right now help to balance it and we'll see a battle of several cars in the first two weeks. After that... well, it's up to you... Fasten your seatbelt! -
Krys TOFFNSX is not so good, what about P962 ?
Krys TOFFOr Audi ?
Krys TOFFP962 still the best, what about the car lots of people choosed : Carrera ?
Krys TOFFSlightly better, and what about Countach ?
Krys TOFFAfter a few trials this morning, it seems that Carrera for me is the least worst car in almost-noRH racing. ^_^
DuplodeWow, only five hours to deadline! From a tactical point of view, this was arguably the most careless race I've ever done...
Zak McKrackenUpdate prepared, but I'll visit some relatives in the evening so might be delayed - but sure done today.
Duplode?!...!!!?!?!!! !!! :-O
Zak McKrackenscoreboard final, update in progress
Zak McKrackensite update done!
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