News posted in March 2004
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Mar 1
Stunts OracleSuper shotgun!!
CTGpfffff i'm tired
CTGhard work without sound...
Stunts OracleSleep well CTG
CTGI slept well...
GugaFirst Try
Bonzai JoeCome on boys... this took 15 minutes. Winning time around 1.29
Bonzai JoeHey, stop that Stunts Oracle!
Stunts OracleStop your engines poor mortal if you don't want to see my BFG 9000, the Doom Plasma Power of the Gods... Loehrer is here to watch this race himself! He gives me power to race faster. BEWARE humans these are mistic times...
Mar 2
Dark Chaserstep by step...
CTG...with penalty again?
Shoegazing LeoFirst poor try...
Dark ChaserStep by step, again.
Alain il professorewhat a super argentinian team!
Alain il professorestill better than you, argammon
ArgammonI just pity you Alain...
satanziegeThis time I'll try to stay ahead of you Leo before quiet days
Mar 3
Dark ChaserGo, The Guns... Go, go, go!!!!
Stunts OracleNic toi chuvo ta caia lubob
Alain il professoreargagaga cthulhu!! derceto Ia! Ia! Cthulhu fhtagn! Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu monia!
Akoss PooHow to catch Argentinians
Dark ChaserArgentina vs Rest of the world!!!
Dark ChaserIt's time to use manual transmission...
Akoss Pooeat it
CTGstill listfiller...
Akoss PooDark Chaser: the match is Argentina vs. Hungary only!!!
CTGI let the LTB to Akoss...
Mar 4
Akoss Poodamn it...
CTGgrrrrrr... i can't improve it at the moment... roommate will sleep... means no sound... grrrrrr...
CTGwithout sound :-S
Gutixa bit better...
CTGDamn it newbie!
Stunts OracleCTG there is something called 2nd gear ^_^
CTGJojojo - I forgot to shift down from 5th gear...
But: i finished posting USELESS posts here, so don't read it...
Akoss Pooa little improvment
Stunts OracleI have more curves than this track
Bonzai JoeAre you guys racing 24/7?
Stunts OracleI feel persecuted...
Stunts OracleBTW I'm at work and I can't race here so the fastest time I have here is this. Now I ask: Are you racing seriously Bonzai Joe? ^_^ Because it took a little improve in the middle of the track and I still don't know what the checkpoints are in this track. We could say it was Stunts Gods magic. Won't you let the leading points to a girl like me? ^_-
Mar 5
CTGWow, two days ago I told Akoss, that BJ works on at least 1.33. It got true...
DieselJoeFirst try - only 10 minutes... so I will improve! Finally a great car!
Mar 6
Dark ChaserAkoss Poo: never underestimate your rivals no matter where they are from. It may be a mistake.
Dark ChaserAkoss Poo: never underestimate your rivals no matter where they are from. It may be a mistake.
Dark ChaserAkoss Poo: besides, Denmark (Bonzai Joe) is in match. And other countries will be too.
Dark ChaserAkoss Poo: besides, Denmark (Bonzai Joe) is in match. And other countries will be too.
CTGi have found THE TRICK!
CTGheeeeeeeeey my valid time is this... system is crazy again...
Krys TOFFThis listfiller one is just to force Diesel Joe to improve ;-)
DieselJoeAaaahrg! Answer will come soon...
MingvaI don't want to play Stunts! Forgive me, Stunts Oracle
Stunts OracleMaybe I should persuade you Mingy. Do you want more pics from me?
Krys TOFF3rd WRC Stunts rally has officially begun. Everyone is welcome !
Dark ChaserOh... my... God!!! Faster, faster and faster... 245 mph after slope and before inclined stretch... Huahua... And no penalty time, how Zak will be able to check...
Mar 7
Akoss PooNow I sat for my language exam yesterday, therefore I can start real driving next week. Beware!
CTGZak, I suggest you to check Dark Chaser's replay. I'm afraid he played with Indy...
Dark ChaserI'm sorry... CTG says the truth... I thought Indy was the car of the track...
Mar 8
DieselJoeMy answer, Krys!
Dark ChaserHere is my real time with Porsche 962...
Zak McKrackenfirst real try
Zak McKrackenmisclicked
Zak McKrackendamn
Krys TOFFWell, improve again DJ ;-D
Mar 9
DieselJoeHigh noon, Krys...
Krys TOFFGood DJ, good. I found the way to foorce you to improve. ;-)
Krys TOFFDJ : my new time will 1:51,30 ;-D
DieselJoe:-P What would you think of sending your best possible time and not just 0.1 seconds better than me? ;-)
Akoss PooAgain. Very tight battle for LTB in the first week, and then silence. It began. I'm not about to drive ZCT36 until last week. Now nothing serious will happen until the end of the month, BJ will win LTB. Is it good?
Bonzai JoeNews like that always make Alain race... Thanks Akoss!
Stunts OracleI was in my temple before the LTB exist and I saw many complains about everybody sends their times in the last minute, remember? LTB changed it to the first week. What's better my son?
Stunts OracleI was in my temple before the LTB exist and I saw many complains about everybody sends their times in the last minute, remember? LTB changed it to the first week. What's better my son?
Akoss Poo1. I said in September 2002 that LTB will cause this: weeks in the second half of the track period would be the same as the first half without LTB. 2. Yes, I also think that will make Alain race. And if Alain races, Mingva races, too.
Mar 10
Dark ChaserZak: here is my valid replay... 1:50.15 Big hug.
Bonzai JoeLast month there was a long and lively battle for leading time through most of the month. It was brilliant. Without leading time bonus, everything except the last day of the month would just be for a laugh.
Akoss PooLast month, it was by mistake, because the LTB hunters found tricks in the middle of the month.
Mar 16
Krys TOFFThis one is to motivate Diesel Joe !
Mar 17
CTGKrys, Diesel Joe! Don't play with milliseconds! Follow me under 1:40!
Krys TOFFYepeeeee ! Faster than Dark Chaser.
DieselJoeFaster than Dark Chaser, Krys Toff and Mingva!!!
Mar 18
Krys TOFFI was sure DJ would race after my replay
Well, here is my "replay of the day". Under 1:50, exactly 10 seconds slower than Usrin ! Cooooool.
DieselJoeAnd 4.05 slower than me!
7th place!!!
CTGDJ: 9.75 behind me, so don't be satisfied...
Krys, please hurry up or you will loose 'My favorite opponent' title...
Mar 19
Krys TOFFDon't worry CTG. I'll improve, day after day, when making my "replay of the day". Here is my replay for 19th of March : faster than Mingva.
DieselJoeAnybody else racing instead of Damage Inc? Or just hiding time? :-P
Mar 20
Krys TOFFReplay of the day, approaching Zak's time day after day...
Mar 21
Krys TOFFSunday replay
Mar 22
Krys TOFFOooops. Sorry Zak. It seems I'm a little bit faster than you now.
Mar 23
Krys TOFFSorry Diesel Joe... ;-D
Mar 24
CTGEhhh, this was my final replay :-S But nice to see the Oracle (temporarily) behind me...
Akoss PooFight fire with fire!
CTGI can't hide my times... :-S
Mar 25
Dark Chaseraaaaaaarrrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhhh!!!!! I'm tired!
Krys TOFFLast "replay of the day", now it's quiet days.
Zak and all hosted sites will be down on sunday afternoon and evening, because a new server will be installed. Probably ZCT37 will be released as usual on saturday so you can waste your time with racing meanwhile
thanks for your patience and understanding
Mar 26
Akoss PooWhoooo double Hungarian lead during the quiet days! It's the second time it's happening!
Zak McKrackenLTB awarded: +2 Gutix, +1 Bonzai Joe. Grats!
DieselJoeOh, I didn't recognize that we only have so little time left
So back to Stunts now!
Stunts OracleMy new result is: 1:29.85 on C36
Akoss Poo....... no comment ...........
Dark ChaserOhhhhhhhhhhh, my God!!!! Stop, Stunts Oracle.... please!!!!
Akoss PooHmmm why didn't appear Rotoi's time on the scoreboard?!
Krys TOFFWhy Oracle's time didn't appear ? Because Alan just post it as news. Because he may have not done this time at all ! ;-D Or maybe he did... :-/
Mar 27
CTGFinal rpl - i'll go home in the morning. Now let's sleep...
Stunts OracleKidding! I'm sorry I couldn't stop it and make the joke ^_^ I hope it made you race more...
GutixHard work!
Zak McKrackenZ36 has finished, winner is Gutix! Second CTG third Akoss Poo. Grats! I was a good boy so everything is available on the site, including all the replays and the statistics.
Enjoy it while you can... tomorrow server reinstall
Mar 28
Alain il professorezak is a good track designer, but we all know that.. excuse me for not sending better rpl on z36 bike training is taking much time
Alain il professoreHail to Gutix
ArgammonI'm faaaaaaaaaaaaaast!!!!
Zak McKrackenserver reinstall postponed to wednesday afternoon/evening
CTGI'm racer, I can't leave out this month (I wanted to...)
Mar 29
CTGNo sound...
Bonzai JoeYay, I got 1 hour of leading time
Bonzai JoeWhy does there have to be bridge corners in every track?
Akoss PooDunno, Jacky, but I already asked this question long ago.
CTGJacky, you must really try Miskolc track! Car is the Indy, type is quite powergearish. I wait for your replay!
Akoss PooYes Jacky, I agree. Good fight between Gutix and me, please join!
Bonzai JoeHappy?
Akoss PooOh no. We said the Miskolc track...
CTGHey Jacky, if you are so full of energy then really kick Gutix's and Akoss' ass on Miskolc...
CTGDamn I really hate the combination of the track and the car... :-S
CTGwhohohoooooo it needs too much work...
CTGStep by step...
Mar 30
CTGMy new result is: 1:22.30 on C37
Akoss PooSleep well Gutix. Now I'm falling back to sleep, too.
Bonzai JoeLol, had a nice night boys?
Mar 31
CTGAlmost 23 hours left from Miskolc race -come on, continue the fight!
CTGstill without sound
Akoss PooPassed my English language exam (intermediate, written part) with a high score.
CTGFirst rpl with sound...
CTGOnly for Jacky's motivation...
Zak McKrackenSite will be down from 19:30 tonight for about a 2-3 hours period. Some functions might not work after the downtime, I'll work on it.
Zak McKrackenanything you write in the forum / post as time in the following 30 mins will have no trace, so just forget it
Zak McKracken
(( Reinstall delayed again, this time the DVD disk we wanted to install from had some errors. I'll inform you about the next downtime, but probably its firday around lunchtime - that affects less people negatively.
Dark ChaserLeo and Guga... where are you
Dark ChaserI need a new team in the next year...
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