News posted in April 2007
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Apr 1
Well the crew is a bit sad because of the low activity on the last track. It seems the community is a bit passive lately. But this doesn't make CTG's win smaller. He also dominated LTB, and earned +2 points, while no one got +1 :)
So lets spice up the mood a bit with a true crime, the new track: SABOTAGE! Wow! Check the track page for details. -
Zak McKrackenscoreboard updated, if I wont fall asleep new track will be deisgned and out soon. If I fall asleep it'll be done tomorrow
AbuRaf70Gracias, ADPunk y Paleke...
CTGWorst ZSC victory ever...
CTGUsual help for USC track...
Krys TOFFWell, I never imagined to stay on the podium in the end. Very "rush hour" times by SuperBrian in the end, too bad you ended only 0.05 seconds behind me partner. Now, let's see this "no brake" rule (damn, sabotage like that remind me of Death Rally
Krys TOFFOoops, I forgot to write "good" after "very" in my last message.
Mara MongHopeless results.
SuperBrianI cannot understand why you didn't improve your finish on z73, zak, I could easily do 1:27,55 on your finish..
CTGAnd I could also re-drive the whole track for 1:24...
SuperBrianHahaha, but how could you know that he wouldn't sent a "secret" replay in the quiet days?
CTGAnd how could he know if I hide a time or not?
SuperBrianYeah, you're right, anyway it's a very strange ending on track 73..
Mark Nailwood (fake)Hello guys, I'm back. Can I fight with you?
Geovani da SilvaYou will never win.
Krys TOFFStop with these ghosts CTG. X(
Apr 2
SuperBrianNot very funny for my LTBchances even though I knew they weren't very good..
CTGhey it was 1st april!!!
Apr 3
Mark L. RiversAwful car + Great rule = I'm in... but with low chances... I think I'll leave many Stand Points here...
Krys TOFFSure CTG, it was 1st April. But you messed up the scoreboard a
Krys TOFFnd forced Zak to correct it manually. Not fun at all for Zak IMO.
Krys TOFFOH, damn, my previous message had been splitted in 2 !
CTGStill better than 1:35 from me.
CTG(I mean better for your rankings
CTG10 minutes try...
Apr 4
Krys TOFFDamn CTG, you could have wait 1 more hour before sending your replay. If you lead all the remaining part of the month 'like last month), then SuperBrian will be without 1 leading time point as he has only 47 hours of leading and not 48. Come one partner, you can beat CTG and earn one more hour of leading to hope to have 1 LTB point.
DieselJoeYeah, show him the ropes, SuperBrian!
CTGIt happened by will. I want to force Super Brian to fight a bit. That's why I sent 1:26.xx: still close to him, but can't be solved with a simple improved finish. But I know you are able to do it - SO DO IT!
SuperBrianWow, you sure have motivated me, CTG, I never though I could do 1:45,xx when I drove 1,58,xx. Thanks for the battle..
CTGThat's what I talked about.
CTGThen keep trying...
CTGWinner will do 1:36
Apr 5
SuperBrianHmm, I cannot improve much more, I think I'll do 1 second better lap when this track is done.
Krys TOFFWell done SuperBrian. Now, you have to hope that CTG will lead the remaining part of the month like he did for Z73, and you'll get one LTB point. ;-)
Apr 6
CTGWhere is Zak's replay? I can't see him on the scoreboard.
Mark L. RiversSome progresses with the nightmare-car...
CTGSo much for Super Brian's LTB...
Apr 7
Mark L. RiversIf you're worry for SuperBrian's LTB, I'm sure that you will help him re-catching the 1st place before my LTB will be higher than SuperBrian's LTB...
Apr 8
SuperBrianre-catching? I think I'll just close my eyes... It usually works...
Apr 9
CTGUnless I spend the Eastern ithout Internet connection at home.
CTGHello Mark!
AnonymousHello Mark!
CTGLittle surprise before I start to re-drive the whole track.
Mark L. RiversOK, I start with you to re-drive the whole track too...
But I think not to be able to reach 1'36" as you predicted...
CTG0.05 ahead
CTGYou provoke me to send a lot better time.
Apr 10
CTGLot better one comes later...
Mark L. RiversMeanwhile...
Apr 11
CTGIgive you the chance to be the first man under 100 seconds on this track. Enjoy the moment!
Mark L. RiversToo much generous... Thanks!
CTGFrom now I'm working on 1:35.
Apr 12
Mark L. RiversOh... a time unreachable for me... Well, if I'm not wrong, it's my first race with this "car"... So I'm quite satisfied for my time which won't change a lot. And until here it was a nice challenge! Btw: Zak, don't we deserve a special reward to have animated in a so nice way this first half of the race, above all in this very pale period...?
PalekeA very very slow one to start
Apr 24
PalekeAlmost 10 days without replays and 12 without "news"... So I post this to "cut it"
PalekeAnd soon there will be a replay from me, but it won't be even close to AbuRaf. :S
Apr 26
JTKWhooopsie - 4 days to go - I have to race (but when
Apr 27
Apr 28
CTGCongratulations to the first ZSC victory of Mark L. Rivers! I chose beer instead of racing Stunts at the last night of my racing possibility...
JTKOh, well, err...
Apr 29
Mark L. RiversSo, you don't send a final replay... Well, even if it was true, I think there are some drivers who can sure still beat me... Please, respect all them, CTG included...
Krys TOFFWeak first try...
Apr 30
PalekeOk, so I won't have time to race again for a while (exam period :S) but I have to say... FELICITACIONES ABURAF!!!
CTGWhoooooooooooooopsthat's my bad luck. My train arrived too late, I just switched on the computer and I can't win this race.
(Kidding. I really just arrived but had no improvement.)
AbuRaf70Paleke: Thank you very much...!!!
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