
  1. Erik Barros

    Thank you guys!!!!

  2. Mortimer McMire

    Happy Birthday @ErikBarros!!!

  3. Alan Rotoi

    Happy birthday @ErikBarros!!

  4. Spoonboy

    Happy Birthday @ErikBarros!

  5. Duplode

    Happy birthday, @ErikBarros! Smiley

  6. Frieshansen

    Feliz aniversário @ErikBarros!

  7. Stein Viterbo

    Didn't improve my position but it's a better time in a different car. Also, glad you guys like DR2K. It's a crazy classic 1970s movie. Next time you see a pedestrian crossing the street in front of you, you know what the score is! haha :-D

    ▷ 1:15.83 Ford Thunderbird

  8. dreadnaut

    Happy Birthday @ErikBarros! 🎉

  9. Spoonboy

    @GordanFreeman yes I find Magic DOSBox very usable. It runs smoothly and I can configure the keys to the screen in an ergonomic way, so driving becomes second nature. It can be hard to get PC time at home, so this has been game changing for me!

  10. Gordon Freeman

    @Alan Yes, I am running Windows 98, but no extra DOS partition. But therefore I have also Win 2000 + XP installed. If I had more room, I would love to get me an 386 oder 486 in a Big Tower... @Spoonboy You are playing Stunts on a phone? I would have said thats unplayable, but your 5th place proofs that its possible ;-)