News posted in September 2004
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Sep 1
Bonzai JoeCongratulations Gutix! Have a great day
DieselJoeFelicitaciones, Gutix!
Akoss PooLong live champion, Gutix! Happy birthday!
UsrinHappy birthday, Gutix!
Krys TOFFHappy birthday Gutix !
Krys TOFFHey, have you all seen the new Damage Inc. logo in team championship scoreboard ? I like it.
DieselJoeYeah, me too!
Akoss PooACT 14 finished, updated, new track, ACT 15 is available at AkossStunts. Check!
Shoegazing LeoNo message was entered...
Sep 2
GutixThanks. Im still enjoying
Stunts OracleHappy happy helloween-helloween-helloween, happy happy helloween oh oh ohoh!!!
Happy birthday Gutix!
Krys TOFF"happy happy helloween..." !? Is the Stunts Oracle the "Keeper of the Seven Keys"
Is your real name "Kay Hansen" or what ? ;-D
Sep 3
MingvaYeaaah, I have a birthday today
DieselJoeWow, sveikinu gimtadienio proga, Mingva!
MingvaDekui, Diesel Joe
Nice to see another guy speaking lithuanian
Bonzai JoeHappy birthday
Akoss PooKrys: Walls of Jericho
Shoegazing LeoHappy Birthday to Gutix and Mingva!!! For two of main countries of Stunts and Basketball (the Lithuanian basketball is a three-points wonder!!!) 245mph congratulations!
Sep 4
Alain il professorehappy birthday!
Sep 6
Krys TOFFI was away last days, so here is a last happy birthday to Mingva.
Krys TOFFOooops ! I mean a late happy birthday, not a last ! :-)
Sep 7
Shoegazing LeoNo message was entered...
Akoss PooB?FF
DinmorMy first replay. weeeeee
Zak McKrackenthats what she said yesterday
welcome, friend!
Sep 8
CTGAlmost re...
Bonzai JoeCTG! Great to see you, welcome back
Sep 9
CTGStill not back to Stunts, only to the university... :-S I`ll get the FEB computer only in October (like in the last two years).
DieselJoe:-/ No racing for you, this month!? Anyway, greetings from me! Nice to see you (almost) back!
Sep 10
DieselJoeAaah! One day and 8 hours!!!!!?!?!?!? Nobody told me track is already over again! Shit! Fuck! No time! Aaaargrhr!
Zak McKrackenBonzai Joe got +2points for leading time, Stunts Oracle +1. grats!
Alain il professoreone day and seven hours??!! get out of MY track!! when i am on it, no one can be faster than me!!!
Alain il professoreNo message was entered...
Bonzai JoeIt is hard to compete with my 3 months of leading time
Sep 11
Akoss PooAkossStunts finally updated. Sorry for the long pause.
Bonzai JoeYou forgot to update? I hate you!
Akoss PooHey! I didn`t forgot it, and I wasn`t lazy either (like somebody always). I just couldn`t do the update in Debrecen.
Bonzai JoeI just hate it when you come with those bad excuses... on a super professional site, the update would be done from anywhere.
Akoss PooI only own a small backup championship and a simple html edited site, and I warned everybody that I didn`t know how frequently I would update my page.
Bonzai JoeDid Zak ever claim that he would update his site frequently?
Akoss PooHe should work on the reachability of the site, the leading time problem in the beginning of each month, analysises, irc stats, podiums etc., and not on this automatized php shit first. And if there is no frequent update, site is always down, in other competitions there are better tracks, why this is still the main competition for the most?
Akoss PooHe should work on the reachability of the site, the leading time problem in the beginning of each month, analysises, irc stats, podiums etc., and not on this automatized php shit first. And if there is no frequent update, site is always down, in other competitions there are better tracks, why this is still the main competition for the most?
Akoss PooHe should work on the reachability of the site, the leading time problem in the beginning of each month, analysises, irc stats, podiums etc., and not on this automatized php shit first. And if there is no frequent update, site is always down, in other competitions there are better tracks, why this is still the main competition for the most?
Akoss PooHe should work on the reachability of the site, the leading time problem in the beginning of each month, analysises, irc stats, podiums etc., and not on this automatized php shit first. And if there is no frequent update, site is always down, in other competitions there are better tracks, why this is still the main competition for the most?
Akoss PooHe should work on the reachability of the site, the leading time problem in the beginning of each month, analysises, irc stats, podiums etc., and not on this automatized php shit first. And if there is no frequent update, site is always down, in other competitions there are better tracks, why this is still the main competition for the most?
Akoss PooHe should work on the reachability of the site, the leading time problem in the beginning of each month, analysises, irc stats, podiums etc., and not on this automatized php shit first. And if there is no frequent update, site is always down, in other competitions there are better tracks, why this is still the main competition for the most?
Akoss PooSorry I only wanted once, but it did not want to accept my post for a long time, and I clicked the button a few times.
liseNo message was entered...
liseNo message was entered...
DieselJoeHey! For my last replay there stands 21:09 as sending time. On my PC it was exactly 21:00, I just compared it to an atomic clock on the Internet. Errr.... 21:00 WAS the deadline, wasn?t it!?
Sep 12
UsrinHey! I cant post any message to the forum! Why
I asked it one month ago, but nobody answered... After clicking on POST REPLY, I get the following message: [Template->make_filename(): Error - file does not exist] What is this
Bonzai JoeUsrin, I dont know what it is, but it happened to me too. I didnt find a way to cure it, which is why I am not BonzaiJoe on the forum anymore, but Jacky. If you make a new account, it will work. Hope to see you on the forum soon
Bonzai JoeI just browsed through the Mini-FAQ, and it is really great - makes me want to play the game. There is only one error, which is that you claim that all cars have a power gear/6th gear. The Indy, ACURA, Corvette and Ferrari have that. And thats the way it is.
Zak McKrackenUsrin! try to change your forum template (the way it looks) at your preferences. change it to subsilver for example. that could be the problem.
Zak McKrackenZCT42 results are out, grats for the incrediblewinners time, and the upcoming new faces with better and better times. new track with replays tomorrow evening, or this night in the casei cant sleep but i hope i can.
Sep 13
Krys TOFFJust one thing : my final time is 1:22,85 for ZCT42. I sent the replay via web form and selected not to show it on scoreboard. It will not change my final position but it is just to say i am under 1:23
Zak McKrackenone hand drive rules
DinmorThat car sucks even more than the countach
DieselJoeUnder XP!
Others: Please wait some hours, wanna have leading time! ;P
Zak McKrackenyou have to fight to get leading time, you know
DinmorB?FF !
DinmorNo message was entered...
Bonzai JoeI miss P?linka...
Zak McKrackenWe have a nice new article from Mingva! wowz! Yes, articles are still welcome.
rush and read it!
Sep 14
Dark Chaser(Portuguese/English) Ol?, pessoal! / Hi, guys! ; Eu estarei viajando a trabalho nas pr?ximas duas semanas (entre 14 e 27 de setembro). / I will be away on business for next two weeks (between 14 and 27 of september). ; Sem novos replays nos pr?ximos dias. / No new replays in the next days. ; Abra?os, / Hugs, ; Dark Chaser
Dark Chaser(Portuguese/English) Ol?, pessoal! / Hi, guys! ; Eu estarei viajando a trabalho nas pr?ximas duas semanas (entre 14 e 27 de setembro). / I will be away on business for next two weeks (between 14 and 27 of september). ; Sem novos replays nos pr?ximos dias. / No new replays in the next days. ; Abra?os, / Hugs, ; Dark Chaser
DinmorNo message was entered...
Akoss PooFISSE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bonzai JoeSorry Akoss, I need 23 points on this track too
Bonzai JoeNo message was entered...
DinmorThats the spirit, Akoss....Borsodi will give you an erection ;-)
Akoss PooIt`s strange Bonzai Joe always takes the lead after I send leading replay. Why is it this way? Everybody let Zak lead, but when I take the lead, the war always starts. (I just want that single point again.)
Bonzai JoeDid it ever strike you that Zak and I are on the same team?
Sep 15
Akoss PooIt`s only this case that leader was Zak. And do you really think he can win leading time points... :-S
Sep 16
Bonzai JoeYes, Akoss, I really think he can, and I intend to prove that
. If it happened at another time while someone else was leading, it is probably because you are a top racer, and a serious rival for whoever else might want to take leading time. While the one leading before wasnt.
Zak McKrackenI can only say ZCT29
Akoss PooAkossStunts updated. B?FF.
Akoss PooOnly this year, ZCT43: Bonzai Joe after 3 hours, ZCT41: Rotoi after 7 hours, Gutix after 7 hours, ZCT39: Mingva after 7 hours, ZCT38: Argammon after 9 hours, ZCT36: Rotoi after an hour, Bonzai Joe after 4 hours, Gutix after 6 hours. I was only once allowed to have the leading time for a while (on ZCT37). (I did not count when I was fighting with CTG.)
Akoss PooWhy is everybody against me?
Akoss PooWhy didn`t somebody attacked Zak`s time on ZCT29 for 220 hours (it wasn`t a fantastic time to say the least), and why does everybody always attacks mine?
MingvaBecause you are ugly and everybody hates your behavior
Bonzai JoeThis is a competition Akoss, we are supposed to be fighting for leading time. I am not just against you, I am very much against everyone who is not a member of Corks Crew, and that is what competitions are about. If you want leading time, drive a better time than me.
Bonzai JoeAnd you are being paranoid Akoss, nobody is against you, we are just sometimes against your opinions, like you are against ours. There is no conspiracy or alliance or anything. You choose to disagree with almost everything we say, and that is very admirable and fair in my opinion, but it is also the reason why it seems everyone is against you.
Sep 17
GutixNo message was entered...
Bonzai JoeNo message was entered...
Alain il professorethe problem lies on this weak driving technique you got. your wheel is crap. now cry
Alain il professorebtw: i love gipsies
Sep 18
Bonzai JoeNo message was entered...
Bonzai JoeAlain, you should not talk about driving technique, your driving sucks the most at the moment, Alain "Squealin" Per
Akoss PooP?r?, isn`t it?
Bonzai JoeIt may be
Bonzai JoeNo message was entered...
Bonzai JoeI give up Gutix, you are a fantastic racer...
Gutixdont give up so soon...
Sep 19
Stunts OracleNo message was entered...
Bonzai JoeI am just giving up this fight for leading time, not the whole race. I am very impressed by your time!
Sep 20
Krys TOFFZak, I sent some infos for portal update, when will you update it ? For the others : I made a banner and descritption of the new WSC competition managed by Pakele. It is here :
Zak McKrackenits not forgotten i will update it soon
Akoss PooB?FF. I should drive ZCT43.
Sep 21
DieselJoeFeliz aniversario, Ca?ador Escuro!
GutixHappy Birthday Dark!!!
Stunts OracleFeliz cumplea?os Dark Chaser!
Bonzai JoeHappy birthday
Although you will never read this.
liseNo message was entered...
Krys TOFFHappy birthday Dark Chaser, Feliz cumplea?os Cazador Oscuro, Feliz aniversario Ca?ador Escuro, Joyeux anniversaire Chasseur Obscur.
Sep 22
Krys TOFFZak, url link to WSC is wrong, there is no need to add in the url, just Also, StuntsLOL url is still wrong : is the one that works.
CTGA late Happy Birthday to Dark Chaser!
Dark ChaserThanks to Diesel, Bonzai, Gutix, Stunts Oracle, Krys and CTG. I am working now, but I am very happy for your congratulations for me. Thanks, guys! You are the best!!!
Sep 23
Akoss PooI can`t send my replay for some reason.
Zak McKrackenfixed as i know... you can send again
please if you send a replay in mail, always include the time as subject/message body... thanks! -
Akoss PooNo message was entered...
Sep 24
Bonzai JoeForum is not working.
DieselJoeNo, it is.
Dark ChaserCongrats, my friend Gutix, for the amazing 1:32.00 in America track (WSC by Paleke)...
Sep 25
Stunts OracleThere is a forum for that :S
Akoss PooAkossStunts updated.
6 days till deadline of last track of championship.
UsrinMy new time is: 1:28.85 on Z43. But I can`t send my replay for some reason... It seems this problem is not fixed yet.
Sep 26
Zak McKrackensometimes (completely random) the server goes mad and i have to restart it. please post again the times, if leading time depends on it, send me in mail too, else please not.
Sep 27
Dark Chaser This is a new competition of Stunts. No shortcuts or tricks... Krys, Bonzai, Diesel, Gutix, Oracle, Akoss, CTG, Mingva, Zak: join!!!
Dark Chaser This is a new competition of Stunts. No shortcuts or tricks... Krys, Bonzai, Diesel, Gutix, Oracle, Akoss, CTG, Mingva, Zak: join!!!
Dark Chaser1:28.45 for me. (Mail could not be sent?)
Zak McKrackeni will look up the bug today
Zak McKrackenbug fixed succesfully (Hard Disk was full)
Bonzai JoeI dont get "no shortcuts or tricks" competitions. It is like kickboxing without kicking... The brilliant Stunts becomes just like any other boring racing game...
Dark ChaserNo message was entered...
Shoegazing LeoNo message was entered...
satanziegeFinally one replay from me...
Shoegazing LeoZak: Please correct the ST LOL link at the portal:
Sep 28
Akoss PooOkay! Beware! I have the Net in the dormitory!
Dark ChaserNo message was entered...
Sep 29
DieselJoeAlles Gute, Satanziege!
Akoss Poohappy birthday satanziege!
GutixHappy birthday Satan...!
Dark ChaserHappy Birthday, Satan... Congratulations!!!
Krys TOFFHappy birthday Satanziege
Zak McKrackenhappy birthday, Cork give you long life!
Bonzai JoeI wish you a great birthday Mr. Satanziege! Greetings from Cork, he is sending you two prostitutes to help you celebrate!
Bonzai JoeI am depressed because og Gutixs time. :?-(
Akoss Poolive race, today evening? somebody?
Sep 30
UsrinI`ve sent this replay in mail to Zak on Saturday. No comment...
Zak McKrackenUsrin, news from 26.sept:
please post again the times, if leading time depends on it, send me in mail too, else please not. -
UsrinSorry I`ve disturbed you in mail with a poor replay which is only enough for the 5th place... (I think this competition is not only about leading times.)
Zak McKrackenits not about disturbing me, its about my lack of time (and hand
) to check the replays and update.
Akoss PooZak! With the effort you made to jerk off with Usrin by writing these two messages, you would have been able to put Usrin`s time on the scoreboard a few days ago...
Zak McKracken1. I wouldnt call this jerking off
2. I had a boring informatics lesson in the school so instead of it i browsed the site and forums, thats why i answered
3. yes, you can guess, 0 motivation again to work with the site, i rather enjoy the last days of this late summer and spend time with my love
4. anyone can offer some help managing the site anytime instead of criticising 24h -
CTGFEB just sucks, still no PC on the horizont... :-S
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