News posted in January 2008
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Jan 1
Racers and pipsqueaks, we proudly present you ZakStunts 2008, and the first track, Newborn!
The car of the month is: YOUR CHOICE! :)
May you have a happy new year full of replays and insane stunts! -
A strange season is behind us. Not uncommon at ZakStunts. :) And what a race in december! Ayrton won the classic race on Default with an insane time, congratulations! All your results will of course be transferred to the permanent competition.
We'd like to congratulate to the best drivers of 2007:
The new champion: CTG, 111pts
The second: Mark L. Rivers, 102pts
The third: Chulk, 82pts
May their results and fame live forever! -
DuplodeHappy New Year, World!! =D
Mark L. RiversWell, after Z79 NORH times, I really hope this year there will be a higher number of NORH racers than 2007 when the "Feel the thrill", the 2008 official NORH contest managed by Krys, will start...
AbuRaf70Happy Birthday to all...!!!
Zak McKrackenThe first replay of ZakStunts2008. Happy new year!
DuplodeThis replay is horrendous, I am just testing the submission system :-)
ChulkHappy Birthday to everyone! Strange thing 3 racers have birthday on January 1st!
ChulkAnd of course Happy New Year!
ChulkFisrt try with Audi. I'll try other cars later.
DuplodeFirst impressions: exploration will be sometimes hard work but anyway good fun this season... ;-)
Jan 2
CTGShort RH test with auto gears and LM002: 2:06.10
Mark L. RiversShort test with Indy...
Zak McKrackenoops
CTGShort Audi test with manual gears and with cutting the cork: 1:44.45.
CTG---> 1:16. Audi and Lancia can be in party with Indy.
Zak McKrackenwhy don't you send your short test?
CTGBecause I'm retired from racing.
Zak McKrackenoh, so you are a professional tester now, lol...
CTGSchumacher did the same in F1...
Anyway: Porsche Carrera 1:52.35 ---> ~1:18
CTGJaguar XJ IMSA 1:24.80 ---> ~1:15, maybe IMSA is good too? :-S Congrats Zak, car bonuses work quite good!
DuplodeYes, I'm positively impressed with the system too, it does seem very balanced.
ChulkNice work Zak! I'ver tried 4 cars and did around the same time with the 4 of them!
ChulkSmall finish line improvement
CTGChulk: try to cut the cork up-down. It will be 10 seconds better.
CTG(or at least 7-8)
Jan 3
CTGAyrton's time is strong.
CTGFrom now IMSA is out of the party again and only slight chance for the slowest cars...
Mark L. RiversAnother dazzling challenge is starting...
satanziegeWhat a time :-)
satanziegenext try...
satanziegeNext try - next car...
CTGI'm afraid of the Indy test... Some PG magic is needed to catch Mark.
CTG"How to" is okay, solution is still left.
DuplodeHappy birthday, Navras...
CTGLancia test: 1:39.10 ---> still too slow...
AbuRaf70Happy Birthday, Navras...!!!
Bonzai JoeI think I've determined my strategy for this season: wait until the others have determined which car should be used, then just use that car
DuplodeMaybe you should sign CTG as test driver then... ;-)
Zak McKrackenbut my plan is definitely working, sure there is less time to max out the replay
Zak McKrackenwill we see -2.5% for the indy at the next track?
CTGNice time by Ayrton! I was at 1:06... :-S
CTGand 57-58 secs is also possible...
satanziegehm let's see, what the car bonus does..
Mark L. RiversAyrton is my absolute reference for Indy, the greatest Indy driver. So I'm really happy when I succeed to stay near him!
CTGFinally... 1:03.90! It was damned hard! From now my goal is 59.95. If I do it,I'll send it.
Jan 4
Mark L. RiversBad wake up for me... =:O/ Now, as usual, I have to go to work (no internet connection...), so... see you (maybe) later...
Krys TOFF1st try during lunch break, almost noRH, no sound, native use under XP (so with shitty delay of reaction when key is pressed).
SuperBrianIs it possible to change car after this first replay?
Bonzai JoeYes!
Jan 6
DuplodeSlightly frustrated - I didn't want to race Indy... plus that BLOODY cut on the cork u/d.
Jan 7
CTGThat's not the hardest trick of the track...
DuplodeWith the way I'm currently following on my Indy trial, it probably is - thegether with the whole section before...
Jan 9
CTGno replay for ages...
Jan 11
Böff dampening: < 1dB
Zak McKrackenNice to see you back, Usrin! Now we only miss Poo!
Jan 12
DuplodeFinally, a semi-decent lap with Indy. I won't be in mood to try again for a while...
Bonzai JoeHi Usrin! Great to see you
Zak McKrackenI'll stick to the Audi
Jan 13
DuplodeWell, let's say my mood changed since my last comment... ;-)
Anonymous1 Alain 2 Alain 3 Alain...
Anonymouslike in the good old times... where's mingay?
Anonymousof course kidding
Jan 14
CTGhappy birthday AbuRaf!
SuperBrianfeliz cumplea?os Aburaf
DuplodeHappy birthday to AbuRaf...
AyrtonFeliz cumple Abu !!! Que la pases bien ;-)
Krys TOFFHappy birthday AbuRaf.
PalekeFeliz cumplea?os, AbuRaf!!!
AbuRaf70Thank you to all...!!!! Happy of being with all you...!!! Muchas Gracias a todos...!!!
Mark L. Rivers74 years... Will we still be writing our comments on this column when we reached them...? He's great, isn't it?
Zak McKrackenAbuRaf is truly an example for all of us to follow. Happy Birthday!
Jan 16
Bonzai JoeWell done Ayrton, that's like an attack from the yellow jersey
Mark L. RiversISM is absorbing me a lot, but I didn't forget this race...
Jan 18
Mark L. RiversWell, no other demonstrations of force by Ayrton... So maybe we are by now near to the limit...
CTGNo, you aren't. 59 is also possible.
AyrtonThat?s my limit with this replay, i need to redrive the circuit. :-/
Mark L. RiversI think you'll win, Ayrton. I have not your skill, and maybe I never will have it. I'll be anyway very happy if I'll succeed to stay near you until the end.
Jan 21
CTGIt's summer time, we are licking...
Jan 22
DuplodeWelcome/ Seja bem-vindo, AMG!
Bonzai JoeIt's nighttime, and therefore I love you all. Whether you like it or not, and whether you care or not! Fish remain as yellow as the wind on summer evenings.
Bonzai JoeWhoa, I wasn't expecting a simultaneous post there...
CTGBJ was drunk for sure.
Bonzai JoeActually I wasn't really drunk. I had had three glasses of red wine some hours before, and then a really strong cup of coffee.
CTGCoffee after wine? WHY
AMGthanks/obrigado, Duplode.
Jan 23
AyrtonMark is pushing me to the limit, this race remember me the old battles with Alain, that is good ...
SuperBrianCoffee and wine mixed together makes you drive better, don't know if BJ agrees with that. Anyway I prefer 20 beers instead..
AnonymousAlain vs Alain, now Alain vs Alain. It's really good.
Dark ChaserHi, friends!!! Where are our fantastic teams
Orion (my team, winner in 2006... hahaha), Corks, Looping, Meganium, Damage and others: where are them
DuplodeNice to see my compatriots are reappearing! :-)
CTGDarkie: you should form a team with Mark and Duplode.
Mark L. Rivers@Ayrton: Really honoured for your last comment...
Bonzai JoeThat's my boy SuperBrian!! Coffee and wine together because: 1. It feels unusual, a bit unpleasant but it is a good thing in itself that it's unusual. 2. I can't just get drunk all the time, sometimes I have to get high on caffeine instead. That was one of those nights. 3. Isn't it a good idea to combine the best things in the world? Like smokers combine sex & smoking, like religious people combine prayer and sociality, like musicals combine love and music, well I combine red wine and coffee! 20 beers... Yes, but it takes so long to drink, you have to pee so much, and if you cross the line, vomiting it all up takes such a long time.
Jan 24
CTGAh the Renato Biker symptom again... Alain moved to Brasil?
Jan 29
ChulkOK, 2nd finished replay sent. Quite far from the podium...
Duplode@Chulk: As you sent your replay before "quiet period" started and it hasn't appeared in scoreboard, you'd better re-send it...
CTGI guess he made a hidden sending. Like me and my 58.35...
Jan 31
So it's the end of the first track where you could race with any car - and the Indy dominated and took the whole podium. Shit happens, now the Indy gets -1.5% penalty. Let's see if it still dominates.
Let's congratulate to Ayrton, who also dminated, earned an awful lot of leading time. In theend Mark came close, but didn't succeed to overtake the champion. Duplode maintained a steady and valuable third place.
Before you start the next track, Light Bulb, make sure to check the new car coefficients, which were modified according to the rules.
Fasten your seatbelt! -
In case you did not notice yet, you can access ZakStunts on a new address: will be also available soon. -
ChulkYes, Duplode's right. Send to scoreboard box was checked I think. Here it goes again, hidden voluntary this time...
Duplode...or not! :-)
Zak McKrackennewstest
CTGSpecial character test: BÖFF!!!
Krys TOFFHappy birthday Lise.
Zak McKrackenupdate in progress
Zak McKrackenárvíztűrő tükörfúrógép
CTGNice track design... I hope it's a GE bulb!
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