News posted in January 2021
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Jan 1
KyLiEHappy New Year!
@Seeker1982, I hope you continue to compete in GAR and OWOOT.
Jan 2
CasHappy New Year, everybody. Hope you all have started it well!
Jan 5
OverdrijfHappy "O joy Zapper posted a new car two days ago and I only just noticed" day everyone!
Jan 6
MarcoThere are new cars my friends ? Where?
dreadnautYou'll quite like this one: Pontiac Firebird Turbo Trans Am - K.I.T.T.
MarcoWHAT ?!?!? Am i dreaming ? Did you KITT ... I know it was a CTG project. Please My friends, if this is a joke ... tell me now, I could die. I go to check
MarcoThis car is simply amazing, you can use it as a normal Pontiac till 162 mph but decreasing the gears at the right moment, it becomes Knight Rider reaching in a while 245 mph. I simply LOVE IT !!!
Jan 9
dreadnautThe new Stunts and car packs for 2021 are now on the download page ?
dreadnautTeams updated for 2021 → — Let me know in the forum if anyone is missing: New teams for 2021
Jan 10
afulloThanks, but I did not become case sensitive (Afullo is listed as current member, while afullo is listed as past member)
dreadnaut@afullo Well spotted, now fixed. Thank you!
dreadnautWelcome to ZakStunts 2021, everyone ? The new track by Akoss Poo is up, and the race starts officially at midnight.
CTGShit.rpl sent
1:09.95 A
CTGBtw this is my 18th active season...
Jan 11
dreadnautFor the stats nerds, I've refreshed the racer profile pages, and added charts!
DuplodeIt feels right to kick off my 13th season in Cork with a Countach lap. Hello, Looping!
afulloWelcome all to the 21st season of ZakStunts!
Nice plots, they show better how my activity had been very limited in 2016 and 2017!
Just a little remark: did Traction Faction renounce to participate as a team? Heretic and Stingray are active...
FrikerGuess who's back.. ..maybe for this one replay only. Hi there and happy new year.
DuplodeHappy new year, Friker! Great to see you around
CasMy first lap of the year!
KyLiEMy first ZakStunts replay for 2021!
CTGHohohoho, Poo is coming up!!!
1:04.16 A
Friker@CTG How many of those 17 past seasons were without ghosts?
Daniel3DWoo-hoo, my first upload.. Could be faster, but I have to start somewhere...
FrikerOne question regarding GAR competition - is pressing ESC and then continuing driving considering RH or NoRH (if you did not rewind your name appears on the in-game scoreboard and is legit according to the game)?
1:35.66 A
CTG@Friker: I refuse to answer without my lawyer present.
Btw pressing ESC is forbidden in GAR competition. Pure noRH is required. And don't worry, usually I don't race there to avoid any doubts.
Akoss PooNo-one is inspecting your GAR rpl, that's why I'm not racing. I only believe no-RH times reached at World Stunts Meetings. According to them, Bonzai Joe is the fastest man.
MarcoWith GAR Rules you cannot press Esc or anything else than drive clean and folowing the yellow line.
dreadnaut@Akoss, there is no official GAR ranking or trophy though, so one can race if they enjoy the challenge, and that's about it. Very little to win or lose.
Jan 12
dreadnautWelcome to the scoreboard, @Daniel3D. We'll get the missing flag as soon as possible!
dreadnautAnd welcome back @Friker, nice to see you around pal! ?
CasHey! So nice to see so many of you here, guys!
Daniel3DI don't care about the missing flag. the right flag (Dutch) would be nice though
Jan 13
Duplode@Daniel3D Okay, flag switched!
Daniel3D@duplode thanks. For those that saw my age, I'm not that old, just 41
I find that old enough..
Daniel3D@Marco. In gar rules. Can you press ESC to pause the game to scratch your nose or something? Workout any alteration to the run? I know 'p' pauses the game but is difficult to find if you're into the race. Is 'p' allowed to pause?
Friker@Daniel3D Lol, I had literally the same question 3 days ago.
It seems that pressing ESC is not an option.. I am wondering about that 'p' keypress. Btw @Marco - I find it *very* difficult to not accidentally trigger speed boosts on banked roads and corkscrews (on exit). That is something I was trained to do in past. This invalidated many of my attempts and somehow it is not enjoyable playing the game that way.
Duplode@Daniel3D GAR includes NoRH, and NoRH = no pauses (no ESC, no "p", no Alt+Pause on DOSBox, etc.), regardless of rewinding. @Friker My view is that banked road jumps are part of the "normal" physics of the game (unlike, say, boulevard wall collision bumps). I have them in my own GAR laps, and AFAIK neither @Marco nor other verifiers consider GAR laps invalid because of them. As for l/r corks, the very strict GAR rule about them did bother me early on, but after a while I have gotten used to it -- to me, it doesn't feel unnatural in the way having to drive without banked road jumps would.
Alan RotoiThe tracks name is quiet dark. I hope it's everything allright there!
MarcoHi my friends , Esc or pause is not allowed , it has no sense , what 's the need to press Esc on a gar race ? Regarding random speedup, they are good. In my gar rules video, I specify that "unvoluntary" speed up on banked roads or after some jumps are valid. As gentlemen agreement you must apologize for that but they are valid and to be honest sometimes we look for that as in this circuit. You can speed up the first enter on banked
. Other speed up as entering or jumping out early from corkscrew or hitting divided roads, etc. are obviously super forbidden
Jan 14
Zak McKrackenThrough you'd appreciate this one. Filmed entirely in/near Budapest (the drive-in place is actually 10mins from my home) , feels like a time travel back to the late 80s - early 90s.
Jan 15
Duplode@ZakMcKracken Nice trip, thanks!
CasA little update
CasAnd a GAR replay
CasOh, a little better
Akoss PooChürműű!!! :-)
Jan 16
CTGLTB hours can be carried from one year to another?
KaoSHappy New year sorry that i was long time not here but now im activ again
Jan 17
DuplodeHello KaoS! Welcome to season 2021
dreadnaut@CTG That was my idea yes. You and Duplode (and a few others) can get 300h+ easily, but for those that might collect just a few hours each race, a yearly reset would crush any hopes of accumulating enough hours.
CTGHmmm okay, I can live together with such a concept, although I don't really agree with that - seasonal results should mirror only the performance in that certain year. It might be a disadvantage for new contenders like Poo or Friker.
Jan 18
dreadnautI'll try to make the accumulated hours visible somewhere. Looking at those numbers, you'd see it's unlikely to not a be problem—they are very small.
Akoss PooAccumulating remaining (not-used) leading time hours would have helped a lot when I raced for the overall (2002-04, 2014-15). Now I don't really care, do not expect driving all the tracks from me...
CTGThe same here. Presumably I won't participate in every race, so the overall results are not that important.
Alan RotoiAre you married? (kidding
Jan 20
OverdrijfOh right, of course, the new season started. And we have a full scoreboard already, even @Friker is here! Nice! (As an aside, I do sometimes press escape during NoRH races, because I'm wondering if I went off track in that last corner, and if I keep wondering I will just lose focus and miss the next corner. So I look and then continue from the point where I stopped. I sort of assumed that was legal... Of course, actually looking usually breaks my focus as well, and I miss the next corner anyway. I'm just not very good at NoRH.
Akoss PooMeow! :-)
Jan 21
DuplodeThree of us within a second -- we do have a race here
CasWelcome, Matamo!
1:02.38 A
KyLiEHey @matamo! It's great to see another fellow Australian.
Zak McKrackenStill can't drive fast cars
Zak McKrackenA reasonably decent non-GAR lap
Jan 22
matamoThanks, Cas and KyLiE.
Jan 23
Alan RotoiA try. I hope it won't be the last of the month ^_^. Happy to participate in the new season!
Jan 24
Shoegazing LeoFiller, more than a filler.
1:29.31 A
Jan 25
Shoegazing LeoNanoböff
1:26.83 A
Shoegazing LeoThere is @matamo, but there isn't @morremo
dreadnautA GAR lap, why not.
Jan 26
dreadnautI forgot last year, but it's that time again! Go drive Five Laps on Default
MarcoHi Kylie, I never met you but you are very fast on GAR. I have seen your replay and it's not only a fast lap but it's also incredibly clean . Are you using the replay handling ?
Jan 27
Duplode@Marco 1:37.xx is a good time, but it isn't *that* hard to reach once you get to understand the track well.
KyLiEHey @Marco, I definitely do not use replay handling in the GAR competition. Sometimes I will try for an hour or more to get a clean but competitive replay. As you know, it's not easy! Often I will have to wait until the next day and try again. I am very grateful for the GAR competition and we would love to see you over at as well!
DuplodeAnd look who's here! Welcome to the scoreboard, @Zapper!
KyLiEYes, welcome @Zapper!
MarcoOh please Dup
. It's not that hard for you that you are one of the fastest GAR racer in the world. Saying, overall speaking, that it's not so hard would offend a lot of racers . I'm not surprise to see you on the lead but when i see a new guy, I always ask. I have seen that Kylie is a newbie and it's a great pleasure to meet a new super Fast GAR pilot. Well, more to the point, where is Seeker ?
Duplode@Marco Well, it's always tricky to discuss laptimes in absolute terms. Let's just say the three of us haven't reached Seeker-grade yet
Speaking of Seeker, he told us he will mostly race Asseto Corsa this year (see the December 26/27 news archive: ).
Jan 28
ZapperHello @Duplode, @KyLiE and everyone! As newbie, I'll try to get some points but definitly joy playing Stunts for this competition! Cheers
IgorHi All. It's my first go on this site, I'll give it a go!
2:12.61 A
dreadnautHello @Igorp, and welcome!
Jan 29
Cas@Zapper Nice to see you here! In Race For Kicks, we will for sure make a track for KITT. It won't be the next race, but probably the following one. We'd like to see you there too! @Igorp Great to see that you're hear too! Competing on both tournaments gives you a new perspective of Stunts. I started in OWOOT too at a competition called WSC before getting to participate in ZakStunts!
KyLiEHey @Igorp, great to see you here!
Shoegazing LeoI haven't seen so many australians in a same place since the last Man At Work reunion...
MarcoHi my friends
Jan 30
matamoWhere do I submit my invoice for all my missed work time?
matamoHey Shoegazing Leo, stop watching the Australians and start watching the track!
DuplodeHi @Marco
CTGGoodbye, one minute!
dreadnaut0:59.99 ?!
Jan 31
CTGHappy birthday, @Lise!
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