News posted in July 2009
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Jul 1
DuplodeThank you Mingva and Alan, this is really a very enjoyable victory to me... but c'mon guys, how come did you let CTG run with second place like that?
DuplodeAnd congratulations to Zak for the solid 4th place!
And BTW JoSi's replay has a very stylish finish...
Gonna test the new track now!
Zak McKrackenyes, I also liked how JoSi stopped at the end
and of course I am glad to deliver points to Cork! -
OverdrijfI'dd almost get tempted to try and go with the jaguar on this one...
OverdrijfIf you don't count zct97, we're tied with meganium.
Frikertry lancia
OverdrijfHuhuh, no skyline then.
OverdrijfOké, but that was a bit of a faster first try than the jag one. Even for me it's probably faster in the end...
CTGquick first try with auto gears
CTGhey, aburaf is ahead of me...
CTGThat looks better.
CTGBtw this Double D thing sounds like a very cool bra size.
Frikeri dont like zak being before my majesty
Frikerill be off from 6. so here is my present
Frikerbtw - now the visual scoreboard looks like VT (with a little imagination) - my initials
Jul 2
OverdrijfGo Friker!
Frikeri dont think my leading will last for a long time so im fully enjoying it
Frikeryou could also give me a little present - do not post faster replay unit 17. when i come back
Pitmani like the name of the track :-)
OverdrijfAnd it's about time you guys start racing again, so use it as motivation.
Alan RotoiNice time Friker
DuplodeYup, that is a very fine start by Friker
Jul 3
AbuRaf70Happy Birthday, CTG...!!!
DuplodeHappy birthday PPV!
Alan RotoiEu odeio CTG!!!!!! Happy birthday!
FrikerHappy Birthday, Peter.
Jul 5
Alan RotoiThese are quiet days
ParadisioMy first leading hour
Anonymousuh oh..
Frikeras you wish..
CTGSeems like a good lap. Probably I missed something in my first semi-serious try.
Friker1. :-/ i hate quiet days.. and this is really like them.. everyone is online and everyone is silent.. 2. and yes CTG - you missed something - as you can see it is not hard to figure it out
3. im off until 17th so DO NOT RACE & send better replays!!
goodbye and bad luck to all except my teammates
Jul 6
Overdrijf*Takes second place in the great league of second places.*
SuperBrianLate happy birthday CTG and congratulations with the victory Duplode. I'm sorry I did not meet you at Roskilde BJ.. :/ Anyway, I'll be back later this week.
OverdrijfFirst person in in less then a minute. I just love this car...
OverdrijfParadisio's time should be erased, cause Para beat Friker, and I can never do that wihout cheating, so Para must have cheated. [/waterproof evidence]
DuplodeI enjoy watching this race
SuperBrianI just had time for one lap.
SuperBrianAnd a small improvement..
SuperBrianOh wrong one..
Jul 7
DuplodeCorrelating with Overdrijf's latest news post ^_^ : 2004-02-12 Mingva My time 1:14.00 is illegal. Don't count it
OverdrijfGood time Ice, with LM with only 3% extra bonus.
ParadisioMr. Friker, you should be away until 17th
Jul 9
UsrinForever Audi!
(After Skoda...)
CTGYep, too bad you killed Audi for Z97 with your latest 12th place...
Jul 10
OverdrijfNo, thank you for that. If you hadn't disqualified the audi then I never would have been able to keep up so far with the jaguar.
Jul 12
OverdrijfBy the way, team avarage Joe has been making a full split on he scoreboard for a while now, I wonder which driver will leave their end of the board first...
Jul 13
UsrinSorry, it's a part of my tactics.
Well, I think Lancia would fit better this track even with equal bonuses.
DuplodeUsrin Z96 lap probably means a Jaguar race in Z98. I guess that will be a good thing, after all...
DuplodeAnd yes, I'm still around...
ParadisioBad news for me, Duplode returned from vacation
Jul 14
IceIm getting closer Overdrijf
Bonzai JoeAt least I'm not here.
OverdrijfHé, what's up with the alfabethic order? I had that time first!
Jul 17
SuperBrianMaybe I should start driving again. I love the car and the track, so it would be stupid not to..
Zak McKrackenThat's the spirit
Frikerhello im back - nice activity from our team - i like it
exhausted, too tired and in bad mood im gonna sleep - bye
Jul 18
OverdrijfThat first one I posted is false, I pressed escape before one second after the finish had passed, so it's too quick. On a side note: your turn Ice.
Jul 20
DuplodeThanks AbuRaf
And BTW, didn't someone have a birthday at some day close to Apollo 11 commemorations?
Frikermy first LTB point is gone
CTGUnless Mingva helps you to keep it.
Jul 21
Frikerdo not be cruel, please!
AbuRaf70Happy Birthday, Krys...!!!
FrikerHappy Birthday, Krys.
CTGHappy International Viagra Day!
Jul 23
Frikerno podium for me :-/
Bonzai Joe...unless you race hard, push your limits, beat the opponents and get a well-deserved podium spot! ... but I don't recommend it - there are better things in life :-)
Frikerlike be with friends, visit spots you like and want to visit and travel to some distant and beautiful places
im leaving tommorow morning and ill be back on sunday or monday
Frikerstill you could leave 3rd place for me
Bonzai JoeHave a great trip then! Post pictures in the forum. Not sure about 3rd place. I feel like I should try to beat Mingva. I feel like this is an attack on 2003 Bonzai Joe. I can't just sit back in 2009 Bonzai Joe style.
CTGI felt like loving LM002 for two minutes...
Jul 24
CTGErm... böff?
CTGBack to podium?
CTGJust to be under 1:10.
CTGJust to be under 44.00
CTGI miss a trick for sure. Under normal conditions, I would lead in this part of the race (when DUP is hiding his best).
CTGFriker: cross the fingers, I can save your LTB if I keep improving...
Bonzai JoeI must also be missing something. Maybe I should not have waited 10 seconds before starting to drive? :-( It's confusing. You should send your 35.17, CTG, time hiding is no fun.
CTGYou underestimate my skills. 35.17 won't be enough to win.
Jul 26
Frikerhmm.. ive lost LTB point anyway
CTGNot yet.
Jul 27
FrikerI had a dream about 1:03.45 Duplodes winning time.. strange..
FrikerI limber up and today I was shocked when I was going back to home - I saw parked Ford Ranger - quite unnatural to see it in our town & never seen by me before
- I was NOT dreaming
Zak McKrackenlol
did you tell the driver that he should drive a Lancia Delta instead, as its bonus is much better this month?
CTG1:03.45? LOL! That's already impossible, I have a lot better than that.
CTG(of course hidden)
CTG(of course I lied)
CTG(or not)
CTGnope, this was my final replay
DuplodeJust saying hi again to everyone after another week, no replays in my pendrive this time...
CTGDUP: I hope you will say the same right before deadline...
Jul 28
Frikeroh yeah! maybe next month
DuplodeAt least it will be damn close regardless of which of the three of us gets it
FrikerI am a dumbass.. I should say to my girlfriend that she had to post replay after 20:00 (on 7th) - during night I could earn another at least 15 - 20 hours which would be enough..
nevermind. next time with slow car and such a good slow track made for me i will do better
Jul 30
SuperBrianDamn, I really had no time to drive through this summer and then I found out that I had lost my formerly best time on this track, but maybe that was for the best.
Jul 31
as it looks like our baby will be born tonight. -
FrikerIm going to a next "more-than-2" days trip. goodbye. see you on the next track
CTGMingva already sent a hidden time.
CTGToo bad I won't race more.
CTG(too bad my 50 percent performance is not enough to beat mingva)
CTGNo time to restart the lap... :-S Probably my final time is on the scoreboard.
CTGFUCK!!! :@ Forgot to click out the Scoreboard thing...
CTGI wonder about Mingva's time...
CTGWhere's Duplode?
CTGIs he hiding for the very last minute?
CTGI guess Duplode played out the "edge of the bridge" card and he wins heavily. Or Mingva. Or BJ. Or Rotoi. Or Argammon. Or Alain. Or Friker. Or Ayrton. Or Gutix. Or Usrin. Or Leo Ramone!
CTGNo need to hide anyway. I won't be better than 2nd. 4th-5th place is more realistic.
CTGThat's what I call a last minute replay!
DuplodeFirst post from home in about 25 days... congratulations CTG for beating me - thankfully I managed to snatch at least LTB this time with my, should I say, bluff
CTGIf Duplode is not tricking now, he's winning streak is over. Question is: the formerly listed racers or me?
CTGNice bluff anyway... I don't really care about LTB, it's for those who can complete a full season. I can't. :-S
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