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January February March April May June July August September October November December

Jan 1

  • Happy New Year for everyone!
    Our present for the starting year is ZCT47 (Icecream Telephone), which you can download now, and drive some laps with the Ferrari GTO. Good luck!
  • DieselJoe
    Wow, many things to say: Happy new year to everyboy, congratulations for your first WSC victory, Krys, and alles Gute zum Geburtstag, Argy!
  • Shoegazing Leo
    The system of profile is changing the position of expertises and problems and erasing backgrounds and comments...
  • CTG
    Zak, I`m still the member of Damage Inc. and you forgot to add me to the team...

Jan 2

  • Oh damn, we have packed the wrong track in the archive! It`s fixed now, so hurry and download!
  • some bugfixes: 204 news archive now working, and om the newsbar 6previous/6next is also working now fine on the whole archive. If you find another bug, report it.
  • Shoegazing Leo
    The track for download is wrong, Zak...
  • Usrin
    Why is it wrong? It seems to be a retro track. :-)
  • Usrin
    Today we should remember for a very sad anniversary. I think every Hungarians know what happened 4 years ago... Now I`m listening the song of Hurkat?lt? about this case.
  • CTG
    Do you think on Rex Emericus? Smiley
  • Bonzai Joe
    Zak: The replays packed with the track are wrong, and the scoreboard isnt working (at least when submitting by web form)
  • CTG
    Bad pack, bad track, bad car, bad system - Zak lost his brain in the New Year party... Smiley Only kidding Smiley
  • Usrin
    CTG: yes... and on the cock shooting back. :-)
  • Zak McKracken
  • Zak McKracken
  • Zak McKracken
    uploader bug fixed, track zip file fixed (I simply uploaded zct46 archive as 47, and then changed the track file when you said its wrong, silly me Smiley) Now the good one is up.
  • Zak McKracken
    its not that bad at all Smiley
  • CTG
    Aaargh I`m a fuckin` Stunts hanger!!! :-S If I fail on my next exam, I`ll charge Kevin Pickell, Zak McKracken and Skid Vicious being the reason of my failure... Smiley Böff dampening: < 1dB
  • CTG
    76 hours left from Tihany track, please start your engine finally!
  • CTG
    ... Sad
  • gutix
    here i go again...
  • gutix
    Zak, Im still a MeganiuM member
  • Bonzai Joe
    Gutix: That is a strong time early in the month, unlike your usual strategy. Nice driving. Zak: Still one error: when you log in, you have to refresh before you can make use of the "control" menu.
  • Gutix
    Thanks BJ Smiley
  • Zak McKracken
    I know about the refresh error, but havent found the solution yet. Working on it, but have two exams this week.

Jan 3

  • alain
    faster than lise
  • CTG
    Gutix, you are too fast...
  • Bonzai Joe
    So now we know it is a power gear track... thanks Rotoi
  • CTG
    I know where to keep powergear... just how? :-S
  • Alan Rotoi
    Why you always send the replays when I am sleeping? Smiley
  • CTG
    Rotoi: I say one word - timezones. And it`s easier for him if you are away. More LTB for example... Smiley
  • alain
    "so now we know its a power gear track, thanks rotoi" well... is this the story of your life ? "thanking" people for showing you the way... shut up and FOLLOW THE LEADER
  • alain
    feel pain zak
  • Zak McKracken
  • Bonzai Joe
    No Alain, that?s not the story of my life.
  • Alan Rotoi
    No CTG it was a joke. It happened before but in the opposite way. Mostly I play at night so it is logical to think I will send my replays in a time too early for you.
  • CTG
    I know it Alan... Smiley

Jan 4

  • Please be careful with the capitalization of your login name! Choose small or big letter at the beginning, but choose one, and use only that one!
  • Gutix
    A bit better Tongue
  • Alan Rotoi
    Cool, Gutix is twice! I need glasses Shocked)
  • Alan Rotoi
    This is what I call a not hidding replays Smiley
  • CTG
    Damn you drive with a spaceship speed! So you could keep powergear on the icy section (before the corkscrew left/right on the hill) around 50 seconds. What`s more, you finished the lap at the speed 245 mph... Smiley
  • Alan Rotoi
    The prediction game is in another forum Tongue
  • Bonzai Joe
    Even that is not enough CTG, 2005 looks scary :-S. Back to the racetrack...

Jan 5

  • CTG
    Damn! Damn! Damn! DAMN! Fuckin` Quality Management! I have to take that exam in one hour - still no idea how to pass it without reading the book and knowing only how to count quality check cards and statistics... :-S
  • Alan Rotoi
    Blitzkrieg Stunts! Hey ho lets go! Wink
  • Bonzai Joe
    Okay, let us not hide anything...
  • Alan Rotoi
    You didnt understand BJ! I didnt asked a blitzkrieg Smiley

Jan 6

  • CTG
    Tihany results: Bonzai Joe made an amazing good time (although the second part of the track wasn`t maxed out in my view) - and he won an USC race after so long break. Will he fight for the bronze medal with Krys and me? But to go back to the facts: only 7 racers appeared on Tihany. I`m quite disappointed to see the racer`s number decreasing. Only three races are left! Come on guys/girls, come back or join USC! Dinmor, Dark Chaser, Lise, AbuRaf - try an easier championship too! Zak, Diesel Joe, Alan, Usrin, satanziege, Alain! Please make these three races unforgettable with your racing. ----- And a useful info: new track comes only on Saturday or Sunday, as I won`t be here in the following days to make an update.
  • Alan Rotoi
    I dont have internet connection in my house so I came to a cyber. Do you know the name? Tsunami! It was named before the last one. Incredible.
  • Akoss Poo
    Oh my god how to do 1.12... Sad
  • Krys TOFF
    I am proud to annonce that Dark Chaser has officially joined Damage Inc. team.
  • Zak McKracken
    feel ultimate pain, Alain Wink
  • Akoss Poo
    Fight for 3rd place. Smiley

Jan 7

  • Alan Rotoi
    jajaa Congratulations Bonzai!! I cant improve this replay anymore. I have to start from the beginning again! Seems our rivalry (on tracks)is back but this time is different. There are a lot of top drivers around us. If I were the Stunts Oracle I would stop racing now but I wont.(a starship computer voice says: Checkpoints Mode on)
  • Akoss Poo
    I am about to check some Danish fisse this morning. I am at at the moment! Smiley)
  • Akoss Poo
    Damn this is not a free site...
  • Bonzai Joe
    I am also starting from the beginning now, let us see what happens Smiley It is really great to race with you again, but let?s hope it will not just be between us this month! *checkpoint mode on*
  • alain
    WOW! stunts combat mode is ON! i hope i can join it! it seems that all stars are battling now: BJ (not blowjob, but bonjai zoe) alanrotoi, akoss poo and gutix!
  • Krys TOFF
    Listfiller replay, but faster than AbuRaf70 Wink

Jan 8

  • CTG
    Online drinking again with Akoss, he was too bad to knock out himself at 2.20 am. I`M DRUNK, wheheheheheehee!!!!!! Tongue Tongue Tongue Böff dampening: < 1dB
  • CTG
    Drunk replay, drunk effectiveness... Smiley Damn the world is rotating...
  • alain
    eat dirt zak...
  • alain
    come on, 1:11 is very weak... show me a real race
  • CTG
    I`m on Akoss Poo`s time now! Gay party, episode 2... Cheesy

Jan 9

  • alain
    wheeeeeeeee!!! i am back on the podium
  • CTG
    Alain: what a surprise from you... Smiley
  • CTG
    Wow Dark Chaser, you are really the new CTG! Smiley
  • alain
    but CTG stands by the aces now. CTG is an international winner.
  • CTG
    Not with GTO... but let`s wait for Audi, Lancia, IMSAs! Smiley
  • DarkChaser
    Ho ho ho... Thanks, CTG... I am making my best...
  • alain
    soon darkchaser will bite gutix

Jan 10

  • Argammon
    My first replay.The slow cars are MINE!
  • CTG
    Let`s correct it: your 27th replay, suffering 100 hours on the track... RH is yours! Tongue
  • CTG
    Waiting for "Mr. Perfect`s" answer... Smiley
  • CTG
    Ooooops I just recognised, Mr. Perfect is not a free nick. Ernesto Hoost (K1) is the owner.
  • Argammon
    I didn"t believe someone could be that envious... I am just way better than you poor little Ctg,face it....
  • Argammon
    I didn"t believe someone could be that envious... I am just way better than you poor little Ctg,face it....
  • CTG
  • CTG
    Singing together... Smiley
  • CTG
    You are simply a high and mighty asshole. Sometimes watch in the mirror...
  • Argammon
    As you wish little crybaby Smiley
  • CTG
    Why are you hiding your real name? Your real face? Your real personality? Are you afraid of us simply laugh at you?
  • Argammon
    It"s none of your business.I don"t usually get "familar" with idiots like you who make a sport out of annoying and flaming people. PS:With YOUR appearance I would be very silent about the laugh part!
  • Argammon
    It"s none of your business.I don"t usually get "familar" with idiots like you who make a sport out of annoying and flaming people. PS:With YOUR appearance I would be very silent about the laugh part!
  • Argammon
    BTW:Can we continue this little annoying flamewar somewhere in the forum perhaps? No need to kill the news section with it.
  • CTG
    I don`t think I`m ugly (all right, not a half-god from Olympos... Smiley and I doubt that you are. I only said it`s so strange and funny that you hide yourself (every permanent racer published his own pic - you didn`t...). We know a lot of things about eachother in the community, but not about you. Okay, you don`t want to share your real personality (Helmut... only kidding) with me. Okay, you wear a masc - the high and mighty superman. Probably you are not that. That`s all, I finished flaming in the News and also in the Forum.
  • alain
    get a life argammon. i dont know who began from CTG or you, but from my own experience about you, i know that you are untrustful and most of time... wrong. so leave CTG alone.
  • Argammon
    It"s none of your business Alain.

Jan 11

  • Krys TOFF
    Alain, Argy, CTG : please stop these useless flamewars in news and forum and celebrate the fact that Leo Ramone is now member of Damage Inc. racing team. Cheesy
  • DieselJoe
    Hooray! Cheesy
  • CTG
    Good. Now I`m waiting for Krys - interview with him will be available soon...
  • Krys TOFF
    Mmmm, a not so bad replay from me, but not so good either...
  • Krys TOFF
    Zak, please add a "4th IMSA Cup" topic in forum. Grin
  • CTG
    Damn, still very-very slow... :-S

Jan 12

  • CTG
    pffffffff... redrive the track is the next station... :-S
  • CTG
    Maxed out...
  • CTG
    Tihany analysis is available on UnskilledStunts Site!
  • Akoss Poo
    1:14.80+3 seconds of penalty
  • DieselJoe
    IM - SA - CUP!!! Cheesy IM - SA - CUP!!! Cheesy IM - SA - CUP!!! Cheesy
  • Krys TOFF
    Zak : on the portal, the "ZakStunts news" gives the news of January 2004 instead of 2005 !

Jan 13

  • CTG
    Ready. Krys Toff`s interview is finally available on USC site! Smiley

Jan 14

  • The recent downtimes are caused by a dying HDD in the server. It stops from time to time, so the server is topping also. I tried to fix it, if downtimes stay I have to replace that HDD - that means a server reinstall.
  • DieselJoe
    Happy birthday, AbuRaf! Time to rename your nick! Grin
  • DarkChaser
    Feliz Cumplea?os, Aburaf71!
  • DarkChaser
    Feliz Cumplea?os, Aburaf71!
  • Alan Rotoi
    Happy birthday AbuRaf!!!!

Jan 15

  • DieselJoe
    Yeah, had my last exam today! Now I`m drunk! Cheesy
  • DieselJoe
    Oh, did I miss something!? Didn`t know, Orion was refounded! Shocked
  • alain
    icecream telephone is NAMED SKYPE... who found the name of the track? this person had a vision of the future: yesterday night, argammon, alanrotoi, mingva and I joined the first audio stunts conference via p2p telephone!!! well, on the same day, other people went to saturn, though...
  • Krys TOFF
    (late) Happy birthday AbuRaf ! Cheesy

Jan 18

  • NicoPelu
    Volver? y ser? millones.

Jan 19

  • DieselJoe
    My first run...

Jan 20

  • Paleke
    Hi, I?m new, I?ll soon send my replay, but don?t worry, I?m not good enough to win a race (yet Cheesy). I am also the manager of my own competition (the World Stunts Championship), that is on the last race of the season, but the new one begins in March, so if anyone wants to give it a try...
  • CTG
    Usually I enjoy the silence... but not on the scoreboards! Come on racers, Icecream Telephone and ?jvid?k are quite interesting tracks!!! Make the middle of the months a bit more exciting! Smiley
  • Paleke
    OK, my fisrt replay has a 30 seconds penalizaton so I sent a second one.

Jan 22

  • DieselJoe
    Hey. we have 2 Palekes on Scoreboard! Grin
  • Zak McKracken
    Please, again, carfeul with the capitalization of your login name!
  • alain
    This is the last week of competition. Time is ticking out. The bomb will blow in your face. If nobody shows he is the boss on this week end, soon another nightmare is coming to you... Made in HENDAYE!
  • Argammon
    Nice time Alain Smiley,it looks like it will be us 2 at the end of the month....
  • Paleke
    Sorry Zak, I did?t know, I won?t do it again
  • alain
    i would be very embarrassed not to obey to the Orion Team president orders! he asked me to beat argammon by one second. so i beat argammon by one second. Now show me the money Smiley
  • Mingva
    Good, Alain. Money is waiting for you: big-money.jpg

Jan 23

  • alain
    show me the moneeeeeey!!! shooooow meeee the moooneeeeey!!!! show meeee the mooooneeeeey!!! argammon is out, now its your turn alanrotoi. if you are out also, I AM RICH!!!

Jan 24

  • Argammon
  • Anonymous
  • Argammon
    Ops sorry......
  • CTG
    Alvilag server is down, please use the address!
  • Zak McKracken
    all exams doneeeeeee Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
  • CTG
    Then come and race on ?jvid?k, Zak! Smiley
  • DieselJoe
    2nd replay! Improved ending... middle part sucks :-/
  • alain
    god damn you will be torn into pieces. i promise you. BY TEN SECONDS!!!
  • alain
    come on lets go on with a manly fight
  • Argammon
    Smiley nice fight!
  • alain
    yeah come on deeper and deeper, eat this
  • Argammon
    Smiley nice fight!
  • Argammon

Jan 25

  • CTG
    Got a 4, one exam is left... and three more to improve... :-S

Jan 26

  • Akoss Poo
    Got a 4, two exams are left, one will be postponed to next year... I will have a good average. Smiley
  • CTG
    Wow, 18 racers! ZSC seems to be very strong now!

Jan 27

  • Racers below the 12th place get point fractions, to make possible creating a ranklist between them. This function is only experimental at the moment.
  • Alan Rotoi
    Thanks for submit my time Zak! I sent it by email because I didnt know when the site will be online again. Smiley
  • CTG
    Final lap by CTG.
  • CTG
    really the last one... Smiley
  • DieselJoe
    Of course! Grin

Jan 28

  • I have written two HOWTOs for you. About running Stunts in an emulated dos environment, and disabling the security system. You can find them in the new menu item: Troublehshooting.
  • Alan Rotoi
    "In my 2 and 1/2 months Zakstunts I already got to know the meaning of CTGs "final replay"" Diesel Joe dix it on march 24th of 2004 Smiley
  • Krys TOFF
    Zak said one day that it is always trhe same in scoreboard : top drivers ... big gap ... Zak ... big gap ... other racers. It seems this month that I will be the new Zak ! Cheesy
  • CTG
    Krys: you said it wrong. Right order: Top drivers... big gap... CTG... big gap... middle class (Zak, DJ, you, DC)... big gap... etc. Now it changed: DC will overtake me. :-S
  • DieselJoe
    @Rotoi: Wow! Cheesy And the time Huh?
  • CTG
    Unskilled site changed a bit, I hope you will like the new design (not ready yet). Unfortunately I must delete the Hungarian site as it is double work for me (I don`t know how to use php to solve this problem... :-S). But all the Hungarian racers speak English - and the scoreboard won`t change from that. Smiley

Jan 29

  • Owwww, the deadline script had some error, of course deadline is on the 31th of January, at 21:00, which is on monday, not sunday! Sorry!
  • CTG
    ?jvid?k`s new deadline: 31st January, 23:59 - sorry guys, I have to study that night, I can`t close the race...
  • Paleke
    I think this will be my last replay
  • Paleke
    OK, THIS will be my last replay (sorry AbuRaf70, but races are races)

Jan 30

  • Dear The Stunts Grim Reaper! Since your login name was a bit too long, I changed it to Stunts GrimReaper. Please use the new one for login from now on. Thanks!
  • Leading time bonuses were awarded for this month: Argammon was the best with 448 hours, he got the +2pts, second best was Bonzai Joe, +1pt with 104 hours. Go burn your wheels in the last days! Wheeee!
  • The Stunts grim Reaper
    Today is a good day for you to die ! Fear my presence poor mortal drivers ! Here is the era of real driving in Stunts. My times are and will all made without any replay handling cheat you all use. Can you feel my shadow breath on your neck ? Follow me in real driving experience and fear the comparison with my racing skills !!!
  • The Stunts grim Reaper
    Mr Mc Kracken, please enlist me in "Stunts Gods" team. I would be pleased to accept in my team, and in my bed, the Stunts Oracle Goddess I saw on your forum. Our children would probably mean the end of the 4th era of Stunts (the Maximalists era, is that how it is called as I saw in history made by Mr McKracken ?) and the beginning of the 5th era : The Glorious Era of No Replay Handling Stunts !!!
  • DieselJoe
    @Reaper: Welcome, and suck my GTO! Grin REAL driving experience... with auto gears!? B?FF! Grin Grin Grin
  • Zak McKracken
    yes, i do read messages posted with replays sent after deadline Smiley
  • Stunts GrimReaper
    @ Diesel Joe : race this track with the bloody GTO without replay handling and we will talk again about the use of manual gears !!! :b

Jan 31

  • ---CHANGE!!!---
    There will be no live update today, as I have to rescue a computer at a friend. Update will be delayed for some hours - sorry!
  • Paleke
    Happy birthday Lise!!!
  • CTG
    Happy birthday to Miss Stunts! Wink
  • DieselJoe
    Happy birthday to Miss Stunts-UNDERWEAR! Cheesy
  • Krys TOFF
    Happy birthday Lise. I suppose Jacky will offer you a Stunts indycar 1/43 scale for your birthday.
  • CTG
    Bit more then 5 hours left from ?jvid?k. Start your engines and follow the current leaders to a final battle!

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