News posted in March 2011
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Mar 1
AbuRaf70Hola Krys... Bienvenido...!!!
Zak McKrackensorry for the lack of update guys but we are moving to Shanghai within 72 hours... wish me luck!
Mar 2
DuplodeName of the track is explained, then =D All the best, Zak!
DuplodeNote: right now the only link pointing to the new track file is on the "Tracks" page (mentioning it here since it might not be obvious to newcomers).
Mar 5
Mar 8
DuplodePerspective-less experimentation FTW
Mar 24
DuplodeHeeey! It may be a fact that I'm way too busy and without energy to race, but that can't be true for everyone else... can it? =/
Mar 27
Zak McKrackenI don't know, but keeping the competition running does not make much sense this way
Pitmanmaybe everybody is waiting for the quit days with a surprising incredible lap time..
CTGMaybe not...
Alan RotoiEasy and fun track but my hands...MY HANDS!!
Alan RotoiBTW watching the 2 top times I can say this track is very easy if you try. They won't keep those times if they want to win.
Alan RotoiSomebody here plays League of Legends?
Mar 28
satanziegeZak, continuing always makes sense - at least until your kid can take over the competition. That said, nice track this month, too bad, I only found out so late... I like the lack of weird shortcuts :-) Let's see, if it stays that way...
Mar 29
DuplodeAssuming that sleep (or the lack thereof) won't take me out by then I will attempt a session in late-ish evening. Don't expect too much of it, though, as over the last two weeks I only raced about ten minutes, just so that I had a listfiller for Darkie's competition...
DuplodeAnd happy birthday (and welcome!) to oh yeah
Mar 30
DuplodeI *really* should be sleeping by now...
SuperBrianHey guys, I have been really busy (and surely had a motivation-crisis), but I'm back now. A replay will be on the scoreboard soon. Also USC (Sorry for not trying harder last month CTG) and Copa Stunts will be played later today, but update here is more critical.
SuperBrianPure test lap..
SuperBrianFirst try with ferrari..
SuperBrianHmm, maybe that's the car to use..
CTGNow I tell you a secret: SPEEDGATE, DUPLODE.
CTGBtw is it over? It's 23:01 now, maybe Zak forgot about the winter/summer madness...
CTGIf not, well... here is my weak final try.
Mar 31
Alan Rotoiunder what name?
CTGRotoi: nameS !
CTGBtw the winner is Duplode with Speedgate.
Zak McKrackenupdate started (sort of)
Zak McKrackendid I already tell that internet in Chin SUCKS ?
Zak McKrackenupdate done, track available, someone give me some bandwith! :-S I will try to write a newsposts, but still got some work to do, sorry
CTGIf it's true, this one is the second worst winning replay in Zakstunts' history. The crappiest will be ZCT73 forever (GTO, CTG)...
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