News posted in August 2017
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Aug 1
arturbmallmannSeeker, to compete in the GAR competition you have mark the GAR checkbox when sending the replay. Yes, Fin, keke was a great driver and world champion too, like kimi and mika. Finland is another great drivers maker. Next champion will be Bottas. Hopefully!
arturbmallmannBut not this year hehe. To keep clear.
Shoegazing LeoWhere are the racers with mixed blood (european + native american)?
Aug 3
arturbmallmannHaving a little fun with the jaguar.
arturbmallmannHappy birthday, Dreadnaut!!
Seeker1982I haven't yet give up dispite I race with an broken left forearm - My first 1:28
Btw: I'm still waiting for my forum-account to be unlocked
Aug 4
FinRokWow Marco! What an surprice! :O I'm shaking, I'm shaking
arturbmallmannHow marco!? how!!? hahahhaha Hey Fin, keep your nose out of GAR competition!! ¬¬ hahhaha 0.10 is a tie!!
FinRok@arturbmallman i just tried one run with F40 on GAR
after Porsche which is o ne of my favorite in "NFS" Need For Speed
MarcoI tried a Gar run too
Aug 5
Seeker1982@marco - thx for showing me the faster line
I hope my finish was ok/according to GAR
FinRok@Marco you sneaky bastard_and_a_friend_who_comes and shows up just right in time like others would not? care? huh, waiting for the final judgement hahaha. well see
Seeker1982even faster but this time clean for sure
MarcoAs gentlemen agreement, not written, you must give at least 24 hour to announce your participation to Gar
)). I entered because i have seen my friend Risto make a trial
Now I check your replay.If it's good, you did a Magic time congratulation Seeker
MarcoI didn t check the previous but the last one is a perfect lap Seeker. So perfect that i like to lose by that. Have you recorded the realtime video?
Seeker1982I can - and have - recorded the replay of that lap via the build-in capabilities of Dosbox, but I havn't recorded during racing if you mean that with "Realtime" Btw: I'm still waiting for the unlocking of my forum-account
MarcoWhy you have not recorded the real time ? It s specified in th gar video as gentlemen agreement.
MarcoThe winner must always to record realtime expecially if he drives a perfect lap and few minutes later another perfect.but i trust in you.
arturbmallmannI never recorded too
. I even know how to record kkkk. I tried to change the keys of dosbox, but i couldn't, if i press the default record keys the linux changes the tty
Seeker1982I drove and more importantly realtime-recorded a 1:29,00 lap - I hope your satisfied by that
Seeker1982I drove and more importantly realtime-recorded a 1:29,00 lap - I hope your satisfied by that
MarcoAbsolutely ... You are the best Gar racer ever born.
FinRokI'm sorry @Marco i was drunk and hasitaded about mu comment it was rude, i pologize! i didnt mean to be a arude" Im sorry! -Rok
MarcoSeeker why don t you have uploaded the 1.29.00?
Seeker1982first because it wasn't as fast, but more importantly because I don't have a stunts-replay (*.rpl) of that lap, only the dosbox-recorded *.avi
Seeker1982first because it wasn't as fast, but more importantly because I don't have a stunts-replay (*.rpl) of that lap, only the dosbox-recorded *.avi
Seeker19821:29,60 with GAR-rules - I'm not satisfied with this time - I wasted ~0,5sec in the final corner - , but it's the only lap where I have recorded realtime and have the *.rpl
Seeker19821:29,15 with rpl+realtime
FinRok@Seeker1982 That's rad, but goto sleep if you're wasted, o rdid you waste 0,5 sec? or you just wasted hahaha, what ever good sport! keep it up...
MarcoSend us a link to the recorded video. Can you upload it on youtube. I will share on my Facebook Channel. Marco plays Dos Games
1:28,x with rpl and realtime recording
Seeker1982I've uploaded the video (the raw avi) to youtube, but processing is stuck at 0% :p Does Youtube even support the dosbox video codec?
MarcoCongratulation Seek , i give up. I wasted a super lap where i have luckily had a super bump at the beginning speeding up my car. too emotion and i have crashed
Marcowhat s your name Seeker?
MarcoJoin my FB page, Marco Plays Dos Games
MarcoOps , I let my fast lap downloadable ... you have 2 minutes !!!
Marco1 minute
Aug 6
arturbmallmannCongrats, seeker! Amazing GAR Time, very good start on zak's competition. Congrats, marco!
FinRokCongratulations Marco! I didnt see you coming, The best Stunts driver in the World! I bow you! Noaw i go watch your replay! =D
MarcoLet s wait for Dup 1.10 ! I cannot sleep 10 days of caugthing wit 40 italian degress
FinRokGotta love those Italo crazy hot nights! 40 degrees of hotness, as my dick as a meter where's such a hot there must be chick's too! so cheers , PS fuck off BMW
MarcoDup is not posting ... bad sign for me and my possibility to reach Alan with the 6 victories in the history
Seeker1982Does anybody know how to upload Dosbox-videos on Youtube? If I upload the raw Avi it won't process the video - it's stuck at 0%:p Btw: My Forum-account is still locked..
dreadnautQuiet replays now visible, let's wait for Zak to confirm the scoreboard
Zak McKrackenscoreboard confirmed
waiting for Duplode to sent the guest track for ZCT193
Aug 7
Zak McKrackenand the new track is up!
DuplodeCongratulations Marco! I will watch the replays at the nearest occasion, to see what you folks were up to this month.
DuplodeRe: a couple questions on the shoutbox history. Artur: when you say you couldn't change the DOSBox keys, you mean the Ctrl + F1 mapper doesn't work? Seeker: as far as I remember, uploading the DOSBox .avi videos to YouTube used to just work, with no conversions necessary -- it's been a while since I last did that, though.
MarcoThanks Dup, I confirm that the Dosbox video is supported by youtube without any problems. Seeker, can you see the video on your pc ?
Seeker1982I managed to upload+processed 2 vids for you - something to share for you marco
: Me on ZCT191 in 911 Turbo on GARules (2:01,95) Me on ZCT192 in F40 on GARules (1:28:85) I used to be a simracer - my last 2 sims were Asetto Corsa + Dirt Rally - but my wheel gave up and I can't yet replace it
MarcoImpressive seeker .
MarcoNew GAR challenge on this circuit.
Seeker1982It's a start
Aug 8
Shoegazing LeoStarting the jobs
Shoegazing LeoThe first part used the "rubber theory" (fast-slow-fast)
FinRokOk here's my C192 GAR race too -
FinRokWhat is wrong with the sound those "glitches" in Seeker's videos? :O
MarcoI think that He used an editing program to convert the video because he has problem to upload directly the dosbox video on Youtube. Never seen so fast driver on Gar. He run the c192 under 1.29.50 everytime he wants.
MarcoSeeker , to be a sim racer of modern games it s not enough to be the king of stunts on gar rules.a wheel is a wheel the keyboard is the keyboard. You have something special in your fingers and your reaction time, very special
arturbmallmannI finally learned how to record on dosbox. Now on I will send the videos here. To don`t change the linux TTY I changed the modifiers to record with control + F5, so i have unmarked the mod2 on the key mappers.
arturbmallmannYes marco, Agreed! I don`t understand how the H*ll he drove so fest on c192! Under 1:30 is a impressive time. :O
arturbmallmannOne question, talking about GAR. There is no GAR season`s standings? It would be nice to have
Seeker1982@marco: the problem was and still is not the uploading but the processing by youtube. However, I found a workaround: when I open the video in my video manager it gets processed - I can do the basic editing - tags, video title etc - and I can successfully publish the video This seem to ber nessésary on every video I want to pulish in Youtube, since it also happens when I upload via MS MovieMaker to MP4 converted videos
Aug 9
FinRokI mostly use the TechSmith codec TSCC (is included with Camtasia) for DOS games keeps the file size super small, and lossless image quality without any blocking! and *.avi for the file, and what comes for 3d video prosessing the codec i have used is H.264 - AVC x264vfw. for file i choose mkv, or mp4. and for programs i use VirtualDupMod or Sony Vegas 10
Seeker1982I have a new GAR-pb for C193 but everytime I try to upload the rpl here it says that the replay ends with a crash - which is clearly not the case. May have this something to do with me probably being for >=0,05sec on the grass with all wheels? And whats up wit the car I see left to the finish?
MarcoSeeker, have you download your stunts from this site ?
MarcoVery sorry guys, i missed during the first check but I noticed rigthnow ... my GAR lap is not valid at 48.70, i don't touch the circuit by a pixel ! Sorry, must be removed not valid.
Seeker1982I've download stunts - BB 1.1 do be precise - from years ago
Seeker1982I hope this works - no pb but guarantied to be a clean lap
MarcoMaybe in your version there s something wrong ... download the version here from zak and try to do the same. If you see that you run at the same...ok you are the reincarnation of Michael
MarcoI looked the kalpen site... i found tyour pictures great. BONZAI seems Jesus with the money and Ctg is the singer of the "take that" gary
Aug 10
Zak McKrackenexcellent pictures indeed
well captured the exact 3 years of my life with long hair
Seeker1982I've uploaded a bunch of videos on my youtube-channel and created a playlist out of them - I've driving ZCT188 + 191 + default under GARrules, more vids of past zak-season 2017 will follow:
Aug 14
MarcoI m in holiday. Undfortunately i m suffering neurological problems to my right arm so that i cannot run but there s no need to race to understand that seeker is the fastest gar racer that i ever seen. Seeker pay attention to the corkscrew entry and exit point. Check my gar rules video again
Shoegazing LeoHas Seeker a brother called Destroyer?
Aug 15
Seeker1982Not as far as I know - I have a older sister, but she isn't exactly into IT, let alone gaming
Aug 16
Seeker1982Not as far as I know - I have a older sister, but she isn't exactly into IT, let alone gaming
Aug 18
DuplodeOkay, lemme shake it up a bit. (Also, get well soon, Marco!)
Aug 19
CasFirst replay after returning from my trip
FinRokWOw @Duplode nice going. very nice at some parts better that mine final for now
MarcoI m in holiday at the sea. Still caughting and arm problems. Since our great friend abu passed away, now i m the oldest here
Seeker1982My 1st 2:05,x according to GARules. On this track it's bloody hard to drive hard AND stay on the track. I already did a 2:04,x but can't use it since for a sec I went offroad
Well, Marco, get well soon. Btw:my nickname isn't sourced from "seek and destroy", but has spiritual meaning as in the song "The Seeker" by The Who, of which I'm quite the fan I use Seeker-based nicks in most racing games I own (Stunts, Grid RaceDriver 1, TestDriveUnlimited1, Race07, NFS Shift1+2, Assetto Corsa)
Aug 31
DuplodeHello Alessandro (dosbox92)! Good to see you around
DreadnautSo many Italian flags on the scoreboard!
dosbox92Hello to everybody!! Sorry for my absence, but cause of my job I haven't time... However, I saw a new fantastic driver Seeker1982, he's impressive in both competitions. Wow!!!!
dosbox92Especially in the Gar competition: it's impossible how he put to the limit the car. Simply fantastic!!!!
dosbox92Ehy Zak, if afullo agree, can you put me in the Rolling Stunts team again?
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