News posted in February 2009
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Feb 1
CTGBtw nice maxout from BJ, great to see a human winning replay again! My replay was weak again, like almost always in 2008 - with more motivation I would be able to make 1:14-1:15 at the end.
Bonzai JoeThank you! It feels great to win again (after 29 tracks! :-/), although of course it's not the same without Ayrton or Alan Rotoi, and with neither CTG, Duplode or Mark L. Rivers trying so seriously.
Bonzai JoeGreat performance by Friker. Fourth place in the first race is very promising for the future. Alan Rotoi took 5th place on ZCT14, Renato Biker took 2nd place on ZCT58, Ayrton was 5th on ZCT48... About other replays: nice Speedgate trick by Mark L.! Also nice shortcut Friker, and amazing auto performance by SuperBrian. So many useless seconds lost, second place would have been realistic with manual.
satanziegeFirst try, not sure whether Lm002 is the best choice here :-)
Frikerthnx. but i didnt max it out.. probably because of losing motivation (?? - ok - it was like anything else because of my girlfriend & lack of time) (and probably it wasnt SHORTcut at all..)
i think superbrain should learn manual trm. it would be helpful for him.
satanziegestops being funny when ctg joins ;-) be back tomorrow...
CTGoh come on, my leading time sucks... :-S
satanziegestops being funny when ctg joins ;-) be back tomorrow...
satanziegedamn double post ;-) my skills suck too...
CTGSatanziege: what about coming back to USC too?
CTGLM002 sucks... :-S
CTGIMSA too...
CTGGTO is promising... or not...
CTGLancia seems to be another semi-good solution.
Pitmancould it be that the z91 replays are not the z91 replays?
Zak McKrackenwhat do you mean Pitman, did I make a packaging error?
Bonzai JoeThe Z91 replays are packed with Z92 in the "Tracks" section.
Bonzai JoeI downloaded them and they were just right :-)
Pitmanah.. ok.. i thought the z91 would be in the z91 package..
Bonzai JoeHey Friker, I get 0 search hits for "Viktor Tomkovic" on Facebook :-(
CTGWait, let me register first.
Bonzai JoeAh, it's because the "c" is actually not a "c"
DuplodeNice to see Satanziege has already recruited a full roster for his team
SuperBrianJust a testlap with Speedgate..
SuperBrianLancia test..
Bonzai JoeThe question is: could Ayrton win this track in the Carrera? :-)
CTGAnswer: no.
Feb 2
Blackpulsietesting acura
Bonzai JoeNice Jaguar time...
CybermanHm. Lets see how deep I'll sink in this track. And how often I'll change cars. Again starting with an IMSA...
GoblinOugh, 'twas hard on that SUV...
Bonzai JoeCyberman: you simply need to use more replay handling... Otherwise it's like riding Tour de France on a tricycle.
Cyberman@Bonzai Joe: I need more talent. I am using replay handling, but whenever the car starts to slide I can hardly keep it on track. I have no idea how you all manage to keep the car on track. Do you apply some sort of glue to the tires? Which brand? :-)
Bonzai JoeOne basic idea is that when turning a corner, you must tap the arrow key and not hold it down. The car must not start to slide at all, unless you are using sliding in a trick. The arrow key needs only be released for a shorter time than it takes to lift your finger up and put it down again, but very frequently (the higher your speed, the more difficult this is). Use sound to determine your success. In most cars, particularly fast ones like Jaguar, P962, Indy, you should try to avoid screeching noise (and release whenever you start hearing it). In some cars, like Audi and LM002, screeching is inevitable and not something to worry about.
Cyberman@BJ: I see. I am always holding down the key. So I hear screeching at every corner. I will try not to keep the key pressed next time, thanks for the advice.
CTGSomebody please beat my time!!!
CTGI'm bored...
Feb 3
ZakStunts 2009 started with long time unseen activity and buzz. If you are still lurking around, don't waste the opportunity, join now!
The new feature of this month is the unique graphical scoreboard, where the top 12 drivers of the current track are shown in their cars driving according to their results.
One more little thing to make ZakStunts even more fun to drive at. :) -
DuplodeLove the busy scoreboard, it's really unusual for me to be, this early in the month, only the 14th racer to send a time
And BTW, when was the last time we had a racer from Asia around? (welcome Blackpulsie!)
CTGMaybe Dayan from Sri Lanka...
Anonymoushey...thanks Duplode.i just realize that i'm the only racer from asia
Bonzai JoeThere was Charles and PCK from Malaysia in the really old days. Dayan was a ghost, wasn't he? Same as Crazy Driver :-) Then there have been some Russian drivers long ago, but maybe that doesn't count.
CTGAs far as I know Dayan was Rotoi's ghost, not mine.
Anonymoususing Jaguar again...
BlackpulsieSorry....i forgot to log in....
Blackpulsielast upload from my office :p
CTGBtw we never had a Chinese racer so far... maybe Zak should persuade some of them to play!
Bonzai JoeYes, I know he was Rotoi's, but still not a real Asian racer... I definitely agree Zak should persuade some Chinese people to race. We should just never let Koreans in here, because some of them will play 28 hours per day and make Ayrton look like an amateur. (yes, even Bonzai Joe has stupide prejudice :-D)
CTGKoreans... I heard the same about them in South Park...
CTGBrian: Amazing!
PavekillerBJ: The sliding has been my problem too, mainly because the sound on my stunts version didnt function correctly. However, with this ZakStunts09 Version, I hae sound! Dstien and Antti: I am back to racing after busy studying periods and computer problems. Should we form that team?
Zak McKrackenyes, you should form that team
awaiting your application and team logo! (75x50px)
dstienPavekiller: I'm just waiting for you to settle on a name ;-)
CTGNordic Pussy Hunters!!!
Feb 4
Bonzai JoeWhat about "Meganium Aces High"? That sounds cool...
CTGI suggest Unskilled Drivers, Bolo Yeung has no teammates for ages...
Feb 5
Please check and vote in a question regarding a possible change in the car bonus rules in this topic.
Bonzai JoeHmm CTG, not bad!
CTG...but not that good either
CTGSkyline... hmmm... no
CTGCorvette... no...
CTGGood option for the fans...
Bonzai JoeI don't think it's really good enough
CTGHmmm... then try Ferrari!
Zak McKrackenspeedgate try
DuplodeHi again
CTGFinally... it was so boring before that!
CTGGraphical scoreboard: SB's Lancia is in Speedgate gang bang...
Zak McKrackenin the name of Cork!
Feb 6
Bonzai JoeZak, you are on fire tonight :-) It's almost like you have a big presentation you have to prepare for tomorrow. Keep burning! I've fallen ill :-( probably flu, I feel very cold and hypersensitive and strange. This means there's a chance I will just be sitting here racing a lot. But badly... :-)
Bonzai JoeBy the way, I have two more announcements: 1. I am driving Speedgate XSD in honour of Mark L. Rivers. 2. This community needs new people like Mark L. Rivers. To all new racers: you don't yet know the best part of online Stunts: the community. Did you know there have been three World Stunts Meetings - wild events from which you can see descriptions and pictures in the forum. Press the "Forum" button, register yourself, and then you can also read Mark L. Rivers' thread "END OF A WONDER RIDE". In that, he describes what an inspiring, magical and enriching experience it has been for him to truly be part of the community. He commented about races and about real life events, hosted his own highly intense competitions and even designed cars and made tribute videos. And he had a WONDER RIDE! Let's loop and jump and push our limits together!
firefoxielo dudes & dudettes
Pitman@Bonzai: If you want to push new people, there are in my oppinion two possibilities: 1. experienced top 3 drivers should provide their replays to newbies. Its hard to figure out all the tricks of a track if you never did that before. 2. To keep the competition open: top teams should split up and each member should form a new team consisting of 1 or two experienced and 2 newbies in order to push them. social activity will grow automaticaly with experience and race success.
CTGPitman: utopia...
I don't think it's the right way to share replays (especially not with Friker... he's too fast anyway
). On the other hand it would kill the individuality of the competition and also making the better drivers hide their tricks. So it's useless. About team reorganizing... I thought about a special event with temporary teams but it wouldn't be a really good solution in the main competitions. They are organized by friendship or something like that...
Bonzai JoeThanks for feedback, Pitman. I don't mean to pressure anyone, but I want to point out that all of us have had a great experience using the forum and being in the community :-)
Feb 7
DuplodeHappy birthday, Lene
AbuRaf70Happy Birthday, Lene...!!!
FrikerIm not fast
i cannot do this track with speedgate under 1:30.. but i like slow cars so ill try it with lanica
and - i agree with pitman if you want to make people stay you have to help them.. for example: im heavy depressed (
) because im not in team and i dont know how to ride that bloody imsa cars (for me speedgate and indy are imsa..) good replay with speedgate should help.. so: any pro: can you do replay with speedgate and share it?
Feb 8
CTGDuplode, Duplode, Duplode... you had to take the lead when I'm away...
CTGYou know what? Beat this and I won't answer it. Really.
CTGFriker: nope, you showed up too much in the last round to help you...
Friker? 1 stupid bug because i was not able to do that damn slide? or mastered RH? more you show, races will be more competitive and win will be more valuable.
Feb 9
CTGI mean: don't ask for help, you are good enough to make it alone.
Bonzai JoeBut this competition has been going on for 8 years, and new racers have arrived, improved and become champions... Before we start talking about sharing replays like this, one great thing to do is watch old Zakstunts winning replays! You can download them from this site (are they even packed together somewhere? If not I think they should be), and they are both entertaining to watch and great for learning (except maybe Ayrton's replays, which are a bit too "superhuman").
Frikeryes, dont worry ive had watched all relevant replays of carrera before i started to race last track. this remind me one question to zak: can be replays of 2nd places from last season also packed along with ayrtons replays? and yes youre right. these replay are definitely good source of knowlegde.
still dont solve my problem - i suck with imsa cars
but it also cannot be solved by your replays.. so.. i hope slow cars will rule next race
CTGFuck off BJ!!!
Bonzai JoeFuck re-off
CTGDamn, I can't improve now.
CTGI lied. Again.
CTG11:59 Bonzai Joe 59.23 Speedgate
CTGOr just to annoy me, 57.xx.
CTGQuite massive podium but a bit boring... Gutix, Chulk? Shake it up please!
Bonzai JoeMy reaction time seems to be slower than yours...
CTGI was just lucky.
CTGI expect a double trick for BJ avoiding me to take the lead in 4 minutes.
CTGSince I sucked too much with this xx:59 thing, let's send it a bit earlier, risking the revenge of the opponents.
CTGHe's coming...
CTGBigger step... hmmm... I have no better replay. I mean it's time to hide that non-existing better one.
CTGNah really, I'm not braking at the end.
CTGBJ le van fingva.
CTGMy very last shot on this track...
CTGNext replay: when BJ is already sleeping.
CTGHe's not sleeping...
Bonzai JoeThat is true. But my bridge corners are perfect, so I will have to do them beyond perfect to take the lead. Or redrive. Neither is going to happen. Actually I don't think I will have time to race this whole week. Next monday :-)
CTGSo from now I have to fight with Duplode.
CTG(My bridge corners... well... they suck)
Feb 10
You can now apply for the "Adopt a Team!" programme and gain access to the replays and professional help of the top racers throughout the 2009 season. All you have to do is to form a team with at least one fellow newbie and apply for the program in the forum.
You may read about the details and submit your application here. -
according to the vote quoted on the 5th of February the car bonus percentages have changed retrospectively for this season. From now only the top12 drivers' car selection modifies the bonuses. This resulted in the following changes on ZCT92:
Porsche Carrera -4%
Audi Quattro +2%
Ford Ranger +2% -
DuplodeMine tend to as well...
Bonzai JoeGood to see you, Double D! :-)
CTGThat's what I knew for sure.
CTGYour status at the Forum was "nothing or nothing you can see..." several times in the night so I expected that.
CTGDuplode in the Cork forum... again... conspiracy!!!
YtseDansorry messed up the stats ... forgot to select the replay file :[
CTGBut the graphical scoreboard looks cool from that mistake
Feb 11
DuplodeBad timing...
CTGSorry, I don't have an answer now. Re-driving a bit later...
Feb 12
Frikerhmm.. im going to test quattro now
CTGTricky guy...
Frikerquattro is strange.. speedgate seems ideal car but i dont have ability to ride it
Bonzai JoeYou have to shift gears between 9 and 12
ChulkFirst few tries...
ChulkFirst few tries
CTGNice warmup, Mr. Santivanez!
Zak McKrackenyes, because if you shift earlier you are still sleepy, if you shift in the afternoon you are already too tired
CTGThat was really bad...
that was very nice
i gear up at 12.. but i cannot handle it.. next week i try to do my final ride.
CTGSpeedgate is a masterpiece... unfortunately not for me, handling is still a bit weird, not my style.
Feb 13
satanziegeNew car to hunt down Pitman's crapppy 4x4....
DuplodeYay, welcome back Chulk
CTGFrom now: section time analysis and redriving.
firefoxiethe jag remains my fav.
Feb 16
CTGMunkács race started - Audi vs Acura battle
Feb 17
CTG+2 LTB... cool
CTGand useless...
SuperBrianWow, I'm a lucky bastard. I've been busy for the last couple of weeks, but it seems as if I held on to the third place in USC. Congratulations to Duplode by the way.. Anyway, I'm going to improve my time again from this afternoon or tomorrow..
SuperBrianAnd happy bithday Marci..
Frikerthis is not my race :-/
Friker& this could be marks race
Frikerthis should be enough for now.. ill try it more seriously tommorow
DuplodeHi, dear phantom
Frikerhacked site?
Feb 18
DuplodeDon't think so, probably it's just "someone" posting an empty file from a logged out session.
DuplodeBut now I see that the ghost-file is on the LTB list even if not on the scoreboard...
Krys TOFFZak probably deleted it from scoreboard database, but not from LTB database. ;-)
Anonymousthis is replay sent from timed out session.
Frikerok.. so it was a file sent while that person was logget out but i think it wasnt an accident
score didnt go to scoreboard but its possible it went to LTB table.
CTGIt's so annoying... please remove it! I want to see my leading time!
Frikeronly 2.30 to go
Feb 19
CTGFunny: Duplode and BJ gave up hunting for LTB exactly when I sent in my really best replay...
Dunno if these tactics will work or not (probably Cork guys are hiding something really fast) but for LTB it was a lucky solution. Re-driving next week.
AyrtonOnly a small tribute to Mark and his favourite car.
Bonzai Joe:-D Oh dear... here we go. Welcome back :-)
Pitmanwhooa 8-o That time is sick..
CTGDemotivating... :-S
Feb 20
Frikeranother 180-degree-air-turn with powergear?
CTGIt's better not to know...
... ...
Frikerthis is exactly why 'time limit' of replays is useless :-/
Friker* 'time limit check'
Bonzai JoeIt's 100% sure he did the 180 degree air turn with powergear. Still, that's easier than the 270 degrees from ZCT89 :-)
CTGWho cares?
CTG has lost all his passion
CTGSomething like that...
Frikerlook, if ayrton races rules are changed only slightly - there is no LTB and racer at first place gains 11 points (second 10 etc.)
CTGAyrton is not unbeatable, just other people have other things to do in life instead of Stunts 168 hours/week...
CTGFaster, Friker, faster...
Frikeri cannot.. only if you could send me some replay with speedgate on bridge corners (not in this track)
Frikerand yes, real pro player spends many hours playing his favourite game but this is not our case
CTGHmmm... The 10 seconds between leading time and your lap is not the fault of bridge corners, I guess you should find a trick or choose the other way at the divided part...
Frikeryes it is only bridge cutting - Z91 - i have the same problem (+ that cork pipe) and good cut gave me about 5 seconds in total (+ some from that pipe)
Friker*i had
DuplodeFriker: the only easily available 'Gate replays are from Mark's competitions, although arguably they're not quite typical for one reason or another: Gate (SDR-RH), Emotions (SDR-NoRH), the Swifting event as Stunts olyimpics and Track A/Homeworld from ISM '09.
DuplodeBJ: "It's 100% sure he did the 180 degree air turn with powergear. Still, that's easier than the 270 degrees from ZCT89 :-)" Well, *that* trick wasn't strictly necessary, however
Zak McKrackenFriker: you still have time to gather a small team and apply for the "adopt a team" program, and access the latest replays
Frikerzak: i wanna be in corks crew
and as i wrote - i wont be participating in "adopt a team" thing ( CTG is against & i respect im speeding
) but some speedgate replay would be nice
maybe ill check some IMSA replays.. it seems they have the same corners cutting.
CTGI'm not AGAINST it, I just hope I don't have to share my tricks with non-Damage racers. I don't care if you go to Cork. But if I am yoour creator, it will be dangerous for Cork's Crew...
CTGTo see my good will, check this Speedgate ride:
Zak McKrackenit is possible to get into Cork's Crew but it's never easy
Zak McKrackenexcellent tutorial, CTG!
Frikerthanks CTG
exactly what i need to see and now im sure its mostly about my corner cutting
Feb 23
CTGI'm bored.
Bonzai JoeThat's what happens when you leave the race...
CTGThat's what happens if Szilvi is not online at MSN...
Feb 26
DuplodeTwo days to the end of Z92 and no news on new teams...
Feb 27
CTGAnd no new replays from any top drivers... I really wonder about Ayrton: which car will he choose to demolish people having life...
Feb 28
if you downloaded the new track before 20:45 the 28th of February, please redownload it as it contained an error. Thanks!
AyrtonCTG desired replay ...
CTGYes, the expected car...
CTGWhooops am I Ayrton?
AyrtonYes, the expected car and performed with the expected Great Rotoi® Trick ...
Bonzai JoeGreat battle for 3rd place in the new racers league :-)
Zak McKrackenupdate will take place on schedule!
Zak McKrackenscoreboard is final. update in progress
Krys TOFFDeadline is not 21H
When did it changed to 20H ?
Krys TOFFToo bad, I just realized that I didn't send any time for this month's track and that this month is only 28 days long. Stupid me. I did a Stunts break last weeks and was about to do a rush hour replay but well, it seems useless as deadline was 20H so I'm 30 minutes late... My fault anyway.
Zak McKrackenupdate complete. will write the summary tomorrow or later today (busy now, sorry), until then, congratulations and enjoy the new track!
dstienCrap. Missed another deadline.
Congratulations, everyone! -
AnttiLast month was too short
Jump to a different month
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