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Jun 1

  • ZCT51 statistics (an intresting one!) are now available. Check quickly, and rush back driving! You won't beat me anyway.
  • CTG
    UnskilledStunts Championship's 3rd season stared with Alkmaar track! Visit my site and join the contest!
  • Argammon
    First try,the track is hard Smiley
  • alain
    last month competition was super!!! i like when gutix wins, i like when meganium is playing well and i beat argammon, my favorite opponent. more: I earned more points for the 2005 title Smiley
  • alain
    happy birthday umberto
  • CTG
    I can only join Alain: happy birthday and long live, Umberto! Smiley
  • CTG
    Not my car... :-S
  • DieselJoe
    Back from hell!
  • CTG
    Welcome back DJ! I hope you'll join USC 2005/2006 too!
  • DieselJoe
    Check your mails! Wink
  • CTG
    Checked and added to official racers. Smiley
  • DarkChaser
    About ZCT51: Congrats, Gutix!!! You are the best!!! But... 1:10.80 for Chulk? 1:11.20 for Ayrton? And 1:21.25 fot Aburaf Huh? Something is wrong. What is the magic Huh? ;o)
  • DarkChaser
    About ZCT51: Congrats, Gutix!!! You are the best!!! But... 1:10.80 for Chulk? 1:11.20 for Ayrton? And 1:21.25 for Aburaf Huh? Something is wrong. What is the magic Huh? ;o)
  • CTG
    Darkie: Yes, something is strange in this situation. Cork locked my mouth in gho... Meganium topic, so I can't say any spicy insults about this! Wink
  • CTG
    Still kidding
  • CTG
    Well done Gutix, I admire you replay!
  • DarkChaser
    Let'go Damage!!! Let's go Krys, Diesel and Leo... We can defeat our adversaries! We can be heroes! ;op
  • DarkChaser
    Lets'go Damage!!! Let's go Krys, Diesel and Leo... We can defeat our adversaries! We can be heroes! ;op
  • alain
    whats wrong about the meganium darkie Huh? do like me: open their replays and LEARN Smiley
  • alain
    thanks for the fast z51 analysis zak
  • CTG
    YYYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSS!!! Gy?ri Graboplast ETO KC (women handball club) won the championship. Cup winner, champion and EHF Cup 2nd place in the same year! Cornexi just sux! Smiley
  • HappyWorm
    my first sent in replay Smiley
  • Argammon
    Not my kind of track...

Jun 2

  • DieselJoe
    Happy birthday Thomas! Smiley
  • Anonymous
  • CTG
    Happy Birthday, Dinmor! I wish a huge barell of Borsodi Beer for you! Smiley
  • Krys TOFF
    Happy birthday Dinmor. ;-)
  • alain
    ah debugging!!! (remember the time when we checked gwbasic code lines and basic on 8 bits systems like sinclair spectrum?) sergio barro from poder sudaka displays lots of errant results in season standings.
  • Argammon
    Alain must be unemployed being able to stay up late every day trying to send a replay while the other europeans have to sleep because they have to get up early next morning to get to work Smiley But today:Bad luck.
  • Zak McKracken
    666 replays were sent this year by far :)Alain is the devil himself, with the number 666 Smiley
  • Zak McKracken
    SergioBaro! pls watch out for login name capitalization! thanks!
  • Krys TOFF
    1st no-RH try. I like no-RH on this track, even if it gets me mad sometimes because of numerous crashes.
  • alain
    yes! some challenge!
  • Akoss Poo
  • Akoss Poo
    Akoss Poo is back. I started only in the no rh competition. 5 months of break, shit windows xp, no sound, least favourite car... still only a little bit weaker than CTG who is in top form. Beware, I am back! Smiley I'll have my good computer back before the end of the month! Smiley
  • Zak McKracken
    Yes, it's still the best car in Stunts Smiley
  • Akoss Poo
    Well... not bad for a restart... :-S
  • Akoss Poo
    damn it zak Smiley)
  • CTG
    IGEEN!!!!! Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Böff dampening: < 1dB
  • CTG
    HE'S BACK! Real opponent Smiley
  • Akoss Poo
    Wait until I will be able to play under Win98 with the better keyboard and with sound. Smiley This is only the beginning. Smiley
  • Argammon
    I bet Mr.Unemployed will take the lead back when I went to sleep.

Jun 3

  • alain
  • alain
  • SergioBaro
    Sorry Zak, won't happen again. SergioBaro.
  • Paleke
    Zak: I think there is a mistake on the satistics because I did checkpoint 4 at 31 seconds and 5 at 40 (approximately) so I would be faster than everybody in that part ( Huh?) O_o XDDD
  • Paleke
    For some reason I think nobody will understand that I'm trying to say...
  • vamologocomisso
    First try, just to know the track, and because Alain is mad with me Cheesy
  • Krys TOFF
    2nd no-RH try, I could not connect to the web from home yesterday evening so I post it this morning.
  • CTG
    Eat this Akoss - raced two hours and I could absolve the hardest trick of the track in no-RH (with a lot lower speed of course but did it Tongue). It's your turn now! Cheesy
  • Krys TOFF
    1st RH try. But I'm sure I can get those 10 seconds I miss so far !

Jun 4

  • Paleke
    Zak: I was checking and there is a mistake in the first table in the statistics, times from checkpoint 4 to 8 are wrong.
  • alain
    come on ARGIES, send in your times, i expect something better than last month from alanrotoi, chulk, gutix, and ayrton, the stupid time hiding preachers.

Jun 5

  • Gutix
    ooohhh... you are angry cara de concha Smiley
  • alain
    i would have been pleased to be penetrated by three persons one time... but two times is too much, dick head Grin
  • CTG
    Mihaly Kotai (HUN) beated Bejarano (ARG) on Saturday by a big difference. Hungary - Argentina in boxing: 5-2 (J?nos Nagy - Chacon 2-1, Istv?n Kov?cs - Chacon 0-1, Zsolt Erdei - Garay 2-0, Kotai - Bejarano 1-0).
  • Krys TOFF
    4 seconds earned, still many other seconds missing to reach a good time...
  • Gutix
    I could penetrated you alone... thats would be enough fou you, cara de concha Tongue

Jun 6

  • Akoss Poo
    Laura egy kiscica!
  • Usrin
    Akoss Poo: I think CTG doesn't agree with you. :-) (Neither do I, as I look at the photos...)
  • CTG
    Laura is a cow with bored face...

Jun 7

  • Chulk
    I?m tired of your ghosts shit CTG. If you think Gutix can beat you playing with 3 diferent colours in the car, you should focus on the only rpl you have to do because that's being a bad loser!!!!!!
  • CTG
    When did I insult you here last time? I said that I won't - I keep it since last week...
  • Akoss Poo
    It is impossible to do the pipe trick without replay handling. CTG, CTG... :-S
  • CTG
    Almost... try to slow down a bit (140 mph) and brake in the air too...
  • alain
    now he joined the cork's crew he feels unbeatable... but he does not get any help from armomom and bonzai joe neither... but if you keep hiding your best time this month chulk, you deserve to be treated a ghost by a stunts mummy Smiley
  • Argammon
    Alain:" but he does not get any help from armomom and bonzai joe neither" That's simply not true.We work together ar Cork and thus CTG has my best replay. But I think you are not believing what you are saying anyways but are just trying to make me mad again Cheesy Please stop the insults....
  • alain
    if he saw your replay? but the reality is that he showed you his tricks!!! still able to pump golf balls off a watering hose like you were in Orion. and a word like truth in your liar's mouth can make a day less enjoyable. dont speak to me i dont like your smell.
  • CTG
    Cork teamwork is a clear and fair buisness. I think all of us has won something from the other's replay (Argammon won something from me, I won another thing from him). But look at your team: Mingva is off (muhahahaha...), Vamolo is still unexperienced, living from your tricks. You are alone (maybe that's why you couldn't win Z51? Tongue)
  • Argammon
    I don't think we have to justify us anymore CTG. Alain is just playing the 'I am a big asshole play again' Let's ignore him....
  • CTG
    Ignore done on MSN...
  • CTG
    Well-done student! It seems you are able to find some tricks alone!
  • alain
    its a pity, you were the only person that spoke to me on msn messenger... now i feel alone Sad
  • CTG
    Well-done student! It seems you are able to find some tricks alone!
  • CTG
    Alain: I'll nignore you soon, I'm only busy now with biotechnology studies Wink
  • CTG
    !hint: insulting is not equal to hate
  • CTG
    correction as typing is my weakest point: Alain: I'll unignore you soon, I'm only busy now with biotechnology studies Wink
  • alain
    yes, insulting equals to fun and joy

Jun 8

  • CTG
    What a silent day again here...
  • Wrecking Punk
  • CTG
    ?s a m?kusok? Cheesy

Jun 9

  • Krys TOFF
    Another new racer : Wrecking Punk. Nice nickname. Welcome aboard.
  • CTG
    But the top is too silent. I mustn't take the lead, Alain doesn't do it, argentinians are still celebrating their victory...
  • alain
    CTG is a coward. a slave. a wimp. an undersized wig. the danube water is polluted.
  • CTG
    Go, Argi, go!
  • CTG
    Go, Argi, go!
  • CTG
    hmmmmmmm, double post Cheesy
  • alain
    argamoned is unemployed
  • CTG
    Alain is a brain free RH machine...
  • alain
    argaminus is brainless and ctg his dog
  • Zak McKracken
    The forum went crazy, now it works partzly, upload attachments are not working for a while.
  • Zak McKracken
    phew... attachements work again, forum got a clean install after hours of struggle.

Jun 10

  • Argammon

Jun 11

  • alain
    FINALLY!!! there is a stunts god!!! I was almost crying when i saw ayrton's time!!!! WHAT A DIVINE RACER!!! HE IS THE BOSS!!! *smack* *smack* *smack* (but expect a heavy driving from me on this weekend Wink
  • Alan Rotoi
    Wow! Congrats Ayrton!

Jun 12

  • Akoss Poo

Jun 13

  • Alan Rotoi
  • CTG
    congrats Iv?n...
  • CTG
    Attila Kov?cs (HUN) - Aladino Alanis (ARG) for WBA intercontinental title: Kov?cs won by TKO in round 3. HUN-ARG 6-2... Smiley
  • alain
    mike will invite lots of kids in neverland to celebrate the release of his next album: INNOCENT.

Jun 14

  • Chulk
    My first replay
  • CTG
    Chulk is real - what about Ayrton? Smiley
  • alain
    and CTG was hit by a contract disclosure. bye bye cork's crew. ^_^
  • CTG
    I said: Chulk is real. I haven't mentioned anything about Ayrton, only just that he has to prove his existance for me... Nobody dropped the word GHOST... Cheesy

Jun 16

  • CTG
    Happy birthday, Italian!
  • Alan Rotoi
    "he has to prove his existance for me" jajajaja Get a life... or a chic. You need a girl or a guy according with your preferences.
  • Akoss Poo
    New replay.
  • CTG
    Ayrt... err Alan: I have a girlfriend for ages but thank you for your advice Smiley

Jun 17

  • Akoss Poo
    New replay.
  • Alan Rotoi
    The joystick does not count as a girlfriend.
  • CTG
    I dont know who was that guy without girlfriend for a long-long time... perhaps Mr Patricio Iv?n? Smiley I use keyboard, no joystick Cheesy

Jun 18

  • Paleke
    Alan: c?mo te cag?!!! CTG: How do you know I'm real? I didn't probe my existance to you...
  • Paleke
    Correction: prove
  • CTG
    You proved... Smiley
  • Paleke
    Really? When? And how??
  • Alan Rotoi
    Juajua No me cag?, si no sabe nada de mi vida Cheesy. He only knows I beat him all the time with Alan Rotoi and all my ghosts ^_^.
  • CTG
  • CTG
    Another 3 hours of no-RH and a time which can't be beaten by myself: 80% luck, 20% agressive driving. Smiley Akoss, you must do the pipe trick!
  • Akoss Poo
    CTG: mocskos csal?!
  • CTG
    Akoss Poo: forgot how to play Stunts... Tongue
  • Paleke
    Sorry CTG, no can do, I have a lot to study...

Jun 19

  • Navras
    testing my power, 1 point is a dream
  • Navras
    oh my dream is getting closer, but poder sukada is a great opponent!
  • Paleke
    Was a great opponent... You've already left us behind!!!
  • Usrin
    If Baumgartner Zsolt hadn't left Minardi and F1, Palik Laci would have his greatest orgasm now! :-)))

Jun 20

  • Navras
    but i'm completely sure you will speed up and we will make a tight race in the following months. good luck, sukada!
  • CTG
    Statistically the leading replay of the 20th day used to be enough for 4-5th place.

Jun 21

  • CTG
    happy birthday, offthewall!
  • alain
    back from le bourget paris air show 2005. three days of afterburner roaring. i will go next year to
  • Akoss Poo
    The formula is simple: when Ayrton?s replay is good enough and LTB is safe, it?s time to drive for Gutix. When "he is done", Chulk?s time will be created, if I am right. One of my dreams is to destroy this not really funny ghost invasion.
  • alain
    dixit akoss poo, 1:08.XX
  • Alan Rotoi
    You should live with racers that sometimes beats you. Don't speak nonsence. Some of you doesn't believe in the progress of a racer because you didn't progress in years. I'm sorry about it but every time I log here there are some nonsence words.
  • CTG
    Z55 predictions: 1, Gutix 2, Ayrton 3, Chulk 4, Aburaf70 Akoss will translate it to less ironic but more understandable form...

Jun 22

  • Alan Rotoi
    I hope! Thanks, we have another fan.
  • Alan Chuytrix 70
    Hi! I am the newest dirty ghost of Ghost Factory & Co., Buenos Aires, Argentina! I would like to be a famous, deservedly hated ghost like Chulk, Ayrton and the others!

Jun 23

  • Chulk
    If someone thinks I am a ghost, say so and you'll be more than welcome to come to Argentina and watch me play. If you don't, then stop talking bullshit!!!!
  • Gutix
    Chulk, if you want to see real ghosts, take a look at Ghostkilled Stunts Champinship. You can find there all kind of ghosts (including me Cheesy)
  • Alan Rotoi
    They think this tactic will make you race slower ^_^
  • Krys TOFF
    CTG left Damage Inc. to join the dark side of the Force with Cork's Crew. Therefore, another Hungarian racer is there to replace him in Damage Inc. : Dottore. Welcome aboard Damage Inc. team Dottore, and please enlist into ZakStunts forum for easier replay exchange through Damage Inc. topic in team forum. ;-D
  • Akoss Poo
    Damn it! I had always been thinking about inviting Dottore to Looping Warriors... and Krys became faster than me... Sad
  • alain
    gentlemen, trashtalk when you sent a decent time. or you are simply ridiculous.
  • Alan Chuytrix 70
    Muhahahaha, let me show how fast I improve my skills!
  • Alan Chuytrix 70
    Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssss! I'm expert with this hard car after practicing few minutes... Cheesy
  • Alan Chuytrix 70
    Sorry Zak, this was the last time I made this joke. Delete my time, delete my this real ghost registration and forget it. Smiley
  • Alan Chuytrix 70
    Sorry Zak, this was the last time I made this joke. Delete my time, delete my this real ghost registration and forget it. Smiley
  • Zak McKracken
    Dottore was added to Damage Inc.
  • Krys TOFF
    Thanks Zak. Cheesy

Jun 24

  • CTG
    Good morning! Smiley
  • vamologocomisso
    Im in a rush, so my english will be bad. I respect all of drivers here. Im in a new job that is killing me (so, not much time left to run). I will be honest and say something that bothers me(I dont intend to be funny or a bad loser): Alan Rotoi manage a great and very fun championship (4dStunts). There I improve my skills. Before that I was much worse than Chulk (he is really real) and Darchaser(my neighbor and great friend). Today I can make some competitive times. My point is: I known that Chulk is real, because I saw his improvement, togheter with mines and Darkchaser?s. One day (when only chulk and darkchaser win every race with several secs of adv), ayrton appear of nowhere, and he was very, very good since the beggining, knowning all kinds of shortcuts that no noobie is suposed to known. He was all alone, a new racer but with a expert knownledge. It was suspicious. Then a new curiosity: He NEVER spoke with no one, never wrote a single word in the forum (of 4dstunts, that is writing in spanish, ayrtons language), nobody has his msn, or icq, or email, or anything. I KNOWN that EVERYBODY think this (very)suspicious. I dont intend to offend no one, or even worse : be a CTG Cheesy... but the fact is that IF (and I say again), if ayrton is really a ghost, he wont be the first. Because everybody who runs in 4dStunts knows the "Tsino legend" (hehehe, its kind of funny). A racer (colombian) who appear of nowhere, wins his fist race with thousends of secondes ahead, and dissapear the same way he appeared. So everybody asked: How Tsino was so so great if nobody had heard of him before??, and most important: Why such a great great driver give up of racing after one race ?? I appologize for my long text, but I dont think that its a good deal that lots of people is thinking that this championship is a one driver fight (and his ghosts). CTG, I understand how you feel, but to say that chulk, paleke, aburaf and even me are only ghosts simply turn this serious situation(or not) in just a big joke. I want the best for this championship!
  • CTG
    I know that you are real, Vamolo. Poder Sudaka is also real. I give 90% for that Aburaf makes his replays alone, 40% for Chulk. But Ayrton can't be real... :-S Only the argentinians (hahaha) and Zak believes in him. The others feel that it stinks but most of them handles this situation with calm apathy. I can't trust in his existance (try to make me believe, it won't be a successful persuade) although I really want to think he's real and makes his own replays. Tsino is a legend, I think he was Juank23's reincarnation (or not? Smiley.
  • alain
    i love ayrton. he beats argammon. and i am gutix fan. ayrton is the best racer this month. respect his dedication or i will use my flamethrower on your hungarian moustache.
  • DieselJoe
    Welcome to Damage Inc, Dottore! Cheesy
  • Akoss Poo
    I talked with Tsino on stunts chat 2-3 times.

Jun 25

  • Dragonfly
    AbuRaf is my challange! Wink
  • CTG
    Akoss: MSN died, come to #stunts... :-S
  • CTG
    Akoss: MSN died, come to #stunts... :-S
  • Akoss Poo
    i'm on #stunts! but you aren't!!!
  • CTG
    Official news: 1:06.30 was my last replay as I have to work like a machine in the next 6 days. My own track, my worst car - these are me reasons to hide my unskilled Countach handling. Smiley Have a nice weekend!

Jun 26

  • Alan Rotoi
    I hope you'll have a great day ^_^ Happy birthday Bonzai!!!!!!!!
  • Paleke
    Happy Birthday BJ!!
  • Akoss Poo
    Happy birthday Jacky! Smiley
  • Gutix
    Happy Birthday Jacob!
  • CTG
    Happy birthday, master! Live for hundred years! Wink
  • DieselJoe
    Jeg ?nsker dig alt godt til din 20-?rs f?dselsdag, Bonzai! Cheesy
  • Usrin
    Happy birthday, Jacky! :-) Forum doesn't work... B?FF!!!
  • Akoss Poo
    BJ I wish you a bottle of p?linka for tonight!!! Smiley

Jun 27

  • Krys TOFF
    (late) happy birthday Jacky. Cheesy
  • TurboJack
    my first replay in this season.

Jun 28

  • Chulk
    I can't improve my time as I can't find the way of taking a corner!
  • Chulk
    Thanks vamologo for standing up and saying Aburaf and me are real. It's good to see not everyone is as anoying as CTG.
  • CTG
    Zak: Thanks for your effective help again, as you can it's working! Smiley Unfortunately I've lost all my data on my hard disk, so please send me your Alkmaar replays again! Next update will be on the next week and I postpone the deadline to 7th July because of these technical problems. Sorry! Sad
  • Akoss Poo
    Ah CTG you are my saviour! With deadline change I can participate in your championship!!! Smiley If only ZakStunts deadline were later, too... I have a fear I cannot create a new replay until Thursday...

Jun 29

  • Krys TOFF
    Will I reach Chulck's time...?
  • CTG
    Happy birthday, Necrosis! And to Dica S'Orac too although his real birthday will be only on Sunday... Cheesy
  • Akoss Poo
    It seems I can make my final attack tomorrow afternoon! But it is not sure that I can improve... but I will try... almost sure... Smiley
  • CTG
    Short comment: fuck you Akoss! Cheesy
  • CTG
    If you do 1:06.25... or .20... or .15... So if you beat me by a ridicoulus small gap... don't want to meet me anymore! Cheesy
  • alain
    i just figured out how being fifth in the quiet days is the best position. now i can beat three or four racers that dont like this track anymore from behind.
  • attis
    Need to find more shortcuts to compete with you guys... Anyway, glad I found your site Smiley

Jun 30

  • We had again a new record number in racers. Thank you all! It's really a pleasure to manage a competition like this.
  • Congratulations for the winners! Ayrton simply beat everyone in leading times and in results too. In a tough battle Argammon is second (also +1 LTB goes to him) and this month's comeback: Akoss Poo is 3rd. Grats again!
  • Paleke
    Happy birthday Leo!! And welcome Attis!!
  • DarkChaser
    Brazil: Confederations Cup Winner (2005, after a 4 - 1 against Argentina) Brazil: America Cup Winner (2004, against Argentina one more time) Brazil: World Cup Winner (2002, against Germany) Brazil: simply the best!!!
  • DarkChaser
    Brazil: Confederations Cup Winner (2005, after a 4 - 1 against Argentina) Brazil: America Cup Winner (2004, against Argentina one more time) Brazil: World Cup Winner (2002, against Germany) Brazil: simply the best!!!
  • ayrton
    Bueno, a los que no creen en mi, les pido disculpas por tratar de ir r?pido, y para los que si, lo voy a seguir intentado ...
  • Krys TOFF
    Happy birthday Leo THE Ramone. Welcome aboard Attis. Nice Brazil victory on Confederations Cup, but you were just lucky Brazilians that France did not participate, else it would have been like 1998 World Cup. ;-p
  • DarkChaser
    First: Congrats, my friend Leo Ramone... You are a great guy!!! Second: My friend Krys, you know (ops, world knows) Brazil is much better than France or Argentina in soccer... ;o)
  • Akoss Poo
    My old PC is at home and it works!!! Can I do something better than 1.08 Huh?
  • DieselJoe
    Parabens pelo seu aniversario, Leo! Cheesy
  • vamologocomisso
    Feliz Anivers?rio Leo! Viva o Futebol!!! Cheesy para todos os hermanos da Argentina: Adriano manda abra?os, hehehe... This month, I had (still) a lot of work. I hope next month will be different.
  • alain
    happy birthday leo but i doubt that on your ramone planet you will get this message (get=figure it out human way) they kicked your ass argammon, congratulation ayrton, my challenger, and great time vamologocomisso, keep up.
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Thanx for all, but the important today is what Atl?tico Paranaense play against Chivas Guadalajara for a place in the Libertadores Cup Finals! Arriba, Hurac?n!
  • Zak McKracken
    Uploaded Permanent RPLs received in the past 3 months from Chulk & offthewall. Sorry for the delay Cheesy

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