News posted in October 2004
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Oct 1
DieselJoeWow, many birthdays at the moment, happy birthday, Usrin!
Akoss Poohappy birthday teammate Usrin!
liseNo message was entered...
Zak McKrackenhappy birthday, Slovak
Akoss PooAkossStunts ended. Last track is won by Bonzai Joe, champion is Gutix. Now we are waiting for CTG to restart USC.
DinmorL 0 0 r n
Dark ChaserNo message was entered...
Oct 2
UsrinThanks to everybody for the greetings. :-)
MingvaI`m back
Not a bad rpl I`d say after such a long pause
DinmorDamn you, Mingva. You kicked me out of top 10 :-(
Oct 3
Krys TOFFLate happy birthday to Usrin
MingvaDinmor> just hope to get at least 1 point
GutixHappy (late) Birthday Usrin!
MingvaNo message was entered...
DieselJoeWhoever Flost is, happy birthday to you!!!
Oct 4
CTGFirst and last try for this track - XP sucks... :-S
CTGoooooops sorry, bad rpl sent - the correct one is here...
Krys TOFFI forgot to write it here : 4th rally of WRC Stunts has begun last saturday. I hope to get replays from many of you.
Dark ChaserNo message was entered...
Oct 5
DieselJoeArgh, no time for searching the Hungarian words for that, now!
Happy birthday, Akoss!
Bonzai JoeHave a great birthday Akos! You deserve a big bowl of Chili Beans and a nice bottle of P?linka!
Zak McKrackenAkoss is 21, Stunts is 14 years old today... long live both of you!
UsrinHappy birthday, Akoss! (I think he prefers Chili Beans not in a big bowl, but in something else. :-))
DinmorOh Usrin, you should wash your mouth with soap
... But congrats Akoss...!!
Krys TOFFA listfiller replay and a happy birthday to Akoss B?FF Poo
Oct 6
Akoss PooThanks for all. Happy birthday, Stunts!
GutixHappy Birthday Akoss!!!
Krys TOFFLink to forum from Stunts portal is not working...
phoxNo message was entered...
phoxHi folks. I hope I can join too. Greetings from Schiedam, Holland.
Zak McKrackenWelcome to the team! Very nice time, you look really talented, keep up the good work! Waiting for you at the forum too
Krys TOFFWelcome aboard Phox, it has been too since we had a racer from Holland here.
Krys TOFFWelcome aboard Phox, it has been too long since we had a racer from holland here with us.
Zak McKrackeni have to train my hand
Dark ChaserNo message was entered...
Oct 7
satanziegeI gotta try harder...
Dark ChaserHi, guys! I will be away on business (again!) next 12 days (between 7 and 18 of October)...
Oct 8
phoxI want a point!
Akoss PooWow, a motivated new driver! I like it! Yes, first the point is the motivation, then the time difference bonus, then to be in the first half, then the podium... and then... the victory, which I still miss in ZakStunts...
DieselJoeAs I had to repair my car today, I only had little time for this replay. It`s probably my final one, so come and beat it, Satan! ;P
Zak McKrackenI might not be sleeping home tomorrow, so update could be delayed to sunday or monday. Sorry if this happens!
Oct 9
liseh?h? Thomas!
DieselJoeWow, Lise is improving and seems to become a regular driver! Nice to see that!
Btw: Happy birthday Judas Priest! And get your ass up to sending a replay once! ;P
Oct 10
Akoss PooI did 1:18.35. Fuck it update is missing again...
MingvaAkoss, read more news and you`ll know why
Akoss PooZAAAAAAK! WHERE ARE YOU?! Böff dampening: < 1dB
Zak McKracken30 minutes to go
Zak McKrackenUpdate done
inner was Gutix beating everyone behind him in the fight for the podium places.
There was also a nice fight for the points a bit more down on the scoreboard.Keep up the good race!
I forgot to mention: LTB +2 goes to Gutix and LTB +1 goes to Bonzai Joe.
Now enjoy the new track and the car - which many like -
Stunts OracleOK you uploaded it few mins ago. 1st racer 1st try
Akoss PooFirst shit 3 min try under Windows xp. Beware, the night is coming!
MingvaLOL, nice time Akoss
)) And I`m racing under winXP since November 2002. Probably with my prev system and win98 I`d be current season leader here
satanziegeWhoohow! First real try without penalty
MingvaMy first try.
MingvaFound a small trick which saved 2 secs
Akoss PooDear Zak! We would like to ask from you one little thing. We would be very grateful if you could update your Transport Tycoon site with our results. Thank you very much: Akoss and Gutix
Oct 11
GutixNo message was entered...
Akoss PooNo message was entered...
Akoss PooNo message was entered...
Akoss PooNo message was entered...
Alain il professorei love this indy
Bonzai JoeI am in Copenhagen at the moment, but I managed to sneak Stunts onto my brothers girlfriends computer and drive this test replay. I am totally going to win on this track, so you might as well all give up right now
Mingvawow, BonzaiJoe is furious
Oct 12
DieselJoeOh, yeah, Indy rocks!
Oct 13
Stunts OracleNo message was entered...
UsrinHappy name-day, CTG! :-)
Akoss PooHappy nameday CTG!
Bonzai JoeKarman?
UsrinKAAAAAALMAAAAAAN!!!!!! (Sorry, there are no accents on this keyboard...)
Bonzai JoeNo message was entered...
Oct 14
Krys TOFF1st try. I like the indy sooooo much that I did a time faster than Gutix ! Until he improves...
Akoss PooHave you ever been banned from forum? I did it! I think I deserve +1 point in the championship
Justice bonus
Oct 15
CTG/me retired...
CTGOr not...
Oct 16
CTGCome on Krys, follow me...
Oct 17
CTGI have still an idea how to overtake Rotoi...
Bonzai JoeWelcome back CTG! You are still in good shape I see...
Krys TOFFAlan said it would be a shame to do more than 1:20, I obey and do just the time needed :-D
Krys TOFFI just cannot stay behind Akoss and Mingva anymore. Beware Alan Oracle Rotoi, you are trapped between Damage Inc. racers ! Your fate is sealed. :-D
CTGHeeeeeeeeeeeeey Krys...
Oct 18
Bonzai JoeNo message was entered...
Stunts OracleNo message was entered...
Bonzai JoeNo message was entered...
Stunts OracleI guessed you dont like who hides times...
Stunts OracleI forgot to say... "weak human"
Oct 19
Bonzai JoeNo message was entered...
Stunts OracleMust I interpret that I was right?
Bonzai JoeYes, I decided not to hide my time - now go ahead and beat me
Stunts OracleIt was not my idea make you show your time. Anyway to make a faster time I must race from the beginning again, I should find the time to do it and I will need a checkpoint system.
CTGOnly 1:15? Pfffffff, you are really slow...
Oct 20
CTGUSC is back! Visit the site NOW!
Oct 21
Bonzai JoeThe USC site is not working for me at the moment. The head loads, but then the rest of the site fails and the "This page cannot be displayed" message comes up after about 20 seconds.
CTGwhich address?
- doesn`t work for ages
CTGThe most sure one is
Krys TOFFUSC fastest url for me is
Oct 22
Dark ChaserNo message was entered...
Oct 23
Bonzai JoeVote Kerry, to stop tax cuts for only the richest, and to stop the unemployment rate from touching the sky.
Oct 24
Stunts OracleKerry is as villain as Bush is.
Bonzai JoeI very much disagree... Kerry may not be our dream, but George Bush is controlled by neo-conservatives and major corporations, and he and the whole republican party are sinking the level of debate and sobriety and the most important democracy in the world. I beg you, americans, who are privileged enough to have the right to vote in this election that is important to all of the world, to stop this, and put John Kerry into office.
GutixNo message was entered...
Oct 25
CTGBoth of them just suck... Vote for Osama!!!
CTGNo life here? I`m sooooo sad... :-S
Stunts OracleIf Kerry or Juan Perez is candidate to be president he MUST be backed by neo-conservatives and major corporations. If Bush is a bad guy Level 10, Kerry is a Level 9. It is the same from my point of view.
Bonzai JoeKerry is not backed by neo-conservatives at all. I dont know about the major corporations, but the biggest of them are paying George W. Bushs campaign because he gives them tax cuts. For major corporations, it would be quite stupid to support Kerry. Sure, I would like to see a different president than those two, but it is not the same at all...
Akoss PooWho cares about that shit American president election? Let`s care about our politics!
Stunts OracleThe best episode that would happened to the american POLITICS was the 11-S. They can act with impunity now and "it is not that bad" for the public opinion when they speak about security. We are agree BJ, they are only shit with different smell.
Bonzai JoeAkoss: Your country is at war because of the the American presidential election of 2000. American politics are the whole worlds politics...
CTGAkoss thought on Stunts politics, mike banning people, etc.
CTGlike, not mike. sorry!
Akoss PooNo. This time I thought about EU politics.
UsrinVote for COSTA, and there will be PAPEER (paper) in the BUDEE (toilet)!
UsrinVote for COSTA, and there will be heating on the vehicles of BKV!
1 sec difference...
Böff dampening: < 1dB
UsrinLast but not least: vote for COSTA, and there will be Noja(R) for Akoss Poo!
CTGNo, the real sentence is: vote for COSTA, and there will be Noja(K) for Akoss Poo!
Oct 26
Bonzai JoeNo message was entered...
DieselJoeHahaaa, come on, chase the power of Diesel engines, Chaser!
Akoss PooCTG, please insist on the original sentence, and don`t change it to yourself. There was letter R on Costa`s paper sheets.
Akoss PooAnd of course: vote for Costa (R), and be glad of that not CTG (R) have won!
CTGI said
, notoriginal
... Anyway (K) is true for her, isn`t it? -
Akoss PooI said insist, not use. Yes, she is a bitch.
CTGSier-ra Leone: linguistic joke but not from the bests...
CTGIncredible fight in USC - still waiting for BJ`s and Gutix`s answer...
Oct 27
UsrinWhat is this? No news today? No life here? I must say B?FF!!!
CTGHey Bonzai Joe, your time wasn`t enough to keep the lead on Rozsny?. Try again!
Oct 28
CTGBack to the podium...
Akoss PooNo message was entered...
Akoss PooNo message was entered...
Akoss PooNo message was entered...
Dark ChaserNo message was entered...
Oct 29
Stunts OracleShame on you little human. Come back with a time under 1:10 if you want our respect. You will never beat me. I am the doughter of the Stunts Gods.
CTGHey bitch, suck my Indy!
Oct 31
UsrinNo message was entered...
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