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May 1

  • Marco
    Ok, but I'm using the NORH on OWOOT ...If you use the RH there's no competition. While you don't change the OWOOT indication in IRC. It seems to me that the few normal racers agree with this

May 2

  • Marco
    Hi Abu, my friend ... How are you ?
  • AbuRaf70
    Hola Marco... estoy bien, tratando de mezclarme con los "buenos" que corren, pero no los puedo alcanzar....

May 5

  • Marco
    Without speedup on the walls Smiley)) . On my FB page MARCO PLAYS DOS GAMES the realtime video of this last OWOOT / NORH . I could do better, there are several mistakes but considering that there are many dangerous points, it's good ... My friends, this is racing with Stunts ... what are you doing with this RH ? !!!

May 6

  • FinRok
    Ok! No speed bump on walls or in tunnel Smiley
  • Friker
    I think that no speed accel at the start of a banked road is totally artificial and bad. Why you do not also apply this rule at the end of a banked road?
  • Marco
    Hi Friker, how you can directly manage the banked speedup ? It seems that they are almost random situation. For my point of view, you can avoid your bad intention but no random situation. I have seen that sometime at the very beginning, the car speedup on the first part and you can make a very super fast first part. If this happen and you are able to complete the lap, you were lucky but it's good. In this moment, my lap was almost no speedup and Rok lap too. I wronged the final part while he did a very good job. These are very good IRC examples for my point of view.
  • Friker
    I've probably misunderstood you. What were you trying to say with "no speedup on walls"? I think bumps on banked roads (and also in pipes) are totally predictable and should be used (also the game is called Stunts for some reason). Btw - very strong laps from you and Rok. Smiley Another thing - If I understood it correctly - you cannot go on a tunnel roof, right?
  • Marco
    no speedup on walls I mean to do not hit the wall to jump. I was not refering to when you enter or exit from a banked corner. I mean to do not try to speedup the car using the tricks.Yes , no go on tunnel roof
  • Marco
    Regarding this track I was meaning to do not hit the square external wall of the pipe to speed up at about 47 seconds of the track and then ,after the very next corner, also do not hit the beginning of the wall that split the track , the one with the tree on it
  • Marco
    Very nice lap ROK !!!!
  • Duplode
    I'm not keen on banning pipe and highway bumps from OWOOT. The line is not clear cut unless one wants to eliminate all fantasy physics exploits (and if so I would ask: are we going to make people restart the lap when a magic carpet happens?), so I tend to side with Friker here. On the other hand, not allowing driving on tunnel roofs sounds reasonable (even though past OWOOT competitions tended to allow that as long as you stayed over the asphalt).
  • Marco
    Sorry, my bad english doesn't permit me to explain. The IRC must be a skill competition. I'm not saying that random speedup like when you jump or when you enter banked tracks must be denied, I'm saying that you have not to search the speedup hitting walls, etc. This permits to reduce frustrating situation. For example , immagine to race a 2 minute normal track and at the end there is magic wall with a straight. If you jump on it you speed up and win a close race but you can also crash there after that you have raced 2 minutes . Normal race is easier than tricky race . For my point of view is more normal jump on the roof of a tunnel that hit walls to speedup. But you said at the beginning taht was not good so I avoided it. In a normal race is better to avoid strange things than allow strange things.
  • Marco
    Anyway this is a psichological problem that exists since Stunts exists. To avoid this kind of speedup problems, in the nineties I used to make for friends competition tracks with no banked roads and without placing long straight after jump . This permitted to let the race be only a skill race. In RH is a skill find all the best speedup but in NORH it cannot be a skill but it can be first of all lucky. Me and Rok signed an almost gentlemen agreement here and I'm very satisfied that he has overtaken me with a lap that could be absolutely considered skill lap.We also recorded our realtime dosbox session to show that no RH was used. Gentlemen agreement Smiley. I think that he did a very good lap but a very super fast last part (jump+cork) that made the real difference. It's clear that normal race needed more attention but I find them much funnier and competitive.
  • Marco
    Racing looking for speedup is frustrating in normal race. For example, in this circuit randomly happens that you speed up at the very first banking but this happen 1 time each 50 and then you have to complete the entire race. I didn't say to restart that banked speedup but it could be surely better to restart a so lucky speedup 1 time each 50 than restart 50 no speedup start looking for that one.

May 7

  • Shoegazing Leo
    Maybe a little step for a man, a tiny step for the humanity.
  • Friker
    I forgot to slow down before the last tunnel.. Wait a minute - highway jump is permitted? I thought it is forbidden. :-/ About tricks - There is a thing called risk management and I think in most cases it is not about "I can spend more time on this track than you" thing.
  • Marco
    Why I'm still in the newbie section ?
  • Duplode
    Risk management, indeed -- to me it is a huge part of NoRH racing, which helps explaining my stance about those tricks. As for what is allowed, I don't know; I'm not ruling anything Smiley At this point we might as well gather everyone and try to reach consensus (or perhaps just give someone -- not me -- discretionary power about OWOOT rules).
  • Duplode
    Marco: Racers remain in the newbie league for 18 months, so that folks get something close to a full season in it even if they join the competition in e.g. May. Time moves slowly Smiley
  • Duplode
    Improving a little, under the Marco/FinRok "gentleman's agreement".
  • Marco
    As gentleman's agreement this is a fast lap in which I didn't gain speed-up Smiley
  • Marco
    And this one is my fast lap. Both were real time recorded as usual
  • Marco
    I officially leave the main RH championship. I have always disagreed with these rules. Today I can spend only good words for this championship. You have teached me and I have learned incredible things that I didn't know about Stunts. You are great Racers and i have understood that this RH championship permits to every kind of player to be easily in the game remaining anyway a super competitive challenge with incredible racers. However I hate RH and because you have introduced a normal OWOOT that we are racing with NORH (I hope that you will change the title from OWOOT to IRC or to OWOOT+NORH) ...this is my championship . I don't think that I could still play or still be competitive for a long time...I'm 41 with 35 years of gaming that was not properly a good sport to do. 25 years ago I could stay in front of a screen for hours without problems. Today after only a half hour I begin to see flying angels in the room Smiley)). I cannot surely take Aburaf as example because, for my point of view, he is from another world Smiley). Anielo my great friend, I would like to see you on my normal NORH championship. How about NORH? You are incredible !!!

May 8

  • To be perfectly honest, I lost a bear here. How did three Vette's appear on the top of the scoreboard? Last time I checked it was full of Acuras. You surely need to pay attention these days! Well, anyhow congrats to Renato who again managed to surprise everyone! Nice job Duplode and Friker as well acting quickly.

    I am happy to see the movement on NoRH and Gentleman's Agreement - lets establish required rules quickly and have even more fun. If this a long-term move (and I hope it is) Perhaps the most important constraint will be that tracks need to be more simple to support having fun with NoRH. Not to speak about dual- and multi-way tracks.

    So time to pick up a retro track. ZCT178 will be ZCT078: Brain work -> Workbrain. Let's see how we can combine NoRH with a challenging multi-way track.

    Do you still remember the right way? Does it work with the current car coefficients? Well, it seems your brain must work a bit to be successful on this track. Let's see what this month brings :)

  • Friker
    Ok, OWOOT and NoRH scoreboards are only testing thing which I think is set now. Nobody races OWOOT RH so I would drop it and replace with Gentleman's Agreement scoreboard which could use rules written by Marco somewhere in the Wiki (and probably also make some instructional video like ).
  • Marco
    OMG ... I 'm close to end my gaming career and i have got a so big responsability Smiley Have I to write rules ? Gentleman's agreement Rules Smiley)
  • FinRok
    Great competition again! and nice last laps Marco! Congrats again for winning the "Gentleman's Competition" =D, and awesome Southern Cross Stunts Trophy rules demo shared this also on my FB and i didnt know that there was a Southern Cross Stunts Trophy , i might have stumbled across or seen that webpage before sometime ago but cant remember i was not racing back then.
  • Friker
    We've already encourage you to make your own compeition. You replied you have little skill in coding. So you continued to participate in ZakStunts, moved to your own ruleset on a secondary scoreboard. I think it is a fair deal to replace OWOOT with GA/GAR if the rules are written. It is not competition on its own but I think it will suit both you+Rok and other participants of ZakStunts. What do you (all of you) think? (btw I like NoRH so I would leave it untouched - but that is another topic of discussion)
  • Duplode
    Friker's last post sums up my opinion on this matter as well. To summarise, the proposal to be green-lighted by Zak and dreadnaut would be: (1) Explicitly say that the OWOOT scoreboard is OWOOOT + NORH; (2) Write down the "gentleman's agreement" rules somewhere; and (3) give Marco stewardship over those rules. Marco: you might be interested in checking the OWOOT (actually TWOOT) code at -- it is imperfect, and you'll likely want to change some things, but it might be useful as starting point copypasta. (BTW it is unfortunate you won't be on the RH scoreboard anymore... I hope we'll at least be able to sometimes meet halfway at the freestyle NoRH board!)
  • Duplode
    As for ZCT177: Well, this time at least I stopped another Fleas 1-2, so that's something Roll Eyes
  • Marco
    Helo my friends, this video is a trial and need to be optimized, timing, editing, etc. Anyway what do you think ? I accept suggestion. My friends is it possible to perform the loop bug with a Lancia Delta at middle speed ? If yes, can you do it for me, I will send you the testrack that I have used for this video.
  • Marco
  • Marco
    There are some editing errors Smiley I have to correct. Anyway I think it's clear for you champions
  • Friker
    DUPLOOOAAAAADE!! OH, F***!!! GRRRRRR!!! Oh... I should have tried more. :-/ I was so confident that you do not make a strong replay. :-/ Congrats to you and one big slap to me! Cheesy
  • Zak McKracken
    Hello All, I see some interesting proceedings here and generally agree with them! However, I am passing through super busy days so have limited time to reply -> priority is to perform the site update which I will do now. Should have more time in the 2nd half of the week.
  • Zak McKracken
    aaand done! Enjoy!
  • Friker
    You could change a direction of the track at least.. Do you want/could it be done?
  • Friker
    Btw what was the special rule for ZCT078 (abb. choices)?
  • Friker
    You have to stay in your line between tunnels, I guess? With chosen car, I guess. Hmm.. I think this time it is very *straight**forward*. Smiley
  • Friker
    Marco, very good explanation of rules. Is hitting walls (without crashing) especially in tunnels/up-down corksrews ok?
  • Marco
    1) Well, hitting walls is like to put 2 tires on the grass on normal turns... it's not very good to see for the viewers but i think that you cannot voluntary manage that to take an advantage, it's simply a little mistake. On corksrews/up-down if you touch a little the inside wall is a fast crash, if you touch the outside wall it means that you have slowed down too late and ... you are losing time. The same in the tunnels. I repeat, It's no good to see for viewers and could be reason for teasing in a gentleman agreement championship but ... it's not disqualification for my point of view. It happens also on real F1 to have some contacts sometimes or put 2 tires on the grass.Avoid this or asking to keep all the 4 tires always on track could become too hard for weaker racers. 2) I decided to leave Random involuntary Speedup because this permits to easily use same tracks for your main and this side championship. Speedup are sometimes very strong and sometimes hard to notice so better to leave them so this could help weaker racers to gain some positions sometimes Smiley Obviously, you have to apologize because "you have touched the net on a tennis match". Smiley 3) I Suggest to always Record dosbox realtime gaming sessions ctrl+Alt+F5 ("vgaonly" dosbox setup for better resolution) . If you take the lead could be diplomatically embarrassing to do not have the real time record with you Smiley). The gentlemen's agreement is a sort of Golf Stunts Club Championship Smiley)) I would like to see you all here. Congrats to Renato, a very alien to see
  • Marco
    Sorry the link was disapeared, I reupload because it's important
  • Marco
  • Marco
    Ops, I have seen now ZCT178... What ? it seems that someone want to destroy very soon my new championship.
  • Marco
    Ops, I have seen now ZCT178... What ? it seems that someone want to destroy very soon my new championship. What do you think if, as gentlemen's agreement, every racers must use the same car and make the same circuit from the very beginning when there are multiple choices ? I leave to decide Friker if this is a good idea and if yes, choose the car and the circuit remembering that we have already used the Porsche at the last race. If it's not a good idea, let's race and then we will see. Very difficult here, I have to think what to do in Gentlemen's agreement when there are track like this one !!! It's not only a car matter Smiley))
  • Marco
    Ok , sorry I have already tried with the Porsche962.
  • Marco
    Obviously but I don't flag NORH, i no more want to compare in the NORH side champiopnship with a OWOOT NORH
  • Marco
    Obviously you can choose another car and another line.

May 9

  • Duplode
    Marco/Friker: I suggest you don't restrict path choices in OWOOT. It would require ad hoc choices before every multi-way track for what IMO would be little benefit -- without way switching there are few surprises, and path choices tend to converge quickly. (In fact, though it is less clear cut, I would make a similar argument even about cars.)
  • Duplode
    Woo-hoo! ZCT078 is a lost classic, it's good to be able to race it again Smiley (Friker: the special rules back then were 1. Drive inside the tunnels and 2. Make a different choice at each of the splits. Dual-way switching was allowed, though.)
  • Marco
    Ok Dup suggestion accepted no fixed car and way.let s that the days will make this
  • Duplode
    Not an easy OWOOT track -- it makes you dizzy! Cheesy (FWIW, path choices for this lap: 2-3-2-3.)
  • FinRok
    It's A MAZE!! and i hate puzzles! Cheesy
  • Zak McKracken
    Marco: this is not meant to destroy, this is meant to experiment and discover possibly bugs in the new ruleset Smiley
  • Friker
    @GAR+this track: I was thinking the same. This will be a boring PG RH race, but an interesting GAR race with a bunch of rules created. Smiley
  • Marco
    Some corrections applied ...
  • Marco
  • Marco
    Leo I want you too on the GAR Championship
  • Marco
    Ok, for today I'm quite satisfied. Managing so fast cars at 41 is becoming hard. I prefer to drive the Delta Smiley))
  • Marco

May 10

  • Shoegazing Leo

May 11

  • Marco
    Ohhh nooo... Porsche Carrera still faster. Well at this point, on the GAR championship could be very difficult use fast car due to car bonus %. It's too early to say but, probably, GAR Championship would need of fixed cars x circuit to permit to use sometime also very fast or very slow cars.
  • Dreadnaut
    I have a feeling that what the GAR needs is to be its own competition, unhindered by ZakStunts rules, tracks and coefficients, which are designed with RH and shortcuts in mind.
  • Friker
    I do not think the car rotation is that horrible. Maybe it is only a matter of this track. PG cars will pass and GAR cars will rotate soon. I really do not like idea that some secondary scoreboard will use different rules in other things than RH/shortcuts. Well - GAR sure can move to different webpage but I doubt I would race somewhere else or at some worse system than at ZakStunts.
  • Marco
    Oh, Surely GAR could not exist without Zak and I don't want to leave this great community. Accepting the random speedup as i did in the rules tutorial, for my point of view there are no problem with PG Tracks. About car if they are not fixable for GAR, it is ok anyway, it is a minor problem.

May 13

  • dreadnaut
    Actually, many other competitions succeeded separately from ZakStunts. USC ran for years with people uploading replays here on the forum. ZakStunts is made to run one competition, so GAR fits as long as it uses the same cars, the same tracks and the same submission rules.
  • dreadnaut
    Anyway, I'll change the OWOOT tag to "GAR". If anyone can create a page on the wiki or in the Articles section, with rules and useful links, I'll add it to the tag description Smiley

May 14

  • Marco
    can you add directly my tutorial video?In the meantime Thanks Dread for the change Smiley
  • Marco
    Is Season standing possible for GAR ?
  • Marco
    Is Season standing possible for GAR ?
  • afullo
    Btw, do "cheap speed-ups" include also powergear?
  • Marco
    Hi afullo are you refering to GAR rules ?. Yes, if jumping or entering banking you take max speed it's ok. It's not ok try to catch speedup hitting walls of the divide highway or on the tunnel

May 15

  • afullo
    Yes Marco, ok, so it refers to a partial limitation. In the case I will do a GAR lap I know what to avoid. Thanks!
  • Alan Rotoi
    What means "GAR"?
  • Marco
    Gentlemen's Agreement Rules about a classic way to compete on Stunts. Check my tutorial video on my youtube channel Marco Plays Dos Games

May 16

  • Duplode
    Alan: In jargon, GAR = (very) strict OWOOT + NoRH
  • Duplode
    On afullo's question: "Do 'cheap speed-ups' include also powergear?" No, that would be sacrilege! Cheesy (as Marco says there is nothing wrong with PG under GAR, it's just that a few kinds of bump that you might wish to use to reach it are forbidden.)

May 21

  • AbuRaf70

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