News posted in March 2009
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Mar 1
AbuRaf70Felicitaciones al Maestro Ayrton por su nuevo triunfo... Felicitaciones a Duplode y BJoe por sus 2do y 3er lugar y además, por sus replays con el Indy
Bonzai JoeGreat performance by you also, Abu! And it looks like Ayrton is back...
Bonzai Joe:-O I can't believe we missed AbuRaf's power gear way...
Bonzai JoeAnd I am in love with Ayrton's loop jump...
Bonzai JoeAntti: do NOT use the Ferrari on this track ;-) it has 9% bonus.
OverdrijfI like being 9th in the overall standings, too bad it won't last too long...
OverdrijfAnd sorry about the spam, but I just have to brag about being in the lead right now.
CTGOnly to force myself to make a serious lap later in this month...
CTGDstien is good!
DuplodeOne must admit Ayrton's loop solution was just brilliant. I love that kind of trick...
Mar 2
A bit late I'd like to congratulate to the winner of ZCT92 - Ayrton. Just when we were stuck in the middle of a couple of Speedgates he came and shook the scoreboard with the long-time neglected Indy - but in the end he won with a wonderful and unique Ferrari loop trick.
Members of Cork's Crew, Duplode and Bonzai Joe came on the second and third place with the Indy, followed by CTG on the fourth place with the formerly suspected car of the month - the Speedgate. I'd also like to highlight AbuRaf's replays on the 5th place - it contains some surprise tricks.
No newbie could make it above the 9th place - so we can state Airborn was a hard battle. A great driver announced his retirement - Mark L. Rivers, but in exchange Chulk made a long-awaited reappearance on the board...
So that was our quest for the cold and short February, and now we're off on the road on the new track: Crossworld. The proper car remains a mystery as of now... so sit in one of them you like, and enjoy the race! -
PavekillerComputer problems in the last weeks again :S Nothing works, hate it... Don't know when I will be back again, maybe not until the C94 or C95.
CTGHaven't checked the Z92 replays, I'm not interested in them.
Bonzai JoeGreat news :-) Then if Ayrton's tricks will be needed on another track, DD and I will know them, and you won't.
CTGAyrton's tricks = 100 hours RH, I won't miss them as I race less.
CTGbloody car
DuplodeOn the other hand, AbuRaf's lap has an useful little trick that would take about 100 seconds to do... =)
CTGI don't care... and I'm stupid to start another race when I declared a break. So break - from now.
FrikerIve seen replays and.. hm.. i knew that ayrtons way could work but i was too lazy and i expected that he gains powergear at the first corkscrew.. anyway i was able to do 2 secs better time but i was too lazy.. maybe next time. CTG: wtf? another retirement?
Mar 3
CTGNope, just a short period without/with less racing. Few months or so.
OverdrijfLol, the graphical scoreboard thinks Aburaf and I are about 74.3 seconds behind.
Bonzai JoeGuys! Remember there's another competition running - slightly easier and more cozy than Zakstunts, and with next deadline on March 8! Unskilled Stunts: ""
Mar 4
CTGThanks for the ad! And yes, only 4.5 days are left, come on!!! Track is easy and it's quite a fun too... I'll kill Akoss if he makes a crappy track again for next race.
Mar 5
CTGIs there anybody to make a milliseconds war show?
CTGDAMN IT, I wanted to send a slower one... :-S
OverdrijfI am winning only milliseconds here, but I'm whole leagues behind you, which is in a way an achievement, since I am driving and you're on a break.
CTGI AM on break - who said it's a fresh lap? Break doesn't mean I can't hide my previous results...
Bonzai JoeWell that wraps it up for the Jaguar. Ayrton better watch out, CTG is extremely dangerous when he's "not racing" :-) We only miss his announcement of "I will only be 7th or 8th this month", then we will know this could be the month when Ayrton's streak falls.
Bonzai JoeOverdrijf: are you sure you are driving your replay from the beginning? That's the only way you have a chance :-)
OverdrijfI'm doing something close to the beginning, but not something as big as you seem to be suggesting I should be doing. I have been playing arround with something more spectacular, but I don't think that's gonna yield much more than even more spectecular crashes too. It was fun though...
OverdrijfI probably should also try switching to the other IMSA or the speedgate, might find myself half a second there...
Mar 6
Zak McKrackenthats what we call a listfiller
CTGZak will be under 1:00 at the end.
Mar 7
CTGZak: don't keep it back, take the lead!
Mar 8
SuperBrianJust a crappy testreplay to remain active evn though I got no internet..
Mar 9
Frikervery nice track
Overdrijfis it allright if I start hating that countach by now?
i like countach..
OverdrijfOn the bright side, I'm still the 3rd fastest person around the track, sort of.
Mar 10
satanziegeHm, multiway... that costs time :-)
satanziegeOne more day in top 10 4u pitman... :-)
DuplodeThe graphical scoreboard looks cute right now... but let me twist it a bit
OverdrijfThe skyline, didn't even think of that one yet...
Pitmanby the way: are there any news concerning the adopt-a-team approach? in other words: are we adopted?
Zak McKrackenyou're adopted! Register in the forum to enjoy the benefits.
OverdrijfYeah, running for help, that'd how I like 'em.
CTGOverdrijf: join dstien, Pavekiller or anybody, form a team and maybe Meganium will adopt you. Ayrton is stronger than BJ and Duplode together.
CTGYes, I'm insulting Corks...
Zak McKrackenyes, we'd really like to see one another newbie team regardless if its adopted or not. Teamwork brings the skills.
Zak McKrackenaccording to the graphical scoreboard Overdrijf is about to crash into Friker
firefoxiehey, I'm in the top 10. That's never happened before. Must be the car
OverdrijfI was so proud of that JAG-replay, and now I'm one of the few people that doesn't manage to beat it. I need a new tactic...
OverdrijfMillisecond war!
Overdrijf@Zak: look at the graphical board now, friker and firefoxie are practically riding a tandem. So, enough spam for one day.
Frikerhey my holy asshole! youre not allowed to do this!
CTGThen try to escape from there... If you won't leave that result behind, we will think you are pseudo-gay.
OverdrijfIf you could just move a few 10's of a second forward you'dd take aburaf in for a trio...
CTGBah, homosexual gang bang...
looks much better now
Mar 11
OverdrijfIf I were really bored I'dd suggest trying to write something in the graphic scoreboard by positioning all twelve cars at certain positions. We should be able to get at least two letters out of it, or a smiley face...
Bonzai JoeThat's a fantastic idea. The only problem is all 12 top drivers would have to be equally bored. What would you like to write?
OverdrijfWell, I'dd like to go for "what the heck, that jag is back on track, breathing down my neck like a yak, yeck!" But it would be quite hard with just twelve cars. A smiley would be possible with twelve cars, but they'dd probably not position themselves well automatically. I'll have to think about this one, providing I get that bored...
OverdrijfO, you could do SOS in morse, 1 car is a dot, 2 right behind each other a stripe. But then we only get to use one bar...
Bonzai JoeActually, the graphical scoreboard looks a lot like a rifle right now! Pointing west...
OverdrijfDoes you hanging srround here mean we can expect to a (fast) time anywhere soon?
Bonzai JoeNot really :-) When I'm racing, I don't hang around here so much. When I hang around here a lot it means I'm working or studying, but having trouble concentrating
CTGshort RH try with Rivers' evil machine
OverdrijfRub it in...
OverdrijfIf Zak, Aburaf and Friker would wait up a bit we could have a 6-way millisecond war...
Bonzai JoeMarch 31st is the time to fight for milliseconds...
Frikerim waiting until next try to rip my ass
CTGAre you waiting for that? What a fag...
OverdrijfThe board leader has been on a break since before the race started, people are daring eachother to rip their ass and you are currently bored enough to read this message, yup, it's a regular stunts race.
CTG...then comes Ayrton with 53.50, using Carrera.
Mar 12
OverdrijfOnly to shave another 5 seconds of with the indy, just cause he can.
AbuRaf70Happy Birthday, Antti...!!!
FrikerHappy Birthday
OverdrijfAlso congratulations
OverdrijfCool, I managed to send a time without a driver belonging to it.
CTGTry Párkány track in USC: easy Corvette powergear ride, even for beginners!
OverdrijfHé Friker, would you stop assaulting Zak like that? I thought you wanted people to keep some distance?
CTGSending a fake replay could fuck up the graphical scoreboard: 2nd-12th = bukkake party.
OverdrijfYes, 10 seconds, that's correct. What do you mean, time penalty?
firefoxieoh I give up, can't do any better with no RH & automatic.
Bonzai JoeThat's because you're CTG's ghost.
Bonzai JoeThe only way to prove you are not CTG's ghost is to act very human in the forum;-)
firefoxieuhm, me??
OverdrijfYeah you, CTG made that account to publish his NORH times, and now acts like he is in fact a different person, you. But he uhh you uhh whatever will have to do better than that to fool us.
OverdrijfBy the way, if that's NORH, how do you feel about joining a feel the thrill race sometime?
CTGNo way, my slowest ghost is Duplode.
CTGMaybe you should talk in Dutch to prove...
CTGDe man verzette zich lange tijd tegen pogingen om gered te worden. De politiecommandant verklaarde dat hij ,,vrijwillig in het water sprong en medische hulp weigerde''. Het lukte in eerste instantie niet de man per helikopter uit het water te halen. De wind van de propellers werd gebruikt om de man dichter naar de kant te duwen.
OverdrijfHé, that's about me. How did you find that?
Mar 13
OverdrijfHé, cool, a new driver (well, at least I didn't see her yet).
Bonzai JoeA new driver, slamming through, riding down the highway 101
OverdrijfBy the way, I like how symmetric the newbie board is now, I just hope Friker appreciates it as much as I do.
Frikeri like it too
but dont worry - you will not be the winner of this track
OverdrijfI have nothing to worry about, I'm the underdog who's only way is up...
firefoxieWTF? I'm like, real. The guy in the pic is actually me. I don't even know CTG!
firefoxie@overdrijf: I don't get it. what do you mean? feel the thrill?
Duplode@firefoxie: worry not, everyone "is" a CTG ghost at some point of his/her early career. Myself included
After all these years it's almost like a passage rite...
DuplodeAnd I love the newbie's name...
DuplodeOh yes, forgot to mention. firefoxie: Feel The Thrill = FTT = Krys' NoRH competition. See . Next round starts this Sunday
Mar 14
CTGB Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö F F ! ! !
OverdrijfAh, we have a contender that enjoys a challenge, the ferrari with just 9% bonus. (that's the same as what the 962 will have next month if nobidy uses it now, I'm already enjoying the idea.)
SuperBrianWell, we can try to use it..
Overdrijf*Tries to burn SuperBrian's time off by looking at it*
OverdrijfI mean, we're throwing stones at our own windows, the people who like IMSA cars are spread out over all 3 of them now. We still have two weeks, we could just find out which one is ultimately faster and all drive that one. O wait, that's coöperation, people are only allowed to do that within their team...
Mar 15
Bonzai JoeThere is no strict rule about cooperation outside teams...
CTGThere are no strict rules, so send me your replays - especially Ayrton, BJ and Duplode!
Mar 16
DuplodeI always wanted to know how the php system reacts when you...
CTGToo late, 2 LTB points in the pocket - with a weak replay, with my weakest car. This race is a nonsense.
DuplodeI knew that (mostly away from racing for the last week), and it seems only you're worried about the race
Note that co-lead doesn't affect LTB, BTW, so you didn't even needed to act if +2 wasn't assured
Mar 17
Bonzai JoeNote that the winner car on this track is the Corvette.
Frikeris it? my writing part of final exams starts today
im so happy it will be over after this week..
OverdrijfSo I have a few days left to get ahead of you, and then more than a week of defense. Mmh...
CTGNote that the winner car on this track is not the Corvette. Really.
CTGUse Speedgate.
CTGBtw DUP: I know that co-lead doesn't mean sharing leading hours. But it's still better to see my name alone on the top...
OverdrijfI don't know who it was that wrote of the JAG, but I'm glad there's so little competition.
OverdrijfBy the way: I tested it for you Brian: the JAG is with this track and bonusus faster than the 926, so you can switch back again. *puppy-eyes* [/if you haven't followed it, don't try...]
OverdrijfAnd the 962 of course. *shame*
Mar 18
CTGBJ wants an LTB point.
CTGShall I let him earn one? But then I have to show my final car choice...
CTGOverdrijf's Jaguar lap is not so bad, it was at least 10 minutes to beat it...
It's better if you change to Speedgate!
OverdrijfThere's something the two of you are doing the rest doesn't. At times like this I really wish I could see these things...
OverdrijfO, the 3 of you of course...
CTGNope, only me, these two are my ghosts.
Overdrijf*Does the happy dance thanks to superbrian*
CTGNot the Jeep...
CTGNot the Ranger...
CTGMaybe the Skyline...
OverdrijfThe countach with the indy engine?
CTGStill not so good...
CTGI hate to say but it seems Countach fits me the best this time. That means bad for my final ranking... :-S
CTGSpeedgate was almost good, 0.30 slower than BJ.
Zak McKrackenThe graphical scoreboard looks like a Tour de France bike race. Three racers in escape, and a bit group following them way behind. Who will break out and go after the escapees?
Bonzai JoeYes. We're letting CTG do all the work by leading the group
CTGResult will be (Ayrton), Duplode, Bonzai Joe, CTG - and I have the two LTB points. So I don't worry about the final ranking.
CTGOkay, maybe Zak will be 4th/5th, Countach is not my cup of tea.
CTGI mean 3rd/4th
CTGPersonally, I wonder which Cork guy will fight for the other LTB point - both of them have a chance for a season victory, so there shouldn't be a team order... BJ or Duplode?
Mar 19
Bonzai JoeAre you sure you will be in the Top 5, CTG? I think you will be fighting for 7th place
Bonzai JoeWhy did the Carrera only get +2 for not being used on Z92, and all the others +3?
OverdrijfOne race not in top 12 = +2%, two races = +3%, 4 races +4% etc.
Bonzai JoeAh, okay. Guess I should read the rules...
CTGYou mean Cocks and Cock's slaves in TOP6?
CTGBtw I don't really care because I'm on a break... did you forget?
Frikerhmm ill start racing maybe tommorow
OverdrijfGood, should give you plenty of time to get back ahead before I get to spend any serious time on it...
CTGDon't believe BJ's leading time, Speedgate is not the best car on this track!!!
OverdrijfNo it isn't.
CTGI see the agreement: BJ - LTB, but letting Duplode win his first ZCT race ever...
Mar 20
OverdrijfAnd who assures me you and Brian aren't playing a similar game?
CTGI'm so sorry to inform you but SBR won't ever go under 1:03.
Bonzai JoeTime to prove him wrong, Brian :-) but I agree to the extent that with AUTO, you will never go under 1:03 :-)
CTGMy 1:02.xx with Countach contains no tricks, air spins, shortcuts and dual-way switching ---> people using Countach for maxout will finish around 57-58 secs.
Mar 22
SuperBrianHey guys, I have been SO drunk the last four days, and I have only driven this track about three times, so I don't have much time to prove myself worthy. BUT I'll sit down and do something about it very soon. I can see that I still have 9 days. So who knows? Maybe I'll drop by with a manual trm time..
Mar 23
Bonzai JoeGreat excuse! That sounds lovely... I miss being drunk. I also miss Ayrton. I wonder when he is going to appear again.
Frikerah.. i have no time :-/ it seems i wont be a winner of this race in the newbie league
Mar 24
satanziegeSO Pitman, finally second team-place for you :-)
OverdrijfIt's no fun beating people when they're not trying, it's even worse when they say they have no time (or are on a break
) and beat you anyway...
Mar 25
CTGGuys! Come to USC!!!
OverdrijfI managed to beat my time on the first half, but my second half was apparently so good (for me) that I still can't beat my final time.
CTGB Ö Ö Ö Ö F F ! ! ! Böff dampening: < 1dB
CTGFuck off Cocks!!!
CTGlike always
CTGwhee ^_^ Böff dampening: < 1dB
FrikerCTG is drunk again...
CTG(only a bit... <200 ccm alcohol)
Mar 26
DuplodeNon-relevant data without the concentration
CTGI mean <200 ccm alcohol...
One bottle of Borsodi is 23 ccm alcohol, a bottle of wine is about 90-100.
CTGBut partly you are right: 200 ccm pure alcohol coming from beer (~4 liter) and vodka (~0.5 liter) is not equal in drunkness. Mathematically... well, they are.
OverdrijfYou know you don't get drunk often enough when you start calculating how drunk you should be instead of being it. Guys, get a bottle...
OverdrijfYou know you don't get drunk often enough when you start calculating how drunk you should be instead of being it. Guys, get a bottle...
CTGYep, it's too rare, I need a lot more...
HTEHi all I'm in here xD
OverdrijfWelcome fellow JAG driver.
Overdrijf[Darth vader voice]Join me Friker, and together we shall rule the newbie league as father and no, wait, forget that last part...[/Darth vader voice]
Zak McKrackenWelcome, HTE!
HTEThanks Zak
have a nice race!
HTE[Rouge leader voice]Overdrijf in my front, it's too far,I need a ship with hyperdrive[Rouge leader voice] my situation translated to Star Wars world
OverdrijfHTE is superbrian's ghost, definately.
OverdrijfBy the way, if you could keep your time but switch to the speedgate we'd have a nice and symmetric newbie board again.
HTEok I go to try, but my time with with speedgate is poor! I made only 1.21!
OverdrijfNo, just kidding, drive whatever you like. I was faster with JAG than with both porsche and speedgate (and countach), but obviously that was different for others...
OverdrijfAnd besides, your time is already too fast now for it to be symmetric.
HTEok, I ever used P962 and Indy for play, and I low 0.25 sec only for secure my place, and mistake me! I don´t look the smile at the end xD Good race, I have to go now
Mar 27
Dear newbies, gather yourself together finally and start a team, OK? You want to beat me or don't you? Well come on, I'm waiting for you!
Frikeras i can see ill have no time to race seriously until august.. :-/
beside - overdrijf - i can rule the newbie league myself ok our partnership would worth nothing because as i mentioned i am unable to race seriously until august thus you cannot gain any experiences from me. but if you want we can make team together.but thanks for asking
Frikeras i can see ill have no time to race seriously until august.. :-/ [joke-mode] beside - overdrijf - i can rule the newbie league myself
but thanks for asking
[/joke-mode] ok our partnership would worth nothing because as i mentioned i am unable to race seriously until august thus you cannot gain any experiences from me. but if you want we can make team together (obviously 'some' characters are forbidden
HTEPitman in your team are only from germany or others can in? I want to in!
DuplodeWelcome HTE!
Oh, I see you're a Brazilian newbie!
And you even run a Stunts blog!
Duplode@HTE: About Pitman's team - it already has a full roster (4 members max). Maybe you should contact Overdrijf/Friker instead, that may motivate them further to actually start a team
OverdrijfOeh, I hope we get a millisecond war between HTE and Sister Of Mercy...
Overdrijf@HTE: you only ever race 962 and Indy? I'dd like to see how many races you can keep that up with zakstunts' car bonus rules...
OverdrijfAnd @ Friker: you're cheating, this is a game/hobby, racing seriously is strictly forbidden!
CTGMuppet Show
OverdrijfShow me the muppets...
OverdrijfI'm wondering if Ayrton will still show up, I'dd really like to see what he'd make of this track...
Bonzai JoeI go away for one day and a half and there are 45 new news posts. Good job guys! And welcome to HTE!
CTGBJ: today is the deadline of Párkány track, I hope to see a replay from you.
OverdrijfAh, what the beep. I had submitted this time hidden, but since both Friker and Firefoxie have announced not to overtake me and Zak can see my time anyway I might as well show off with it.
Zak McKrackenyou should not hide a time before the quiet days
OverdrijfThen why is there an option to do so?
Zak McKrackenbecause I am a lazy coder
but as tomorrow is workday, although its a Saturday I intend to only work on the site instead of doing actual work. I'll possibly fix this as well...
OverdrijfCool, now I'm officially one of those people who needs everything coded for them just to keep them in line.
OverdrijfP.S. Could someone from position 13 or lower overtake HTE? It's really for his own good, honest, so he can race the 962 with 9% bonus next month. Where is someone like Ayrton when you need him? [/Yes, I might be kinda bored right now]
OverdrijfHaha, Skid is talking to us. Perhaps we should listen.
Zak McKrackenwait a minute Overdrijf, did you just overtake me? :-O I have to pull myself together!
OverdrijfSo that's what a coin dropping sounds like.
CTGCOME TO USC!!! Deadline is tonight. AND: next race is with Jaguar XJR!
Zak McKrackenthis was badly needed
HTEWith 9% bonus next month? O.o why overtake me? I'm felling good in 12th place xD, and 962 and Indy it's my favourite cars, I can play with all!
HTE@duplode/ you like my blog? it's good to look a brazilian in the podium, you are Ayrton Senna and I Rubens Barrichello xD
OverdrijfGo Zak!
Bonzai JoeI think Ayrton is Ayrton Senna :-) What does that make Duplode? Juan Fangio?
Overdrijf@HTE: The reason why I would like someone to overtake you is that all cars used by people in the top twelve don't get more bonus time the next month, thos in the top 3 even lose bonus points, it's to keep the system balanced. If nobody in the top 12 races with the 962 this month it will get 9% bonus on the next track. However: Tht also means that more people might use the car, they could end up in the top 3 with it and kick it back in bonus a lot, making it unusable the month after next month. So you driving with it has its pro's as wel as its con's.
OverdrijfHaha, Zak's name doesn't fit his own site (fresh times), how ironical.
HTEoverdrijf I understood, I tried yesterday with the lambo, and keep it now, I think it better for all no? P.S: Bonzai I think fangio is perfect! but Ayrton is Ayrton, who is Prost? CTG?
Bonzai JoeSadly there is no chance of a Párkány replay from me, as I am still in Copenhagen. Sorry about that, it's been busy times.
Bonzai JoeNo no, Prost is an ancient racer called "Alain" from France. On the forum he was even called "al il professore". He was a really excentric figure in the community, picking fights with nearly all other racers, and often posting while on drugs. He won the 2003 season. Check out the scoreboard archives.
Overdrijf@HTE: try not to think about what's "best for all", try to pick what's the best for you. It is a race after all...
HTEok overdrijf! Bonzai this champ is full of geart pilots! Senna, Prost, Fangio, Barrichello! Makes fault a Mansell, a Lauda, a Schumacher, A Nakaj... no no he no! xD
HTEI just kidding about nakajima!
CTGBöff!!! I'm drinking again! HTE is a ghost, too obvious. If not, come to USC!
HTEI'm not a ghost! I don't die! or I'm die?... I don't know but I go to USC too!
HTEbut leave the link for USC, I don't find!
Overdrijf@HTE: a ghost is an alias created by someone who's already in the competition. They can serve several purposes, either they help get more points between a player and his opponents, they prevent a certain car from getting bonus
or they are simply to show off with no replay handling times. Especially CTG is known for his many ghosts, so everybody including himself likes to accuse people of being ghosts, especially his ghosts. It's nothing personal, just a bit of kidding arround...
OverdrijfO, forgot to mention, besides being very handy, they are also strictly forbidden.
Mar 28
starting today the current car bonus percentages and the changes of the leading time can be also seen on graphs.
satanziegeHm, dont know where my usb-drive with the replays is, starting from scratch
DuplodeHTE: It must be fun to be Rubinho Barrichello by now - underdog status, nothing left to prove and a potentially kickass car...
HTEThat's right duponte, that's right! Go rubinho! I go to look the F1 qualify! 3:00 AM in Brazil o.O
HTEI brought some troubles to overdrijf! Thanks man! you help me so much!
Zak McKrackenstarting todays workday, lets design ZCT94...
Zak McKrackennew track is done
Zak McKrackentestreplay
Zak McKrackentestreplay
Zak McKrackentestreplay
Zak McKrackentestreplay
OverdrijfAttention all racers. Do you want to race for a place on the podium? The current "Feel The Thrill" race runs for only one more week and only 3 racers have entered so far. If you have Dosbox and a little bit of NORH skill, this is your chance.
Bonzai JoeGreat work today, Zak!
Zak McKrackenone my try...
DuplodeGreat work today, Zak... twice!
Mar 29
FrikerOverdrijf: sorry - like BJ - i have many things to do so i race
so - you will be beaten by me
OverdrijfMind if I keep trying?
Frikerit depends on how much can you push your time down.. i can beat aburaf's time but i cannot be much better then he.
OverdrijfI heard that before. You can beat his time, but not untill august.
Frikerwe shall see...
Mar 30
Puvlic announcement: LTB bonuses for ZCT93 are the following: CTG +2, Bonzai Joe +1
I have two things to announce:
Remember, that the host of the site has changed to daylight saving time, so now we are in the GMT+2 zone, when your country doesn't follow daylight saving.
Tomorrow's update will be delayed by approx. 2 hours as the site admin has to train hard for the 24 hour mountain bike Euro-championship. -
OverdrijfCool, a puvlic announcement. Is that something like a pulvic announcement?
OverdrijfW00T, shortcut! 1.01.76!
HTEsome newbie racer want to make a team?
OverdrijfWell, I'm kind of trying to get a team together, but so far I haven't had very enthusiastic responses yet. With that being given, I don't think there is enough animo to form two new competing newbie teams. So yeah, I guess that would put me on the list of "wants to make a team".
Frikerso there are two of us and that is sufficient quantity to make a new team.
OverdrijfTechnically, but I like to have some more people to steal tricks from.
We could mail dstien, cyberman or pavekiller for example, haven't tried any of them yet.
Frikerif they could not beat me then i have nothing to learn from them.. so i want to be in Cork's dictatorship family
Frikerand you: as far as you are my main opponent in the league it would be stupid to share my replays with you
(dont take it personally - next year ill be glad to be with you in one team)
OverdrijfAnd as for you, as long as you keep kicking my ass I'll never get that one slot left in cork's dictatorship family, so I'm setting up a team.
Zak McKrackenlol guys you are funny
OverdrijfJust a bit noisy, this is quiet time people.
Bonzai JoeAs the situation is currently, I don't think it would be a good idea to fill up the 4th slot in Cork's Crew (but of course this is up for debate in the team). The problem is there is no real team competition. Cork's Crew with 4 dedicated racers would tilt the competition totally. We need more teams, to bring the world more alive.
Frikeri agree. still i think a newbie team cannot beat corks crew or damage inc. so it would be only fighting for 3rd place.. if meganiums racers keep racing newbie teams are totally cut off. so i want to be in team only for learning not for win whole league as team
CTGCork won't let any of you to the team because he knows all of you are my ghosts...
CTG59.95 sent in hidden mode anyway
Mar 31
Attention lone racers!
A new newbie team is forming! If you want to improve your skills, this is the best opportunity you can get! Contact fellow racer Overdrijf or visit this forum topic for details. -
So another track joins the previous 92 ZakStunts tracks - Crossworld. Nothing special will mark this track in our history, we had no outstanding tricks (sorry, designers fault :)) nor events. The activity was also fair, but not remarkable.
Bonzai Joe did an Ayrton-ish move, and beat everyone in a different car - the Speedgate, thus kicking it out from the potent car list for a while.
CTG came second with strong Countach skills
Fellow team members ZakMcKracken and Duplode came third - driving on completely different lines but achieving the same time and securing 10-10 points.
We also had a nice battle in the newbie league, Friker was the best again. He sure has a lot of potential, his loop jump was also nice! I'd also note Overdrijf, he switched ways on the track in a very precise manner. His car was not strong enough though to win the newbie league this time.
And off we go to the 4th track of the season - Cottage Cheese. My wife gave the name, don't ask why... Which car? We have some very high numbers between the slower ones, but the 9% Porsche IMSA also sounds strong. we'll see soon! Hit the road, and see you on the scoreboard! -
Bonzai JoeI think a newbie team could beat Cork's Crew and Damage Inc. For some reason the newbies of 2008 and 2009 are very humble. It has happened quite often that someone new has appeared and improved drastically and beaten the old masters quite soon. Alain, Alan Rotoi, Renato Biker, Ayrton, Gutix, Duplode...
Overdrijf@BJ: But to expect that to happen within the course of the season? Even if we would be beating you by the end of the season, we'dd still be way behind in the team cup. I mean, at this rate we might defeat Meganium by then, for their lack of showing up, but the other two teams?
OverdrijfOh, and being CTG's ghost, I have a name for a new team: Screw Cork.
Bonzai JoeOkay the 2009 team championship will be hard to catch (not impossible, only requires some Cork's Crew members to lose motivation), but that's not going to get any better if a 4th racer join's Cork's Crew and no new team is formed :-) It's like in a network team game, if all players join the same team and fight against one or two other players. No fun.
Overdrijf@Friker: So you want to be in a team now, just not with me. Does that mean I have to hurry to get the good drivers on board?
Overdrijf*Puts money were mouth is* Dstien, how about it?
Overdrijf@BJ: Well, at least almost everybody wins.
Unless of course that one player is Ayrton...
OverdrijfAll newbies to the forum! [/enough spam for one day]
Zak McKrackenit should be hard to beat us, but beating Damage is easy
Zak McKrackenremember, team points are calculated retrospectively from January even if you form now.
OverdrijfIt would be easier if you guys would all beat damage, the gap in points to CTG would be smaller and easier to compensate.
CTGZak: say the same thing about Damage again and you won't ever see me in ZSC.
Zak McKrackensee, you're continuously insulting us for weeks, and then you take one single comment with a smiley as a heavy offense.
CTGAnd you also take my words seriously...
CTGBtw we all know Cork gave a command for a pure team podium. I have a spy there.
Zak McKrackenyour words can always be trusted.
CTGYes. And I'm on a break.
CTGBtw where is Töff?
OverdrijfWith his brother Böff?
CTGDo you even know what böff means?
OverdrijfBoeren! Boeren! Boeren! [/Yes, I live there]
Bonzai Joe13:01 - where is Ayrton?
OverdrijfSending a hidden time, done with the acura, 1.01.98, before car correction.
CTG13:26 - where are the hidden Cork replays?
CTGP962 and Jaguar in TOP 12, another bad period for IMSA lovers.
Bonzai Joe1.01.98 before correction
That will be a strange replay...
OverdrijfOn the other hand, aopparently they are both competitive, and perhaps one day we will agree on which one is better on a track...
OverdrijfAnd no, me beating my time with the 962 (or speedgate, or countach)before 20.00 is not a realistic option.
OverdrijfBy the way, any countach drivers up for the challenge of beating Antti's time?
CTGI would need about 1 hour racing to beat Antti's absolute time with Countach. Too bad I have to work now...
Zak McKracken8782 news posts were made until now. I'm planning a small surprise soon
OverdrijfI just got an idea. Zak, could you help me spamwhore by dropping a line about our little newbie team in the frontpage news somewhere arround the time you announce the scores? For those who do net check the whole news section to see what I've been spamwhoring?
OverdrijfOoh, a surprise, I like surprises, generally...
OverdrijfHaha, nice surprise.
Zak McKrackenok, check the surprise below the admin news on the main page
Bonzai JoeHere's a replay. Someone has to send replays...
Frikerthanks for this surprise
OverdrijfContext is overrated anyway.
Bonzai Joe2005-09-26 CTG B?FF! I think this is what we'll see 50% of the time. With varying numbers at the top.
Frikerzak: could we modify the rules? - i want to ask if it is possible to add this line: "First sent replay has to be send visible." to prevent some unexpected Ayrton's surprises
Bonzai JoeAyrton never sends hidden times. Most likely he will not participate in this race. Otherwise he will send a visible replay 20 minutes before deadline.
DuplodeAyrton wouldn't do it, but the idea is still useful, though. On a tangentially related note, it reminds me of WSC, where we had a similar rule... :-/
OverdrijfYou know, I just realised, I'm actually the oldest driver in the team, if the profiles are right.
Frikerprofiles lie! actually i am 19
OverdrijfWatch out guys, I think Satanziege has a hidden time somewhere in the low one zero somethings...
Zak McKrackenI'm home, update will be on schedule or with a very little delay only. Depends on how long I eat my dinner
OverdrijfThis way I'll at least be newbie leader for the last 5 minutes.
Zak McKrackenupdate started
Zak McKrackenscoreboard final, unconfirmed
OverdrijfLol, seems like I wasn't far of with my bet on Satanziege.
OverdrijfAnd congratulations, teammate.
CTGThat was a weak race again, my sucker replay was enough for the 2nd place - BJ was a lot better, another class on this track.
OverdrijfO, wait, seems like something good did come out of it. *Does 962 9% bonus dance.*
Zak McKrackenscoreboard final, confirmed
CTGYep, finally a good IMSA bonus.
OverdrijfI'm just happy to have a 3 man team in, I seemed a better driver to join forces with before Pittman overtook me by two places.
Zak McKrackenupdate done, track available
Pitmansorry ´bout that, just some lucky last minute punches.. nevermind, you are the better driver! ;-)
OverdrijfYou're not second in the newbie league for nothing. Besides, it's always good to have a goal for future races.
OverdrijfIt's funny to watch those replays, everyone found their own way past that first set of obstacles and the loop.
FrikerOverdrijf: very nice way switch
other replays will be analyzed when my girlfriend will be gone O:-)
Zak McKrackenlistbeginner
OverdrijfBy the way Friker and HTE: do the mailadresses you entered into zakstunts work? I'm a member of anonymous spammers.
CTGhuge improvement
OverdrijfUs is the slow!
Bonzai JoeHow is 42 38% of 327?
OverdrijfNo wait, that still wouldn't work out...
CTGWow, the Ranger is faster!
CTGNo, wait! Jeep is better!
CTGDamn, it's fast like hell!
Pitmanthat tank rocks..
Bonzai JoeWe're looking at a 100% ACURA race here.
CTGJeep is not the car of this race.
CTGDon't believe him!!! Acura is a crappy car for this track!
He was also wrong with Corvette last time.
Bonzai JoeWe're looking at a 77% Skyline race, 43% Corvette and -20% Carrera. By the way, the only reason the Corvette didn't win last time was that Ayrton didn't participate
Bonzai JoeAt least we can be sure the following cars have zero chance: Carrera, Ferrari, Speedgate, Jaguar, Countach.
OverdrijfCorvette's not gonna do it. Acura, Skyline, and maybe some quattro and 962.
CTGWe will see...
OverdrijfAnd perhaps LM002, although it's awesomely boring to drive.
OverdrijfOké, maybe corvette is gonna cut it...
DuplodeOn which direction does the track run? Assuming it ends just after the loop, judging from the snapshot I'll like it quite a bit
Frikerquick cars are not made for me
Frikerand duplode - yes youre right
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