News posted in March 2016
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Mar 1
Zak McKrackenyou lucky ones belonging to the same language family...
Akoss PooA learned Italian in the grammar school, but it was 15 years ago. I almost completely forgot everything. But I also understand ~60% of it.
Akoss PooA=I
dosbox92I said "I must take confidence in cutting the track in the right place! For now I'll settle for cut in some points, then we'll see ... Anyway my name is Alessandro" I hope the translate is correct!
Renato BikerWow, I have 2030 leading hours.
Shoegazing LeoI have a third grade cousin called Alessandro. Is very common in Brazil a lot of ways of same name: Alessandro, Sandro, Alexsandro, Alex Sandro, Alexandre, Alex, Alexandro and others.
dosbox92My name is Alessandro, my father Sandro and my uncle Alessio! What a fantasy! Ahahahaha
Mar 2
CasHi. This is not wow, but it's something to say hello with
Marcotwo pilota strong has Biker and Friker might be in 2 different team.
Marcosame thing about Bonzai and Duplode but Bonzai is not playing
FrikerConsidering pairs Me & Renato, CTG & Akoss Poo, Duplode & Bonzai Joe nad Alan Rotoi & Gutix/Chulk I think Duplode & Bonzai Joe duo is the best. And I am clearly the worst of these racers. So I do not know what are you complaining about.. Actually - I cannot help Renato and I cannot reproduce Renato's tricks so we do not help each other as much as could other pairs do.. Which is demotivating sometimes. Be calm - Renato has no strong opponent (maybe Duplode?) this year and you can beat me if you want to.
Renato BikerI think that is a good thing two good riders at the same team, preferably if the opponents also are two good riders at the same team. I see no reason to have only one competitive rider on the team. BTW, I think that is incoherent Marco stay on team call slowdrive, he is not a slow driver. I think Marco need a competitive teammate, he will see as managed to achieve Friker and me. Duplode?
Renato BikerAnd Friker, of course you can help me. Remember of ZCT133, if I knew of your trick...
dreadnautWhops, the leading time code does not account for leap years I'll fix it before the end of the race!
dreadnaut@dosbox92: Afullo was looking for a team member, if you are interested.
dreadnautOh, and happy birthday!
dosbox92Thank you dreadnaut! I'm interested too to be in a team, but i think to not partecipate in every race; so i don't want Afullo remain alone, it would not be fair to him!
Zak McKrackensomething decent. What was I thinking cutting the loop from the right? :-O
Mar 3
afullo@dosbox92: innanzitutto benvenuto, non mi ero ancora fatto vedere da quando sei arrivato Per la squadra possiamo anche farla pure se non ci sei sempre, tanto c'è posto per altri due elementi, e se arriva qualcun altro in futuro possiamo allargarla
dosbox92@afullo: ok, se per te va bene la possiamo fare! Non ho nulla in contrario... Volevo precisare che probabilmente non avrei partecipato a tutte le gare!
afulloSì ma ci sta, non tutti qui partecipano a tutte le gare, c'è anche qualcuno di mediamente forte che ne salta alcune oppure ne fa proprio poche... Nome?
dosbox92I have a question: when i go through the corkscrew (with the red wall) and i try to go on the right and I don't follow the yellow line, it's a shortcuts? If yes, my OWOOT record is invalid...
dosbox92Nome per la squadra? Non ne ho minimamente idea...
dosbox92@afullo: "The Sparks", The Fasts and furiouses (sarebbe troppo da megalomani ahahaha) "the oversteering", non lo so mi vengono cosi alla ca**o di cane
afulloMi capita spesso di sbandare effettivamente, "the oversteering" ci può stare, visto pure che anche un paio di altri nomi fanno giochi di parole su situazioni di gara...
dosbox92Ahahahha ci potrebbe stare. Tu qualche idea?
afulloBoh, pensavo anch'io a qualcosa che c'entrasse col gioco, tipo "Start & Finish", "Jumping Bridge" (uno dei miei primi esperimenti con l'editor da bambino è stato quello di mettere un condominio in mezzo alle due rampe di una sopraelevata)...
Renato BikerAlessandro, on OWOOT mode you have to complete all the obstacle, loops too. You can not put the intire car on the grass, you made so many shortcuts in your lap.
dosbox92Start and finish mi garba The Rolling Stunts!!!! Ahahahahah mi è venuto in questo momento ahahhaha!!!!
dosbox92@Renato Biker ok thank you! Understood! So we needs to delete my record. I want to be correct!
dosbox92@Renato Biker: But in this track, i don't see the last 3 corners, i see only the grass. It's normal? (I'm a newbie)
Renato BikerRight, it's not normal. But you can follow the natural line... Look the map of the track.
dosbox92@Renato Biker: ok totally understood, thank you!!
afulloOk, The Rolling Stunts può essere l'idea definitiva. Approviamo?
dosbox92Ok Rolling Stunts, approvato!
MarcoFriker and Biker, obviously I'm joking. I'm not so aggressive Anyway it's true,In this moment, in this championship, you are the only 2 super strong players in a team. In the last race Friker said that Renato followed his line in a better way. so Sharing the replay each other you can clearly have an advantage . You are too strong for me so if you are in 2 different team it would be the same, then I'm not saying this thing to gain a position. I like my slow drive team because a guy that finished more than 3 seconds behind, is slow. Afullo , Dosbox why not an italian team name I would like to be in an italian team but I would be also very sad to leave my brasilian boss Leo and, anyway, I like the multination way of the various teams. It's social !!! One world, one race !
Renato BikerSomething like MeganiuM Argentina High
dreadnautAfullo, dosbox92: can you also send me a logo for the new team? It should be 75x50px, or at least the same shape. See the teams page:
dreadnautAlso, get on the forum: Zak can create a private section for your team.
Mar 4
DuplodeIt is always nice to see a new team spring up. Rock on!
Friker@dosbox92, @Renato, @OWOOT: If I remember correctly Duplode proposed that OWOOT rules can be relaxed on this track with "because you cannot follow the yellow line over invisible road squares OWOOT rules doesn't apply on these squares" (and of course the beggining corkscrew/banked road piece).
MarcoHi, I have seen the Alessandro owoot replay and, at 1:35.30, you are completely on the grass and also at the end, you jumped the "not visible" chicane. Dread is it possible to change OWOOT in IRC to have the NORH and follow the line where possible ?
dosbox92I think it's better to delete my OWOOT record: it does not follow actual rules. It's wrong to chance the rules during a Championship. Do you agree?
dreadnautIf people are happier with IRC-style rules, I'll change the label to "Strict OWOOT". It will be from the next race onward though.
MarcoI m much more happier with strictly rules.
Renato BikerSince that I do not pass you. Sorry, kidding...
Mar 5
MarcoSure,If someone pass me, i will continue to ask to change rules till i win )). Joking aside, i know that i will lose against you with any kind of rules but i eould like to lose in irc ))
Renato Bikerlol
afulloDosbox92: per il logo?
dosbox92Afullo: per il logo non so, fai tu non ho preferenze di alcun tipo
Mar 6
afulloOk, ci penso un attimo...
Mar 7
MarcoAle have you used the RH (replay handling) on your OWOOT record or not ?
dosbox92No Marco, I don't. Why?
MarcoNo he was only to know to decide how to try again. If you have run with NORH I will try with NORH too. Anyway, at the end, you have jumped the last ghost chicane again. No problem, it's a trial and this was not properly an easy circuit for IRC rule.
MarcoNORH OWOOT, little improvement . Still far from Dosbox92
MarcoOpss, I have uploaded it on the wrong competition, Not important. it was only 0.00.15 better
Mar 8
DuplodeThere is no real precedent for this OWOOT on invisible corners issue, so I opened a forum topic and poll for discussion: Invisible corners and OWOOT Go there and have your say!
dosbox92I'm agree with Duplode. In the last 3 corners we don't see the track, so we "can try" to stay on it. But in the rest of the track we MUST stay on it. I think that is a particular situation...
dosbox92Marco, I would be very happy if you improve your OWOOT time, with/without NORH. I like the idea to have a wheel to wheel battle! (see my image profile ) Anyway, my OWOOT tyme isn't the best, because i always drive the march indy not slower car(I hate understeer). So i gonna do more practice with porsche carrera for this race!
dosbox92I have a question for Zak and Dread: if you upload all the replays on youtube? The site would be more popular on the net. It's a suggestion.
MarcoAle, if you didn't use the RH, I will not use it Last turn is invisible but it's possible to stay on it . If we decide to cut it then we can perform the super jump and gain 5 seconds . Because we are introducing the IRC mode as secondary championship, can next tracks returns at least normal terrestrial speaking ?. I mean, without strange stargate or ghost tracks and mountain I want the IRC !!! OWOOT + NORH . Ah regarding OWOOT, I think that if you go out on the outside losing time it's not a problem right ? otherwise I think that some slow players could find the owoot too frustrating.
Marcoi have some problems with the forum ... I don't understand how to use it, where are the topics ... I prefer to use this board
dosbox92Marco, I agree with you about OWOOT time. If I go off the track losing time, it's logical that there aren't problems to upload it. About IRC (I don't know all the rules), I want it too!
MarcoIf i'm not wrong, IRC is OWOOT + NORH so, basically, what we are already doing now on the OWOOT form . Anyway I asked to Dread to specify IRC for the next races so to remove the possibility to use the RH otherwise it has no sense for my point of view. RH is a trick and it has no sense to use it following the yellow line. Do you agree ?
dosbox92Yes I do.
MarcoOk, ALE, I passed you OWOOT NORH. Now it is your turn again. 25 years ago probably I would think to use the RH saying that i didn't use it. It's incredible how an italian could become honest becoming old . 25 years to win a ping pong match I was able to steal points in every mode Today I prefer to gift points if there are some doubts. Probably this is because when you are very young you think that you are superman. Becoming old it's very important to see what is your real limiti. Anyway the reason why I'm asking for NORH is because i find it funny instead of the RH that's super frustrating for me. The search of the perfection in every single session is frustrating.
MarcoCheck my friends from 49:65 to 49:90. It seems to me that one wheel is on track because i have turned to remain on track. but it was at the very limit. Dread, Zak , only to know perfect rules ? Is this valid ?
MarcoOMG !!! front tires of the porsche are faked Are moved on the left, for that reason i had a tire on track in the previous lap. This is better
dosbox92Marco! Fasten your seatbelt and let's fight wheel to wheel (metaphorically), I'm first again! OWOOT NOHR. It's incredible how much you improve your time!
DuplodeRe: Marco/Alessandro [1] According to tradition, IRC isn't OWOOT + NoRH. Most IRC rules competitions, including IRC itself, allowed RH. IRC means "always follow the yellow line". An example of non-IRC OWOOT would be allowing jumps over corks up/down, in which you remain OWOOT without following the yellow line around the spiral. [2] That said, I wouldn't mind at all making the IRC scoreboard NoRH, or even adding a third scoreboard for that if it doesn't make things too confusing. For now, if you and the other racers in that scoreboard adopt IRC + NoRH I will do likewise. [3] I believe the last corner before the finish should be treated normally even if there is an OWOOT exception for the invisible corners. That being so, you should be OWOOT both at the northern edge of the hill slope before the invisible corners and at the southern edge of the final corner. [4] If I were the referee, I'd rule Marco's 2:08.70 as legal, if very close to the limit, for even at 49.85 (when the rear left wheel is entirely off the track) the front left wheel remains in it according to the "standard" F3 angle (three clicks right, ten clicks up). It is true that the wheel is about a pixel off-centre due to a graphical artefact; in this case, however, I'd rather err on the side of leniency. [5] About the forum: it's okay -- it indeed is a sprawling and sometimes bewildering place There is no need to move the discussion there. I just created the topic there for the poll, and also because long posts (like this one ) are easier to read there.
MarcoNice Duplode !!! Thank you. What we are looking to is the "let me say" normal way to play the game. IRC + NORH so follow the line. To be honest I don't think that is strictly necessary the tire on track rule in the sense that, if i'm not wrong, the only piece of track where you can place tires out without losing speed is the fast chicane. Anyway i understand that without the owoot rule it could become a problem define what is legal and what is not legal. To avoid any kind of bad behaviour, we could also create a youtube channel where ,all the "normal" racers, can upload their real time lap recorded on dosbox with ctrl+alt+f5 and insert it various playlist . The playlist define the race c174, c175 ... Alessandro what do you think? You are young , open a youtube channel and give the pwd to everyone want to race the normal (IRC+OWOOT+NORH+ETC.) race
MarcoI have recorded the real time lap with dosbox.
Mar 9
dosbox92Marco, I'm first another time in OWOOT race. About youtube, to create a new account, it ask me a new gmail account, telephone number, etc. I thought could do it the owners of this site.
dosbox92Marco check the last 3 corners in my last laptime: is it legal for you?
MarcoCongrats my friend, for my point of view absolutely valid. Generally speaking, there's need that we pay close attention before to upload a replay to do not waste administrators time (otherwise they will not accept the IRC). So before to upload, we have to check the replay with F3 as explained by Duplode. About the Youtube Channel, it's very easy to open a new google mail and then the channel but i agree with you, if the administrators agree, could be interesting to have it. Anyway one step per time Very pleased to have such a champion as Duplode on the "normal" championship . Now waiting for Biker , Friker, Abu, etc. too . I have always understood that you, Alessandro, are a strong player also if you use the automatic gear. This sounds strange but your driving skill are very great and, first of all, you don't fall in fear in the last part of track. I mean, usually i start fast then i become too conservative )). The age
dosbox92Thank you Marco! About automatic transmission, unfortunately i use the hands in a strange way: with right hand I press up, down and right arrows, with the left hand I press left arrow. So when I press enter key (or A-Z) to change gear, I lose concentration. That's why I use automatic gears
DuplodeAlessandro: You can use Space and Enter to change gears. I believe people who use both hands to steer usually do that.
MarcoOh, yes this is in the F1GP style Alessandro.. so for sure you can be a great F1GP player
Renato BikerI use A and Z to change gear.
MarcoI have recorded the real time ... Can you check Duplode if it's valid ?
Mar 10
MarcoSorry, we are learning. I'm not sure about my last replay in the sense that, there's single moment 0:00:05 in which my car is very close to the track but seems to be out. Using F3 above position as Duplode explained , I can see that there is no a clear pixel line of grass between my car chassis and the track but i don't know if this is enough. Surely i didn't gain 3 seconds for that also because I'm on the outside but rules are rules . What do you think Duplode ?
dosbox92Don't worry Marco. it's a particular situation
MarcoWell, surely I didn't gain 3 seconds but maybe 0.00.20 ... Ale you have pushed the automatic gear to the limit and your lap is very fast and clearly valid. So now, it's important that some expert racer say if my lap is valid or not. If super Duplode can help us.
dosbox92Thank you Marco, I'm pleased of your words! I'm trying to push this car very very hard and I think this laptime is the best for me
Mar 11
DuplodeMarco: The crucial frame in your 1:59.70 is 55.65, at which the front right wheel is off the track. However, there is a teeny little bit of the rear right wheel on the track. The wheel itself cannot be seen from the centred overhead F3 angle, but tilting the camera to the left a bit shows it lies just ahead of the darker yellow "fender" line, and given the curvature of the track at that point there must be some overlap between tire and tarmac. So it as legal as far as my eyes can tell.
DuplodeThose are some pretty good times by the way, sirs.
MarcoHi Duplode, I checked the replay as you did ... When i have uploaded it I used only the F3 above position and i have seen that the chassis "touches" the track . Moving the camera position I have seen that it depends by the angle view.. There are some snapshot in which i can see my tires touching the track and some snapshot in which i see my tires on the grass. There's also a graphic issue about front tires that are sliding on the left. Don't know my friends... what about the strictly IRC rules ? For my point of view it would be easier to catch only the F3 above roof position, if a tire (openwheel) or the chassis (stock car) touch the track is good otherwise not. What do you think ?
DuplodeAbout angles: I have been checking your replays from the "standard" camera position (F3, default zoom, 3 clicks to the left, 10 clicks upwards). When I mentioned "tilting the camera to the left a bit", I only meant doing so to clarify where the wheel is along the car body. As for using the chassis instead of the wheels, it might reduce ambiguity in some cases, but the chassis is just as subject to camera angle issues as the wheels. Also, the physical behaviour of the car is dependent of wheel position, and not at all on the visible body, so checking according to the wheels feels a little fairer IMO. (That said, wheel-checking can get inconvenient at times -- to see what I mean, try playing with the F3 camera around the Jaguar...)
MarcoYes but if you establish that only view f3 - 3 left 10 up is the check view then it s much easier and avoid strange graphic 3d issue.easier because it s only a view valid, so no angle view complaints from drivers.if there is a complete green pixel line between car and track you are out otherwise you are in.obviously there s need to use the chassis too.
dreadnautBefore I forget, I've added the Rolling Stunts as a team. Chaps, don't forget the logo!
Mar 12
afulloThank you dreadnaut! I will design it ASAP (which can be not so early, though).
Mar 13
Zak McKrackenquiet replays published
Zak McKrackennew track available
dreadnautAnd first replay
Mar 14
DuplodeGreat call by Renato on ging for the radical shortcut at the lake sector and then finding a way to regain the lost speed. Well done!
Shoegazing LeoWell.. starting the jobs...
MarcoEveryone must watch Renato's c175 replay !!! I'm sure that if Brad Gour and Don Mattrick will see this replay, they could remain shocked !!! Congratulation ... What a start . How you can find something a jump like that , how That's unbelievable !!! My friend Dread, can you enable the IRC norh season for human players ? I don't want more to compete against these aliens !!!
MarcoRenato, are you using the keyboard
Renato BikerThank you guys. Marco, of course I am using keyboard. About that jump. it is not a novelty, look the replays of ZCT058.
MarcoVery good IRC Track
dreadnautI have already renamed the additional tag as "Strict OWOOT", that is, IRC-style rules. Follow the yellow line
Zak McKrackentrying owoot+norh
Zak McKrackenand a normal run
Mar 15
MarcoGood Zak ... have you seen that's funny ? ) Hi Dread , i don't see the modification. I read always OWOOT
afulloCan this: ( be an idea for a Rolling Stunts logo?
afulloSorry, wrong link:
dosbox92afullo: I love this logo!!!!
afulloOk, we can put this one. Zak/dread, you can proceed, please.
dreadnautLogo updated
afulloThank you dread!
Zak McKrackenthanks, nice logo!
Shoegazing LeoThree of five teams with some musical influence...
Mar 16
MarcoThe king of the automatic gear Automatic gear is a handicap, if you learn to drive with gear probably you win with 5 seconds gap the IRC
Mar 17
Akoss PooCan I find somewhere ZCT173 replays?
DreadnautThere is a link at the top of the track page with the zip file, or you can download single one from the "All results" list.
dosbox92After one day i succeded to improve my owoot time. What a track!!
Mar 18
Akoss PooI know, but the replays directory is empty...
MarcoAnother laptime at the limit (Rules speaking). Fortunately, Dosbox92 already improved to 1.29 with an incredible lap, so I have no problem about stealing him something. Congratulation. Sorry Duplode, what do you think of my lap at 1.11.20 and 1.11.25 ? Thank you
Zak McKrackenI was also unable to fetch ZCT173 replays - the download links do not work for me at
dreadnautWhops, there is something wrong with the replay list from ZCT171 to ZCT173. The data is there, but is not linked correctly between tables. Should be possible to fix it, I'll do it tomorrow morning
Mar 19
DuplodeMarco: 1:11.20 looks okay (small bit of rear right on the track). As for 1:11.25, using the pixel of the front left as a reference, the front right seems to be on track, though it is hard to tell... (I have only watched those two frames in order not to give myself spoilers of the track )
dreadnautReplays should be fixed now!
MarcoMy last video on original hardware of the nineties
Mar 20
Renato BikerGreat, Marco. I played so much GP2 in my life! Great game!
Renato BikerBTW, good choice of circuit. I already ride with my bike in Interlagos. So fun, with inclined climbs and descents.
Alan RotoiSomething
dosbox92What a fantastic game! Gp2!
Mar 21
FrikerFinRok? Welcome. Did you have a website about some old game?
dreadnautHello FinRok, and welcome to the competition!
Mar 22
MarcoRok is one of the best dos gamer in the world. He has several youtube channel with the name that included "ROK" and he is also "Guybrush Threepwood" always on youtube. i asked him several time to join and obviously he is racing against me We have a challenge opened since several years . Anyway Dread, he flagged the owoot by mistake, so his lap is good only for the main championship )
Zak McKrackenWelcome Rok! Nice to see more pro DOS gamers here We'll take care of that incorrect OWOOT flag soon - the OWOOT system is still experimental so deletion is not so straightforward as I guessed
MarcoSorry friends, but is everyone playing the OWOOT with NORH or someone is using the RH ?
FinRokThanks! Yes i selected OWOOT by mistake and yes i have youtube channels but never got owned an website for dos games. Marco very nice new leading time, congrats
MarcoRok My friend, there are 30 and less than 30 years old guys year that fly on stunts.this new leading lap will be destroied.probably 10 seconds better ))
MarcoSorry i wrote year instead than "here"
afulloTroll lap just to appear on the NoRH scoreboard. Maybe if I have some more time I will do a "real" race.
dreadnautOh, why not! Here's my NoRH with an alternative car. Can't wait for a race with the Lotus.
dreadnautSo close... I had to drive another lap
Mar 23
dreadnautIt took four tries, but this is good
dosbox92Hello FinRok! I'm Alessandro and I'm very happy to have another racer ( what a racer!). Congratulation for your laps, they're very fast!
FinRokHello dosbox92 nice to meet you I'm ROK, like wise very nice to be here Guys check out my tuned car from 90's it's Scimitar built in to a Corvette chassis with jet engine displacement
Renato BikerThat's a insane car! But, see the permanent tracks results, it's faster.
FinRokLive fast, die young or drive fast die too old haha
Mar 24
Shoegazing LeoJTK on the scoreboard... Cool to see some legends!
Mar 25
FinRokdrunk driving is allowed in closed circuit! right ? hahah
Mar 26
dreadnautShould we try to organise a live race again? Does anyone have time in the next days? Discuss on the forum: Live races 2016
Mar 28
DuplodeI think those of you populating the alternate scoreboards will enjoy live racing a lot
Mar 30
DuplodeA day (?) in the sun...
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