News posted in August 2009
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Aug 1
First of all allow me a personal announcement: our son, Barnabás was born today at 01:42. Mother and son are both feeling well.
But this is not the right place for this, so lets turn back to Stunts. ZCT97 finished with average racer activity and dominated by the Lancia.
However, it was a really interesting race for two reasons: After Paradisio secured the +2 LTB points an intense battle started between three!!! racers for the remaining +1 point. Duplode beat Friker and CTG by some hours, and secured the point in the end.
CTG did not win the LTB, but won the track, breaking Duplode's streak. Congratulations. That means 12 points for him this month.
Duplode came second + earned 1 LTB point, which also totals to 12. And Paradisio finished third, earned 10 points +2 for LTB, also totaling up to 12 points. So we can conclude a triple draw this month.
ZCT98 is called Jazz, and it is designedby the best track designer of the world (quoting myself :)) - JTK. The car percentages bonuses are starting to run wild - the -55 points for the Lancia prove this. So there are a handful of potential cars for this track - hopefully shaking up the scoreboard of August.
Oh, and did I already mention, that the current seasonal rankings are: Duplode 73pts, CTG 72pts. Wow! It's time to fasten the seatbelt and hit the track! -
Zak McKrackenupdate after dinner
Zak McKrackenupdate started. scoreboard final, unconfirmed
Zak McKrackenscoreboard final, confirmed. update in progress
Zak McKrackenupdate done, track available!
Aug 2
AbuRaf70Felicitaciones al flamante papá Zak...!!!
Anonymousoh yeah! im happy to see all great news. heres my listfill
CTGFinally! ZCT78 was so long time ago...
SuperBrianCongratulations CTG and Zak!
Aug 3
DuplodeThe Southern Cross Stunts Trophy has officially begun! Pay it a visit at
CTGDamage Inc is leading!!!
DuplodeNice job Brian!
SuperBrianThank you, but it will probably not last long..
DuplodeDamn, invalid replay... sorry all =X
SuperBrianDriven 1.24.15 Cool
Aug 4
Zak McKrackencorrected
CTGThat's the spirit, Brian!
Aug 5
Bonzai JoeIs the LM002 really better than the Jaguar? I'm still switching computers, so no replays yet. And I'm on Vista now, so maybe no replays ever? Well somehow someday cause I'm not a ceremonial quitter, but situation unclear now. Oh, and I will be away for two weeks. Bye!
SuperBrianI think the LM002 is a bit better than Audi, eventhough I only drove that twice. I haven't tried the Jaguar yet..
DuplodeAs for BJ's question, I'm unsure... LM002 always has the problem of too little margin for improvement, but on a track with so few straights that might not be too much of a concern. The track is rather complex for early decisions though...
SuperBrianJaguar testlap.
Aug 6
CTGBrian's auto trm lap is good!
CTGBut manual gears are slightly better!
SuperBrianWelcome to the scoreboard teammate.
CTGJaguar still has some hidden power.
OverdrijfHé, I'm not even last. That's a relief.
CTGBut you are last but one. Hurry up!
CTGWith your IMSA skills, 57 secs is still available. Or even better.
Aug 7
OverdrijfIt will have to wait a week. I have to go sit on my lazy bum watching others be active in a forest for a while.
Aug 9
CTGB Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö F F ! ! ! Böff dampening: 2.8dB
Aug 10
AbuRaf70Happy Birthday, JTK...!!!
CTGHappy huge steak with 39 candles goes to JTK...
FrikerHappy Birthday, JTK
CTGLM002 is a boring car.
CTGBye-bye Lambo...
Aug 11
CTGStill with auto gears... unbelievable!
Aug 13
DuplodeSeems someone should start speeding soon...
Aug 14
Alan Rotoi^_^.
Zak McKrackenlistfiller
DottoreHoly shit, forgot to take the pendrive with my replay! Maybe at the end of the month, will be away for a few weeks.
Aug 15
AbuRaf70Happy Birthday, Ayrton...!!!
SuperBrianFeliz cumpleaños Ayrton!
Aug 16
ChulkFeliz Cumpleaños (Tardio) AYRTON! Igual aca todavia es 15...
Aug 17
ReigerHi Zak! I startet racing again.... Just for fun.. Not for a serieus time. Greetz, Roy
Aug 18
Friker - wth is this?
Aug 19
DuplodeAs far as our awareness goes, the second-to-last attempt at having a "Brazilian" Stunts Championship. The season was never finished...
Krys TOFFHi all. 1st, felicitations to Zak's family for the nice baby. 2nd hello guys, it seems I finally have some time to get back to "life". 3rd, to answer Friker : it was the 2nd season of Stunts Brazil managed by Dark Chaser, but he had to leave for 2 weeks for his job... And never came back to the community. Seasons were 6 tracks each. 1st season took place in 2004, won by Dark Chaser before Gutix and AbuRaf (aka Baronetti in the scoreboard). I ended 4th a few points behind AbuRaf. Only 4 racers were active on Stunts Brazil anyway : the 4 mentionned above.
Krys TOFF1st thing I'll do now : race SCR before deadline, then race ZS, then re-start FTT. ^_^
Krys TOFFCorrection : 1st season of Stunts Brasil lasted only 3 tracks, 2nd one was expected to last 6 tracks but original 5th track was cancelled and then the 6th track became the official 5th one, but as said before this 5th race and the 2nd season were never officially finished.
DuplodeYay, Krys is back! ^_^
Aug 20
Zak McKrackenwelcome back Krys! We missed you!
AyrtonHi boys, thanks for the greetings!! And congratulations to Zak´s family, i expect to see Barnabás soon in the tracks ;-). Question; the guy that signed "Roy" is the champion of the first season ? :-o Greetings to all racers ...
AyrtonAnd push AbuRaf, push ;-)
AyrtonAnd push AbuRaf, push ;-)
CTGSeems like we have an "everybody appears" comedy. And yes, he says he's that Roy.
Aug 22
OverdrijfIt's not fair, all these people returning, now I'll have to work to be the best racer in my country.
ReigerAnother try... I don't understand those fast times!! Must overlooked a shortcut or something... ;-) Have fun racing!
Aug 23
DuplodeNow that's what I call minimal gap
SuperBrianAuto-gears are not that bad on this track..
CTGOverdrijf: move to China, you will be surely the best racer of a huge country!
I don't feel proud being the best RH racer of Hungary - there are no real opponents here.
(heavy insult against Akoss Poo
CTGBack to this crappy car... well... I hope Jaguar will surpass this time.
ParadisioLet's go back to the leading position
CTGParadisio le van fingva.
Aug 24
ChulkOverdrijf: Try being the best driver in Argentina... specially when Ayrton is around Mission: Impossible
Frikerwho is Reiger? & is he a newbie? probably i will have no better time than this one due lack of time
SuperBrianFriker: As I understand Reiger is Roy Wiegerink (Zakstuntswinner 2001, 3rd 2002) + never raced since, so sort of newbie?
Chulk: It's pretty easy to be the best dane, until BJ appears once in a while. I wonder how he must have felt when I did not drive.
Zak McKrackenReiger (Roy) is of course not a newbie I just forgot to correct his status
Reiger1 final try i think! I'm really curious about the winning replay. Can't wait to see where i lost so much time!
Aug 25
OverdrijfI was really looking forward to getting that JAG out and getting some racing done, but it seems the universe has decided it cannot be, or at least my laptop has. The thing died on me yesterday. So that wraps it up for me this month. I hope my teammates have more luck...
Aug 27
AbuRaf70Happy Birthday, Paleke...!!! Feliz Cumpleaños, Pablito...!!!
Aug 28
DuplodeI was going to race a bit today, but too little sleep last night and too much toying with arc lamps this morning left me with some annoying eye soreness...
Aug 29
Zak McKrackenspeaking about eye soreness, I have the same since a couple of days because of allergy. it sucks
Aug 30
DuplodeHappy birthday, Chulk and vamolo!
Duplode(Oh yes, I realize I should congratulate you only three hours from now under our timezone, but anyway
AbuRaf70Happy Birthday, Vamologocomisso...!!! FELIZ CUMPLE, CHULK...!!!
OverdrijfGuess who found a stunts-compatible computer? Oké, so I'm racing without sound and the enter doesn't work too well, but it's good enough...
OverdrijfAt least Friker will be motivated to overtake me and dstien...
ReigerOne day left
AyrtonFeliz cumpleaños Chulk y vamologo!! que la pasen bien !!
Aug 31
August seemed to be the month of the Lamborghini LM002. It almost was. Bu then, Duplode took out his Jaguar from the garage, and hammered down on JTK's track, leaving nothing for the others, but dust - as he also secured the +2 LTB.
Paradisio came second, with a unique shortcut, but he missed the +1 LTB by a very little margin - which was claimed by CTG, finishing on the third place.
Barely finished. Because SuperbRian was closely up his neck, doing wonders with his auto transmission jeep, and missing his first ZakStunts medal only by 0.05 seconds. Push a little bit more next time, Brian!
I'd like to also note out finisher on the 5th place - who is noone else, but the champion of 2001, Roy, under a new nickname. I must say this is a pretty impressive result after such a long break, so, top drivers, better look out for Roy!
That was ZCT98. And now on to ZCT99, only one step from the magical number...
But let's still focus on 99 for a month. :) The track is made by me, and it's called The Orb. It is supposed to be a faster track, and hopefully it is indeed.
Four cars top the coefficient chart within a four percent margin, so I dare not even guess which one to use. I'll leave it up to you!
The end of the season is closing in, so you all should gather valuable points while you still can...
Fasten your seatbelt, and see you on the scoreboard! -
FrikerFriker's motivation is to beat Zak
Zak McKrackenyes, Friker needs those points badly
Frikeryes youre right
still - in our universe: 4 is more then 0.1
DuplodeLike, are quiet days getting out of fashion?
Zak McKrackenupdate started (parallel with bread baking, so it might take a while...)
Zak McKrackenscoreboard final, unconfirmed
ReigerCongrats duplode!! Can't wait to see your replay
I'm quite happy with my fifth place
Zak McKrackenscoreboard final, confirmed
DuplodeThanks Roy! And mind you, this was a really nice start after such a belated comeback - your motivation is uplifting
ReigerThanks, top 5 great
Hope i can keep this up. I'm really curious about the next track
Zak McKrackenupdate done, track available
ParadisioOuch, Duplode took a nice turn with Jaguar. No surprise I was slower with that car compared to hummer. And I see my rpl wasn't perfect, I missed some time on turns and loop cut. Well, it still wouldn't be enough to win. Nice work, Duplode
ParadisioTest lap on new track. Just for fun
SuperBrianNice replay Duplode and congratulations!
satanziegeNot really back, but a little bit...
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