News posted in May 2009
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May 1
ZakStunts received an all-time high number of replays on one track: 155 replays on ZCT94. Racer activity (based on replays sent per racer) this year is on the 2005 level so far, exceeding the averages of the past 4 years (statistics are available from 2004 january)
SuperBrianCongratulations Duplode and thanks for the battle in the last hours, even though you didn't knew it Overdrijf..
SuperBrianMy time seems to be hard to beat..
Zak McKrackenCTG I deleted your 13 minute time in order to maintain LTB graph integrity
CTGAm I the only one thinking the southern part of the track is like Africa on the map? It's totally accidental.
Bonzai JoeFdzierva, Roy Wiegerinck, Bismarck, Argammon, Bonzai Joe, (Usrin), Alan Rotoi, Alain, Mingva, Gutix, CTG, Ayrton, Akoss Poo, Chulk, Renato Biker, Mark L. Rivers, Duplode
Bonzai JoeA fine list of names.
SuperBrianCTG: But very icy in Egypt..
CTGI guess the next new name won't be in 2009...
Overdrijf@Brian: I meant to send that last time silent, but screwed up. But it wasn't getting any better anyway, so congratulations.
OverdrijfAnd now I have to find HTE, see if we can get him to be a bit more active this time around.
Overdrijf@CTG: except if the returning Silver Spirit members become fanatical. Friker is scheduled for spring 2010.
OverdrijfSo, 2 ways that are about equal...
OverdrijfI'm a spamwhore!
CTGThe ways with slow and fast cars are not the same.
CTGI thought Indy will be better on this track... :-S
CTGOkay, from now let's give +3 seconds penalty for those who can't handle the replay sending properly.
Icea new track to stumble onto, great
May 2
OverdrijfI really like the newbie board right now.
Bonzai JoeI can guarantee that Jaguar is a bad choice for this track :-D
IceYes, i thought there was only one IMSA car in the game hehe.
OverdrijfO, oops. I suggest I get that 3 second penalty CTG suggested, cause that's my ammount of penalty time I forgot to enter.
ChulkJust to show I'm slowly coming back...
ChulkLOL! I didn't think I'd took the lead so easily! (Kidding, just to bother CTG, hehehe)
Duplode@Overdrijf: 2007-07-04 CTG what about penalty time?
DuplodeAnd Chulk leads a race again... ^_^
May 3
Bonzai JoeHey guys! :-) We should have a WSM again soon. Cheers. And Overdrijf: your "3 seconds" post is a classic.
Overdrijf@Duplode: never mind, Zak fixed it.
SuperBrianFirst try with IMSA..
Frikerlets make a deal - you leave me at 1st place until end of race and i will not post better replay then this
DuplodeWrong proposition Friker, it should be: you do not post times during the quiet days and I will let you fight for LTB for the rest of the month
DuplodeEnjoy your first lead anyway
Looks like we'll have a very interesting month...
Frikerthanks im enjoying it
yahoo! my 1st hour in lead
and.. hm.. i agree
but ill send hidden time to all exept you
CTGNah... too slow times!
Frikeryou will end in 9th Circle of Hell CTG!!! even Duplode was so kind and leave me there for some time :-/
CTGIf life is fair, BJ or Ayrton will send 53.35 and will say: "CTG is slow!"
Bonzai JoeCTG is slow!
CTGBut you used manual gears...
Bonzai JoeNot much difference on this track. A good one for SuperBrian!
Bonzai JoeJust a pointer for everyone: in dual-way track like this one, as you may know, you can switch between the two ways without getting penalty. So to find the fastest way, look at two places on the tracks, call them A and B: where the road splits and where it joins again. What is the fastest way from A to B? It's penalty-free zone as long as you reach point B from the other branch than the one you took at point A.
Frikerthanks for an advice
which team does not contain a racer without this knowledge?
CTGDual-way switching is a basic knowledge. As far as I remember I fucked up some permanent track records right in April 2002 with that.
May 4
The 0:00.12 replay sending form bug was probably fixed. If you forget to attach the replay, no entry will be made in the database.
CTGRanger vs Corvette track anyway...
CTGAnd the track was designed for Indy, bah...
Frikeryou should build more speed boosters before switching
CTGböff anyway
Bonzai Joebøff
Bonzai JoeOkay I now know when the 0.00.12 bug occurs.
Bonzai Joe"older posts" and "newer posts" links should close the replay sending form.
Frikerit occurs generaly with "replay sent" page.. ive alerted to this problem last month
CTGJust because it's still too early to hide anything...
DuplodeThe feverish activity of these first days allowed me to taste the unique feel of standing at the very bottom of the scoreboard. Gracias!
Zak McKrackentest
Zak McKrackentest2
Zak McKrackentest2
Zak McKrackentest2
CTGTest for avoiding fake 0:00.xx "replays"?
CTGThis is not 0:00.12
ChulkCould do...
Frikernot to be an asshole..
OverdrijfWow, this car is fast...
CTGYep, Ranger has good turning abilities and acceleration. Corvette at such a low average speed has no chance even with the same bonus...
OverdrijfWow, someone just released a really cool new car, on the stunts forum in the car creation section. A superkart, with driver. Wow, this is so really cool.
CTGWho was that?
CTGI wonder why people attack only MY leading time and why not when Duplode or BJ is first... :-S Next lap: Wednesday.
Frikerfucking hell.. so you give him whole 2 days of leading? :-/ thats the justice..
CTGFriker: attack the current leading time! I can't beat Doc at the moment.
May 5
DuplodeFollow CTG's advice - you can do it, Friker! (and even if you don't feel like you can: frustration leads to improvement)
CTGCorvette? I mean... THE CORVETTE? REALLY?
Frikeri have some strange bad feeling about Ayrton coming with 0:45 corvette replay
but still i dont get the way chosen by bonzai joe
DuplodeCurrent scoreboard: Cork vs. Meganium war! (no, this is NOT an explicit invitation for Ayrton to challenge BJ's time!
May 6
DuplodeSpeaking of Ayrton: the "perfect season" tribute video was taken off YouTube by their automated copyright protection...
Zak McKrackendamn, i hope i still have the video somewhere and can reupload
Frikerwhat the fuck is "automated copyright protection"?!
CTGBecause of the music? They "could touch this"...
FrikerOIC (= oh, i see
May 7
CTG31 hours without sleeping. Still counting...
OverdrijfSheep, that is.
CTGAnd yesterday started with a false fire alarm at 7 AM...
DuplodeBad way to start the day, specially when it takes more than 24 hours to end... =X
CTGClosing to 37...
CTGAlmost 39...
Damn, if I survive the next 2-3 hours, it should be a TOP10 non-sleeping period.
May 8
Chulk@CTG: So... still awake?
CTGIt was funny... I just layed down for a second at 23:50 and when I opened my eyes, it was morning. Official result: 40 hours 50 minutes.
Bonzai JoeGood job CTG! I've never made it past 40 hours. I hope you achieved something worthwile or wrote down your weird thoughts :-)
CTGActually 40 hours is quite far from my record. It was 62 (with tons of coffee and Red Bull...) in 2005, when I had a very close deadline of a 40 page summary of my researches and my computer broke down - so I had to go home and write it there as fast as I could.
May 9
SuperBrianI think my record was last year, where I was awake for 46 hours and drunk all the time. Normally beers slow you down, but I kept going and suddenly I passed out among my guests..
Bonzai JoeWow Brian! That sounds like a feast of ruthless bohême insanity! Can we have a beer at Roskilde?
SuperBrianAbsolutely, I won the ticket last year, which means I can afford some more beers this year. I'm not going to use a tent anyway..
OverdrijfI haven't counted exactly, but my record should be around 48 hours, perhaps a bit less. Done a lot of sleeping on the train ride back, even managed to wake up at some point while running to catch the next train.
SuperBrianFirst try in Ranger.
SuperBrianFirst try in LM..
DuplodeThe battle for entering top 5 will be fun this month...
Frikeri think nothing will be fun for me if you share replays between other team members..
DuplodeTherefore, inspire and motivate your team mates, Friker!
Frikertheyve already recieved my replay.. still -I- have no inspiration from more experienced teammates! but i believe in Overdrijfs quick finish with his kart and helping me
May 11
OverdrijfI'm not really busy on the kart anymore, official beta testing time, which I can use for getting some results in college. I'll probably find some time for racing, the question is when.
May 15
Bonzai JoeCome on guys! Can't you figure out which way I used? It's not that hard. No magic carpets or anything. Let's get a race started her, we're all falling asleep...
CTGI know your way but I can't play before Monday.
DuplodeBJ is right, one week without replays, everyone is way too lazy... myself included
May 16
CTGNext update in USC: Monday.
ChulkI'm not lazy! Just can't find thw right way...
May 17
CTGThis track is the creature of evil.
Bonzai JoeWhat does that make you? :-D
OverdrijfI'm full of fail this month, as far as racing time is concerned, but hey, I'm still more active than the average kompetentz center member...
May 18
CTGBJ: your Corvette time was understandable. Now I really have no clue about DUP's IMSA lap...
CTG(!hint: 55 secs with Corvette/Ranger means a dirty dual-way switching with very low average speed)
CTGI had to try something... 3 mins RH, not the proper car, just to see it. I have doubts...
CTGSo... bad idea.
Frikerctg: i had 1:02 with lm
(and much worse with p962) - and yes it was a bad idea
CTGFriker: it was a quick, almost non-RH auto gears try. I would be under 1 minute easily with P962 but Duplode's time is far.
CTGSorry, misread... but the same is true for LM002...
CTGMaybe it's time to say some hints... like Argammon did once. To make the race more tight & interesting.
CTGDamn, this one is really close to my limits with this car & way choice... Can't imagine Duplode's lap with IMSA. Unless... hmmm... that needs some luck.
CTGOkay, let's show up a bit more. I want to see your REAL times too.
SuperBrianSo CTG, Unskilled-page has been forbidden to enter the last three hours. Are you updating?
CTGNope, uploading errors, Zak promised to fix it. As long as it doesn't work, visit the other link:
May 19
DuplodeSo, how real do you think these ones are?
CTGNo doubt, finally I know your way.
Frikeroh yeah! and for others? use the force Friker... :-/
CTGBut don't use Force India, it's a weak car!
Zak McKrackenCTG's track scared the newbies away
Bonzai JoeCTG is one of the absolute best track designers in the community, but this is one of his worst tracks... It could still be a lot worse though. It's like ZCT23 - not a race, a riddle.
CTGWell... it would be a good one with Indy - it was designed for that car.
May 20
DuplodeMaybe it is a little late to really help the team-less newbies, but anyway here is a basic demo on dual-way switching:
May 21
In case you are having problems on ZCT95, check this forum post containing some useful helping tricks.
SuperBrianHappy birthday Mark!
Bonzai JoeDuplode is right in his video: go and download the winning replays for ZCT23 and ZCT34 for advanced way-switching techniques. Other dual-way switching tracks: 10, 11, 12, 29, 41, 61, 68... (maybe some errors due to memory and lack thereof)
Bonzai JoeHappy birthday, Mark L. Rivers !
FrikerHappy birthday to you, Mark!
DuplodeCongratulations, Mr. Rivers
DuplodeNewbies: if you're looking for suggestions on how to get a reasonably good lap started, see this forum post: ZCT 95 - Loaded Dice
ChulkHappy Birthday Mark!!! Congrats!
AbuRaf70Happy birthday, Mark...!!!
CTGHappy BÖFF-day, Mr. Rivers!
Mark L. RiversThanks all for the congratulations...
Well, today is really a special day for me. No, not because is my birthday. I usually I don’t attribute to my birthday a special meaning and I don’t celebrate it. But… today it’s my 40th birthday and it has a very special taste... Not sweet, not bitter… sure intense and faceted… Difficult to explain, only who passed through it can understand, I think...
May 24
Alan RotoiHappy birthday Mark !!!
May 25
Frikerprobably my last replay because i will be far away. no maxing out - im too lazy
Bonzai JoeHi, Rotoi! We know you could be leading if you really tried ;-)
Alan RotoiIcy roads... ouch!
May 26
CTGRotoi: if you support Duplode beating me in USC, send a time for the last race!
DuplodeSee, we have a quite tight and unpredictable lower half of scoreboard this time. Of course it would get much better if the involved drivers would push against the minute mark on the final days, but anyway...
May 29
CTGDon't expect any replays from me, I'm quite out of Stunts these days - and that minimal effort will go for the USC battle with Duplode. Chance for Friker or anybody else to catch a podium!
Alan Rotoiyou'll never change!
CTGDon't you believe I'm focusing on USC these days? Check the topic about it and you will see the reason...
CTGFORUM IS DOWN!!! Template Parse Error! It seems something has gone sour on the forum with the template system. This problem should only be temporary, so please come back later and try again. If you continue to see this message, please contact the administrator. You can also try refreshing this page.
DuplodeForum is back...
May 30
Zak McKrackensorry for the forum downtime, it was me messing with the templates
Bonzai JoeThanks for all the forum uptime
May 31
Summer passivity has struck ZakStunts earlier this year, just as the summer heat did struck Hungary. Racer activity was significantly lower than usual. 14 racers were brave enough to battle on CTG's track.
Duplode managed to stand on the top of the podium - the second time in a row. On the second place came Bonzai Joe, so Cork's Crew absolutely dominated the track, claiming the top two positions together with all the leading time bonus available.
The third place was kept by the track designer, CTG, while Friker dominated the newbie board without any question.
So hopefully the new track will not be struck by passivity, but activity. One thing is for sure: it's called Thunderstruck, and its an unusually fast track at the ZakStunts racing ground. It's time for you to step on the track now. The car? I suggest the Corvette this time, but of course the choice is yours, as always. So, fasten your seatbelt and go! -
Zak McKrackenupdate will be on schedule, third time in a row
DuplodeAnybody waiting for the last second? :rolleyes:
Zak McKrackenscoreboard final, unconfirmed
Zak McKrackenscoreboard confirmed, update in progress
Zak McKrackenupdate done. Congratulations to the winners! Enjoy the new track!
DuplodeTeamwork victory, 14/14 for Cork *high-fives with BJ and Zak* 8)
Zak McKrackenI was nowhere near teamwork this month but hopefully this will change in June. Let's go for a full podium!
Zak McKrackentestreplay
DuplodeQuicktest from me too...
Frikerhello! i am back from my the most rainy trip. thanks - you were very generous and left the 4th place for me
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