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January February March April May June July August September October November December

Nov 1

  • ZCT56 analysis is available now at Statistics.
  • Zak McKracken
    guess this track has potential Smiley
  • AbuRaf70
    Congratulations to Ayrton and Gutix by theirhts excellent replays and theirhts first and second places. Congratulations also to I Leo Ramone by the track so couple.
  • Dottore
    Alan: I hope you don't really think me a ghost. People in this friend group say you are a good man for sure and I think you are only joking with me. I would be very sad if I know you think it in real. Sad
  • mislav
    I agree, this track has potential...some magic points... Smiley
  • mislav
    Congratulations Ayrton!! Thanks to Alan Rotoi for not driving so I could score better Smiley
  • mislav
    Alain:The statistic says-if tricks (bugs) weren't allowed, you'd have the fastest lap, so congratulations for the fastest "no mega trick/bug" lap Smiley

Nov 2

  • DarkChaser
    And the battle begins...
  • ayrton
    Felicitaciones a todo el equipo MeganiuM por haber logrado el campeonato 2005 !! Y gracias a Rotoi por invitarme a formar parte de este equipo !!
  • alain
    wow darkie on top!!!
  • alain
    mislav: thanks, being the telemetry master its still a huge victory to me Smiley but it would be a heavenly WONDERFUL victory if i'd lead the championship with replays fulls of tricks like meganium's Ayrton...
  • B?FF!!!
    Konyhaszekr?ny. nokedli, I've drunken Borsodi! B?FF! Smiley
  • B?FF!!!
    Ehhh... sorry. Hokedli. Smiley B?FF!
  • alain
    you sure had a hot hand, leaders
  • DarkChaser
    Where is the USC homepage's atualizaction, 'Drunk Boy' CTG?
  • DieselJoe
    Before updating, he first has to beat your replay, DC! Grin

Nov 3

  • CTG
    sorry sorry sorry!!! my computer is still without adapter. anyway i didn't beat DC's replay. Smiley But somebody did it for sure... Tongue
  • Chulk
    First lap is as good as Zak's lap
  • alain
    no way it can work with normal human powers... i need kryptonite.
  • CTG
    Killer in pocket, waiting for Ayrton's first lap under 1:00. Cheesy

Nov 4

  • DarkChaser
    lol... My first participation and... my first victory in USC... Wow... My second career's victory... lol I'm very happy!!! Thank you, Corvette ZR1!!! lol
  • CTG
    haha, grats... but we all know you are Leo Ramone. Cheesy
  • DarkChaser
    Leo Ramone is ME Huh? No comments... ;op
  • CTG
    TOKAJ track is available!

Nov 5

  • ayrton
    Feliz cumplea?os Patricio, aca te mando un regalo ...
  • Paleke
    Feliz cumplea?os Pato! A ver cuando coordinamos en el MSN...
  • alain
    my next doggy bag is for you.
  • DarkChaser
    Feliz Anivers?rio (Cumplea?os), Capo Alan Rotoi!!! Now in English: Can you send me the 4DSL's Trophy? Huahuahuahuahua... I don't receive it... ;o)
  • Bonzai Joe
    Happy birthday Mr. Rotoi, I hope it?s a great one Smiley
  • Gutix
    Feliz cumple Master!
  • AbuRaf70
    Feliz cumple, Capo Squadra...!!!

Nov 6

  • alain
    they opened a website to help "the oracle" - you know who - Rotoi financially for his birthday. you can donate via paypal, the money will be sent to nigeria via western union and alanrotoi will be able to buy a REAL car. Once and for all, no auctions under 100 african dollars please... your money will be transfered to buenos aires via my Hendaye account when the total amount has reached 10000 euros. keep donating until i can afford... oops, i mean, send the money to argentina.
  • alain
    i dont want to race until 2006. i give up? can i give up? i can give up easily when i am alone in my team Smiley
  • CTG
    Late one: happy birthday, creator of champions! Cheesy

Nov 7

  • CTG
    Ayrton: it's for you! Cheesy
  • CTG
    Waiting for answer...
  • Dottore
    Damage coreography: I've found some little tricks and Dark Chaser perfectize it. It gives a good sector time checkpoint system. Best teamwork I can imagine. Smiley
  • Krys TOFF
    Late happy birthday to Alan 'El Portador de Luz' 'Stunts Oracle' 'arP962' 'Porter' 'Patricio' Rotoi. And congrats to DC and Doc for all their good results last month at ZS and USC. Well done guys, I'm impressed.
  • CTG
    USC site is updated by analysis and replays of Porto and you can access the newest worldranklist too.
  • Paleke
    Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Last one!!
  • CTG
    Poder Sudaka needs a strong trickfinder.
  • Paleke
    XD Yep, but I'll be more than happy with a medium one XD... The thing is we are very busy lately so we can't spend a lot of time racing.

Nov 8

  • CTG
    when was the last single B?FF message here? Cheesy
  • CTG
    Akoss? Cheesy
  • CTG
    AKOSS! AKOSS! AKOSS!!!!! Do you know this girl? Smiley
  • mislav
    Welcome Fuoco and bongiorno:)Nice to see someone from Italy!

Nov 9

  • Usrin
    CTG: ugh... that's not the place for advertisements of bitches!
  • Usrin
  • Alan Rotoi
    Thank you very much! It was a great day, full of friends and smiles.
  • Akoss Poo
    Negative changes since I've last seen her. Less beautiful and more bitch. B?FF.
  • Chulk
    Yes!!! I'm leading!!!
  • mislav
    Yes,you are STILL leading... Smiley
  • Akoss Poo
    Fingottam ?m!

Nov 11

  • Navras
    I miss the tricks section very much
  • CTG
    I didnQt win TDK... :-S

Nov 12

  • MiDiaN
    First replay

Nov 13

  • DieselJoe
    Guess I have a new favourite enemy! Others have become too fast! Grin
    Come on Abu!

Nov 14

  • alain
    this game is polygon pleasure. you sure know it midian
  • CTG
    Gap btw the podium and the followers is too huge. Where's Alain? Where's Akoss? Gutix? Bonzai Joe? Dark Chaser? Vamologocomisso? Nailwood?
  • alain
    do what you did last time cheater, with akoss poo, which was not in your team: send me your replay, and the gaps of your cunt ass hole will be filled with crema de danonino natillas
  • CTG
    As for me you will only find the head of a horse in your bed instead of my replay in your mailbox.
  • Akoss Poo
    Mondtam m?r, hogy elbasz?dott a stuncos g?pem, te nagyon l?k?tt.
  • Usrin
    And I think Dark Chaser is on a business trip. Smiley Btw, happy name-day to Lupuszka, even she isn't a registered racer now, as I see. Smiley
  • Chulk
    Damn, I lost the lead!

Nov 15

  • CTG
    Ayrton is an unfair teammate of you. Teammates don't steal the lead from eachother.
  • CTG
    Especially because he's already the champion... He doesn't think on you, on the real racer of the team. Rotoi/Gutix: you behave crappy with Chulk!
  • Lupuszka
    Usrin: K?sz?n?m ;-)
  • CTG
    Aaaaaaaaaaah so there was L?pina (Horse Cunt) day!

Nov 16

  • Chulk
    Back to leading (till the end I hope)

Nov 17

  • CTG
    No way, Chulkie. My Stunts computer is waiting for me at home. Cheesy
  • Navras
    I want drafting. Mislav to Silver Spirit! Smiley
  • mislav
    Wow Navras! Fast lap I see Smiley It will be a good competition for Place 16 this season Wink
  • mislav
    Navras to The Vrlooders team 2006? Smiley
  • mislav
    CTG - 2006 - The Vrlooders - ? - Smiley

Nov 18

  • CTG
    Mislav: maybe, maybe... Smiley Looping, Cork, Vrlooders, Damage - possible teams for me in the future. Yes, Damage too. We can make trasfers. Smiley
  • DieselJoe
    Now you come crouching back... Tongue
  • CTG
    Hahaha... no! Cheesy
  • CTG
    B Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh????FF!!! CTG is drunk!!!! Cheesy

Nov 19

  • Alan Rotoi
    GO chulk GO!!!

Nov 21

  • mislav
    Hello? Nobody here? Everybody's driving like a crazy maniac? Who is so cool, has already a good lap and has time to write something down? OK, except me Smiley
  • CTG
  • CTG
    Per? suffers, BJ sleeps, Poo has no computer, the Rotois are leading, CTG is busy with studies. Others?
  • mislav
    maybe the rest is drinking... Wink

Nov 22

  • CTG
    Yeah, at least Diesel, Diesel, Diesel Joe...
  • DieselJoe
    Yes, I was. Smiley But despite that I had to get up early today! :-S The guy where I slept had to work today and threw me out at 7 o' clock. Now I'm sitting in the university (home would have been too far away) feeling totally fucked! My lessons begin in 2 hours. But the Porcupine Tree concert yesterday was great! B?FF!
  • Bonzai Joe
    Bonzai Bonzai, Bonzai Joe is writing (an exam essay)
  • Alan Rotoi
    CTG you'll never stop, don't you?
  • CTG
    I live... I have hands... I have a computer... I have internet connection... I'm still interested in Stunts... As long as it's all true for me I won't stop it! Smiley

Nov 23

  • CTG
    Rotoi: I want to finish our war. Please make a suicide. Cheesy

Nov 24

  • Chulk
    Looks like everybody is busy or not racing
  • mislav
    I would say: everybody is busy with racing! Who is waiting for november the 30th to send his replay? Smiley

Nov 26

Nov 27

  • alain
    I live... I have hands... I have a computer... I have internet connection... My religion is STUNTS... CTG and will be third in season ranking!

Nov 28

  • MegnaiuM domination with the LTB. +2 to Chulk, +1 to Ayrton. Can you stop them getting the podium too? I can't :(
  • You young pipqueaks! I just noticed ZCT55 LTB's were not added to the season's scores! What would you do without me! Error was corrected.
  • Cas
    Hi! I've just registered! I'm new, so every time I do something wrong, please tell me. I'll try to read everything carefully first, anyway. Thanks.
  • Marci
    youth power Smiley
  • Zak McKracken
    I feel better, lets design ZCT58 now Wink
  • Zak McKracken
    Welcome Cas! I hope you'll have a nice time! I also added you to Poder Sudaka team. I hope you'll have a nice time there also Wink

Nov 29

  • Update will be delayed a bit tomorrow evening, the admin will be working, and gets home only around 23:00. He'll try to make the update before midnight, but can't promise.
  • Cas
    Thank you, Zak! I'm ready to start with the new track!
  • Navras
    Shall I ask for some help? I wonder what your speed was in the banked corner somewhere on the hill. Of course it's a poetic question but I won't be sad if somebody answers in private message. Smiley
  • Navras
  • CTG
    Please don't use special effects here!
  • CTG
    I wonder how big is the maximal letter size here... Smiley
  • Zak McKracken
    Mine was around 185mph

Nov 30

  • Ouuugh what tough battle before deadline! But it's over now and we have a new winner: Chulk! Deepest congratulations! Please enjoy now the last track of thsi season: Pitfall
  • Pre-Registration for the 2006 season will open in a few days.
    The analysis for ZCT57 is already available!
  • CTG
    Sssssssssh!!! Smiley Mine was 170-172
  • mislav
  • CTG
    185 in the new
  • CTG
    194 but it's worse because i miss a little jump because of that :-S
  • CTG
    BUT! It's possible in powergear too Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy The 2 ghostie did it... Cheesy
  • CTG
    Is it possible to make a live update at #stunts? Smiley
  • alain
    SCANDALIZING you that published such a detail on your replay are all CHEATERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CTG, MISLAV, ZAK, must all be eliminated from this month competition. CTG overall. (I communicated my time to navras in private.)
  • alain
    at least eliminate CTG... just CTG!!!!!!!!
  • CTG
    YOU have to eliminate me, Alain. Cheesy
  • CTG
    Do it, do it, do it!
  • CTG
    jump to the right from the cork
  • CTG
    By the way why do you think I published my real time.
  • CTG
    Freudian mistyping, I mean my speed... Cheesy
  • alain
    i don't know i can't feel what you feel in your 150 euros a month average salary country. perhaps you want to see your name aside the best... once in your life.
  • alain
    ooops sorry i beg your pardon, Hungary 320 euros romania is 150 euros Cheesy i understand why cheating is a sport over there...
  • Krys TOFF
    Mmmm. I can't keep power gear on banked corners with this bloody car. So I decided to do a slow time instead with a huge break on the banked corners.
  • CTG
    LOL, Damage attack!!! Cheesy
  • CTG
    Your soul is poor if it's a main point of view about people. You can earn 5000 euros per month, you will only stay a dicksucker low-minded teacher with no sense to your own sport, cycling. You are a hopeless insultive worm, not more.
  • CTG
  • Navras
    Alain it wasn't nice at all. Zak, Akoss, Usrin, Dottore and I am Hungarian too with 10 million other people in this country. Evaluating a nation by its economical situation is not respectable. Knowing that CTG is the only target of yours, please insult individually him. You can find many things in his behaviour, nationality mustn't play in this game.
  • DarkChaser
    Zack, I had a problem sending my replay of 1:06.35 for ZCT57. My replay was send to you ( exactly now. Put it in scoreboard, please. I don't know how (or why) my time is 0:27.xx exactly now. Thanks. Darkie
  • DarkChaser
    My time is 1:06.35, and not 0:27.60... What is happened? ;OP
  • mislav
    Alain,read this: "Here you can post short news onto the sidebar on the right side. Of course this only works for registered racers. Use this to announce live races, inform others about something bad/good, or just for flaming. Smiley"
  • mislav
    If you read it, you probably noticed that part: "...inform others about something bad/good..."
  • mislav
    Zak, CTG and me informed Navras of something good/bad. If you can't handle it, don't insult nations.
  • mislav
    By the way, great time DarkChaser!!!! Wink
  • DarkChaser
    Zak and others racers, my final time for ZCT57 is 1:06.05, OK? Zak: check your email... My final replay is there... Hugs, Darkie...
  • alain
    what was stronger thanks to hungary in european union? maybe the suicide rate. nobody can tell it's insult. it's reality. do it CTG. do it do it do it do it. SUICIDE!!!
  • alain
    and I hate useless things like: don't post twice your message. there is always someone in the forums to tell you don't post twice when you posted twice. but if someone can't help doing something because of a problem he encountered and he can't solve, you can't help. so it's dumb to ask someone who can't help peeing around the hole to pee right in it.
  • CTG
    Average intelligence, Nobel laureates/inhabitants, number of excellent foods and drinks increased by our join.
  • CTG
    Hungary was always the source of mental things, not economical. Don't try to find crappy insults on this. If you continue, I'll kill you. No kidding.
  • alain
    [20:42] Alain_: hungary is full of brains [20:42] Alain_: with empty stomachs Cheesy
  • alain
    hungary is the hungry country
  • CTG
  • alain
    CTG let's finish our argument forever: hang yourself.
  • CTG
    ma, 20:59:34 Windows XP Opera 7.23 ma, 20:47:06 Windows XP Internet Explorer 6.0 ma, 20:41:59 Windows XP Internet Explorer 6.0 ma, 20:41:09 Windows XP Opera 7.54 There were no visitors from Lithuahuahuahuania in that time.
  • CTG
    Alain: follow Elvis. Die.
  • mislav
    Congratulations Chulk!! The Hall of Fame has a new face Smiley
  • alain
  • CTG
  • CTG
    Mislav: it's not the final results. Zak will come later.
  • mislav
    I know, but I'm sure that Chulk won this race Smiley The points etc. will of course be corrected later, when Zak arrives Smiley
  • alain
    i am looking forward to watching the replays.
  • CTG
    if he sent better than my 59.50 than he won.
  • DieselJoe
    What the fuck? I really missed the final of a race again? And what the fuck is going on here in the news?
    B?ff! :-/
  • Chulk
    Thanks Mislav but CTG's right (I hate to say that). I haven't won until Zak says so on the scoreboard!
  • Zak McKracken
    Hey people don'T rushj. I'M just starting the update Cheesy
  • CTG
  • Chulk
    How do I ewnter the chatroom?
  • alain
    in the bottom left of this page there is a link called "chat" click on it
  • alain
    in the "info" part. then click on "enter the chatroom here"
  • CTG
    If you have NIS firewall, it won't work. Use mIRC at EFNet provider and join #stunts.
  • DieselJoe
    By the way, congraulations to Chulk! Smiley
  • alain
    [23:55] Alain_: hey chulk really had it great [23:55] zaqrack: yes he was flying [23:55] Alain_: mesmerizing [23:55] zaqrack: nice winning replay [23:55] Alain_: he s got magic fingers

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