News posted in July 2024
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Jul 1
Mark NailwoodFirst try
1:11.23 A
Shoegazing LeoThank U all: a song for this track:
Erik BarrosCongratulations @Duplode, @AlanRotoi, @MarkNailwood (Also for promotion!!), @Spoonboy (Who is already a Spoonman) and @Cas!!
Alan RotoiHappy birthday @Frieshansen!!! 😀😀😀
Erik BarrosAlles Gute zum Geburtstag @Frieshansen!!
dreadnautHappy birthday @Frieshansen! 🎂
DuplodeHappy birthday, @Frieshansen! 🎉
SpoonboyHappy Birthday @Frieshansen! 😁🏎🎉
RyomaThis track is fun
OverdrijfHappy birthday @Fries!
Jul 2
Shoegazing LeoHappy Friesday, @Frieshansen!
FrieshansenThank you very much for the congratulations!
Jul 3
CasHappy birthday, @Frieshansen and @CTG!
DuplodeHappy birthday, @CTG!
FrieshansenThanks @Cas and happy birthday @CTG!
Shoegazing LeoBoldog születésnapot, @CTG!
dreadnautHey @CTG, Happy Birthday! 🎉
Jul 4
Erik BarrosHappy birthday, @CTG!
CTGThank you all! ...and just to be authentic: BÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖ[...]ÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖFF!!!
Jul 5
CasFirst very poor blind replay on this track
Jul 7
Jul 8
DuplodeVery nice, @Ryoma! Wonderful range of makes and models for the prototype series
SpoonboyNice stats! These sub-3s ~240kph are a lot of fun if they handle well. Can't wait to try this @Ryoma, please let us know when it is available.
Jul 9
RyomaThanks @Duplode and @Spoonboy. I had not start the I don't know when I will finish it. After, I want to try some GT1.
Jul 10
DuplodeHappy birthday, @HunterBoy344!
FrieshansenHappy Birthday @HunterBoy344!
Gordon FreemanFirst replay!
1:31.86 A
Alan RotoiNext Live race this Sunday 14th of July!!
Time Warp - (2024-07-14)
Erik BarrosHappy Birthday, @HunterBoy344!!!
Erik Barroswelcome aboard @GordonFreeman
Jul 11
Mortimer McMireWelcome @GordonFreeman! And hopefully you will have a fun career on here!
Mortimer McMireAs an exception to (my own) rule I tried an automatic gearbox lap and immediately drove my fastest lap to date. Guess there's still a lot of room for improvement ;-)
1:12.32 A
SpoonboyWelcome @GordanFreeman, in the flesh!
Gordon FreemanThanks for the nice welcome! I guess I don´t stand a chance against you skilled racers!
Spoonboy@GordanFreeman I've only been here one year, but some have raced here for decades! Everyone is welcome, everyone is supported, everyone is pushing to be better. Competition doesn't get much healthier
Rules and tips are available in the menus, and the forums are great to finding out more. I've found that the more involved you get, the faster you get!
Jul 12
HunterBoy344Thank you all who wished me a happy birthday yesterday! Also, welcome @GordonFreeman! I can certainly relate to not doing very well on the scoreboard, but there's so much else to enjoy in the community that it hardly matters at all
Erik Barros@HunterBoy344 we will have a live race in traditional terms this weekend, but when you want to organize an online race you can count on my participation
Gordon Freeman@HunterBoy344 Yes, it seems to be a kind community! @Spoonboy Today I drove a couple of rounds and then I realized that the game offers quite a steering techniqe. As a kid I never noticed that. Then I was able to improve my time, but there is no way to stand a chance against the pro racers ;-)
Jul 13
Alan Rotoi@GordonFreeman ... for now
Erik Barros@MortimerMcMire and @GordonFreeman the community has a YouTube channel, @Overdrijf did a great job with Stunts Pro Academy, if you haven't seen it yet I recommend it, it helped me a lot.
Mortimer McMire@erikbarros Yes, I know about that YouTube Channel. I think I'm even subscribed to it. It's a great way to get to know the basics of Stunts!
Spoonboy@GordanFreeman that's what I thought a year ago
Overdrijf's videos that Erik linked to are very useful. And of course, loading replays from the current scoreboard. Learn how to do some of the tricks you see, and practice. But I've found the real trick is not so much how to be fast, but how to avoid unnecessary slowdowns.
Ryoma@Spoonboy how you avoid slowdown? I always have the feeling to brake too much but if not, I am out....
Spoonboy@Ryoma I find getting a good 'racing line' helps. Wide as possible, hit apexes. This minimises steering inputs. The further your steering goes from central point, the slower you will be...
Gordon Freeman@Spoonboy Thanks for the tip. I just watched the replay from Erik Barros, it´s just insane :-D
Jul 14
Alan RotoiRemember next live race tomorrow, Sunday 14th of July!! We meet here in the chat: 09:00 Buenos Aires 09:00 São Paulo 13:00 London 14:00 Amsterdam 14:00 Rome 14:00 Budapest 22:00 Brisbane Time Warp - (2024-07-14)
dreadnautHappy birthday @afullo! 🎉
afulloThanks @dreadnaut! During the latest months I have been mostly inactive here, but sometimes I still lurk... 🫥
Alan RotoiI'm in the chat now ^_^
DuplodeHappy birthday, @afullo! 🥳
Mortimer McMireDon't know what it is, but somehow this track doesn't suit me that well. But with a lot of grinding I'll get there!
1:11.84 A
afulloThanks @Duplode! We are the same age, again
Shoegazing LeoHappy Birthday, his Roman Holyday, @afullo
dreadnaut⚠️ @MortimerMcMire, sorry, could you re-send your latest replay? It was lost due to some work in progress behind the scenes, now fixed.
Mortimer McMire@dreadnaut Just uploaded it again, but thanks for the heads up anyway. I was just about to report it. Weird things happened when uploading it (screen froze and one upload showed up twice).
dreadnautThank you @MortimerMcMire!
dreadnautNow instead, let's complete the F40 scoreboard
1:27.20 A
Alan RotoiHappy birthday @Afullo
Gordon FreemanDoes anybody else has issues with viewing profiles? Sometimes, even on my own profile, this message appears: Forbidden You don't have permission to access this resource. Apache/2.4.61 (Debian) Server at Port 80
Mortimer McMire@gordonfreeman You’re not the only one. I tried a couple of profiles (including my own) today and got the same message.
Duplode@GordonFreeman and @MortimerMcMire, that issue is a side effect of a server upgrade a little while ago: A fix for it is on the radar.
Jul 15
Erik BarrosHappy Birthday @Afullo!!
afulloThanks, @Leo, @Alan and @Erik! I am in Budapest for a conference, btw...
Jul 19
RyomaThe duel has began....
Mark NailwoodJust for practicing my skills on this track, a non-RH lap.
1:10.31 A
Mark Nailwood... and another one.
1:09.53 A
OverdrijfLooks like this will be the first Zakstunts race in a bit over two years that I miss completely. Didn't find the time. Good luck everyone!
Jul 20
dreadnaut@Overdrijf Not even a list-filler in the next 7 days? 😱
Jul 23
dreadnautHey @SteinViterbo, could you resend your replay? Seems like I left a bug in the code yesterday evening, and your submission was not recorded correctly. Fixed now 🙏
Jul 24
Stein Viterbo@dreadnaut Thanks for letting me know. Here it is... :-)
1:16.02 A
Alan RotoiHey @SteinViterbo yesterday I saw Death Race 2000 thanks to you. Fun and weird movie. We should build some of those customized cars for Stunts. Also weird acting from a young Stallone 😀
Jul 25
Mortimer McMire@AlanRotoi, I watched it yesterday. It was on my watching list for while now after seeing the 2000's reboot movies staring Jason Statham as Frankenstein. Didn't know I would like it so much. It felt a little bit like Wacky Races on steroids! Apparently there's also a sequel called Death Race 2050 made in 2017. If I have to believe the reviews it is as least as good as the original. So I think I know what I'm going to be watching one of the next days!
Mortimer McMireAfter trying and trying I think I finally found where I went wrong on manual transmission on this track. Hopefully I can now get a few faster laps on the board in the last fews days left!
Gordon FreemanAre you guys playing via emulator on a modern computer or on some vintage machine? I´am using a Pentium II for Stunts and many other games from the good ole days 😎
Alan Rotoi@Mortimer cool! I still have to watch the remake. I saw some scenes and the cars looks awesome too. @Gordon I have a modern PC but I use DosBox emulator to play Stunts. Nice you have a Pentium II, win98 and Dos 6.0?
Spoonboy@GordanFreeman cool that you use original hardware! I think @Marco does too. Most probably use modern PC + DOSBox. But @Erik Barros is working on an online instance compatible with Android devices, that will be usable for ZakStunts uploads. And I only play on my Android phone, with Magic DOSBox. Quite a variety of methods!
Gordon Freeman@Alan Yes, I am running Windows 98, but no extra DOS partition. But therefore I have also Win 2000 + XP installed. If I had more room, I would love to get me an 386 oder 486 in a Big Tower... @Spoonboy You are playing Stunts on a phone? I would have said thats unplayable, but your 5th place proofs that its possible ;-)
Spoonboy@GordanFreeman yes I find Magic DOSBox very usable. It runs smoothly and I can configure the keys to the screen in an ergonomic way, so driving becomes second nature. It can be hard to get PC time at home, so this has been game changing for me!
Jul 26
dreadnautHappy Birthday @ErikBarros! 🎉
Stein ViterboDidn't improve my position but it's a better time in a different car. Also, glad you guys like DR2K. It's a crazy classic 1970s movie. Next time you see a pedestrian crossing the street in front of you, you know what the score is! haha :-D
1:15.83 A
FrieshansenFeliz aniversário @ErikBarros!
DuplodeHappy birthday, @ErikBarros!
SpoonboyHappy Birthday @ErikBarros!
Alan RotoiHappy birthday @ErikBarros!!
Mortimer McMireHappy Birthday @ErikBarros!!!
Erik BarrosThank you guys!!!!
Jul 28
dreadnautQuiet replays published!
Alan RotoiCongrats @Duplode and @Spoonboy! There is a thight battle between @Spoonboy, @Zapper, @Frieshansen and @MarkNailwood! The best of the season no doubt!
SpoonboyCongratulations to @Duplode and @AlanRotoi! And to @GordanFreeman for the amateur podium! Great early battle, with plenty of work later. Very happy with my jumps.
DuplodeThanks! Much of the credit here goes to @Spoonboy, who pushed me to be bolder on the l/r corks. Strong, season best results from @ErikBarros and @Ryoma, and a very nice top 10 debut from @GordonFreeman!
Gordon Freeman@Duplode & @Spoonboy Thank you, it was really a pleasure racing with or against you all! It became quite intense on the last days, some of you guys seem to have no mercy 😎 I´m looking forward for the next track!
dreadnautScoreboard confirmed, and replay pack ready for download. Congratulations to @Duplode, @AlanRotoi, and @Spoonboy 👏
Mortimer McMireCongratulations on all the winners! And of course a special congrats to @GordonFreeman on his first podium in the amateur league in his first race! Unfortunately I've been the "victim" of your need to prove yourself by 0.07 seconds, but I'll get you next race
Alan Rotoi@dreadnaut, is there a track available or they forgot to send a track?
Jul 29
dreadnautAlmost ready, I think there was one last tweak in progress.
Jul 30
dreadnautSo, well... I got confused 😅 I was talking to @ErikBarros about his track, and didn't realise it was meant for the next race. But @GTAManRCR is not around, so Erik's gets promoted
Enjoy ZCT277!
Shoegazing LeoThe track in the replay doesn't match the one for this race
Alan RotoiThanks @dreadnaut! BTW It does not allow to upload replays
Erik BarrosCongratulations @Duplode, @AlanRotoi, and @Spoonboy!! Also @Ryoma and @GordonFreeman!!
Alan RotoiVery good track @ErikBarros! A great potential for study. A lot of tricks and shortcuts to be discovered.
RyomaI propose to be the only one to be able to upload a replay lol
dreadnautArgh, double messed up with the 278-277 mistake. @Ryoma, you should now be able to upload replays 👍 (others as well, sorry
Mortimer McMireMmm, just tried a test upload. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but it still says the replay doesn't match the race.
Alan RotoiI can't
Maybe it allows new replays from now on?
Mortimer McMire@AlanRotoi, I thought of that to. So I tried re-downloading the track and driving a new unique lap. But it still gives the same message.
Mortimer McMire@AlanRotoi, I thought of that to. So I tried re-downloading the track and driving a new unique lap. But it still gives the same message.
dreadnautI've deleted the track and re-added it. To make sure everything is in line again, please re-download the track and race on the new file 🙏
Gordon Freeman@Mortimer McMire We will see, I will do my best to finish again in the top 10 ;-) @all Are the car coefficients somehow calculated for each track? And what does the "This race only -10%" for the T-Bird mean?
dreadnautThe bonus of a car increases every race, until someone uses to reach the podium. When that happens, it loses an amount of points proportional to the position. Track authors can also apply +10/-10 points at their discretion. For all the details, have a look at the rules:
Gordon Freeman@dreadnaut Thank you!
Jul 31
Ryoma@Spoonboy Congratulations for become professional. You are very speed. Maybe an overall victory this year ?
RyomaDelta or Countach ?
Spoonboy@Ryoma thankyou! I am very proud to have progressed to this level. It is the spirit of friendly rivalry and competition in this group that has encouraged me to learn and find new ways to improve. I stand on the shoulders of giants
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