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January February March April May June July August September October November December

Feb 1

  • Mingva
    OK, this month I'll try to be more competitive Wink Anybody interested to form a team with me?
  • Alain il professore
    i am french, i eat snails... but also frog feet!!! fast and furious? YEAH! can i join Mimas raging?
  • Akoss Poo
    Gotta learn now... or first some chat?!
  • Mingva
    Just to annoy Akoss Poo Tongue
  • satanziege
    Sober and awake.
  • Mingva
    wheee, who will catch BJ? I don't believe he used original LM-002 =P
  • satanziege
    Wheee Ha!

Feb 2

  • Akoss Poo
    Good ecophysiology exam.
  • Alain il professore
    lets annoy akoss
  • Akoss Poo
    It's quite an ok time now.
  • Dark Chaser
    Leo and Guga, my mates... We need to talk...

Feb 3

  • CTG
    First lap out of pits... Smiley
  • Guga
    Got a terrible flue, the only thing I can do is chat and play stunts. At least, I improved my skills... in chatting cry.gif>

Feb 4

  • CTG
    Not a track for me... Sad
  • Akoss Poo
    Don't give up CTG!
  • CTG
    I don't give up but it's too bloody for me... :-S
  • Akoss Poo
    Hey you're improving quickly!
  • Akoss Poo
    Btw I knew you hadn't gone to sleep. I knew you would play Stunts at night. Now gotta sleep...
  • CTG
    Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Smiley
  • CTG
    Good tactics: 1 hour Internet and 5-10 minutes of Stunts intervals... Wink
  • Alain il professore
    Mimas Racing are: Mingva, Alain, Caesar... Is it possible to display the commentaries for the lap time just aside to the lap time... i d like it please
  • caesar
    woooooooooot wooooooooot !!!! under 1:30 !!!!!!!!! woooooohoooooooo
  • Akoss Poo
    Eat this... Smiley)

Feb 5

  • Zak McKracken
    first real try...
  • CTG
    1:17.xx seems to be unavailable for me... :-S

Feb 6

  • CTG
    Wow! Wink I spent only 13 minutes on the track this night...
  • CTG
    Have a nice weekend, guys! I won't improve in the next 48 hours. Wink
  • CTG
    ***CTG slaps the liar CTG around a bit with a large trout
  • Akoss Poo
    CTG it isn't your track, again... Damn it!!!
  • Argammon
    Just redrove the ending...
  • Guga
    Don't worry, CTG. Neither will I, I won't improve, during the whole month Tongue
  • Alain il professore
    .. Showtime... Moneytime... Alaintime...
  • Mingva
    Sad news: our degu is very ill and probably will die Sad((

Feb 7

  • DieselJoe
    Who or what is a degu?

Feb 8

  • Mingva
  • Alain il professore
    "Life expectancy Field studies have shown that 50 % of wild degus live less than 1 year, only 1 % reaches the age of 2 years and only one of 5 400 trapped individuals was found to be 4 years old. On the other hand, degus in captivity often live 5 years or even more." Still longer than a tamagoshi...
  • Mingva
    In the name of my dead degu! Rest in peace, pet.
  • Alain il professore
    Today Lukas Loehrer, yes you dont dream, Lukas the foundator of our community came in the chat room!!!

Feb 11

  • CTG
    This is a useless comment just not to watch the empty 'News' section... Wink
  • Alain il professore
    Alanrotoi is alive: [14:02] <[A]rotoi> jojojojo [14:16] <[A]rotoi> jojojojo[14:16] * [A]rotoi has quit IRC (Quit: Alan Rotoi has quit ZakStunts)
  • Alain il professore
    oh! my god! i forgot to tell you Smiley i ANNIHILATED the previous default closed track record, beating it by three seconds.
  • Mingva
    Today opened a nic site for prediction game. Visit it at
  • Argammon

Feb 12

  • Mingva
    Back to lead Smiley
  • Argammon
    back to the lead.... for 20 minutes Smiley
  • Mingva
    Argammon: go to work instead of wasting time on Stunts Tongue
  • Argammon
    I'm not wasting time on stunts.I am using one of the same replay and am braking less and less at the end the faster you get.
  • Mingva
    My time 1:14.00 is illegal. Don't count it Smiley)
  • Alain il professore
    damn it! how fast i am!
  • Shoegazing Leo
  • Zak McKracken
    10 received permanent track times updated

Feb 13

  • Argammon
  • DieselJoe
    Wow, I'm NOT last one Cheesy
  • DieselJoe
    Leo, let's fight for the 2nd last place this month!!!
  • Alain il professore
  • Alain il professore
    no reply argammon? i will get those two points because you were lazy, and those two points will count in the end of the year!!!

Feb 14

  • Argammon
    Yes you will likely get the 2 points.When I see the track I am starting to vomit.
  • Dark Chaser
    Hello, race mates. I am giving up now. I?ve decided to leave since I saw some replays of laps run by Mingva, Kris Toff, Alain Rotoi and other runners. I?ve noticed that I?m unable to succeed through shortcuts (by running a whole lap using the side grass). I enjoy racing fairly, by turning round curves, braking roughly and accelerating once again. I want emphasize that I?m not trying to criticize anyone. I?ve just noticed that I?d rather run by knowing that shortcuts are not allowed. I only like the middle road, not the grass. Thanx a lot (especially Leo Ramone & Zak, who?s accepted my coming).
  • Alain il professore
    Dark Chaser: newbies... Smiley farewell weekend warrior. Argammon: someone that didnt understand yet that i am readying a replay with his name on it Smiley not to mention that i found a shortcut (like on default closed) that i will use only on the last day Shocked)
  • Argammon
    Good,in that case you will win the track.No Biggie
  • Alain il professore
  • Alain il professore
    demonstration over, argammon cant follow the pace at 1.12 Smiley
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Great Improvemment!!! 0,1 second.. pfff VIVA THE GUNS OF BRIXTON!!!!
  • Mingva
    Back to leaders again Wink

Feb 15

  • Alain il professore
    Juanma Jimenez, Marco Pantani... RIP, EPO Heroes! Today Marco Pantani died.

Feb 16

  • Argammon
    I am running forward! ........... ........... ........ (with mouse steps)
  • CTG
    Hey, leading time improvements are getting smaller and smaller... Perhaps it's a bad tip it will stop over 1:12...
  • Alain il professore
    CTG, come on join the battle! if improvements are getting smaller, perhaps someone must do the housework!
  • Alain il professore
    Just to say: This month competition is the greatest since z16!!! Two racers from different teams have been fighting for the leading time for two weeks! Cheesy z35 is the guadalcanal of stunts
  • CTG
    If I'll be able to join, I'll be there...
  • CTG
    Hey, this system is crazy! Zak, please delete that time!
  • CTG
    I wonder if I can correct it with the real rpl or not...
  • Mingva
    CTG: it's not the system is crazy, but you! Next time watch which replay submitting.
  • CTG
    No, it was another error: I wanted only to post news but I entered 'Send replay' section. I clicked OK and the program added a random time (no rpl was attached).
  • Alain il professore
    you see when you want Wink
  • Mingva
    pfff, Argammon...
  • Zak McKracken
    There was a small site downtime in the afternoon, which resulted in a messed up LTB. Argammon took the lead at 15:30 then Mingva at 17:57 (+2h for Arg), then Arg back at 18:00 (+1h to Mingva). Since then Argammon is the leader. I changed Mingva's sendtime to 15:01 and Arg's to 16:01 so they both get the LTB they achieved. Sorry this is a weird bug in the system.
  • Zak McKracken
    These affected time are changed back to original sending date, because this method allows cheating. (like you drop me a mail that site was down in the evening, though it wasnt, and then send your replay in the morning, so you won some hours with your leading time hidden from the others. This is unfair) From now on only rpls sent from the online form are valid for the LTB battle, I'm working on a solution that what should happen if the site is down.
  • Zak McKracken
    Enjoy the site without a manager until Z35 quiet days. Had enough of some people who dont see further than their own noses, and cant stop flaming and defamation.
    Big repsect to those who still PLAY Stunts as a GAME for FUN, what this competition was born to serve.

Feb 17

  • Zak McKracken
    Site MANAGER wanted. If you feel you would like to manage a well-known Stunts Competition with a regular userbase, fully automated php system, designing the tracks,checking the replays, etc., with a coder (me) supporting and creating your new ideas, improvements for the site in the background hand in your application to until the end of the month.
    Previous experience with competition managing means advantage.This is 100% serious, not a fake advertisement. Thank you.
    Zak McKracken
  • Akoss Poo
    Zak escapes... Flamewaring is because of some cheating (heavily suspicious replays etc.), so first we have to stop cheating. At least we should try to stop cheating somehow first.
  • Akoss Poo
  • CTG
    First Stunts World War begun... :-S
  • Mingva
    What's your new time will be, Argammon?
  • Alain il professore
    wow! i speak i speak, but i dont have a replay to follow mingva now :S congratulation splendid z35 heroes! 1. ming 2. argammon 3. alain ? note: keep it up zak, you are the real champion
  • Argammon
    Sorry Mings
  • Mingva
    Congratulations, Argammon. This month you won Sad( Eh, no truth in this cruel Stunts world :/
  • Dark Chaser
    Great competition...
  • Dark Chaser
    Zak and the other great drivers, I'm have decided to stay, not for your opinions, but because I feel I have a high potential and I want to prove it to myself and to any other person. Show must go on!!! Thanks for help, Leo Ramone and Guga. Big hug of the 'nutty boy'.
  • Dark Chaser
    My new (and temporary) result is 1:32.15 (Z35 Track).
  • Alain il professore
    you made the good choice Dark Chaser, welcome home.
  • Dark Chaser
    Thanks, Alain... I'm going to work hard as to succeed and help The Guns of Brixton to grow.

Feb 18

  • Alain il professore
    no comment, the war goes on
  • Mingva
    Yeaaaaaah!!! go go go, Alain Smiley
  • Alain il professore
    Come on argammon, let's show how we love that game!
  • Argammon
    Ah well since you are asking so nicely Smiley
  • Mingva
    Hey, guys! Why don't to send your best times instead of playing mouse and cat game?
  • Alain il professore
  • Alain il professore
    perhaps so much fun was impossible without zak Smiley thanks for the auto update
  • Dark Chaser
    My better time...
  • Dark Chaser
    Hello, drivers. My new result is 1:28.25 (Z35), because of my mates tips: Leo (about breaking thru the wall) and Guga (about how to get over the tunnel's roof). We'll do a great job this season!!! Big hug, Dark Chaser, the nutty boy.
  • Dark Chaser
  • Argammon
    Dark Chaser,why do you always post your time as news but don't bring it to the board?(Send replay option!)
  • Dark Chaser
    I'm sorry, Argammon.

Feb 19

  • Dark Chaser
    my blood = velocity... Huahua
  • Dark Chaser
    Congratulations, Alain, Argammon and Mingva... Great battle!!!
  • CTG
    Mimas affair stopped, Argammon stopped, life stopped... What more will happen?
  • Alain il professore
    great improvements dark chaser!!! in a few days, you came into the top of the third pursuing group!!! now try to reach the second pursuing group: they are around 1.23. BTW Caesar, you must do the same Sad
  • Akoss Poo
    CTG it's not so simple!
  • Argammon
    getting hard :/
  • Alain il professore
    this is beautiful
  • DieselJoe
    Hey, if you guys improve a bit more, I'll get a leading time bonus!!! Cheesy
  • DieselJoe
    Sorry, no, time difference bonus of course! Already shocked you all, right? Wink
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Little improvemment... I don't see my teammates' replays, yet!
  • CTG
    Hey Akoss, let's finish your pointless aggression! You'll loose this war, it's time to capitulate! I'll tell some reasons for the why...
  • Akoss Poo
    And why, my dear exteammate....

Feb 20

  • Akoss Poo
    The Kalpen Champion decided to retire today. Best regards for all, goodbye.
  • Dark Chaser
    Thanks for support, great Alain. My teammates Leo and Guga and me will work hard to improve. Anything tells me that "The Guns Of Brixton" will be a great team at once in the next season.
  • Dark Chaser
    Zak, by seeking info from your site, I?ve noticed that I lost the first stage of this season (C34 track). Even though, I?ve analyzed Leo Ramone?s replay (my teammate) and I got the following timing: 1:02:70. In spite of being a satisfactory timing, I couldn?t get a score. Thus, I beg my timing to be included in C34 standings, since it won?t damage or put scores down. I?d like you to consider my begging. Big hug, Dark Chaser, "the nutty boy"
  • Mingva
    Dark Chaser: the rules are the same to everyone Tongue So, just forget zct34 Smiley
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Another improvemment...

Feb 21

  • Dark Chaser
    Another little improvement...
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Under x30x

Feb 22

  • Dark Chaser
    Greaaaaaaaaaaaaaaattttttttttttttttttt!!!!, talented Leo!!!
  • Alain il professore
    come on, stop the masquerading leo! send your best time!!!
  • Guga
    Yesterday I got my driving license!!! Now I can REALLY drive! Tongue
  • Krys TOFF
    Yeah ! Auto gears replay slower than Leo ! Cheesy Guns of Brixton are too fast for me !
  • Dark Chaser
    Dear Krys Toff, I?d like to know your timing in POP Track (that one from Brazilian championship Stunt). You?ve told that your timing was lower (better)than mine. However, that site haven?t been updated for weeks. My timing is not 1:50.10 anymore. It?s 1:47.60 now. It doesn?t mean a duel between us. I only want to know how much I can improve pursuing you (laughs!!!!). Big hug, Dark Chaser "the nutty boy".
  • Dark Chaser
    Guga, congratulations for your drive license!!! Take care, go slow, OK? I don't want the police running after you... since they are too slow for it!!!
  • Stunts Oracle
  • CTG
    Hey Dark Chaser, my first try was 1:45.xx on POP track...
  • Alain il professore
    i would like to be able to send listfillers at 1.18 Smiley great time from the stunts oracle!!!
  • Dark Chaser
    CTG: that's not fair!!! I have started to run on Stunts about two months ago... I'm still inexperienced... Besides, shortcuts are not allowed in Stunts Pop Championship. For example, I have never touched the grass a single time. However, I have a lot to improve.
  • Dark Chaser
    The Guns of Brixton will have a new logo!!!

Feb 23

  • Dark Chaser
    Huahua... another improvement...
  • Dark Chaser
    And now, a "tooooooooooooooooo long time" until Stunts Oracle. I'll try...
  • Shoegazing Leo
    under x29xx
  • Dark Chaser
    Faster!!! Faster!!! Faster!!! Under 1:20.xx
  • Krys TOFF
    Dark Chaser : my 1:48,xx time was refused, and so I didn't send my 1:46,xx. With shortcuts, my time was 1:18,xx and CTG's was 1:17,xx. CTG is always 1 second faster than me at pop track Cheesy
  • Argammon
    Dark Chaser you should really use manual transmission because you gain a lot of time because the automatic trans does not switch gears BEFORE jumps.With some practise and without new tricks you could probably be below 1.20 with manual trans already...
  • CTG
    Yep, Argammon has right! I was unable to use manual trm for a long-long time and I produced only 8-10th places. Somewhere around ZCT24 I found that I can use it and now let's watch my improvement... Wink
  • Dark Chaser
    Krys, CTG and Argammon: thanks for support, guys. It's really very important I have tips as these. Krys, congratulations for your timing on ANXI Track (Stunts LOL Champ.). I'm third,with 0:59.95. Let's go race!!!!
  • Dark Chaser
    Guys, I have just gotten 1:17.xx. I have found a great shortcut on the last amount of the track. I have run about eight seconds on the wrong way. I have already been training with manual transmission, but better than it, just shortcuts such as those I have found.
  • Dark Chaser
    Let's check if I will be able to 'fight' CTG now...
  • Alain il professore
    okay, lets all remind CTG level before he used manual transmission... a donkeY. Now using manual trans, he turned into a blood thirsty donkey.
  • Argammon
    Are you sure you got no penalty time Dark Chaser Wink No offense just wondering.....
  • Zak McKracken
    Dark Chaser's time contains 36 secs penalty, which was added to the submitted time
  • Dark Chaser
    So, Zak, what's my valid timing? 1:23.05?

Feb 24

  • Shoegazing Leo
    Todo carnaval tem seu fim, ? o fim, ? o fim!!! Deixa eu brincar de ser feliz, deixa eu bricar com o meu nariz!!

Feb 25

  • Krys TOFF
    Tudo bem Leo ! ;-D But what about your nose ? Was it just for the rhyme ?
  • Stunts Oracle
    I was virgin until zct34 Wink
  • Stunts Oracle
    I want to repeat this sensation on zct35 who will help me?
  • Akoss Poo
  • Akoss Poo

Feb 26

  • CTG
    Beware Akoss, I'm under 1:15... Smiley Now I can start learning for todays's laboratory practice and tests... :-S
  • Dark Chaser
    Dear Zak, where is those new logo of my team, The Guns Of Brixton? (answer me after quiet days, OK?)
  • Zak McKracken
    pls send again the logo I lost it somewhere! thx

Feb 27

  • CTG
  • DieselJoe
    Hrgmph! My last one, I guess...
  • Zak McKracken
    Leading Time Bonus for Z35: Argammon +2, Mingva +1. Congratulations for everyone who took part in this awesome battle!
  • Dark Chaser
    Congratulations to Akoss Poo and CGT (battle for 4th place), and to Mingva, 'Il Professore' and Argammon (great battle for victory!!!). Great competition!!!
  • Dark Chaser
    I say 'CGT'. It's CTG.
  • Zak McKracken
    you can find my long-planned surprise in the menu. Yes, the third item. I hope this brings some extra motivation. Smiley

Feb 28

  • Mingva
    I LOVE IT !!! Now my the biggest goal for this season - to hear national anthem on ZakStunts! Thank you, Zak Smiley)
  • Guga
  • Dark Chaser
    Cool, Zak!!! Böff dampening: < 1dB

Feb 29

  • Zak McKracken
    update and new track out this evening around 18-21, sorry ppl I wasnt at home!
  • Akoss Poo
    Just did a lap w/o rh, under windows xp (LOL), auto trm., but I think these are visible from my time...
  • satanziege
    First try, with only as much RH as needed to beat Akoss Smiley
  • Zak McKracken
    my first try, far from my best Wink
  • CTG
    without sound...
  • Mingva
    ok, I'm sending my first try too.
  • CTG
    A little bit more then one hour left from Losonc race. Use your reserve power to improve and make the final battle more interesting!

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