News posted in November 2004
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Nov 1
Zak McKrackenNo message was entered...
Nov 2
Krys TOFFI fear Bush will be re-elected tonight... Why ? For 2 reasons : Kerry always has a tired face and Laura Bush is popular. I just can hope Americans are not as stupid as Bush is... :-/
Nov 3
Dark ChaserNo message was entered...
CTGOhio, Ohio, Ohio... Bush will win again by a flydick again... :-S
CTGagain twice... oh my God, Bush really won there...
CTGRozsny? tricks are updated in
section! -
Bonzai JoeAmericans... I dont think they know what they have done. Its a wonder to me that they can vote for that government, when its so obvious that they are being fooled.
CTGsuffering... :-S
CTGlittle steps...
Diego MaradonaI want to join a team how do i do that
Bonzai JoeI think the best idea is to enter the Forum, enter the subforum called "Team Zone", and write your request there... You can also see some threads about all the teams there. You can always form your own team if you like - just send the team name and logo to Zak McKracken. Good luck joining a team, and see you on the scoreboard!
Bonzai JoeKeep suffering CTG
DieselJoeAxis of evil strikes back!
CTGOK, I`ll suffer to go under 1:14...
Nov 4
CTGHey Jacky, have a look at the rear view mirror - I`m there...
CTGcloser and closer...
Bonzai JoeDont even try to come closer... Corks special forces are ready to puncture your tyres if you try to overtake me
CTGDon`t be afraid, I won`t overtake you by more then half a second...
Akoss PooAnd remember that Akoss Poo is almost always faster than CTG...
CTGAlmost... this is the key word
Alain il professoreNostradamus foresights: trouble ahead! four more years!
Akoss PooB?FF!
Bonzai JoeAlain!? Stop posting here and start racing instead... This is just your kind of track, Ultra-RH...
Mingvawheee, Diego Maradona,
El pibe de oro
! Please, join to "Mimas Racing" as I am the second biggest football fan in Stunts community )) -
CTGOK, so Mingva created a ghost and invites him to Mimas. First race of him: shit, second: shit, third: top 5. Scandal, arguements and the ghost disappears...
Dark ChaserNo message was entered...
Akoss PooBJ can you feel me?
Zak McKrackengay party on the podium
CTGAre you jealous, Zak?
Nov 5
DieselJoe¡Feliz cumpleaños, Alan... errrr... Or?culo De los Trucos!
Stunts Oracle"thank you Diesel" said my master Alan Rotoi (oh man I love him. He is handsome, strong and has the biggest INDY I every seen)
Akoss PooHappy birthday, Patricio!
GutixFeliz Cumplea?os capo!!!
CTGTanti auguri, Roteiro!
Dark ChaserFeliz Anivers?rio, Alan!
Krys TOFFHappy Birthday El Portador de Luz
CTGAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah finally...
Bonzai JoeHappy birthday Alan Rotoi!
Bonzai JoeLeo Ramone, phox, Cyberman, KHR, everyone else... join this great race Its too boring when only the first three places are being fought for. There are many points up for grabs! Start your engines...
CTGMy new result is: 1:13.55 on C44
CTG+36.00 penalty time...
Bonzai JoeWow, I just saw Gutixs picture - he is really good looking. Gutix, you should join our gay party on the podium, we miss you there!
Zak McKrackenLTB Bonuses: Bonzai Joe +2, Stunts Oracle +1... final results tomorrow
Stunts OracleThank you very much, friends ^_^
Nov 6
Stunts Oracleerrr... Zak, please delete Mr.Hiccup and Otaku from MeganiuM Team. They wont race. Thanks!!
GutixOk guapo
Akoss Poogutix! send a better, otherwise i will kill you. beer drinking night tonight with a friend called Vodka... )
Zak McKrackenlive update at chatroom now
Akoss PooB?FF!
Krys TOFFFar from optimized replay...
Nov 7
Krys TOFFImproved 1 second at ZCT45...
Krys TOFFI improved 1 second again at ZCT45...
Krys TOFFI improved 1 second again at ZCT45...
Krys TOFFI improved 1 second again at ZCT45...
Krys TOFFI improved 1 second again at ZCT45...
Krys TOFFIt seems I already said that I improved 1 second again at ZCT45...
Krys TOFFLet me say again that I improved 1 second again at ZCT45...
Krys TOFFI think I will say that I improved 1 second again at ZCT45...
Krys TOFFOoops, I did it again : I improved 1 more second at ZCT45...
Krys TOFFYou know what ? I improved 1 more second at ZCT45 !!! :p
Krys TOFFAnother 10 seconds improvement ;-)
Krys TOFFWow, just under 2 minutes, wonderful 0.1 second improvement !!!
Krys TOFFYeeepeeee, another 0.1 second improvement !!
Krys TOFFI think you all know what happened... I improved 0.1 second again
Krys TOFF0.1 second improvement again...
Krys TOFFImpressive 0.2 second improvement this time, wow !
Krys TOFFokay, here is the real replay, good night everyone
Krys TOFFI am happy to see that I am almost 1 minute faster than Akoss Poo at Z45 for now :DDD
MingvaCrazy Krys
MingvaI don`t like this track. It needs tooo much RH to achieve competitive time.
Bonzai JoeThen maybe it can show who is the best without Ultra-Replayhandling
MingvaGoing to watch football, the last match wich can decide Lithuanian champion.
MingvaMy last rpl for today Next time I`ll send under 1:40.
Bonzai JoeNo message was entered...
Bonzai JoeYou dont mean to say the Send Replay form does not know about penalty time, do you?
MingvaBJ> And whats your time with penalty?
UsrinI had to race under XP, but that doesn`t count. I`m the greatest king! :-)
UsrinAnd I`ve made this time without replay handling... Next weekend (Win98, RH) I`ll improve a lot, I think.
UsrinOh, I forgot to mention something: I had to drive without sound!
Stunts OracleUsrin I guess your time is just a bug. I remember a replay about 0:09.85 sent by Argammon in zct15 that wasnt allowed. So dont be angry if the leading time you got isnt allowed
Zak McKrackenDear Racers!
Please stop sending replays with penalty, yes I know the system can`t see penalty time, just like rplinfo, and any other existing program except the original, one and only Stunts game.
It`s really tiresome to correct these times manually, not speaking baout the fact that it can mess up leading time calculation.
Zak -
CTGI`m too fanatic to leave out a race - here you are my crappy time!
Nov 8
Akoss Poob?fff.....
MingvaOh, I forgot to mention that my current time (1:45.95) was done under winXP plus w/o sound. But as I haven`t older and Stunts compatible system, probably I won`t be a winner ))))) P.S. It`a a sarcastic message to those who complaining about the racing hardware
Bonzai JoeSorry, I did not realise it could not see penalty time. Is the time calculated just from the filesize? Then I understand...
Bonzai JoeNo message was entered...
Akoss PooBonzai Joe is 10 seconds faster than Akoss Poo...
Akoss PooNo message was entered...
Akoss PooNo message was entered...
Nov 9
Nov 10
CTGI can`t stand this track... :-S
CTGBad replay?
CTGHappy birthday Koenovi?!
Stunts OracleI couldnt do a lot of jumps :S I was at least one wheel on/over the grass all the time
Krys TOFFAlso, happy birthday Keonovic.
CTGDamn this is really crap... :-S
Bonzai JoeI am glad to see you are racing hard CTG I could use a big bowl of Zaks Chili Beans right now. Damn they tasted good...
CTGDamn, I`ll have a test in 60 minutes - and I have extremely hard diarrhoea. Not my day...
Nov 11
CTGOuch still over 1:40... :-S
Bonzai JoeNo message was entered...
Bonzai JoeStarting to like the track?
Bonzai JoeHmm, I should have given you three more hours of leading time :-/ Please beat me again
CTGOooooooooh fuck it Jacob, I have to drive the whole track again... Anyway I don`t need LTB, my overall 4th place is almost fixed.
Nov 12
DieselJoeHappy birthday, Luke L?hrer!
Bonzai JoeNo, but Gutix needs less leading time... but now I have to drive it all over again too. And I dont feel like that. Time will tell if I will.
GutixI need all LTB...
Akoss PooB ??FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!!! We want IE compatible ZakStunts!
Zak McKrackenit is and will be compatible, dumbass :-S
Bonzai JoeDont start talking like Akoss
Akoss PooHe didn`t start,
is considered too light in my dictinoary, and B?FF! was also missing. -
Zak McKrackenBut when people start complaining and especially writing stupidities about a thing which they havent read correctly, or have no clue how it works, then it can make me quite mad. Sorry.
Nov 13
GutixNo message was entered...
Gutixmy previous replay disappeared... ( )
Akoss PooIt`s my sister`s namedaaaay!!!!! Happy nameday, Aliz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! B ?FFFFFFF! I`m drunk! Daaaamn!
Nov 14
UsrinBeware, Akoss! Opponent is Near! :-)
Akoss PooAaaah Usrin is always close with the Audi... Or I`m just too slow with it... :-S
Nov 15
CTGMy new result is: 1:37.10 on C45
CTGMy new result is: 1:36.65 on C45
CTGMy new result is: 1:36.15 on C45
CTGMy new result is: 1:35.95 on C45
CTGMy new result is: 1:35.85 on C45
CTGMy new result is: 1:35.00 on C45
GutixOh no! ...Im scared...
Dark ChaserNo message was entered...
Dark ChaserNo message was entered...
CTGNo message was entered...
Zak McKrackenNo message was entered...
Bonzai JoeAlways true to your words CTG Nice time... we have something to work on.
Bonzai JoeWell, I guess we dont. But seeing an impossible time is always good motivation.
Nov 16
Akoss PooB?FF!
Nov 17
UsrinI`m starting the day with a fantastic 0.35 second improvement!
UsrinI sent the message with my replay, but I see 11 minutes difference between the time of my new result (00:01) and my message (00:12) :-)
Dark ChaserNo message was entered...
CTGBack to lead...
Akoss PooNo message was entered...
CTGNo message was entered...
CTGSorry guys, former one was not the real time - I pressed
before the usual +1 second finished in the game... :-S But this is close to that! -
Akoss PooNo message was entered...
CTGRozsnyo: 97 hours left...
UsrinRoznava: 96 hours 16 minutes left...
Nov 18
Stunts OracleStop testing the system sending fake replays
CTGHey Oracle bitch, are you jealous seeing our times? Try to beat them instead of posting here!
Krys TOFF2nd real try, thanks teammates for some tricks. But this is still much too slow...
Nov 19
Dark ChaserNo message was entered...
Nov 20
Stunts OracleNo message was entered...
Akoss PooNo message was entered...
CTGDamn it Poo and Gutix...
Gutixprevious rpl was incorrect...
Akoss PooB?FF!
Nov 21
Akoss Poogutix please tell me what the hell do you want? you are surely champion, please finish bothering my leading time!
Akoss PooOkay. Enough.
CTGB?FF wazze!
CTGSorry for leaving out USC update - I have serious problems with computer and Namo Webeditor too... :-S
Akoss PooNo message was entered...
CTGkicsinyes faszkalap... :-S
Nov 22
Stunts Oracle"please finish bothering my leading time!" Akoss!! how do you say that?? He wants to win it all, he raced and he deserves it. We all want to win everything everywhere.
Akoss Poowin? what else? he is the champion this year! i understand that he wants to win the track, because he likes to race, likes to win, but if he is definite champion, why does he bother the other`s leading time heavily, who still has to fight for positions?
CTGMy new time is: 0:00.05 on C45
Nov 24
CTGMy new result is: 1:34.40 on C45
Nov 25
CTGPlay on Sopron!!!
Blind RyanMY FIRST RACE! It only took 3 tries to get it finished too. Not bad for me
Akoss PooHi Blind Ryan! Welcome! Use replay handling! You will get better times!
Mingvaoh, american racer after such a long pause. Good luck, you`ll need it
Dark ChaserNo message was entered...
Nov 26
Zak McKrackenSince the redirectign service is getting crappier and crappier (80% of site downtime is because of them) today I registered another address: please test it, I hope its much more reliable.
caesarhey all!!
UsrinB?FF!!! :-)
caesarNo message was entered...
Akoss Poohey caesar! welcum back!
caesarNo message was entered...
MingvaZak, is working just fine. I never (in past few months) experienced problems with site except low connection speed because of your brother )) ---> P.S. Welcome back, ceasar. Where you been?
CTGHe was in your and Alain`s dirty dreams... Will caesar reproduce the carrier of Myron?
caesarhey mingva !
CTGMingva logout, caesar login, caesar logout, Mingva login...
caesaryeah i was in their team , but they kicked me !!
CTGReally? Fatal skizo problems in Mimas Racing?
Nov 27
CTGFuck you Akoss... my time is still crap :-S
Akoss PooFuck off I said wait until 15 CET! I need 11 more hours!
Nov 28
Akoss PooB ?FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I won the +2 points for the very first time!!!
CTGOkay, going for +1 LTB
Nov 30
CTGSilent days just before quiet days...
Dark ChaserNo message was entered...
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