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January February March April May June July August September October November December

Jan 1

  • Renato Biker
    Happy 2006 to all racers, inclusively to who doubt of me. Wink
  • Renato Biker
    yeahh, increasing the time!!! Cheesy
  • Mislav
    Happy New 2006! Here's my first replay in Cork's Crew! Smiley
  • Mislav
    By the way, I got a million dollar contract... Wink
  • Alain
    this is not the killer time i promised to chulk yet Sad but still beating bonzai george
  • Alain
    now i can rest in peace Wink i beat everyone
  • Renato Biker
    Alain, are you receiving my e-mails??
  • Alain
    no, in fact i am still waiting for the first one Cheesy i think there is some mail problem. its not important since you receive mines!
  • Renato Biker
    Alain, i do attempted other mail, receive now? my best lap are anex file...
  • Renato Biker
    Alain, can you send me your last mail, please?
  • Alain
    now i receive your email and i resend you the last mail
  • Alain
    now i receive your email and i resend you the last mail
  • Alain
    its a question: is it allowed to share permanent tracks replays with teammates?
  • Alain
    ctg is silenced? bonzai joe too Huh? where are meganium in front of the Orion SCOURGE!

Jan 2

  • CTG
    2006-01-01 00:15- Renato Biker -- Happy 2006 to all racers, inclusively to who doubt of me. Wink Poor Alai... erm... Renato, nobody likes him. He had to spend the first moments of 2006 next to the computer instead of going to a party. Hopeless... Tongue Böff dampening: < 1dB
  • CTG
    2006-01-01 00:15- Renato Biker -- Happy 2006 to all racers, inclusively to who doubt of me. Wink Poor Alai... erm... Renato, nobody likes him. He had to spend the first moments of 2006 next to the computer instead of going to a party. Hopeless... Tongue Böff dampening: < 1dB
  • CTG
    I postpone the deadline of Goiania to 5th January!
  • Renato Biker
    Poor CTG, he doesn't know that in Brazil is a few hours earlier...
  • Dark Chaser
    Damagers, I'm leaving the team this year. I'm looking for a new 'house' and I will be in Orion or Looping in february. Thanks to Dottore, Diesel, Leo and Krys (specially). You are great friends and great racers too. Good luck for you. Good luck for Damage. A new season begins. Let's rock!!!
  • Dark Chaser
    Ops, and Happy New Year to all racers!!!
  • Dark Chaser
    Just one thing: I will race in Damage this month, alright? I'm still a damager.
  • CTG
    Poor Renato, he doesn't know that I know Hendaye is in France... Cheesy
  • CTG
    Usrin, can I join Looping Warriors?
  • Dark Chaser
    Damagers: I suggest Jules to my place... Mislav joins Corks and Renato joins Orion. So Jules is a great wager for this year. Think about it!
  • Jules
    Thanks for the indication Darkchaser, if they do accept me in the team I will do my best not to dissapoint them... Wink
  • Alain
    happy new year CTG, from the stunts geniuses and super team of 2006 (mingva, alain, vamologocomisso, renato biker and... DARKCHASER I HOPE) beware!!! perfect replays cumming in your brains!!!
  • Alain
    show off what you are able to do jules. you are darn good. push!
  • CTG
    Go Chulk! Go Gutix! Go Rotoi! Force Orion to suck!
  • Alain
    no, for meganium it's the best time to send a replay two days before the deadline
  • Jules
    And also a Happy new year to everyone, a year full of racing and amazing replays for us all...
  • Zak McKracken
    Dear Dark Chaser and all who areinvolved, I'd rather assign you to your new team from the first track if possible, it'd be much easier for the administration. Thanks for understanding! Zak
  • Renato Biker
    Why don?t appear the leading times?
  • Bonzai Joe
    Very small bug: In the 2001 season's standings, the racers are listed in very strange teams. For example, you and I are listed in Corks Crew which did not exist then, but Argammon is listed in Orion (which did not exist then either). Other racers are listed in the teams they were actually in. But great job on the site improvement! It is very nice to have the login bug fixed Smiley
  • Alain
    what do you call a bug? I DON'T SEE ANY BUG!!! this is the best website Wink

Jan 3

  • Mislav
    Happy birthday Michael Schumacher!! Join ZakStunts until the F1 season begins! (We have a Ferrari...)
  • Krys TOFF
    Happy birthday Navras. ;-) And have fun in Orion Dark Chaser... :-/
  • AbuRaf70
    Happy birthday, Navras...!!!
  • Bonzai Joe
    There you go Alain, I got one hour of leading time Smiley
  • Dark Chaser
    Thanks, Krys!!! And Happy Birthday, Navras!!!
  • Bonzai Joe
    Has anyone kept a history of all the Orion-lineups? To me it's still Alain/Mingva/Krys TOFF/Leo Ramone Smiley
  • Bonzai Joe
    We can use ' now? cool...
  • Zak McKracken
    you can use it since a half year or so Smiley
  • Bonzai Joe
    Great! I am sleepy as ever...
  • Zak McKracken
    I might have a cracked rib bone. :-O
  • Bonzai Joe
    Ouch, I hope not Sad
  • Bonzai Joe
    >healing thoughts to Zak's rib bone<
  • Alain
    i hope it's not serious, send us good news zak
  • CTG
    Lassan j?rj, tov?bb ?rsz!
  • Alain
    happy birthday navras! and long live ORION welcoming the great DARKCHASER!!!
  • CTG
    happy birthday, navras!
  • Dark Chaser
    Huh? Huh? Huh?? Who joins Orion? Me? Zak, I ask you to wait until February...
  • Mislav
    Happy birthday Navras!!

Jan 4

  • Zak McKracken
    Darkie, is it really so much necessary? Please reconsider this, it'd be way way much easier for me (and the point counting system) to handle it this way.
  • CTG
    LOL, this time Zak is slow-thinking. The fact is that Dark Chaser decision is neither Orior nor Looping at the moment. He wants some time to decide - and he never said he joins Orion. It's only a possibility.
  • Zak McKracken
    oh sure, sorry Smiley then I'll just migrate DC to his new team as soon as he decides, but all his points will count tfor the new team.
  • Anonymous
    i foresee ayrton will send 1:04.80 replay tomorrow in the night!
  • Alain
    it was me
  • Anonymous
    Alain will fall and Orion too
  • Anonymous
    bug in the system?

Jan 5

  • AbuRaf70
    Go, Ayrton... Go...!!!
  • Dark Chaser
    Trying to impress my future teampartners... ;oP
  • Dark Chaser
    And Zak: thanks for all, racer... You are a great webmaster and a great guy too... ;op
  • Alain
    I want to marry you, darkie, i am in love... i will leave for brazil in the next plane!!!
  • Renato Biker
    wow, very good, darkchaser!!!
  • Alain
    the wind blows from brazil

Jan 6

  • CTG
    New winner in UnskilledStunts again! Well-done, Dottore! It seems the last three race will be about Dottore-Krys-Usrin battle for the final victory... Smiley
  • Krys TOFF
    Congrats to Dottore for his victory at USC. He deserves it. :-D
  • Krys TOFF
    Impressive leading times from the Brazilians at Z59 ! 8-0 But beware of Argentinians hidden times. ;-)
  • Bonzai Joe
    I've found out how to drive Joes in 50 seconds Smiley
  • CTG
    Big thing... I've found the way under 1 minute on Z59... Cheesy
  • Paleke
    Zak: Cas and hek are now part of Poder Sudaka, could you please update everything? Thanks Wink

Jan 7

  • Bonzai Joe
    Hey Renato, on Cherry's Closed, did you race with ISA rules? Just to know how to compete with you...
  • Paleke
    First try, I hope I'll improve it...
  • Bonzai Joe
    The argentinians are eating us from both ends of the scoreboard!
  • Alain
    CTG, read the rules "If you earned penalty in your replay, enter the value. If you don't, you are cheating."
  • Zak McKracken
    you have got to work hard if you want anything at all Smiley

Jan 8

  • Racers!
    Do a mandatory visit at join, race, suffer, and be a part of Stunts History!
  • Bonzai Joe
    1.02? :-( That wasn't part of my plan...
  • Alain
    may I go to bed without those south american indians sending replays faster than me? thanks.
  • Alain
    may I go to bed without those south american indians sending replays faster than me? thanks.
  • Alain
    see, even leo ramone joins the turmoil... Sad i can't sleep in peace
  • Renato Biker
    hahaha, pow Leo, eu nao deixaria o cara tirar comigo... hein, ve se sai dessa posi?ao, p?e nosso pa?s pra cima Wink
  • vamologocomisso
    first try...
  • JTK
    First try, automatic on Stunts 1.0 Smiley Back to the roots!!!
  • JTK
    2nd try - that was fun Smiley
  • Zak McKracken
    It's great to see you back racing again Smiley
  • JTK
    Thanks Zak! It crazy to race again and big fun. And I will race on for fun not for winning Smiley
  • Bonzai Joe
    Welcome back on the scoreboard, Captain!
  • JTK
    Thanks! I hope I can welcome you, too, at MY scoreboard! Smiley

Jan 9

  • JTK
    Whoops. But no RH! Smiley
  • Renato Biker
    bug in NoRH scoreboard...
  • Renato Biker
    Ayrton have double personality? hahaha, it's bug...
  • Krys TOFF
    Kalpen contest lives again !!! Hooooooraaaaa ! Send your time to no-RH scoreboard JTK if you race this way my friend. ;-)
  • CTG

Jan 10

  • Open you ears!
    The THIRD part of the Online Stunts Competition History is now available!
    Rush to the articles!
  • Anonymous
    Singing: Buggy, buggy, buggy news in Zakstunts!
  • CTG
  • CTG
    Testing: B Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh??FF!!!
  • CTG
    Still bad
  • CTG
    When will you correct it, Zak? Cheesy
  • Guste
    Hi everybody! I'm new here and in Stunts but let's see what I can do hehe..
  • Mislav
    Hello Guste and welcome to the club! Let's see what you can do...take it away! Smiley
  • Alain
    praise you argammon (private joke) hi guste!!! e tetraaaa!!! e tetraaaa!!! e tetraaa do brasil!!!!!!!!!
  • Alain
    hi Jr, enjoy stunts competition!!!welcome back to texas? who killed you? (private joke)

Jan 11

  • Akoss sent an article, an overview of the last two years from his viewpoint. I'd like to get many many more articles from you! Please, cheer me up :)
  • Zak McKracken
    Mislav I thought Guste is not Vincent Vega Smiley
  • Mislav
    Haha Smiley I already thought nobody would notice that Pulp Fiction sentence Wink
  • Alain
    on msn renato and I noticed it Smiley

Jan 12

  • Bonzai Joe also sent an artuicle covering his view of the Stunts community. So there is something for you to read again! :)
  • Alain i post this funny link here, because in the forum it will not be up to date in a few days
  • Alain
  • Lise
    I'm back! Smiley
  • Bonzai Joe
    Welcome back Smiley
  • Bonzai Joe
    Now I am going to catch up with Alain and hand him a speeding ticket.

Jan 13

  • Alain
    well pilgrim, only after you eat a peanut out of my shit! you talk the talk, do you walk the walk?
  • vamologocomisso
    Im very impreseed with Akoss Poo and Bonzai Joe?s article. Akoss put his heart and feeling in the text, brave man. Was nice to know how great the stunts meeting was, and truly friendship was born. Well... what can I say ? My only real(flesh and bones) friend in stunts is the lame and annoying DarkChaser XD, hahaha! Um abra?o por tr?s Alexandre.
  • Alain
    so you had a stunts live meeting!!! also some argentinians had. I never had the luck to get into a real stunts live meeting yet Sad
  • Alan Rotoi
    Very nice articles Akoss and Bonzai's. Really nice.
  • CTG
    Alain: I'll visit you, if you want. Prepare for your death. Cheesy
  • CTG
    Interesting articles by the way, but I hope there will be another target of your writings than that.

Jan 14

  • Krys TOFF
    Welcome to another newcomer (so numerous since a few months) : Hek. And a big kiss to Lise who still think about Stunts, good news. Oh, I almost forgot : nice articles from Akoss and BJ. Maybe I should write one too...
  • Alan Rotoi
    I'm waiting for your article kris Wink
  • Bonzai Joe
    You have to drive the Jaguar Ayrton, not the Knight Rider...
  • Alain
    toma esooooo cabron
  • Alain
    forum translation: lick your sucker, care bear Smiley

Jan 15

  • CTG
    Easy theory: Alain=Ayrton=Renata Biker=many-many other racers...
  • CTG
    Before Zak says "CTG is truda, CTG is stupid dumbass, etc.", I'm talking about democracy. Every racer is equal. Cheesy
  • Alain
    you can't speak about equality when I am five seconds faster than you
  • CTG
    Equal in life, in laws. It seems you are too stupid to understand that. Your life is empty and your sex is when you jerk off after seeing your ultra RH crap.
  • Alain
    yes i like my replays very much
  • CTG
    I hope you won't ever have greater feeling in life than finishing a winner lap after 300 hours of replay handling.
  • CTG
    I hope you won't ever have greater feeling in life than finishing a winner lap after 300 hours of replay handling.
  • CTG
    Ridicoulus and hopeless - the real Alain Per
  • CTG watch this Wink
  • CTG
    New Stunts competition by Mark L. Rivers!
  • CTG
    Although the design seems to be a bit stolen from USC... :-S

Jan 16

  • Krys TOFF
    Wow, 5 active competitions now planned for 2006. Let's wish this SDR (Stunts Drivers Races) competition a long life.
  • Krys TOFF
    Well, there's not 5 but 6 competitions if we count F Stunts ( But F Stunts comp has so crappy tracks that I didn't even tried to race it more than once...

Jan 17

  • Alan Rotoi
    I'm watching replays from ISA... I really miss this competition Sad
  • CTG
    Alan, I have a special offer for you, details later on MSN.
  • CTG
    Not about a secret alliance.

Jan 18

  • Lets get statistical! :)
    Check out the brand new ststistics menu item. Right now I've added only one new stat (newspost analysis) but the others ar e also on the way, including the most intresting, Racer Statistics, which will hopefully show all the details a racer has achieved (results, podiums, leading times, time improvement, sent replays, etc...)
  • CTG
    Damn it!
  • CTG
    Damn it!
  • CTG
    Damn it!
  • CTG
    New stats essence for me: 24 months, CTG was the main spammer 17 times. 14/15 from the last 15 months. DC 4 times, BJ, Zak and Alain once.
  • CTG
    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand monthy spam record 98 (CTG, October 2005).
  • Alain
    Please don't spam!
  • Alain
    new stats: please finish it quicker zak! Smiley I am looking forward to it!!!

Jan 19

  • CTG
    Huahuahuahua I'll reach my 1000th post here soon.
  • CTG
    maybe tomorrow?
  • CTG
    Stuntsland is sleeping
  • Zak McKracken
    Alain I'll have a week off work and school at the end of january. Expect updates then. I'll of course also program earlier if I can.
  • CTG
    What about the overall stats of each competitions? If you give me the formula you want, I'll make it next week.
  • CTG
    oh my God, intestines are close to explosion. chili beans rulez! Cheesy
  • Alain
    thank you for answering! But I can't wait Smiley well, let's wait, it will be better work Wink
  • Alain
    congratulations to ayrton, i can't follow his pace. AT ALL!

Jan 20

  • CTG
    Well-done Alain! Zak is blind.
  • Alain
    CTG fired his team at corkscrew Smiley now he needs a new one.
  • CTG
    Looping is fair enough for me Cheesy
  • CTG
    2006011111.gif GHOST HUNTING!!!
  • Alain
    1:03 is fair enough for you Smiley
  • CTG
    Don't forget I'm the designer. It's not fair to fight on my own track. By the way I'm a lot better Jaguar driver than you. Remember Z48. Cheesy
  • Anonymous
  • Anonymous

Jan 21

  • THe Sent Replays analysis is now also available with dual-filters!
    Dig into the replay history of ZakStunts, see what you could never see before, get shocked by the insane amounts! :)
  • A new article about the statistical analysis of racer activtiy (by Zak) is available at the articles!
  • Renato Biker
    CTG, do you want me in your competition?
  • CTG
    yes Alain, I hope you will join.
  • CTG
    wow, good work zaki
  • CTG
    Some additional things are missing for me: overall table about the number of replays, not "only" the list of them. This is my 1000th post on this messageboard, wheeeeeeeeeeee!!! Smiley
  • Zak McKracken
    CTG, check out the articles section too to find your answer Smiley
  • Zak McKracken
    if you meant the overall sent replays/racer stats you'll find that on the Racer Stats page, when it'll be ready.
  • Zak McKracken
    I have deleted those racers from 2003-2005 season who registered but havent sent a replay. That was 6 racers in 2003 (47 remained), 31 in 2004 (39 remained) and 62 in 2005 (63 remained). Rest in Peace! Smiley
  • CTG
    "Remember, 2005 started with ZCT47, 2004 started with ZCT36." 2004 started with ZCT34!
  • Bonzai Joe
    Great statistics Zak Smiley But I think something's not quite right here, even though I'm not a mathematics expert: 1041 replays sent in by every racer on every track in season 2004. That is an average of about 80.077 replays per track, or an average of about 2.852 replays per day.
  • Zak McKracken
    thanks, errors corrected Cheesy
  • CTG
    shitty, shitty, shitty szigorlat...
  • Renato Biker
    don't hide the game, CTG Smiley

Jan 22

  • I updated Mingva's drivers in numbers article with the 2005 data. Enjoy!
  • Alain
    maximum effort Smiley

Jan 23

  • CTG
    damn it bonzai Cheesy
  • CTG
    Somebody must stop this bad joke: ALAIN, WE ALL KNOW YOU PRODUCE REPLAYS FOR RENATO BIKER! Stop it, please - and send in as yours if you want. I think I will do the first step because Zak is still so blind: I disqualify Renato from USC scoreboard.
  • Renato Biker
    Dear CTG, why you don't believe me? Ayrton is champion in first year him. And i have certainty he will beat my time...
  • Renato Biker
    CTG, about unskilled competition, are you using my replays to improve his? Sorry, but you did times so close of mine...
  • CTG
    if you follow stunts history, you will see my tactics: i race until i beat a certain time. Btw I had 1:45.10 for ages (braking a bit at the end) so I only had to brake less. But Ayrton did 58.00 and what happened? You sent 57.95. The same for you, guys! Cheesy
  • Renato Biker
    soon, i want to see if you can beat 1:40:90 Smiley
  • Paleke
    I'm back!! ( Huh?)
  • Alain
    Renato, now you must apologize for playing my replays, we really are caring cheaters.
  • CTG
    Biker: I can Smiley
  • CTG
    Even 1:37
  • Alain
    It was a message for you, stupid dumbass.
  • Anonymous
    hello, it's Bolo speaking. welcome new colleagues, renato, ayrton and co. i hope you will have a nice time here and won't finish your carrier as my old friend, crazydriver.
  • Alain
    fuck you dirty asshole
  • Alain
    1:03.30 is a real hopeless time from a hopeless driver. Our team will show you how to drive. you don't have fingers? you don't have fingers, CTG la salope
  • Alain
    i'll be on the podium, and you will be a loser
  • Alain
    when you'll watch our replays you will not understand them
  • Alain
    last month you didnt even dare to fight on track. this month neither, and you'll never dare to fight. you can't.
  • CTG
    why don't you changed roles with your... okay, i'm not that asshole. i just say: die!
  • CTG
    Maybe you forgot I have private life too. Stunts is not that essential part of my life that it was in the past. You are hopeless because you can't find any joy in life. And for these people, suffering in this problem I can only suggest: hang yourself on the closest tree or cut your throat. World will be a happier place after it.

Jan 24

  • Renato Biker
    shit, Ayrton broken my legs Tongue
  • Alain
    he is like a clockwork orange
  • Renato Biker
    CTG doesn't have heart, he disqualified me of his competition Sad
  • CTG
    yes, I'm cruel
  • CTG
    Ultimate attack on Bonzai Joe. Cheesy
  • Akoss Poo
    I've just registered here for this year.
  • Akoss Poo
    CTG, somebody did that 1:40 on Torino, you shouldn`t delete it just because you can`t beat it. Yes, you accept this doubtfully from a newbie - like me, but somebody did it, even if it wasn`t Renato. Somebody was faster than you.
  • CTG
    if he'll send it as Alain, I'll accept it. Smiley
  • Renato Biker
    thanks Akoss, even you doubting of me Smiley
  • Renato Biker
    this is a injustice of the CTG, i dedicated so much hours to do 1:40 on Tonrino. For my luck Zak is a fantastic webMaster Smiley
  • Alain
    CTG and AKOSS POO you are ridiculously swamping yourselves as crying losers Smiley the real thing is that your stunts results are at the same level than your english vocabulary: limited.
  • Bonzai Joe
    Well Alain, I partly agree, but I don't think you should start to insult people for speaking english badly...
  • Bonzai Joe
    Example: it's called "the same level AS your...", not "the same level than your..."
  • CTG
    Dead Alain doesn't speak.
  • Zak McKracken
    I'll be boycotting every competition CTG ever manages, this is such intolerable behaviour from a manager...
  • Bonzai Joe
    Example: it's called "the same level AS your...", not "the same level than your..."
  • Bonzai Joe
    Don't know why it double-posted. Of course if Renato is not allowed back in USC, we will all have to boycott the competition (as it won't be a real competition anyway), which is sad, because it used to be a good competition. I agree that Renato's results seem a bit incredible, but: 1. Incredible, not impossible. 2. You are innocent until proven guilty
  • Alain
    sorry for the bad english. we all understand better if we speak in the stunts replays universal language...
  • Akoss Poo
    Mingva also allowed me to send replays at last after having banning me from ISA Competition. Don`t be worse than him!
  • Alan Rotoi
    Unskilled manager for Unskilled Stunts

Jan 25

  • CTG
    I just can't hide negative emotions.
  • CTG
    Here. Real life provides more blocking circumstaces.
  • vamologocomisso
    CTG is just a clow. You guys dont have to take him serious (and, of course, dont participate a clow?s competition). I like CTG, he makes me laugh big time.
  • CTG
    ClowN? Smiley
  • CTG
    Just a question to Zak: did you boycott IRC when Akoss was banned for some days? Did you? NO! You didn't. That's you...
  • CTG
    USC site is working again, all the replays accepted - but it doesn't mirror my own opinion.
  • Alain
    good. filed case! now i will ride my bike four MORE hours and hope I can take the leading time in z59 tonight...
  • CTG
    b?ff, anything else is useless
  • Anonymous
    You are right, master! I'm your shadow, the cruel warrior, Yang Sze (western name: Bolo Yeung).
  • CTG
    hahaha, fast ban, mcmaster

Jan 26

  • CTG
    I won't insult Renato and Alain for a week if I pass this exam... Smiley
  • CTG
  • CTG
    kidding, no insults for a week from now
  • Mislav
    Jules, Guste and Jr, you should make a brasilian racing team trio! Smiley
  • Renato Biker
    One question: i finished one replay, but when i watch whole replay the car crashed Sad and if i advance replay after crash place, it functions normally. What hell is this Huh?? Zak, if i send it for you, you would accept it?
  • CTG
    Renato: did you start from the truck? It happens if you do that, but replay is still valid. Just check Usrin's Plus 3. Smiley
  • Alain
    If i must blow my balls off for a word it will be "poontang!" watch out your poontang, ayrton
  • CTG
    Nice time, Alain!

Jan 27

  • Alain
    don't touch my poontang!
  • Krys TOFF
    FREE TrackMania Nations : a real stand-alone game from TM and TM Sunrise developpers : Nadeo. 265 Mb download, online multiplayer, track editor inside. I download it right now !!! You want it ? 100% FREE, right here :
  • Krys TOFF
    Modification : TM Nations is 272 Mb, not 265 Mb. Anyway, it's still 100% free. :-D
  • Chulk
    I'm back from holidays!
  • Alain
    Am I the only one to notice it on opera? the columns of the rankings display is doomed by the time difference... It takes two lines and I don't like it very much. I'd also like to display who sent the more replays on month/year/alltime...i am fed up of tracking the time hiders manually Wink

Jan 28

Jan 29

  • Zak McKracken
    thanx Alain, I updated the text with yours
  • Alain
    fine! Smiley now simple computer overclocking for newbies: mmmh close some windows... or play stunts! your computer is much faster!
  • Alan Rotoi
    Don't watch the replay. It's a shame ^_^.
  • Alain
    "trackmania nation est un tr?s bon jeux avec de b? graphismes et il convient ? beaucoup de petites cartes graphiques .A regretter ,en mode lan ou internet la course ne se joue qu'? une personne ,les autres devant attendre que le 1er ai finit pour partir" c'est quoi ce bordel, krys?
  • Krys TOFF
    @Alain : there are different online modes for TM Nations : "round" or "time attack". I suggest you to choose time attack servers for multiplayer madness. ;-D
  • Krys TOFF
    1st attempt, auto gears, made in a few minutes (5 hours CTG ? Just for no-RH replay ? Crazy...)
  • Bonzai Joe
    Renato: did you drive on the fast grass (grass beside chicanes) on Cherry's Closed? If yes: is that legal? If yes: accept my 3.16. If no: don't Smiley
  • Bonzai Joe
    Oops Smiley that was not on Z59
  • Bonzai Joe
    This reminds me of ZCT10: three people who know "the trick" and are several seconds ahead of the rest. The difference is: the Jaguar does not have a power gear!
  • Alain
    there is no shortcut, no trick, no easy solution in life... the drivers that are several seconds behind just didn't drive hard enough. and long live orion. orion just begun.
  • Alain
    oh, i remember now, this cherry closed replay is one of the ten replays you already played ten years ago...
  • Bonzai Joe
    Wow Alain, you've hit the top of your shit-talking curve this week...
  • Bonzai Joe
    Wow Alain, you've hit the top of your shit-talking curve this week...

Jan 30

  • Ayrton
    Welcome to the jungle, Rotoi
  • CTG
    yep it smells like z10 - i followed it as an outsider...
  • CTG
    Oh I forgot: I won't race in the next two days. Cheesy
  • CTG
  • CTG
    Zak: I suggest to open a sub-cathegory for national topics, not only a spanish one. I guess German, French, Portugese and Hungarian would be popular too. Thanks in advance!
  • Bonzai Joe
    I think that would just be a mess... The spanish one is there because lack of english language skills have kept them out of the community. Everyone else seems to speak english well enough. It would be annoying to be unable to understand what goes on in half of the subforums Sad
  • AbuRaf70
    Goo, Goo Ayrton...!!!!
  • CTG
    My english SUX... Cheesy Hungary was the most active country of the last few years, I think we deserve a separate section.
  • CTG
    Okay, if Zak won't open it in ZSC then I please let it be opened as an USC subtopic.
  • CTG
    minus I, I already told my english sux and Alain agrees Smiley
  • Usrin
    B Huh? Huh? Huh???FFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!!!!
  • Usrin
    B Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh????FF!!!!!!!!!!!!! Böff dampening: < 1dB
  • Usrin
    B Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh???FF!! Böff dampening: < 1dB

Jan 31

  • The first leading time bonuses in 2006:
    Ayrton gets +2 and Renato Biker +1 points. Congratulations!
  • Congratulations to Ayrton!
    He won maybe the hardest race recently. Incredible tricks and replays await for you along with the new track: Summer Breeze.
    I hope you'll stay with us in February too!
  • Chulk
    Only 20 hours left, I'll give it mylast shot tonight
  • Alan Rotoi
    Well, the spanish chat was a good idea. I'm sure people who speaks portuguese will understand spanish and I invite them to write in portuguese because we will understand Wink
  • CTG
    Happy Birthday, Sexy Girl! Wink
  • Krys TOFF
    lykkelig f?dseldag Lise
  • hek
    Happy Birthday Lise!
  • hek
    This post is for to clean the screen...
  • CTG
    hek! Clean from what? STOMACH GAAS!!!! Böff dampening: < 1dB
  • CTG
    Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
  • Jules
    Happy Birthday Lise.
  • Zak McKracken
    Update will be delayed as I'll arrive home only around 22:00 CET.
  • CTG
    fuck this track... Cheesy
  • CTG
    Dark Chaser beats me... :-S After Z43 it happened again.
  • CTG
    Online results at #stunts, please!
  • CTG
    I hope Renato will be there too.
  • CTG
    (maybe he won)
  • CTG
    yes, i'm spamming
  • CTG
    i'm fuckin' nervous because of my next exam as i haven't started to learn yet. yes, it will be in 12 hours... Cheesy
  • CTG
    last one this month
  • CTG
    where's the update Huh? Cheesy
  • Zak McKracken
    sorry had to work on the Stunts Meeting program. A quick dinner and 'Ill start it, it'll be ready in an hour.
  • CTG
    oh damn it Zaki i'm waiting for ages and I can't start learning without online results. 270 pages, 10.5 hours left...
  • Renato Biker
    look my new record on cherry, now i am 12 seconds better than Gutix Cheesy
  • Renato Biker
    21:10:03 CTG Online results at #stunts, please! 21:10:53 CTG I hope Renato will be there too. .. what is #stunts, CTG? Böff dampening: < 1dB
  • CTG
    Click on Chat menu point at the left and you'll find it easily. Smiley
  • Renato Biker
    i don't understood it, it doesn't fuction...
  • Renato Biker
    Dark Chaser should be on Orion!
  • Alain
    great replay ayrton ;(
  • CTG
    RH paradise
  • Zak McKracken
    CTG your track was much much more an RH paradise... last corner, jump on the hill... should I continue? Smiley
  • Alain
    i think its not a trick track. good for orion!

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