News posted in August 2004
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Aug 1
Akoss Poo11 hours left till ACT 13 deadline. Try your best! Zak! Do you want to be in the last position? If not, start your Indy!
Aug 2
Shoegazing LeoNo message was entered...
Aug 3
Dark ChaserNo message was entered...
Aug 4
GutixNo message was enterred...
Akoss PooNow battle for the +1 point.
Alain got the 2.
Aug 5
GutixNew magic was entered...
Akoss PooFuck you...
Shoegazing LeoPlease, wash your mouth with soap...
UsrinAzt a 7 meg a 8-?t!
Aug 6
Akoss PooWelcome to Hungary, Jacob (and Thomas)!!!
UsrinNo message was entered...
Akoss Poowell done, Usrin
Akoss Poowell done, Usrin
Aug 7
UsrinI can_t post any message to the forum. Neither in IE, neither in Opera. After clicking on Post Reply I get the following message: Template->make_filename(): Error - file does not exist. I wanted to tell you I won_t miss the meeting. :-) I_ll arrive on 13th August (in the morning) - but sorry, I don_t know how long I can stay.
Aug 10
Krys TOFFas Alain says : papy birthday to you JTK ("papy" means grandfather in French ;-))
Akoss Poozaki i hope you got my sms; if not, i will arrive at Bp. Keleti 13:37, please come for me, thanks
Dark ChaserNo message was entered...
Dark ChaserNo message was entered...
Aug 11
Krys TOFFA better one, due to improved finish.
Aug 12
Krys TOFFMmmm, what ? Quiet days ? I do not care, I overtook Dark Chaser and zak Mc Kracken and I want them to know it ! :-p
Aug 13
Krys TOFFslightly better, just to keep Dark Chaser and Zak a little bit more away from me. Usrin is too far for me to reach his performance... 7th place will be good finally.
Krys TOFFLast try for tonight. Probably 7th place for sure. I do not think I can improve it again...
Dark ChaserStunts Pop Brazilian Championship ( great battle for the victory in Iceorally track. Warning: Vamologocomisso, a new brazilian racer, will be a great driver in the near future (and in Zak Stunts World Championship, I hope).
Aug 14
Krys TOFFStunts pop does not accept non brazilian racers. I suggested 2 scoreboards like at 4DSL but it seems they do not want...
Krys TOFFI cannot reach forum, it says that : ./forum/phpbb_config.frm (errno: 13), and it says : SELECT * FROM phpbb_config Line : 166 File : /stunts/forum/common.php
Krys TOFFAnd it also says : SQL Error : 1017... I hope you guys are having fun in Budapest.
CTGMy current time is 1:22.xx on the other computer of Zak, still not official. The shortest work in my life on a monthly track...
Dark ChaserHey, Krys!!! RICARDO BRASIL (THE WEBMASTER) does not accept non brazilian racers in Stunts Pop. However, I hope Ricardo thinks about it and to change his idea.
) He is very, very stubborn.
Aug 15
Zak McKracken
The visitors of the first World Stunts Meeting, which was held in Budapest this weekend:
top row: Bonzai Joe, Thomas, Akoss Poo
medium row: JTK, Usrin, CTG
lowest row: KHR, Zak McKracken -
satanziegeFirst try...
Aug 16
satanziegeSecond one...
Krys TOFF1st attempt. Tought track ! Small movements, big effects. Elitist track IMO.
Krys TOFFImproved one...
Krys TOFFUnder 1:40 this time.
Krys TOFFErrr..., well..., It seems that this one is the 4th one in a few minutes. Do I have to say I like the track. ;-)
Stunts OracleThis is the hardest as far as I remember.
Dark ChaserMotivated again...
Dark ChaserNo message was entered...
Stunts OracleNo message was entered...
Stunts Oraclejust to bother Krys
UsrinNo message was entered...
Stunts OracleInsomnio...
Zak McKrackenNo message was entered...
Stunts OracleNo message was entered...
Akoss Poofirst try, under xp; shitty, shitty... shitty track and car....
Dark ChaserVery difficult track... Congratulations, Zak!!!
Alain il professorei just watched your rpl and noticed a big weakness: i hope me, bonzai joe or argammon (perhaps tsino?) will make you learn how to max out the driving in the next months
anyway, the tricks you find are sensational: they are about the same level as alanrotoi and bonzai joe and a third person we all know. SENSATIONAL! Welcome to the stunts all time elite, gutix!
GutixThanks Alain
UsrinNo message was entered...
Aug 17
Dark ChaserNo message was entered...
Akoss Poostill under xp only
KHRI?m back
) What a time LOL
Shoegazing LeoThe meeting was noticied on radio. It was me...
Krys TOFFDuring the Olympics games, why not trying the YetiLympics ? Based on the 1st Yeti game, with an icy greek background. This is here : Available only until 29th of august.
Akoss Poo here are some of my favourite pictures of the meeting.
Visit them!
Aug 18
Dark Chaseraaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggghhhhhhhhhh
Dark Chaserthis is the correct replay...
Dark ChaserZak, my replay of 1:28.40 was a mistake.This replay is for Hobbiton Track, of 4D Stunts Championship.Sorry.
Dark ChaserZak, the second replay (1:31.30) is the correct for ZCT42, OK? Thanks and sorry again.
Dark ChaserNo message was entered...
Stunts OracleNew trick found.
Dark ChaserNo message was entered...
Dark ChaserSomeone stops Alan Rotoi!!! Amazing!!!
Aug 19
Krys TOFFWow, the REAL Alan Rotoi is back. Now, get rid of the Stunts Oracle name. ;-)
Zak McKrackencatch me
Aug 20
Bonzai JoeQuickly done, no trick. Alan will be easily beaten when I manage to do it. Winning time: 1.13
Bonzai JoeFinally made my computer work after many hours of work - 688 pieces of Spyware removed. Now I just have to get used to the danish kezboard
Bonzai JoeBy the way, I absolutely love this new track, it is so full of potential. I know I will have my momemts of rage on it, but it will be a really interesting challenge.
Akoss Poowhere is thomas from the scoreboard?
Akoss PooAkossStunts updated, finally.
Dark ChaserNo message was entered...
Stunts OracleVery kind BJ, thank you
Bonzai JoeWell, actually I thought I was just sending that to Zak (did he change the code?). But I tell you Alan, once I get that impossible trick done, you are going down
liseNo message was entered...
Aug 22
Dark ChaserNo message was entered...
Aug 23
Stunts Oracleerrr... I sent a replay in the 6th hour of jackys leading time :S
Bonzai JoeNo message was entered...
Krys TOFFZakStunts was down during all the weekend. I sent this replay by mail saturday, but as it is still not in scoreboard, I put it through the web form.
Krys TOFFZak, Alaan is right : BJ should have 9 hours less of leading time, and Alan should have 9 hours more according to the replay he sent...
DieselJoeHere I am - on the road again!
Zak McKrackenI cant correct it since it was a time sent in mail, not web-form. I will remember this difference and count it like this at the end of the month.
Aug 24
Krys TOFFI can predict a hard fight between DJ and DC this month ! But they are both too close behind me, so I had to improve. ;-D
Stunts OracleNo message was entered...
DieselJoeYeah, chasing the Dark Chaser!
Bonzai JoeNo message was entered...
Bonzai JoeStop taking leading time while I am sleeping
Stunts OracleOk, if you insist
Stunts OracleNo message was entered...
Bonzai JoeNo message was entered...
Stunts OracleOmigod kill me!!
Dark ChaserNo tricks for me, so no improvements too. I do not know how improve my time.
Aug 25
MingvaWhooo, what a fight for leading time
Bonzai JoeEven though leading time is only half as important as last year...
Krys TOFFWhy Stunts portal and Zakstunts are always offline in the morning these days
Bonzai JoeI guess it is because Zak turns his computer off before he goes to sleep. Remember it is hosted on his computer.
Zak McKrackenthe server is a seperated computer its supposed to be 24h online, but lately it has some overheating/IP forwarding problems and it stops. While I am not at home/sleeping I dont notice it, so I cant fix it
MingvaBesides, it`s very slow nowadays. Especially this evening. I guess Zak is downloading something right now
Aug 26
Dark ChaserWorld Stunts Championship, by driver Paleke (4D Stunts), will start in the following days... NO TRICKS, NO SHORTCUTS!!! AND GREAT BATTLES FOR VICTORY!!! Visit:
Akoss PooOnly 5 days to go till ACT 14 (AkossStunts) deadline. Don`t forget to improve and send your best replays to me!
DieselJoe@Akoss: Update!
Akoss PooUpdated.
Aug 27
Dark ChaserNo message was entered...
Dark ChaserNo message was entered...
Aug 28
JTKI hate this car! Always hated it
Bonzai JoeThe forum is not working for me - is it working for all of you? phpBB : Critical Error Could not query config information DEBUG MODE SQL Error : 1017 Cant find file: ./forum/phpbb_config.frm (errno: 13) SELECT * FROM phpbb_config Line : 166 File : /stunts/forum/common.php
Aug 29
GutixNo message was entered...
Aug 30
DarkLadyNo message was entered...
MingvaZak, why it`s so slow the site
DieselJoeIs after Jacky?s the girlfriend of Dark Chaser racing, too?
Bonzai JoeTo the countless americans who drop by here but never race: Why dont you come and race with us?
We would be glad to race with you. Just press the "Register NOW!" to register, click on "Tracks" and download the track, drive the track (you may rewind) and press the "Send replay!" button to get on the scoreboard. See you there!
Alain il professoreOne good thing americans have done is the republican party. welcome to our american fellows!
Aug 31
Dark ChaserDiesel Joe, who is my girlfriend? My girlfriend is brazilian too and not race in Stunts.
Zak McKrackenas I know Dark Lady is the girl of master Gutix
DieselJoeAs I could see she comes from Argentinia, I didn?t really think it was your girlfriend!
If I can once persuade my girlfriend to drive, too?
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