News posted in December 2004
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Dec 1
Akoss PooB?FF!
CTGZaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak: problems with LTB counter, if this rpl won?t correct it then please change it back to the real leading hours!
CTGokay, problem is solved
Dec 2
CTGRozsny? analysis is available on USC site!
CTGDamage site is updated with
section! -
Dark ChaserHey, Zak! My new time is 1:47.10, but I cannot send it to classification table. MAIL COULD NOT BE SENT is the message shown.
Dark ChaserHey, Zak! My new time is 1:47.10, but I cannot send it to classification table. MAIL COULD NOT BE SENT is the message shown.
Zak McKrackenserver HD was full, now you can send replays again, sorry!
Dec 3
Akoss PooZak! Please give us the bonus points!
Zak McKrackenLTB on ZCT45: +2 for Akoss Poo, +1 for CTG. Now the big question is that who will win?
CTGGutix/BJ/Argammon/Alain/Mingva, as usual... :-S
Dark ChaserNo message was entered...
MingvaCTG wrote: ".../Argammon/Alain/Mingva, as usual" >> LOL, somebody is still dumber than Oracle
Stunts OracleHey! Nobody is dumber than me!
CTGLast 22 races` stats: Alain 7, Gutix 6, Bonzai Joe&Argammon 4-4, Mingva 1 victory. Last winner not from these 5 racers: February 2003 (Z22) - Alan Rotoi. If we add Alan to this list, we will get the result that last other winner was Usrin in August 2002... So I`m not that dumb, just thought over the history.
Stunts OracleAlan Rotoi is an old archaic racer, another stupid human far away from my skills!
Dec 4
CTG30 minutes and I have to go to the railway station. Have a nice weekend! AND DON`T FORGET ABOUT RACING ON SOPRON!!!
Dark ChaserNo message was entered...
Dark ChaserNo message was entered...
Dark ChaserNo message was entered...
Dark ChaserNo message was entered...
Akoss PooHere is my final time.
Alain il professoreNo message was entered...
Bonzai JoeCongratulations on your victory Akoss! Finally! And it looks like a very incredible time. I did not race my best, but I am sure you would have won if I did, too, with that time...
Dinmorcongratulations Akoss. See you in Hameln next year.!
Krys TOFFDo not congrat Akoss until you know everybody_s time...
Zak McKrackenupdate started, sorry for the delay
Zak McKrackenupdate finished, grats for everyone invlolved in this fierce battle, and especially for the winner, Akoss`s track was chosen as ZCT46, so hurry and DL it to try it out.
ZCT46 only lasts for 3 weeks, but counts as a normal race, so hurry up, Indy fans
Have a nice night, I`m going back to the bed -
Krys TOFFCongrats to CTG for his victory ! Akoss can dry his tears knowing that he won the Z46 Track Design Contest. :-D
Dec 5
DieselJoeDA - MAGE - INC!!! DA - MAGE - INC!!! DA - MAGE - INC!!! Fuck, I`m drunk!
Krys TOFFDamage Inc. RULES !!!! Cax is definitively a MASTER !!! CTG is better than Akoss Poo because he earned a ZakStunts victory before him !!!
Krys TOFFNot too crazy about CTG Akoss ?
Krys TOFF1st attempt
UsrinCongratulations to everybody, but I have to say: dirty Cax!
UsrinUsrin is better than Akoss Poo and CTG because he earned a ZakStunts victory before them!!! :-)
Krys TOFFYou are right Usrin. Too bad we don_t have a picture of Akoss face when he saw Z45 final scoreboard ! :DDDD
UsrinSpecial congratulations to B?bszlee! :-)
Zak McKrackennew vote in the forum...
UsrinVote for Costa(R), and be glad of that not Cax(R) have won!
DinmorNo message was entered...
CTGOH MY GOD! It was a track for me! Okay, I said the opposite of it, but you know me well not to believe it. In the first two weeks it really seemed to be an ugly one, but after I made an acceptable result in the first section (first 25 seconds) I started to like this track - my only exercise was to grow up to the main part. Now I have to say special thanks to Akoss Poo. Akoss, I promised something and now I`ll make it true!
CTGAnd just to be proud a bit, I won 3 races in a row: Rozsnyo (with Akoss Poo), Dili and Z45. Clever people used to say that you must finish things on the top...
CTGIs the grape too sour, Akoss?
Krys TOFFHappy birthday Bob Sponge, errr, I mean B?bszlee. ;-)
Krys TOFFAkoss Poo will win Z46, 2nd will be Diesel Joe and 3rd will be Bonzai Joe. Proof is here : :DDD
Dec 6
Akoss Poob?ff
CTGSopron tricks are available!
Alain il professoreguess whose birthday is coming soon? jesus christ would have been 2005 years old in a few weeks. And Papa no?l (santa claus) is still alive... one by one, only the good die young.
Alain il professorethis rpl ruins my hopes of being scoring 100 points sharp this year !
Alain il professorewill i fight for the fifth place? will krys or usrin score more points than me this month? will i be a loser? NO! i will win z46... come on indy specialists come and ruin my plans! come on tsino, gutix and alanrotoi!!! come on unbeatable maniacs!!! beat me! muahahahahahahah
DieselJoeYour time is over, professore. Even I will beat you! ;P
CTGZaaaaaaaaaaaak, what happened to the forum
Dec 7
AbuRaf70No message was entered...
CTGHappy birthday Alanine!
Dark ChaserHappy birthday, great teacher Alain!!! Hehe
Bonzai JoeHappy birthday Alain! It is good to see that you are still racing a little...
Mingvawow, Alain l`amateur has a birthday!!! Happy drinking, but remember: "Winners never quit, and quitters are losers forever"
Akoss PooB?FF! Happy birthday Alanine!
Krys TOFFJoyeux anniversaire Alain.
DieselJoeHappy birthday, Al!
Zak McKrackenNo message was entered...
Dec 8
Dark ChaserNo message was entered...
Alain il professorethanks!!! And watch out! some other birthdays are coming very soon
Bonzai JoeI suggest that you put a copy of the Rules in the "Register NOW" section. Just like at That makes it easier for newbies to start in the competition. Most of the newbies that show up nowadays are contacts from elsewhere - mostly Argentinians that Alan Rotoi knows, but also Lise, Dinmor and others... I think that may be because it is hard for a total newbie (remember that people are impatient) to quickly understand what this competition is about.
DieselJoeThis time I should begin earlier!
Alain il professorei am rotten i feel rotten...
Dec 9
Dark ChaserNo message was entered...
CTGJust to save LTB for Krys...
Bonzai JoeNo message was entered...
CTGWheeeeeeeeeeee... BJ in action! :)Unexpected!
CTGPoor improvement
DinmorNo message was entered...
CTGFlamewar in action, come to the forum...
UsrinB?FF!!! :-)
Dark ChaserNo message was entered...
Stunts OracleNo message was entered...
Dec 10
AbuRaf70No message was entered...
Dark ChaserHello, guys! I will OUT until december 20. Reason: business again! Hugs.
Dark ChaserHello, guys! I will OUT until december 20. Reason: business again! Hugs.
Dark ChaserHello, guys! I WILL BE OUT until december 20. Reason: business again! Hugs.
Stunts OracleNo message was entered...
Zak McKrackenGoing now to take this year`s cooking exam, wish me luck
Stunts OracleNo message was entered...
UsrinGoing now to present my TDK (sorry for the Hungarian abbreviation) work about the sedimentology of Pliocene fluvial deposits from G?d?ll? Hills. Wish me good luck. :-) (And good luck to Zak!)
Bonzai JoeGood luck!
DieselJoeGood luck to both of you and bye, DC!
Zak McKrackenI got a five, everything was great, hope you had luck too!
Zak McKrackenbad luck
DinmorCongratulations Zak. What did you cook? Chili beans? ;-)
Zak McKrackenNo, plum-poppy seeds cake with vanilla souce
Bonzai JoeGood job Zak! Now back to the racetrack
I am glad to see you are racing again Thomas
Dec 11
AbuRaf70No message was entered...
UsrinThanks, I got 1st prize, and I ate chili beans (+ drank some beer) to celebrate it. :-)
DinmorI will beat you, AbuRaf ;-)
Bonzai JoeCongratulations Usrin! I knew you would get that - you are really bright and devoted... Way to go Thomas, let youth prevail
DinmorWhat are you talking about Jacob? You know I am 87 years old. + congratulations to Usrin.
DinmorWhat are you talking about Jacob? You know I am 87 years old. + congratulations to Usrin.
Dec 12
AbuRaf70No message was entered...
caesarNo message was entered...
caesarnice track !!
Bonzai JoeNo message was entered...
Alain il professorehow strange i thought i maximized the lap until the finish line and i watched the time with disappointment: 1.48! one second slower!!! this is a good track! who made it is a design genius.
CTGOnly 4 hours and 40 minutes left from Sopron race!!! Still no replay from Gutix and Bonzai Joe - please send your times before midnight!
CTG107 minutes left... The question: Akoss or Gutix? Gutix or Akoss? Gutiiiiiiix or Akoss? Akoss oooooooooooor Gutix? Gutix? Akoss? GUTIX
GUTIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIX?!?!?!?! AKOOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSS?!?!?!?!?! (or somebody else?) (after the "ringspeaker" Stohl Buci (gay) Andr?s) You will know the answer soon...
CTGCongratulations to eager-beavers
- really deserved victory, well-done!
CTGI mean Usrin...
GutixNo message was entered...
Dec 13
AbuRaf70No message was entered...
AbuRaf70No message was entered...
DinmorNo message was entered...
Dec 14
CTGheeeeeeeeeeeeeey remove dinmor`s time!!!
Bonzai JoeNice time Dinmor
What has happened to the server in the last few days?
DieselJoeWhy don?t you believe him, CTG!?
CTGBecause I know him... he`s rather a Super Mario expert.
ArgammonDo I hate this track? Yesssssssssss Anyways! Some training laps for next year
AbuRaf70No message was entered...
CTGNo message was entered...
CTGNo message was entered...
Alain il professoreNo message was entered...
Dec 15
AbuRaf70No message was entered...
CTGWRL, tricks and analysis updates are avilable on USC site!
Dec 16
Alain il professoreNo message was entered...
CTGOh poor Fagyi!
CTGBut Hearts is also out, high and mighty Scots lost (the 0-3 wasn`t enough for them in the summer
DinmorNow we are talking about sports CTG...How about Womens Handball? ;-)
Dec 17
CTGDinmor - what about the danish sport in overall? Still crap?
CTGBoldog sz?let?snapot, Mekmester ?r!
Stunts OracleI wish you a happy birthday zak!!!!! The good people like you deserves it
Bonzai JoeHappy birthday Mr. McKracken! Let us hope for another great year for you
DieselJoeHappy birthday Zak!
Akoss Poooh almost forgot. happy birthday zaki!
Krys TOFFCongrats to Zak for his 23rd birthday. ;-D
Alain il professorehappy birthday zak
Zak McKrackenthank you all, I have a double celebration: today and on sunday with the two parts of my family
already ate lots of cakes and pizza and got some nice things and of course lots of love
Dec 18
Alain il professoreNo message was entered...
Alain il professoreaaaah another podium!!!
Dec 19
RangerNo message was entered...
Alain il professoreguess who i am: "this replay only took me fifteen minutes, its a training lap! arh!! arh!! arh!!" now send your best replays ever, because i am BACK!!!
Bonzai JoeIt is good to see that you are back, Leo Ramone! And also good to see you, ranger... there are 4 racers with similar times and all without a team (AbuRaf70, Dinmor, Caesar, Ranger), how about forming one?
ArgammonWhen will you finally stop behaving like a complete Jerk Alain?
DinmorA doh?nyz?s elz?rja az art?ri?kat, sz?vrohamot ?s agyv?rz?st okoz.
CTGLOL, no smoking please!
CTGSmelly cheese against W?rstchen. Interesting fight, let`s hope vegetarians will win.
CTGpArAnO is a potato
Dec 20
Shoegazing LeoMaybe the last improvemmet...
CTGI had a dream: Argammon took back the first place with an agressive 1:23 - Alain replied with 1:21. After that I tried and tried to improve and being at 1:13 my car teleported to the finish line with 6 seconds penalty time. What a shame it won`t become true...
CTGFinally I could persuade you to race here! Welcome to ZSC, Dottore!
Alain il professoredream? nightmare!!! alain beaten by CTG!!! usually in my nightmares, only bonzai joe or argammon beats me
Alain il professore17 racers... more racers!!! more racers!!!
CTGDon`t be afraid Alain... Really not my track (as usual
Bonzai JoeWelcome to Zakstunts, Dottore! I hope you will race as well and dedicatedly here as you do at USC
UsrinWhere is Dark Chaser
As I remember, he said he would be away UNTIL 20th December. Today it`s 20th December. But I can`t see him anywhere. What a mystery!!!
Bonzai JoeIt is true CTG, we need a fight on this last track of 2004!
DieselJoeYeah, welcome, Dottore!!! One of my favourite opponents!
Stunts OracleNo message was entered...
Bonzai JoeNo message was entered...
CTGOK, modified to BJ vs. Roteiro...
Tweety BirdAfter the riotous return of Alain, here is the marvelous return of Warner Bros ! Tonight : Tweety Bird !!!
Krys TOFFHere is the voice of Warner Bros team manager : I conviced Tweety to give a try at Z46 tonight. As it is x-mas holidays, they have plenty of free time, so I hope to convince Daffy Duck to join too. ;-)
Alain il professoreincredible!!!!!!!!!!! how much racers there will be this month?! thanks god!! oops thanks stunts gods!!
Dec 21
Stunts OracleNo message was entered...
CTGOooooooooouch, I`ll have an exam at 9 a.m. - still 50 percent of the book is left. I`m a bit afraid of failing... Wish me luck and "blind" teacher for cheating a bit!
AbuRaf70No message was entered...
Dec 22
Alain il professorecome on... 1.22 is not THE limit. h?h?h?h?h?h?h?h?h
let me show you the way
Stunts OracleTo the human called CTG: You will fail the exam. BTW Rotoi wishes you good luck
To the human Alain: Shut up! I will be fired from MeganiuM if I dont do a good result this month!
CTG50 percent for my failure. :-S It was a cruel written one. But I got a 5 - subject was English Communication (funny, I had the crappiest English at the meeting...
Dec 23
Shoegazing LeoLast update...
Dec 24
Stunts OracleHappy birthday DieselJoe!! I hope you will stay with use a lot of more time. Try to join the chatroom sometimes
AbuRaf70No message was entered...
Akoss PooHappy birthday Diesel Joe!
AbuRaf70No message was entered...
UsrinNo message was entered...
Alain il professoreH B Diesel Joe
Stunts Oracleerrr... It is about 1 day my leading time is on 114 hours :S BTW MERRY XMAS!!!!!
Krys TOFFMerry birthday Diesel joe and Happy X-mas everyone. Errr, it seems I messed up the merry and happy...
GutixFeliz Cumpleanos DJ!
Dec 25
Zak McKrackenthere was a small problem with "time until deadline" display, of course it`s quiet days now. Deadline would be today, but because of christmas it`s extended until sunday 21:00. On dec27 there`ll be some downtime - the site will change to the 2005 one. Also I`ll close the season and announce the final rankings on the 27th - no update onthe 26th, I wont be at home New season will start on the 1st/2nd of January.
Zak McKrackenLTB after a hard battle for ZCT46: +2 for Argammon, +1 for Stunts Oracle - congratulations!
Now send in your best time until tomorrow... -
DieselJoeThanks for those congratulations, guys!
@Rotoi: I`ll try!
Dec 26
Howdy! Since Zak is quite busy somtimes, this season our small team (The Broderbunds) will announce the site and competition related important news. I hope you'll enjoy!
AbuRaf70No message was entered...
Alain il professoreokay i give up WHAT IS THIS MESS!!! 1. you cant post two times at a time 2. you cant post two times LIKE THAAAAAaaatTTTT mmmhhhouuuaaaaaaaaaAAAA!!!!
Alain il professoreanyway, no one can take my fifth place overall this year... even the stunts oracle herself... and i think i cant win z46 anymore, there is no time left at all.
satanziegeMy first listfiller... x-mas got in the way
DinmorNo message was entered...
Zak McKrackenWelcome to ZakStunts v6.0! Please register and then login to access the personal features. And of course: Race, and have a good time!
Krys TOFFTeam name cannot be edited in profile. So, please enlist me in Damage Inc. team Zak. Thanks in advance and happy new year to everyone as I probably will not come back there until 2005.
Dec 27
If you want to have an image in your profile: send to Zak in mail the full sized image and optionally a thumbnail (max: 160x100px). Format should be JPG.
For Team logos send an 80x50 gif/jpg/png. -
I was chosen to congratulate for the winners of ZakStunts 2004:
So deepest respect to the MeganiuM Aces High Team, and Gutix, the bests in 2004. Also grats for Akoss Poo (2nd) and Bonzai Joe (3rd) Awards handed out on the WSM2005, in Germany -
alain "il professore" p?ri feel blessed to take part to this wonderful competition!
Zak McKrackenReport your team to me in mail/forum/etc. If its a new team, team logo should be 80x50pixel, format:gif,jpg,png.
Zak McKrackensame applies to your pictures unless there is an upload button in your control area: format: jpg,png,gif, dimensions: 160x100, size limit: 25kbytes, send them.
Zak McKrackenThere was one replay lost in my inbox: 1:34.05 from Usrin. Sorry for everyone who was affected by this!
alan rotoiIt wont change any result but I am almost sure stunts oracles total leading time is 135. I remember when you reinstaled something the LTB clock freezed. HAPPY NEW YEAR FOR ALL!!!!!!!! AND HAPPY NEW ZCT!!!!!
Akoss PooEdit your profiles, send your pictures etc.! I want to read backgrounds, expertises, problems, comments, data!
alaini filled my profile. i am waiting for z47... i want to prove agian and again that i can beat argammon on demand.
ArgammonSorry,didn"t work before... I wonder why I respond to Alain"s gibberish? I can only remember that I creamed him everytime both of us were racing seriously
ArgammonMy real Z46 time was not used although I posted it on our teams forum
Krys TOFFMy profile is updated with background and so on... CTG, you can use these infos for Damage Inc. team site profile ;-D
Dec 28
alaincool! zakstunts online again!
Dec 29
I was asked to set the order of the cars used in the 2005 season. And so I did. It`s excellent. You`ll all suck, weaklings!
Alan RotoiYou know, zakstunts is sexy irresistible...
alainmeow... meow... say some and ROOOOAAAARR say alain
Dec 30
CTGRetirement in the air... can you feel it?
Dec 31
UsrinCTG, I can only feel the famous B?csa Fart Smell...
CTGUsrin, you missed a cool pre-new year party online on the net! (I have a terrible headache now
UsrinCTG, you should have said that earlier... But no matters. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYBODY! B?FF! :-)
CTGBeer drinking competition, 0.5 liter Borsodi beer: 54.5 by CTG, 2:36.6 by Akoss Poo.
Krys TOFFHappy new year to everyone. Today I will also celebrate my 1st victory at WSC competition. I`m happy tonight. ;-D
Krys TOFFMy profile has been edited according to result of December track of Paleke`s World Stunts Championship.
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