News posted in April 2016
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Apr 1
Renato BikerIt has the LTB error again. dreadnaut?
FrikerWow.. Owoot norh is a pretty much strange format. Can I jump over slalom blocks?
dreadnautI think so: after all, you are still above the road, can't help if you are flying. I wonder what the answer would be when a jump sends you above a cork l/r though. Should one slow down, not fly, and go through?
Apr 2
Duplodedreadnaut: "[...] when a jump sends you above a cork l/r [...] should one slow down, not fly, and go through?" -- Most definitely yes. Flying over slalom blocks, though, has always been OK as far as I'm aware of.
Apr 5
dreadnautHome with the flu, it's the best time to write some code
--> Leading time table - feedback!
Apr 9
DuplodeNo improvement for me. I collapsed asleep before I had a chance to race last night, and couldn't do anything meaningful in the 15 minutes I had today...
DuplodeI wonder if anyone will disrupt Renato's position. All I can say is that I expect a tunnel roof to play a part in the winning replay...
Apr 10
It started out as a nice slow Vette race, and what did it become?
Maxing out can mean a lot of things. Maxing out a season was shown by Ayrton when he won all tracks in the 2008 season. What does maxing out a track mean? Well, I think ZCT176 is a good example for that.
Take one racer - Renato Biker - beating everyone else and not leaving even a single LTB point to be picked up by others. And take the team of this racer - Yellow Fleas - securing the entire podium for themselves by surprising all others with an unexpected car choice. That's maxing out a track by thinking out of the box. Nice tactics, well played!
I hope you had your fun with the Indy last year, because thanks to this surprise podium now it is literally off the charts with -48 "bonus" coefficient :)
Off we go to ZCT177 - guest designer is Dreadnaut, car bonuses were tweaked a bit and judging by the map we are on to some exciting fun this month. Car? Well, I would not bet on the Indy. :) Other than that, feel free to choose anything!
FrikerI have to say that I have not seen the Renato's Vette replay yet. O:-)
Alan RotoiDamn these erratics race ends confuses me
I miss the monthly tracks...
dreadnautAlan, would it help to have the deadlines appear on a calendar? Or maybe receiving email reminders?
Renato BikerCan I tell the surprise?
Renato Biker1:08:40 with Vette.
dreadnautQuiet replays now public. Wait for Zak to confirm the scoreboard though!
DuplodeWell, it had been a while since we last had a secret car masquerade -- and a full podium one at that! No tunnel roofs involved in the 1:08.40 BTW, though the extra hill bump is used to comparable effect.
Zak McKrackensurprise Indys. Lets update
Zak McKrackenand update done! Enjoy!
dreadnautWhops, the car coefficients
No more Indy races for about a year?
Apr 11
DuplodeFor a year *at least*
dreadnautWell, guest track authors can also add bonus points to a car, so it could happen earlier.
DuplodeIndeed, I forgot about the adjustments -- that might well be a fine use case for them.
Renato BikerFleas podium!!!
DuplodeHere is a first day RH shot for a change...
Shoegazing LeoA lot of different cars are suitable for this track
Apr 13
afulloFirst shot
Apr 14
dreadnautI wonder if I made a track that's too difficult for myself...
Shoegazing LeoMaybe, it's easier than ZCT179 will be.
Apr 18
dreadnautP967 is probably the fun car for a NoRH race
dreadnautLet's try with RH as well.
Apr 19
DuplodeHow much is 1.80 worth? Where can I find the current trading price of the centisecond?
Apr 20
Zak McKrackennot an easy one...
Apr 21
FinRokHi is it ok to shortcut the cork at the beginning for OWOOT? video below. The car was in air while jumping off cork to the road! What do you guys think?
DuplodeFinRok: Under the "strict" OWOOT rules we are using for the alternative scoreboard here, the problem with that replay is that you didn't follow the yellow line around the cork (i.e. you have to go upside down and come back on the other side of the red wall). The little jump at the exit of the cork isn't in itself a problem if you do it when leaving the cork through the left side (while there is a triangular patch of grass that cuts across the track by the cork exit, we overlook that as a graphical artefact and use the regular track width to check OWOOT compliance there).
dreadnautWhere is Marco? I call a challenge on NoRH and OWOOT
Apr 24
Akoss PooBoring championship... hackers, 'newbies'... was it worthy to banish CTG from here? Wasn't it more enjoyable to beat him?
Alan RotoiWhat do you mean with "hackers" and "'newbies'"?
Apr 26
DuplodeI am absolutely fine with newbies (or even "newbies"), though I would enjoy it very much if it became less rare to see them troubling the leader
As for "hackers", like Alan I have absolutely no clue about the rerefent.
Apr 27
MarcoHi my friends, sorry i was very busy what is the situation ? Dread what are you meaning ?
MarcoSo is the OWOOT scoreboard now officially NORH or you are racing OWOOT RH ?
Apr 28
MarcoStrict OWOOT NORH without using strange walls speedup as Dread did
MarcoOn my facebook page Marco Plays Dos Games, you can find the real time record (no replay) from DosBox
Apr 30
dreadnautWooo, Marco is back! now I have to try and drive faster
OWOOT and NoRH are still two separate scoreboards, but you can submit the same replay in both.
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