News posted in June 2009
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Jun 1
Alan RotoiHere we have an excellent track!
Bonzai JoeLet's see if some people will drive the Jeep even on this track :-)
ChulkCorvette + AC/DC song! Count me in!
CTGDUP's winning replay contained the trick I knew - BJ can prove it as I mentioned him this possibility when I saw the Cork times. Too bad I had no motivation to race at the end. And too bad #2: I'll miss the race of June.
DuplodeWe knew you knew, and we knew you'd make us all know you knew after knowing what I knew to do my replay
DuplodeBut too bad you won't race in June
Thankfully Rotoi will be here to cover your inactivity at the podium fight
CTG(translation of my words, version A: I hate fast Corvette tracks and I'm afraid of finishing only 6th, so I leave out ZCT96; version B: I'll hide my time in the whole month and send only during the quiet days)
Jun 2
CTG1 track, 7 racers, 4 different time results, 3 winners - that's all you have to know about Zólyom track... CRAZY!!!
CTGRotoi's activity is so inspirating but I have to resist - no race in June!
CTGkeep it back, keep it back, keep it back...
CTGtoo hard...
CTGyes, i'm drunk
Alan Rotoijajaja CTG! Don't drive if you're drunk
DuplodeAnd I'm on a break.
CTGAnd I'm not sleeping!
Alan RotoiCool!
CTGRotoi really pushed down the leading time in the first days... Probably he'll be the leader right before the quiet days too.
SuperBrianAuto gear-driving weee..
Jun 3
Frikercongrats to Duplode, i knew your way but it was impossible to do with ranger and i hate IMSA and i didnt have enough time to race. but some day in some universe - ill beat you
CTGMea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa... I couldn't resist and will burn in hell.
Alan RotoiWe know you'll race seriously the whole month/track
Alan Rotoi
Alan Rotoi
Alan RotoiIt's your destiny Luke...
CTGNot the whole month, those times are really over. Probably 2 serious runs, one of them a few days before deadline.
OverdrijfI'm sorry, I just didn't get to that promised replays.
CTG(number of runs is not equal to the number of replays sent - you can brake at the end...
CTGJust a little work for Mr. Osuna!
CTGI wonder if Ayrton would be able to beat the current times with another car or "only" Corvette?
Jun 4
SuperBrianLast year Ayrton won a track with Lancia, but everyone drove Lancia, - well except me even though Lancia is my favourite car. :-/
SuperBrianI'm on fire! Hmm, I got to study for my exam, but I always do it the last day..
Jun 5
CTGExams are always very good motivation for pro racing!
SuperBrianStunts are always very good motivation for exams..
Bööff! / Si sehadak..
Jun 7
JoSiAny hints how to drive the last corners and around the ramp properly?
Alan RotoiCut it as fast as you can
Jun 8
CTGSleepy race... BJ, Duplode, Rotoi, Friker: you can beat my time easily. Come on!
DuplodeWell, I did mean it when I mentioned having entered a break
We have a short holiday by the end of the current week, though, so there is a fair chance I will try something before the midpoint of the month...
Frikeroh yeah!
Jun 9
AbuRaf70Happy birthday, Fredmen67...!!!
SuperBrianHappy birthday Fred!
DuplodeHappy b-day, Fredmen...
ChulkHappy birthday, Fred!
Jun 10
SuperBrianAnd happy birthday Duplode!
CTGHappy D-day... erm... nope, it was 6th June... happy b-day, Buplode!
Bonzai JoeHappy birthday Dupsky.
AbuRaf70Happy Birthday, Duplode...!!!
ChulkHappy birthday DD! Promise to send you (or here) a gift before next week!
ChulkI have to wrap it up first... hehe
Jun 11
DuplodeThank you all, fellows
CTGWarning! If you let CTG leading for another 25 hours, he'll surely get +1 LTB. If you let it for 125 hours, +2 goes to him. RACE!!!
CTG(Duplode, BJ, Rotoi: feel free to think it's a message for you
Bonzai JoeMaybe I should bring out Rijad BJ. Nice tests, CTG...
Bonzai JoeTest lap
CTGThanks BJ!
CTG Cool marquee effects!
CTGAfter midnight we can say LTB won't go to BJ and Duplode. Just BJ + somebody or Duplode + somebody...
CTGOr somebody + somebody
(what a conclusion, LOL!)
DuplodeI am supposed to start racing by this weekend but I'm in such a lazy mood
Jun 12
DuplodeOkay, okay: after 11 days without touching Stunts, a warm-up
DuplodeAfter warming up, I feel quite comfortable
CTGNow we also know CTG won't win this race. No more replays.
Jun 13
SuperBrianWelcome Paradisio, now Zak has to find a Belize-flag, too.
SuperBrian4 minutes to Le Mans..
Alan RotoiTwo minutes to midnight!
Jun 14
Alan RotoiAnother ghost CTG?
SuperBrianWow, I thought that my auto-time was okay, but I don't like to be overtaken by a newbie.. Hmm gotta train some more, but I think I got one beer too much..
OverdrijfJust a little apology for not being here yet: I'll be extra active in the second half (compared to last month at least).
CTGanother rotoi ghost?
CTGI wonder if the belize guy has a valid replay.
Bonzai JoeOh stop it...
CTGStop what? I was away during this weekend (from Saturday 9 am to Sunday 6 pm) without internet connection. Or do you say I asked my secret brother in Belize to send in my replays? LOL. I'm fed up with your "everybody is CTG's ghost" bullshit and I'm fed up with "put a crimp in CTG's stlye" (shitting on teamwork during my Cork's membership but pushing Duplode now, or little things fucking up the xxxxxth message thing, opening Sports 2009 topic even if I said the closure is temporary, just to annoy me and side with Akoss - don't say you always wanted to write about TDF on this Saturday...). Think whatever you want to think (democracy is crap), but stop insulting me with that. Same goes for the dog, creator of Dayan.
CTGNow I feel like deleting my Forum account and never come back to Stunts. If I feel still the same after the last round of job interviews tomorrow then I'll do it. Zak has the knowledge in his hands to prove this whatever is not my ghost, maybe he also has the method to find out who is him in reality but I guess he won't ever tell you because everybody wants to see me guilty.
Jun 15
DuplodeOr you'll just realize you were in a very bad mood tonight and we'll all understand there is no need for escalating this further...
CTGDon't think so. I'll be in even worse mood as I won't get the job. I know it.
Zak McKrackenI can not actively work with the site this week as I am living at my mothers due to flat renovation. Will try to solve this issue from workplace though
Zak McKrackenBy the way you may check the ghost database dump anytime here: [ page removed ]
Zak McKrackenI know who Paradisio is. He is not from Belize but not a ghost.
CTGGood to know I'm not Paradisio.
CTGGhost page: "due to personal rights this site is restricted for admin use." Good for me, it won't ever turn out that I'm Ayrton.
Alan Rotoi"You aren't. You aren't as good as Ayrton is", Alain would say
SuperBrianOkay, I admit it, I'm Ayrton. Only playing when I know I can win with more than 1:50 sec.
Jun 16
CTGLet's shake it up a bit!
CTG(DUP, BZJ, ROT, PAR, FRI: you don't have to take the lead, really!
CTGÁ laisvæ mums Leninas nuðvietë kelià, Padëjo kovoj didi rusø tauta. Mus Partija* veda á laimæ ir galià, Tautø mûs draugystë kaip plienas tvirta.
PitmanHere is a fine small game which i like against boredom:
CTGSeems like a not so friendly link...
Bonzai JoeReally?
Bonzai JoeTben let's spam it away
Bonzai JoeFrom the front page.
Bonzai JoeLike this.
Bonzai JoeSee?
Bonzai JoeEasy...
DuplodeIt seems CTG meant "not so friendly link" only in the literal sense, not in the "harmful link" one...
DuplodeOh by the way: I had no intention of entering a leading duel right now... :rolleyes:
CTGSure I meant the 666 and brute part as strange, not clicked on it to check the content. Duplode: no problem, I won't sleep worse if you don't send an improvement tonight.
CTGBtw +1 LTB in the pocket.
Jun 17
The automatic update of seasonal results is currently not working because of technical reasons. The updates will be automatic again from next week. Until then, the tables are updated manually. You may also update the table yourself anytime, by running this script, and then returning to the scoreboard.
Frikeri was complaining about everything - in 1st track about "dirty curves" in 2nd about the Speedgate and IMSA cars in 3rd about bad handling in 4th about Nissan in 5th about shortcuts and teamwork.. now its powergear which is annoying :-/ -> but - these all facts make my racing even more challanging and wonderfull
so keep suprising me
Frikerbtw whats wrong with updating current standings?
CTGZzZzZzZzZzZ... (don't dare to attack my time!!!
DuplodeThat's the spirit, Friker!
DuplodeI think it would be fair to retro-spam Pitman's innocent link: . And Chulk's too:
Jun 18
CTGA new team appeared silently: Average Joe...
DuplodeThat is sure an interesting development - congratulations for the initiative!
Jun 19
Alan RotoiI'll make some advertising about zakstunts on the abandonware community "La cueva de los clásicos" where 4dsl was hosted once.
Zak McKrackenThank you for helping advertising ZakStunts! If you need any help from me, just tell.
CTGI'm okay with Rotoi's leading.
Alan RotoiOh thank you mighty CTG (?)
CTGI mean you are not disturbing my +2 LTB plans...
CTG222 hours left to quiet days, I have 276 hours, you have 37. Only Duplode's first place would be bad for me.
Alan RotoiThe macho racers does not care about LTB
CTGLike Duplode and BJ?
CTGBut I still like to be ahead, so...
Alan Rotoijajaja yeah, that's the way.
DuplodeI was going to make a happy little post on how I planned to wake up and race a bit on the weekend but then I realized I may stay offline for the weekend due to technical troubles... =X
Jun 20
CTGCome on Rotoi, take the lead!
Jun 21
Alan RotoiAs you wish
But I must race again jaja
Alan RotoiDone
ParadisioWaiting to see your replays with unique tricks. It's hard to believe such times are possible to improve for you so easily.
CTGFrom now all I have to do is waiting ang hiding.
CTGMingva: this is not the track of unique tricks. You can make some tricks with the first cork to win some speed, you can cut the big corner - small corner part (on the water) with some expert aerial Stunts (I won't, no time for that) and you need a good angle/height of jumping when arriving to the very last part. That's all.
Jun 22
Paradisiooh, probably I miss those seconds in that 180deg corner only
Unless you have power gear after the cork/bridge.
CTGFor me: no powergear there, no cut at the 180 degree corner part. Just drive faster!
Alan RotoiI crash a sign in my oficial replay jaja.
CTGYou bastard!!!
DuplodeBack online after 64 hours. Seems I missed the LTB train already...
Alan RotoiThere is no way that skid finishes a lap
Alan RotoiThere is no way that skid finishes a lap
Jun 23
Alan RotoiProfile updated
I love to read them ^_^.
CTGWhooo, Duplode is coming!
Alan Rotoibye bye LTB
Alan RotoiLet's get the thing interesting
OverdrijfI thought I'dd have more time this month, but here finally is my first test replay. This should force me to do some racing.
Jun 24
CTGWatch out Roteiro!
DuplodeThis is the proverbial uphill struggle...
Jun 25
CTGIs it my turn now?
CTGIs it unfair to wait until Rotoi has the sure LTB point?
CTG(okay, I have to bullets at the moment
OverdrijfLet the games begin.
Alan RotoiGood improvement, you are 1st on newbie league! Keep racing the deadline is near
Frikerouch this hurts
im off next 3 days
we shall see what can i do in last 2 days...
Frikerstill i dont let you lead
Frikerthis one looks better
OverdrijfI'll beat you tomorrow, someone just used a 3 sentence mail to give me anoter night of work.
Frikerouch! hmm.. so good luck i wish you
Jun 26
Alan RotoiHappy birthday Bonzai Stallin' Joe
Alan RotoiI mean Joe Stallin' Bonzai
Alan RotoiI mean Jacky
FrikerHappy birthday!
Alan RotoiWhat do you think about another 4dsl season?
ChulkHB BJ!
Chulk(Shortest congratulations post ever, hehehehe)
CTGHappy you know what for you know who!
CTGError anyway... "Warning: mysql_fetch_row(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/virtual-ftp/stunts/zak/login.php on line 80"
AbuRaf70Happy Birthday, Bonzai Joe...!!!
AbuRaf70Pato: Entendí mal o estarías dispuesto a organizar otra competencia 4dsl...? Yo no me puedo olvidar de que me inicié a correr en Stunts, precisamente en tu competencia,y desde luego me gustaría mucho participar de nuevo.
Alan RotoiExacto, estoy barajando la idea de organizar otra competición. Me encantaría que participes. La idea es que sea dirigida a la comunidad ya establecida y no crear una nueva comunidad como fue la idea inicial de 4dsl, ya que en este momento solo hay una sola competición activa.
DuplodeHappy birthday Jacob!
Jun 27
AbuRaf70Sería espectacular tener otra competencia más, ya que por el momento tenemos solamente la de Zak, que nos aguanta desde hace tantos años...
Zak McKrackena complete redrive with still much work to do
Zak McKrackenthis will do it
Bonzai JoeThank you! Happy un-birthday to every one of you. May you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed my birthday.
Jun 29
DuplodeAfter eleven days, Internet access at home was finally restored, so I can return to my usual posting habits...
DuplodeIt would be nice to see any Kc members before the deadline. Or Doc. Or Chulk. Or...
Zak McKrackenLTB bonuses awarded to CTG (+2) and Alan Rotoi (+1)
CTGAccording to Rotoi's previous opinion, he's not a macho racer at all...
UsrinBÖFF from Norway!
Zak McKrackencould you please send some salmon?
ChulkI'll be on scoreboard... It's just that it was difficult to race on weekend because I a had 39º fever...
Jun 30
June passed with the speed of a lightning, and our flat is finally renovated. Oh, that is another story... :)
The Corvette race probably brought back motivation for some racers - or perhaps the weather did, it does not matter that much. What matters, that we have seen a fierce battle for the leading time, and for the podium as well. The LTB battle was won by CTG, overtaking the comebacker Alan Rotoi, who earned +1, leaving Duplode without LTB this time.
Looks like Double D got angry, because as an answer, he swept down the other two racers from the top of the podium with an astonishing time, securing his third ZakStunts victory! Congratulations!
However, taken LTB into consideration, the absolute winner of the track is CTG, earning 13 points together with the bonus, while Duplode earned 12. Alan Rotoi got 11 points together with the LTB, securing the third place both on the real podium and the LTB corrected one.
Half the season is already gone, and three racers battle for the seasonal podium with 50 or 51 REAL points. Bonza Joe, Duplode and CTG. One of them will probably win the season. Will this be a second victory for someone, or will we see a new champion? Who knows...
Looking a bit below, the rocket-newbie Friker was finally battled by another racer, Overdrijf. Will we see him win the newbie race the next time? We'll see.
The opportunity is here, and it is called "The Pit". After the powergear fun of ZCT96, expect a track with lots of turns and some braking, but -hopefully- remaining a dynamic challenge. My bet is on the Lancia, as Usrin knocked down the Audi bonus with his 12th place. Well, its up to you!
Enjoy the summer (winter) holidays, but when its raining or you have some free time at home, fasten your seatbelt, and see you on the scoreboard! -
FrikerMy first hidden replay
this will be hard night for me.. btw - nice news: 2006-05-17 PedroAntonio Let's try manual
Friker.. or day - im tired
CTGDue to some personal problems I can't improve today. I'm really sorry about it, I felt the power to make a damned strong replay on this track. So come on Rotoi, you can do it!
Frikersame for me :-/ but i think it is enough to be first in the newbie league again
OverdrijfI think so too.
OverdrijfBy the way, the team scoreboard seems to be out.
Frikerwhat happened to BJ? Overdrijf - check forum
CTGDamn it... I tried to race at the university (last day before the new workplace) but from now there are some other people around, I can't continue. And still no internet connection at the hostel...
CTGNot a big shot anyway, 0.15 seconds better in the first half of the track - and faster by 10 mph.
DuplodeFriker: BJ is away-ish and unable to race since June 22nd. As for me, I am currently too busy with Quantum Chemistry exercises, so all I can do now is sit and watch closely
CTGLast day prediction: 1 Duplode, 2 Rotoi, 3 Bonzai Joe, 4-5 Mingva and CTG (the good old friendship
). Last lap sent in hidden mode, not for the victory but looking back in the mirror to see the upcoming opponents...
UsrinZak: I'll be away for two weeks... erm, two months. So salmon can be carried in September.
CTGZak: could you please check if the finish of my latest hidden replay is valid or not? It's not crossing the finish line (only touching the square of the finish), but replay finished without penalty time.
CTGProblem solved, now it has a better ending.
CTGjust for fun
CTGjust for fun #2
CTGUsrin was right, Audi fits this track better. I enjoyed this 7 mins RH try...
Zak McKrackenupdate will take place on schedule. As far as I remember, you must not cross the finish line. The only restriction is, that you have to cross the square from the right direction.
CTGThanks for the info, since that I solved that with crossing the line too...
Alan RotoiCool! I had the same question
CTG(it was an obvious and quite easy ending, dunno why I did not use it earlier)
Zak McKrackenunexpected guests, a bit delay, sorry!
Zak McKrackenupdate started. scoreboard final, unconfirmed
Zak McKrackenscoreboard confirmed, all replays are valid. progressing with update
dstienOh, snap! I forgot June has only 30 days. Weak start for "Average Joe" on my behalf.
Zak McKrackenupdate done, track available
Zak McKrackendstien - do you want me to send you a reminder every month before quiet days?
dstienOh, snap! I forgot June has only 30 days. Weak start for "Average Joe" on my behalf.
dstienOoops, sorry. I hit refresh and accidentaly double-posted.
dstienZak: Auto reminder, that would be a nice feature addition for version 8.
Alan RotoiI must congratulate Duplode. It's an excellent replay and I guess he won in every checkpoint of the track.
ParadisioIsn't it 3rd victory for Duplode in ZakStunts?
Zak McKrackensorry, my mistake. correcting
Zak McKrackenthe jaguar might be competitive
Zak McKrackencompared to the lancia
Paradisiowow, congrats to BJ and especially to Duplode. He drove the end part I noted in my track picture but couldn't to produce. I thought it's impossible to make such turns in power gear. hmm, I was wrong. Couldn't imagine about shortcut before sharp turn on water.
ParadisioI think it will be a race for miliseconds
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