News posted in February 2005
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Feb 1
- Sorry for the downtime - Zak`s mother accidentally switched off the server. Well, the results are out now, congratulations to everyone, thanks for joining, see you again on ZCT48 with the Jaguar!
- The Replay Post-checking commitee reports: NicoPelu`s replay was DQF`d because of a crash in the replay, and both of N.Oliveira`s RPLs contained penalty (+18/+30secs), which were added. Results and track archive was updated.
PalekeMy first ride
Krys TOFFMagic is back ! Congrats Alan. And nice fight between Alain and Argammon all the month. I feel like I"m back to the end of 2002, when I see such results and hard fights.
CTGOuch, this is really not Zak`s style...
ArgammonAAAAAARGH this car is driving hell!
CTGI tried manual -this track sux... :-S
CTGDamn, this is a typical beginning from Zak... He knows something I missed!
CTGAnd then comes 1:28 from BJ...
Bonzai JoeNothing comes from BJ until he fixes Stunts...
DieselJoePO - DI - UM!!! PO - DI - UM!!! PO - DI - UM!!! Why don?t you like the car!?
ArgammonKrys: IMSA CUM IMSA CUM!
ArgammonKrys: IMSA CUM IMSA CUM!
CTGIMSA really cums...
CTGActive first day...
Feb 2
- ZCT47 analysis available at statistics ;)
Krys TOFFIMSA Cum ejaculation planned saturday, 12th of February, 21H00 GMT+1. ;-D
DieselJoeWow, nice news! The Date of the IMSA Cup and the Analysis of ZCT47!
Anonymous2.00.00 timed , replay is 2.00.55 timed , automatic and valid
Mingvawow, the first turk on ZakStunts?
PalekeSorry Zak, accidentally I pressed the wrong buttom, please erase that time.
PalekeThis is the actual replay. Sorry again Zak.
JufictusYes , it actually is , and may be the last... Zak , can you delete the unnamed entry and the score too ?
Feb 3
CTGFirst published time under 1:30
JufictusCant do better for now , 1.58...
CTGJufictus, Paleke: please check your replays next time!!! Now I can`t see my name at the top of the scoreboard and I`m afraid Zak will correct it only after I fall back to 2nd (or 3rd or 4th or...) place.
JufictusI ll remind him of it as early as possible , so nay worry be happy
CTGOkay Turkey!
CTGHakan S?k?r
PalekeSorry CTG, and just in case: sorry to all the rest of the racers.
PalekeIn my defense, I am having a terrible day, and I didnt pay much attention.
Feb 4
- This is what you call a quick server reinstall in 4 hours :) Not finished yet, altough most of the things work, continuing tomorrow.
Zak McKrackenDatabase conversion errors are fixed, if you still notice any error just notice me somehow.
Zak McKrackenOha and we can use nice things here: ' ' ' '
Zak McKrackenor should i say: ' " ` ? ?
Zak McKrackengdfhd
Zak McKrackengdfhd
DieselJoeSpammer! No, it's great, that we can finally use the 's! I don't know how many times I had to retype my message!
DieselJoeI overtook you, spammer!
alainWOW zak i love you!!! MY SITE IS BACK!!! I LOVE ZAKSTUNTS!!!!!!!! WHEEEEEEaaa:::!!!
alainat check point 6 i win the race and at check point 7 i lose it. !!! what a start! its a pity i didnt play more the end!
Feb 5
Krys TOFFVery first try with auto gears... Quite slow isn't it ? (I just wanted to use the ' ;-D)
Feb 8
DaRkCaOsquiero partisipar de la competencia
PalekeDos preguntas: 1- Qu? te detiene? 2- Est?s inscripto dos veces, te diste cuenta?
NicoPeluDos preguntas: 1. ?Por qu? no te mand?s unos replaycitos? 2. ?Por qu? no te un?s a Poder Sudaka?
PalekeHey, no se puede unir a Poder Sudaka! Ya somos 5! Y bastante malos!
Alan RotoiEnglish please I can't understand what you are writing
CTGEat this Alain...
Feb 9
CTGTo quote the good old Akoss Poo: B ???FFFFF!!!
NicoPeluPaleke: YOU FIRED
PalekeThat's not logic at all!!! I'm your best pilot!!!
alainspeak english!!! or i will turn you all into salami!!! da da da, da da da!!!
CTGEat your salami and beat my time. Don't let the scoreboard be static...
Feb 10
CTGI need a flamewar I?m holding out for a flamewar ?til the end of the night It?s gotta be strong And it?s gotta be fast And it?s gotta be fresh from the fight
PalekeEeeemmmmh... What??
dinmorwell, I will improve.
Zak McKrackenTo celebrate the 1 week uptime without any breakdowns I'll shut down now the server and install another hard drive. Expect 10-15min downtime now
CTGUSC update: Ujvidek's analysis and Hall of Fame section.
CTGALAIN: if you left MSN before I told you the link, then
Feb 11
CTGI start to understand, why Alan and il prof are talking about times under 1:25...
Alan RotoiWell we never reached the fastest time in the first week. That is why we say it must be much faster than the current leading time. It is not a surprise, you are not a newbie.
Akoss PooTo quote the good old CTG's ass: poooooooooooooooooooo!!! )
Feb 13
satanziegeStill angry that imissed zct 47, so here my bad, minimum RH replay.. ;-) It can only get better
Feb 18
CTG2 bonus points in the pocket...
satanziegeHmm 15 seconds by changing back to my old PC... now i should learn the tricks i guess...
Feb 19
MingvaHey, Ayrton! Car this month is Jaguar XJR9 and not Indy ;-)
ChulkSorry, I posted the wrong replay, 44 secs is not my final time. Sorry again. CHULK
DieselJoeNot your final time!? YOU WILL STILL IMROVE IT!?!? Wow!
Feb 20
Bonzai JoeSorry, this is all I can do in Windows 2000. The game is very slow and unfluent, and it is extremely boring, so I could not drive for more than 15 minutes.
Feb 21
CTGZCT48's new name can be Ghosts Castle...
Alan Rotoijeje you're right. Nobody's at home
alainhey congratulations new bees
Feb 22
CTGLet's make the top moving...
Feb 23
PalekeDEMONIOS!!! AbuRaf me est? alcanzando y no puedo hacer nada... English: DAMN!!! AbuRaf is getting closer and there is nothing I can do about it...
Feb 24
Krys TOFFRemember : deadline for the 4th IMSA Cup is saturday 26th, 21H00 GMT+1 ! It's right there :
Dottorei like car & track
alainjust prove that you are better than me
CTGI'm a lot better, but you are the RH addict...
Krys TOFFWhy satanziege is written as "No Team" member ? Was he fired from Cork's crew ?
Feb 25
alainhey! time hiders! just a few moments to make me lie...
Feb 26
Alan RotoiIt's a bit silly to hide a time when there is a LTB ^_^
alainAllez... just seven hours to send a new replay before the quiet days. we know that you know that we know. show us your best time, CTG...
alainBonzai Joe... this is a brave.
Feb 27
- Not much activity for the leading time this month. CTG took it with an enormous amount of time, alain got the +1 point. Now let's wait for the final results!
CTGFinal time... :-S
CTGSent the last one...
DieselJoeI would like to know what happens, if I use HTML-Tags in this message! testtesttest...
Feb 28
- Present for you: analysis for ZCT48 is up :)
CTGCongratulations to the champion of USC 2004/05 - GUTIX! One race is still left, I would like to ask all of you to join. Let's make the last one unforgetable!
Alan RotoiOops! No time for racing, so good luck! ^_^
CTGAyrton and Alan Rotoi in the same time here... STRANGE!
CTGWas it a try to prove that you are not the same person?
CTGZsolt Erdei (HUN) won over Hugo Hernand Garay (ARG) and saved his WBO title.
Alan RotoiCTG don't be affraid. I won't steal your biggest stunts title: Ghost Master
alainhey hey!!! CTG!! i BEAT YOU
Zak McKrackenLive update tonight after deadline in the chatroom
CTGYou can provoke me Alain, but I already finished racing. You won, grats. Was it worth of time, Mr. RH?
alainno, CTG... i always have a better way of racing than you
CTGLOL, Zak just activated his family
CTGTemporary drawn...
Zak McKrackenno, it was a miracle, my brother came and asked if he could drive
satanziegeOk that all i can do today i wont find another 12 seconds within the next 20 minutes...
alainplease ctg dont send better!!! let it be the first draw in history!!!
alainis my time strong compared to the best racers in the world?
CTGFirst try with auto
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